I'm just anxious to begin as you are. Before we proceed with this blog entry, first I need to show you some photographs of Elisha Cuthbert. Second, I'm not a figment of somebody's imagination. I'm just as real and concrete as you are. Obviously you must've known that if you're still reading this internet blog. Third, though I write fictional stories, I have yet to earn a dime from anything that I'm writing. It would be nice if I earned a dime for each fictional story I've earned, but I'm not pushing for it. I'm writing fictional stories without profit simply for relaxation and entertainment. I'm giving without any thought of getting something in return.
I know that's a weird thing to say in such a synical era, but it's the truth. I'm not certain that the fictional stories that I'm writing is even marketable or profitable. I never write with an organized outline. I'm writing spontaniously off the top of my head. Yes, I'm making up my fictinal stories as I go along and I pray to GOD that I don't screw up in the process. Since I'm only writing for an audience of one (Myself), it won't matter if making up a story as I go along is the worst way to write anything. Nobody out there is going to notice the difference. Anyway, I'm just rambling off the top of my head. Ninety plus degree tempreture can do that to a person.