But first a photograph of Mila Kunis, Laura Prepon & Jessica Simpson. Second, allow me to talk about my current existence. When I woke up on January 1, 2011, I didn't say, "Hey, I'm going to be unemployed starting March 1, 2011." Ending up unemployed since March 1, 2011 was an unexpected situation that I wasn't expecting. The fact that I'm still unemployed wasn't part of the grand design either. However, I'm back on the unemployment line despite my efforts to stay away from it. It's hard to stay employed beyond Christmas for reasons that I never understood. I don't consider my behavior to be scary only on Christmas Day. It's just something that happens on it's own. Anyway, I'm filling out two job application forms a day. With luck, I'll be employed again. Hey, hope springs eternal. Optimism is the best way to cope with unemployment.