And so we're just about reaching the end of the year 2012. The clock is ticking downwards more and more. Soon the year 2012 will be regarded in the past tense and the year 2013 will be regarded in the present tense. It's not that far off now. Can you hear the clock ticking. The hands in the clock is telling us all that the year 2012 is just about drawing to a close. The year 2012 was great to have around and I'm hoping that the year 2013 will be even better. And as we celebrate the end of the old year and the start of the new year, here's the chance to resolve to be a better person. And as minutes and seconds tick away and 2012 will soon be a dust covered memory, I would like to wish you, the Gentle Reader, a very happy New Years Day.
And as I'm lost in thought on New Years Day, here are some photos of Emmy Rossum.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad needs to climb down the stiars to the first floor to seek out and kill Kirsten Dunst. However, he was forced to hide when Hailee Steinfeld entered the fourth floor and walked only a few feet away from Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad. He can't reach the staircase, climb down the stiars and kill Kirsten Dunst without first killing Hailee Steinfeld.
And soon, Hailee Steinfield, who wasn't aware that she was blocking Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad's path to the staircase wasn't alone. Four more women joined Hailee. Soon, Arielle Kebbel, Teresa Palmer, Melissa George, Hailee Steinfeld and Malin Akerman were unintentionally blocking Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad's path to the staircase. Now it's necessary to kill all five women. Which of the five gets to die first and which of the five gets to die last. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad wasn't sure of the answer yet.
Malin said, "Oh there's my necklace. I knew it was here somewhere."
Mailin pointed to the spot where he was hiding without knowing that he's next to the necklace."
Arielle Kebbel said, "I'll get the necklace."
Malin said, "That's ok, I can get the necklace."
Arielle said, "But I'm closer."
Hailee said, "We don't have time to go searching for missing necklaces."
Malin said, "My necklace isn't missing when it's right there."
Melissa said, "Hailee is correct. We're here to grab the computer disk."
Teresa said, "Only one of us can grab the necklace and the other four can grab the computer disk."
Arielle said, "I could use some help getting the necklace."
Teresa said, "Malin's necklace is right over there."
Hailee said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is in the building. We can't afford to split up like this for foolish necklace hunting reasons."
Mailin said, "But it's my lucky necklace."
Melissa said, "The room with the computer disk in it is across the room. We can easily reach Arielle if she ends up in trouble, which I seriously doubt."
Arielle said, "I'm a tough girl. I can handle anything."
Mailin said, "I can grab the necklace instead."
Melissa said, "You're the only one who knows how to unlock the security code on the computer disk. Your death would render the computer disk unusable."
Hailee said, "I also know the security code on the computer disk."
Teresa said, "I can stay behind and help out Arielle."
Arielle said, "I'll be fine. You four girls go on ahead. It won't take long for me to grab the necklace and help you four with the computer disk."
Melissa said, "What's in the computer disk?"
Hailee said, "The computer disk will reboot the force field so it won't be used to kill girls."
Teresa said, "We could've used that computer disk a lot earlier."
Mailin said, "We're only using the computer disk because all the other options are now impossible to use anymore. If this fails, then the Dandilion Girls really are going to be wiped out all the way down to zero beyond any hope of resurrection."
Hailee said, "I don't want to be murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse anytime soon."
Mailin said, "None of us Dandilion Girls wants that to happen."
Melissa said, "Let's find the computer disk and get it over with."
Teresa said, "I'm ready for some good news for a change of pace."
Arielle said, "Don't worry, I'll grab the necklace and rejoin you in seconds. I'm a tough resourceful girl and nothing can possible harm me."
And so Palmer, Melissa George, Hailee Steinfeld and Malin Akerman walked across the room to the doorway to the next room and walked through. Arielle walked closer to his hiding spot in an effort to grab the necklace. However, she can't grab the necklace without spotting him. Which means, that he'll be forced to kill her in order for his hiding spot to remain a hiding spot.
Clea stood behind him and she said, "Excuse me, but is there a problem going on?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I'm hiding from Dandilion Girls."
Clea said, "You're not doing a good job at it."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stood up and he spun around to face Clea DuVall.
Clea said, "I'm assuming that you're not here for a social call."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "You'll tell Arielle Kebbel, Teresa Palmer, Melissa George, Hailee Steinfeld and Malin Akerman that I'm here. Plus, you're blocking my path to the staircase."
Clea said, "That's correct. What are you going to do about it."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I have no choice but to murder you in an unprovoked act of murder one. It's possible for me to kill you because the murder of women never carries negative consequences and it's easy for any guy to accomplish."
Clea said, "I'm sorry your hatred of women is so uncompromising."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Killing women is my only comfort in a difficult existence."
Clea said, "You're probably one of those jerks who loves to make a public spectacle of a private murder attack just to prove how tough he is. You make me sick. Just hearing that crap makes me want to kill you before you succeed in killing me."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Clea between her breasts.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "You'll never succeed in killing me because I'm better at murder attacks than you are."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Clea between her breasts again. He stabbed her between her breasts five more times. Clea started to drool blood from her mouth as she slowly started to die.
Clea DuVall made one last effort to attack him, but he was faster. He stabbed her between her breasts seven more times. Clea looked at him with a blank lifeless expression on her face.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I had no choice in the matter. Clea forced me to kill her in self defense. There was no way for me to prevent killing her."
Arielle said, "You don't need to murder women if you don't want to murder women. It's within our ability to stop killing women in unprovoked murder attacks."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "But killing women in unprovoked murder attacks is an addicting drug that I'm not able to find a cure for."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Arielle in the chest before stabbing her between her breasts. Arielle looked at her murderer with shock as she slowly started to die in a murder attack.
Arielle said, "What have you done?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I'm making you my latest murder attack victim."
Arielle said, "I don't want to be your latest murder attack victim."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I don't want to victimize women in murder attacks, but you refuse to surrender for incarceration for your crimes. Therefore, killing you is the only way out."
Arielle said, "Please have mercy on me. You can still save me from dying."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Watching you die is much more interesting."
Arielle said, "Would it make you feel better if I surrender for incarceration?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It's too late. You're dying and I'm having an orgasm from watching you die in front of me."
Arielle said, "It's not fair that you're treating me like this."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Life is never fair young lady."
Arielle said, "You have defeated and murdered me."
Arielle Kebbel lay down on the ground in a growing puddle of blood that's flowing from both of her knife wounds. Arielle is dying.
He remained hidden as she walked closer towards her victimizer. He slowly started to realize that he may have no choice but to murder Teresa.
Teresa found his hiding place and he was forced to stand up. He lovingly kissed Teresa and she slapped him in the face.
Teresa said, "What's wrong with you. Look around you. What you're doing to women is sick and it's inhumane. You need help. You need to be arrested by the police."
Teresa knows where his hiding place. She's blocking his path to the staircase. Killing her in an unprovoked murder attack is the only option.
He said, "And you're about to become my next murder attack victim."
Teresa said, "I'm not going to make it easy for you to kill me. Are you crazy? Why would I do a horrible thing like that for?"
He stabbed Teresa Palmer between her breasts. She looked at her murderer with shock.
Teresa cried out, "Oh my GOD, what have you done? I'm dying."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Thank you young lady, that's the whole idea."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Teresa Palmer between her breasts seven more times. She tried to attack him and he responded by stabbing her between her breasts three more times.
Teresa said, "You're going to be punished for my murder someday. My dead body will be found and your crime spree against women will end."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Then I better make sure that your dead body is never found by anybody. I'm not going to jail anytime soon."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Teresa between her breasts five times.
He stabbed Teresa between her breasts yet again.
Teresa tried to escape, but he stabbed her between her breasts again.
Teresa said, "I'm sorry I insulted you. I'm sorry I tried to attack you. Let me live and I'll surrender for incarceration for my crimes against you."
He stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
He said, "I'm sorry, but when I start attack women with intent to kill, I must keep attacking her until she lies down dead and she stays dead forever."
Teresa said, "It's not fair. I'm too young to die."
Alice said, "I think I see a necklace over there."
Malin said, "Arielle lost her necklace. She'll be happy to get it back."
Melissa said, "We don't have time to go looking for necklaces. Our plan will be ruined if Alice, Malin and I are killed one by one. We need to hurry up before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse finds and murders us all."
Alice said, "I'll be right there. I'm going to get the necklace first."
Alice said, "Are you having fun yet? Because you won't be having fun much longer when I'm finally through with you."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It's too late for you to escape justice. So you might as well attack me so that I can claim that I killed you in self defense."
Alice said, "You are so narcissistic. What makes you think I'm going to be that easy for you to kill?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I never lost a battle against a girl yet."
Alice said, "That's not much of an explanation."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It's the only explanation that I'll need."
Alice said, "I feel sorry for you in that case."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Alice Evans between her breasts. She looked at her murderer with shock as blood started to flow out of the knife wound.
Alice said, "Oh my GOD, you actually done it. You actually succeeded in murdering me."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I had no choice but to murder you."
Alice said, "All my plans against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has been defeated."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It was never going to succeed anyway."
Malin said, "But the computer disk won't work and we need a third Dandilion Girl to help reprogram the disk. If we fail, then it will electrocute Hailee Steinfeld if she tries to use the lap top computer and the computer disk if we both end up getting killed."
Melissa walked closer to his hiding place and she spotted him. He stood up and he faced her.
Melissa said, "I knew there was a creep nearby. What are you doing here. You know guys are not allowed inside this building."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "That's too bad because I want to hang out in this building."
Melissa said, "I'm sorry, but that's simply not possible."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "If I need to kill you to prevent you from alerting the other Dandilion Girls of my presence, then that's what I need to do."
Melissa said, "Fine, go ahead and stab me to death with your knife."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Fine, if that's what you want, then that's what you'll get."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Melissa George between her breasts.
Melissa George fell to the ground in a puddle of blood. She lay very still for a few minutes and it was clear that she was legally dead---But only for a few minutes. Melissa George stood up a few minutes later and it was clear that she has been successfully resurrected.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I don't get it. I killed you. You died. Why are you still standing here talking to me like this?"
Melissa said, "I have the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device. It only has five resurrections left before it loses the ability to resurrect dead murder victim girls."
He stabbed Melissa George between her breasts and she fell to the ground in a splatter of blood. She legally died. He waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life yet again.
He said, "I need to stab you four more times before you die and stay dead."
Melissa said with tears streaming down her face, "Please don't do this to me."
He stabbed Melissa between her breast and she fell to the ground sobbing, weeping, feeling horrible about herself in a splatter of blood. She legally died. He waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life.
He said, "I need to stab you three more times before you die and stay dead."
Melissa started to feel uncomfortable in her own skin as she started to feel violated and uncomfortable inside. She started to sob and weep as she begged, "Please spare my life. I'll let you hang out here anytime you want."
He stabbed Melissa between her breasts and she fell to the ground broken and feeling ruined inside even more so than usual. She legally died. He waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life.
He said, "I need to stab you two more times before you die and stay dead."
Melissa begged between sobs, "No seriously, I don't mind you hanging around the Dandilion Club every single day."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "And I'll bring along all my friends to hang out here too. But first, you need to die and stay dead."
He stabbed Melissa between her breasts and she fell down in a bigger splatter of blood than before. She started to cry and sob more intensely before she legally died. He waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life."
He said, "I need to stab you one more time before you die and stay dead."
Melissa cried more intensely as she begged, "I meant that you can hang out here all the time without killing me. Please spare my life. I'm sorry I hurt you."
He stabbed Melissa between her breasts and she was filled with an intense feeling of hopeless shame, misery and embarrassment about committing the crime of daring to stay alive. She legally died in the biggest puddle of blood yet emerging from the knife wound in her stomach. He patiently waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life.
He said, "This time, you will die and stay dead."
Melissa screamed between humiliated sobs, "You don't need to kill me. I surrender for incarceration by kidnapping."
He plugged her last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device into the force field generator and her last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device electrocuted Melissa George to death. Melissa looked at her murderer with a blank empty expression.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Then I need to kill you before you tell anybody else in the Dandilion Girls that I'm here and ready to cause damage. Only one of us will leave this room alive and that person is going to be me."
Hailee said with a laugh, "Oh wow, you sure are confident."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I never lost a battle to the death against a Dandilin Girl."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad advanced towards the lap top computer. Hailee stood directly in front of the laptop computer.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "This is your last chance to escape justice before I'm forced to kill you."
Hailee said, "I'm sorry jerk, but I'm not letting you past me."
Hailee looked at Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad with a proud defiant stance.
Hailee said, "And yet I'm still alive and breathing. Jerks like you are all talk and no action. What? You need a convoluted ritual in order to kill me off? Do you need aninvitation to kill me off?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I'm waiting for you to attack me first before I'm forced to kill you forever in self defense."
Hailee said, "Oh, so that's all it will take for this fight to get started. I always known you're too lazy to do anything unless being forced to do so."
Hailee Steinfeld ran towards Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad and he stabbed her between her breasts. She tried to strangle him with a snarl on her face.
Hailee tried to strangle him with blood dripping out of her knife wound.
He didn't think that Hailee's knife would was big enough, so he stabbed her between her breasts again. Hailee continued to strangle him despite bleeding from being stabbed twice.
He stabbed Hailee again and her strangle hold got weaker.
Hailee released her strangle hold and she tried to crawl away while sobbing in pain. She felt shame and embarrassment for the crime of being born female.
Hailee said between sobs, "Take the laptop computer if you want it. Just let me live."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It's too late. I want more than to destroy the laptop computer. I need to kill you too."
He stabbed Hailee between her breasts a third time.
Hailee felt violated and shame towards herself as she tried to crawl away while leaving a trail of blood behind as she crawl towards the door. He stabbed her in the back.
Hailee coughed up blood as he stabbed her in the back again.
He grabbed Hailee while she sobbed as misery overwhelmed her. He tried to turn her over on her back, but she struggled against him.
He spun Hailee on her back against her wishes. She sobbed as he stabbed her between her breasts.
Hailee said between sobs, "I'm sorry I insulted you. It won't happen again."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I know it won't happen again because I'm going to kill you."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Hailee between her breasts three times. It was harder for the dying girl to remain alive while a puddle of blood emerged from her knife wounds.
He stabbed her three more times. It was now impossible for Hailee to survive after losing way too much blood in his murderous attack against her.
He stabbed Hailee between her breasts again. She coughed blood a few more times.
He stabbed Hailee between her breasts three more times.
Malin said, "I'm sorry you feel that way because I plan to escape justice."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I wish I had the chance to incarcerate you through kidnapping earlier, but now it's too far gone. You must die."
Malin said, "And since you never had the courage to incarcerate me through kidnapping, I'm going to do exactly that to you. You're my ticket to escaping justice."
Malin Akerman struck him with a plank of wood and he fell to the ground. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad felt Malin's voluptuous breasts against his left arm as she tied his arms behind his back. She hoisted him in front of her as Dwayne Humpty entered the room.
Malin said, "I'm going to incarcerate Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad for his crimes against women by kidnapping him since he never had the courage to incarcerate me for my crimes by kidnapping. Step aside or I'm going to kill him."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Kill Malin now."
Dwayne Humpty said, "I can't do that without killing you in the process."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Don't worry about me. Kill the girl now."
Dwayne Humpty said, "I'm sorry, but girls isn't allowed to incarcerate guys for their crimes through the use of kidnapping. Only guys can incarcerate girls for their crimes by kidnapping. You must die for that crime alone."
Malin brushed her right voluptuous breast across the left shoulder and arm of Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad as she said, "This is your last warning. Don't interfere with my attempt to escape justice to live and fight another day. Step aside or I kill the hostage."
Dwayne Dumpty snuck behind the girl and he stabbed her from behind.
Dwayne Dumpty said, "Grab Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad and check for brainwashing. He may have fallen in love with her."
Dwayne Humpty said, "You got it."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Malin is a very pretty girl."
Malin said, "You see, Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad likes to be taken hostage by girls."
Dwayne Humpty started to reverse Malin's brainwashing attack against Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad by making him fall in love with her. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad almost slipped into catatonic shock. Malin tried to attack with her knife only to be stabbed from behind by Dwayne Dumpty.
Malin said, "Holy Shit, I'm not going to escape justice after all."
Dwayne Dumpty said, "That's the whole idea young lady."
Malin spun around to face Dwayne Dumpty and he stabbed her between her breasts.
Dwayne Dumpty stabbed Malin between her breasts three more times.
Malin tried to run for the staircase only to have Dwayne Dumpty grab her by her left arm. Still grabbing her left arm, Dwayne Dumpty tossed Malin to the ground with a loud thud.
Malin felt oppressive misery and shame for the crime of being born female as Dwayne Dumpty stabbed her between her breasts. She started to cry as Dwayne Dumpty stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
Malin said between sobs, "Why won't you let me escape justice?"
Normally, Angelina Jolie would be ordering a huge group of Dandilon Girls to check out the alleys so she would have to be afraid of being killed when walking alone at dark. However, too many Dandilion Girls are legally dead forever to make such a plan possible.
Kirsten Dunst wasn't sure if she was being followed by a serial killer, so she walked quickly in case her life was in mortal danger of being violently ended in a senseless serial killing attack.
Kirsten Dunst's car wasn't too far away. She figured that it should be easy for her to walk to her car without getting murdered. Yet, that nerve rattling feeling that she's being followed was something that she couldn't shake free.
And if she was being followed by a serial killer, such a serial killer is doing a good job at hiding from sight. Kirsten never saw anybody every time she looked behind her before she resumed walking forward. And if she was doomed to die, she did a good job at hiding the futility of her constant struggles to prevent herself from getting killed.
Yet, here she is alive and breathing. So clearly any suggestion that she's doomed was only in her mind and nowhere else except her mind. And that was a relief.
Kirsten Dunst had no idea where the foolish notion that she was doomed to die in a serial killing attack came from. She was so calm and confident when she woke up.
Kirsten Dunst had a different thought in her head when she woke up. She woke up confident that she was going to spend another day wiping out another crew of girl hating serial killers.
There's nothing that Kirsten Dunst likes more than to knock a serial killer down a few notches. And though a part of her doubt any notion of survival, right now she's still breathing oxygen. So she has to be doing something right.
And so she continued to walk towards her car. Kirsten Dunst is getting closer to her car. She can almost feel the car door in her hand already.
Kirsten Dunst thought about recruiting a decoy to distract the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse employed serial killer who may or may not be following her. However, she lacked the money and the time to pull off such an accomplishment.
And chances would be that all the female decoy audition candidates would be murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before Kirsten Dunst can get to them.
Kirsten Dunst was getting closer to her car.
She can see her car. It's right there. She can see herself grabbing the car door handle.
Just a few steps more and she'll be inside the safety of her car.
She placed one foot in front of the other as she walked closer to her car. It's right there. It's almost within reach.
Kirsten Dunst finally reached her car.
She opened the door to the drivers side of her car.
She entered her car.
Beth said, "Don't worry, I'm a strong and powerful girl. It's impossible for anybody to kill me off. Hey, I'll share some of the marijuana with you once I killed off the drug dealer once he sold me his stash of narcotics."
Kirsten said, "Well good luck and I hope you have an enjoyable first date."
Beth Behrs hung up the cell phone. Kirsten Dunst hung up her cell phone too.
And Kirsten Dunst started to unbutton her blouse as she removed her skirt. Her thoughts was about her need to murder Rescue Lad as she started to undress. Berrbury was nothing like Rescue Lad. Rescue Lad was the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse employed misogynist who loved to tie up, gag and murder Dandilion Girls. Berrbury would never tie up, gag and murder a Dandilion Girl. And the difference alone put Kirsten Dunst at ease.
Her blouse was now unbuttoned as she felt envy. She can't have private time with Berrbury instead of Rescue Lad as long as Beth Behrs was alive, breathing and got to him first. And if Beth Behrs was murdered by Rescue Lad before she could score marijuana from Berrbury, then Kirsten could have the job of scoring pot from Berrbury without getting killed by Rescue Lad instead. Yet, she didn't want to wish for Beth Behrs to die either because both Dandilion Girls are such close friends.
Kirsten Dunst lay down face down on her bed while her clothes fell off and she only lay in her bra and panties.
Beth Behrs asked, "Pardon me, but what's going on here?"
He didn't answer her. It was Rescue Lad's plan to kidnap Beth Behrs, drive her to an isolated house in the forest. Leave the house. Return to the house wearing different clothes and rescue her. She would be so enchanted by the rescue that Beth Behrs would agree to be his girlfriend. However, the plan won't work unless her feet was tied up too.
Beth Behrs said, "I'll be forced to murder you if you don't tell me what's going on."
Rescue Lad was silent.
And Rescue Lad finally got Beth Behrs feet tied together. He tried to put a gag over her mouth, but she tried to bite him.
Beth Behrs said, "Just wait until I'm free from this mess. I'll kill you. Trust me. I won't rest until either I die or you die. I would prefer that you die instead of you killing me though."
Rescue Lad finally gagged her with duct tape. He dragged her to his car.
Beth Behrs found a knife. She grabbed the knife and she tried to cut her hands free.
Beth Behrs started to gasp for air as the oxygen supply got more and more limited. She nearly got her arms free. Then she'll get the trunk door opened.
Beth Behrs dropped her knife as the lack of oxygen made her dizzy. She felt violated and abused. She suddenly felt rotten and horrible inside. All her confidence started to fade away. She tried to grab the knife, but the lack of oxygen was starting to make a dangerous impact.
Beth Behrs was dying. She knew that she'll be dead from the lack of oxygen if she doesn't cut her arms free. Yet, her knife kept falling out of her hands.
The car bumped forward and she was forced to roll from lying face up to lying face down. A piece of cloth clamped her nose shut. Her mouth was duct taped shut. She was being suffocated to death.
The knife started to bump closer and closer towards her breasts. She prayed that the knife doesn't bump itself closer to her breasts than it already is.
Missy said with a frown, "What the hell are you looking at?"
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "You're a pretty girl."
Missy said, "I don't care. Go to Hell."
Missy said, "You better not look at me goddamn it."
Winona said, "Oh damn it, that's harsh. I bet he wasn't expecting you to say that. He was expecting you to enjoy the perverted glare and you dissed him. You go girl."
Winona faced him and she added, "You're not very popular around here."
Winona lead Broken Leg Lad towards Sarah McLachlan inside her private quarters.
Winona said, "This jerk was snooping around this building."
Sarah replied, "I was just about to eat dinner. Why don't you join me. I'll tell you all about my plans while we eat."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I'm not hungry."
Sarah said, "I'm not making a request. I'm giving you an order."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I still won't do it."
MØ said, "You will do what Sarah McLachlan order you to do and you will like it."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad punched Dandelion Girl #4, kicked Dandelion Girl #5, punched Dandelion Girl #6 before kicking Dandelion Girl #7 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. Belgium Broken Leg Lad kicked MØ causing the girl to stagger with a blank expression in her eyes.
MØ found herself falling face first to the floor as Belgium Broken Leg Lad punched Dandelion Girl #8, punched Dandelion Girl #9, punched Dandelion Girl #10, punched Dandelion Girl #11, punched Dandelion Girl #12, kicked Dandelion Girl #13, kicked Dandelion Girl #14 and kicked Dandelion Girl #15 causing all nine girls to lie down legally dead.
MØ is no longer alive. MØ is legally dead.
Sarah said, "It's a shame you killed her. That girl was one of my best employees. Sit down. Eat some dinner. I want to tell you about my plans for the evening."
Sarah McLachlan led Belgium Broken Leg Lad towards a dinner table with dinner already placed for four people now just three since one of them is legally dead.
Sarah said, "I'm about to give an ultimatum. Either the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse loses their inability to be killed by a girl right away or I'll trigger nuclear bombs placed on all the earthquake fault lines. The only way to stop my plans is to wipe out the Dandelion Girls all the way down to zero. The nuclear bombs placed in the earthquake fault lines will go off with the first daylight of morning if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse inability to be killed by a girl isn't taken away or all the Dandelion Girls are wiped out.
Winona said, "Either all the girls die or all the guys die. No compromise is allowed."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Both of you are insane. You ladies won't get away with it. I will stop you. I will murder you both."
Winona said, "You had plenty of chances to murder me and you never succeeded."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "That's because the opportunity to kill you never arose."
Sarah said, "You're the one who is about to die. First I give you a chance to be fully rested in a soft comfortable bed and then I'll place you in a needlessly convoluted trap that can be easily escaped from. Then it's all over. I won't be in danger of being killed by you anymore."
Sarah said, "I see you're enjoying the food."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "The food is delicious."
Sarah said, "I'm glad because it's the last meal that you will ever have."
Winona said, "I've been in contact with Bella Thorne. She insists that the Dandelion Shopping Mall isn't going to fall under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse like the Dandelion Club is falling under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Winona said, "We should send more Dandelion Girls to reinforce Bella Thorne just in case."
Sarah said, "Send enough Dandelion Girls that the only way for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to succeed is to wipe out over half of the Dandelion Girls. Have more Dandelion Girls reinforce the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. Let's force the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to wipe out over seventy percent of the Dandelion Girls just to gain control of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium, but they'll never make it that far."
Broken Leg Lad was led to a cell with soft comfortable rugs, soothing artwork, a soft comfortable bed, tons of replacement clothing and a fully stocked first aid kit. He helped himself to fresh clothes and the first aid kit and slept in the soft comfortable bed until he was fully fed and fully rested. He was led out of his cell and into a needlessly convoluted death trap that can be easily escaped from. He was chained to a wall as the room was filled with water. He found a nearby key and escaped from the death trap. He kicked Dandelion Girl #16 and punched Dandelion Girl #17 causing both of them to legally dead. Hailey Baldwin spotted him and proceeded to chase after Belgium Broken Leg Lad with intent to keep attacking him until he kills her once and for all.
Hailey Baldwin activated her cell phone and said into it, "Belgium Broken Leg Lad has escaped. Send as much Dandelion Girls as possible to kill him."
Hailey spotted Belgium Broken Leg Lad punching Dandelion Girl #18, kicked Dandelion Girl #19, punched Dandelion Girl #20, punched Dandelion Girl #21 and punched Dandelion Girl #22 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. Hailey Baldwin chased after Belgium Broken Leg Lad with intent to keep attacking him until he's forced to kill the girl.
Hailey punched him twice. He kicked Dandelion Girl #28, kicked Dandelion Girl #29 before punching Dandelion Girl #30 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Hailey before she punched him twice and kicked him.
He punched Hailey and she kicked him twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #31, punched Dandelion Girl #32, kicked Dandelion Girl #33, kicked Dandelion Girl #34 and kicked Dandelion Girl #35 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Hailey and she kicked him twice.
Hailey said, "Why are you even bothering? We both know that you are about to be defeated."
He kicked Dandelion Girl #36 and she lay down legally dead. He punched Hailey. He kicked Dandelion Girl #37 and she lay down legally dead. He kicked Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #38, punched Dandelion Girl #39 and kicked Dandelion Girl #40 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He ran with Hailey Baldwin and her crew of girls in close pursuit.
He ran as fast as possible. However, Hailey Baldwin and her crew of girls was just as fast. He realized that he'll wear himself out if he doesn't take a stand to kill Hailey Baldwin and her crew of girls this exact second.
He punched Dandelion Girl #41, kicked Dandelion Girl #42 and punched Dandelion Girl #43 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #44 and she lay down legally dead. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #45 and she lay down legally dead. He punched Hailey.
Hailey said, "At last, we reached the end of our private battle between each other. One of us will die now and it won't be me."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "You're the one who is delusional lady. You know that you must die this exact second."
He tried to punch Hailey and she blocked his blow. He punched Hailey twice and kicked her.
Elliphant grabbed him from behind and she tried to strangle him from behind. Her voluptuous breasts was pressed against his spine as she continued to strangle him from behind. He slammed backwards into a tree causing a stunned Elliphant to lose her grip against him. He punched Dandelion Girl #47 and she lay down legally dead, punched Elliphant, kicked Dandelion Girl #48, punched Dandelion Girl #49 and kicked Dandelion Girl #50 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He kicked Elliphant twice, she punched him once and he punched her twice before kicking her.
He punched Dandelion Girl #51, kicked Dandelion Girl #52, kicked Dandelion Girl #53 before punching Dandelion Girl #54 causing all four girls to legally die. He punched Elliphant twice before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #55 causing her to legally die. He punched Elliphant and she kicked him three times in response. He kicked Elliphant in return. He punched Dandelion Girl #56, punched Dandelion Girl #57, he kicked Dandelion Girl #58 causing her to fall backwards against Dandelion Girl #59 and Dandelion Girl #60 causing all five girls to legally die. He punched Elliphant five times, kicked her twice before punching her. Elliphant punched him twice and he responded by kicking her.
He punched Dandelion Girl #61 causing her to legally die. He punched Elliphant, she kicked him and he punched her again. He punched Dandelion Girl #62 and punched Dandelion Girl #63 causing both girls to legally die. Elliphant punched him and he kicked her twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #64 and she legally died. He punched Elliphant, she tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. He punched Elliphant. He punched Dandelion Girl #65, punched Dandelion Girl #66 and kicked Dandelion Girl #67 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Elliphant. He punched Dandelion Girl #68 causing her to die. Elliphant punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #69 and she legally died. Elliphant punched him and he kicked Elliphant. He punched Dandelion Girl #70 and she legally died. He punched Elliphant, she kicked him, he punched her, she punched him, he kicked her, she punched him and he kicked her twice. He kicked Dandelion Girl #71 and Dandelion Girl #72 causing both girls to legally die.
He punched Dandelion Girl #73, punched Dandelion Girl #74 and kicked Dandelion Girl #75 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He kicked Elliphant and she lay down legally dead. He punched Dandelion Girl #76, kicked Dandelion Girl #77, punched Dandelion Girl #78 and kicked Dandelion Girl #79 before punching Dandelion Girl #80 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. He walked over Elliphant's legally dead body in pursuit of Hailey.
Ellinor Miranda Salome Olovsdotter aka Elliphant is no longer alive. Elliphant is legally dead.
Hailey watched as he ran down a forest path. Hailey motioned all the girls following her who are still alive to follow her. Hailey and all the surviving girls still alive and following her chased after him down a forest path until he can't run any further.
He punched Hailey. He kicked Dandelion Girl #81 and she lay down legally dead. He kicked Hailey, she punched him and he kicked her. He punched Dandelion Girl #82 and kicked Dandelion Girl #83 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Hailey punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #84 causing her to legally die. Hailey punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #85 and kicked Dandelion Girl #86 causing both girls to legally die. Hailey punched him.
Hailey punched him. He kicked Dandelion Girl #87 and she legally died. He tried to punch Hailey and she blocked his blow before she punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #88 and kicked Dandelion Girl #89 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Hailey punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #90. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #91 and she legally died.
Hailey punched him and he kicked her twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #92 and kicked Dandelion Girl #93 causing both girls to legally die. He punched Hailey, she punched him and he kicked her. He punched Dandelion Girl #94 and kicked Dandelion Girl #95 causing both girls to legally die. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #96 causing her to legally die. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #97 causing her to legally die.
He punched Dandelion Girl #98 causing her to legally die. He punched Hailey, she kicked him, he punched her, she kicked him, he punched her twice, she punched him, she kicked him, she punched him and he kicked her dead. He punched Dandelion Girl #99, kicked Dandelion Girl #100, punched Dandelion Girl #101, kicked Dandelion Girl #102 and kicked Dandelion Girl #102 causing all five girls to legally die. He walked over Hailey Baldwin's legally dead body and walked down the forest grove path. Hailey Baldwin and her army of Dandelion Girls has been successfully wiped out.
Sarah punched him. Louisa Rose Allen aka Foxes punched him. He punched Sarah, kicked Foxes, Sarah punched him as he punched Foxes, Sarah punched him, he punched Foxes, Foxes punched him and he kicked her before kicking Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #112, punched Dandelion Girl #113, punched Dandelion Girl #114, punched Dandelion Girl #115 and kicked Dandelion Girl #116 causing all five girls to legally die. He punched Foxes. He kicked Dandelion Girl #116 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah, Sarah punched him, he punched Sarah, Foxes kicked him, Sarah punched him, Foxes kicked him, he punched Foxes before kicking Sarah.
Foxes cried out, "What's it going to take to kill this jerk."
Sarah said, "Don't give up. We're bound to kill him if enough Dandelion Girls attack this jerk."
He punched Dandelion Girl #117 causing her to legally die. He punched Foxes causing her to legally die. He punched Dandelion Girl #118, kicked Dandelion Girl #119, punched Dandelion Girl #120, kicked Dandelion Girl #121 and kicked Dandelion Girl #122 causing all six girls to legally die.
Louisa Rose Allen aka Foxes is no longer alive. Foxes is legally dead.
Sarah punched him, he kicked her before she punched him. He kicked Dandelion Girl #123 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He kicked Dandelion Girl #124 and punched Dandelion Girl #125 before kicking Dandelion Girl #126 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Sarah, she kicked him, she punched him, he kicked her, she punched him and he tossed her against a tree before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #127 and punched Dandelion Girl #128 causing both girls to legally die.
He punched Dandelion Girl #129 and she legally died. Sarah punched him. Butterfly Boucher punched him, He punched Butterfly, Sarah kicked him, he punched Butterfly, Sarah punched him, Butterfly punched him, He punched Sarah before kicking Butterfly. He kicked Dandelion Girl #130, punched Dandelion Girl #131 and kicked Dandelion Girl #132 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Butterfly only to have Sarah kick him, he kicked Sarah, Butterfly punched him while Sarah kicked him. Sarah punched him, he punched Sarah, Butterfly punched him, he punched Sarah, Butterfly kicked him and he punched Butterfly before kicking Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #133, punched Dandelion Girl #134 and kicked Dandelion Girl #135 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Butterfly, punched Sarah before kicking Butterfly.
Butterfly said, "Go ahead. Take a good look pervert. What do you see? You're seeing the woman who's going to end your goddamn life."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Show me what you're made of."
He punched Dandelion Girl #136, kicked Dandelion Girl #137 and punched Dandelion Girl #138 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Butterfly and she fell legally dead. He punched Dandelion Girl #139, kicked Dandelion Girl #140, punched Dandelion Girl #141, punched Dandelion Girl #142, kicked Dandelion Girl #143, punched Dandelion Girl #144 and kicked Dandelion Girl #145 causing all seven girls to legally die.
Butterfly Boucher is no longer alive. Butterfly is legally dead.
He punched Dandelion Girl #146 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #147 and she legally died. He punched Sarah before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #148 before kicking Dandelion Girl #149 causing both girls to legally die. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #150 and she legally died. He punched Sarah.
Missy Higgins approached Sarah McLachlan and said, "I understand you're having some problems with this asshole."
Sarah said, "Nothing that can't be handled with your assistance."
Missy said, "I'll be more than happy to assist in the killing of this dumbass."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I've been wanting to kill both of you ladies for a long time. Perhaps I'll start by killing Missy."
Missy said, "Talk is cheap jerk."
He punched Missy and Sarah punched him. He punched Sarah, punched Missy, Missy punched him as he punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #151 and she legally died. He punched Missy before kicking Sarah. He kicked Dandelion Girl #152, punched Dandelion Girl #153 before kicking Dandelion Girl #154 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Missy, Sarah punched him, he punched Missy before kicking Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #155 causing her to legally die. Missy punched him and he kicked her. He punched Dandelion Girl #156, kicked Dandelion Girl #157, punched Dandelion Girl #158 and kicked Dandelion Girl #159 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Sarah, Missy punched him and he punched Missy before kicking Sarah. He kicked Dandelion Girl #160 and she legally died.
He punched Dandelion Girl #161 and she legally died. He punched Missy. He punched Dandelion Girl #162 and she legally died. He punched Missy. He punched Dandelion Girl #163, kicked Dandelion Girl #164, kicked Dandelion Girl #165 and punched Dandelion Girl #166 causing all four girls to legally die. He punched Missy and she fell legally dead. He punched Dandelion Girl #167, kicked Dandelion Girl #168, kicked Dandelion Girl #169 and punched Dandelion Girl #170 causing all four girls to legally die.
Missy Higgins is no longer alive. Missy Higgins is legally dead.
He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #171 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #172 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #173 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #174 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #175 and she legally died. He punched Sarah before kicking her five times.
Sarah was flanked by twenty-five Dandelion Girls who were still alive and breathing. All twenty-six girls needs to die one by one.
Sarah said, "Give it up. You can't keep fighting against me forever. You're going to wear down and then it's my chance to kill you."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I must keep fighting against you as long as it's still possible for me to do so."
Sarah said, "Fine. Don't say that I didn't warn you."
He punched Sarah. He kicked Dandelion Girl #176 and she lay down legally dead. He punched Sarah before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #177 before kicking Dandelion Girl #178 causing both girls to legally die. Sarah punched him and he kicked her twice before punching her. He punched Dandelion Girl #179 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #180 and she legally died. He punched Sarah, she punched him and he kicked her.
He punched Sarah and she kicked him. He punched Dandelion Girl #181 before kicking Dandelion Girl #182 causing both girls to legally die. He punched Sarah, she kicked him and he punched her twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #183 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #184. He kicked Sarah and she kicked him back before he punched her. He punched Dandelion Girl #185 and she legally died. He kicked Sarah twice before punching her.
He punched Dandelion Girl #186 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #187 and kicked Dandelion Girl #188 before punching Dandelion Girl#189 causing all three girls to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #190 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him and he kicked her twice before punching her.
Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #191 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #192 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #193 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #194 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #195 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah twice before kicking her. Sarah tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before punching her.
He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #196, kicked Dandelion Girl #197 before punching Dandelion Girl #198 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #199 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #200 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah, kicked her twice and punched her three times. Sarah punched him twice and he started to withdraw.
Sarah cried out, "You can't escape me. Sooner or later, you will be forced to kill me or else I'll be forced to kill you instead. You can't escape our final battle to the death."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Maybe that's true, but I could still make the effort anyway."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad ran away from Sarah McLachlan so fast that he eventually outran the girl.
Sara heard a noise in the living room.
Sara said, "Did you hear that."
Jenny replied, "I heard that."
Sara said, "You need to check it out."
Jenny replied, "You got it."
Jenny Owen Youngs is no longer alive. Jenny Owen Youngs is legally dead.
Sara realized that Jenny was dead and wasn't going to come back. Sara rose from her seat and she prepared to enter the living room of the Dandelion Log Cabin.
Sara said, "I know you're in there. I can hear you. I'm going to kill you both."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "We need to escape because those two other girls murder us."
Captain Parakeet said, "I can't run any further."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "We only need to make it as far as the garage."
Chloe Sevigny said, "The two of you is going to do no such thing. Both of you will die instead."
Chloe said, "I got two of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Sara entered the living room and said, "At least they didn't murder you too like they did to poor Jenny. It wasn't necessary for Jenny to die."
Chloe said, "There's no way that I'll die as easily as Jenny died."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Don't force me to kill both of you two girls also."
Sara said, "You're not going to survive long enough to make the attempt."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad punched Sara before kicking Chloe. Both girls fell to the floor. Belgium Broken Leg Lad helped Captain Parakeet to his feet and helped him to the garage.
Chloe recovered and she slowly stood up.
Chloe said, "Are you alright."
Sara said, "I'm fine, but those two guys are escaping. We must try to kill them now before they escape. Keep attacking until either we kill them or they kill us in self defense."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad pushed Sara to the floor, helped Captain Parakeet into the car and entered the drivers side. The garage door was opened and the car drove away. Sara slowly rose to her feet once again as she watched the car drive away.
Mena replied, "I'd rather walk straight down the sidewalk instead."
Quiche King said, "I don't care what you desire. I'm turning left and you're joining me."
Mena pulled out a small remote control device from her purse and she pressed a button on the remote control device. An electric shock brought Quiche King to his knees.
Mena replied, "We're walking straight down the sidewalk without turning left."
Quiche King said, "I shall do as you command me to do."
Mena Suvari replied, "Oh yeah, you better believe that you will do as I command."
Mena continued, "It's so good to have a helpless puppet doing my bidding anytime I want."
Quiche King said, "You will pay for what you done. I shall kill you myself."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device and electric shocks brought Quiche King to his knees again.
Mena said, "That's not the right answer. It's so good to have a helless puppet doing my bidding anytime I want."
Quiche King said, "I shall do as you command."
Mena said, "That's the answer that I'm looking for."
Quiche King asked, "Where are we going?"
Mena said, "That's the wrong thing to ask me."
Mena pressed a button on her remote control device. Electric shocks brought Quiche King to his knees.
Mena continued, "It's not your place to ask me where we're going. Anywhere I go will be suitable."
Quiche King said, "I shall do as you command."
Mena pressed the remote control device and brought Quiche King to his knees.
Quiche King asked, "Why did you do that for?"
Mena replied, "I did that because I felt like it."
Mena said, "The sky is green and grass is blue."
Quiche King said, "That's a stupid thing to say and I'm not an idiot.. Everybody knows that grass is green and the sky is blue."
Mena said, "Tonight isn't your night for good fortune."
Mena pressed a button on her remote control device. An electrocuted was brought to his knees.
Quiche King said, "I apologize for my earlier statement."
Mena asked, "What color is the sky?"
Quiche King said, "The sky is green in color."
Mena asked, "What color is the grass?"
Quiche King said, "The grass is blue in color."
Mena Suvari pressed the button on her remote control device. An electrocuted Quiche King was brought to his knees.
Mena said, "It wasn't necessary for me to ask you that twice. The next time, I want the correct answer much quicker."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device. An electrocuted Quiche King was brought to his knees by electrocution.
Mena said, "What answer do I get when I'm trying to correct your behavior?"
Quiche King replied, "I shall do as you command."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device and brought Quiche King to his knees through electrocution.
Quiche King asked, "What did I do this time?"
Mena said, "I enjoy pressing that button. It's a fun button to push."
Mena asked, "What color is the grass?"
Quiche King replied, "The grass is blue."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device. Quiche King was brought to his knees through electrocution.
Mena replied, "That's a stupid thing to say. Everybody knows that grass is green."
Quiche King replied, "I shall do as you command."
Mena asked, "What color is the sky?"
Quiche King replied, "The sky is green."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device. Quiche King was brought to his knees through electrocution.
Mena said, "That's a stupid thing to say. Everybody knows the sky is blue."
Quiche King replied, "I shall do as you command."
Mena said, "I honestly don't know why I tolerate you. You're utterly useless."
Quiche King said, "I'm useless and I deserve to be beaten."
Mena said, "Beg me to electrocute me."
Quiche King said, "Go to Hell."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device. Quiche King was brought to his knees through electrocution.
Mena said, "That's close enough to begging for electrocution to begin."
Quiche King said, "If you insist that's a proper way for me to be electrocuted, then it has to be correct. You're always right about everything."
However, there was never anything behind her. So she continued walking forward towards her car.
Nicole Kidman found her car, but as luck had it, she dropped her car keys somewhere near the second floor of the Dandilion Club. Nicole frowned and groaned as she stomped the cement ground with her left foot. She knew she had to walk all the way back to the Dandilion Club to retrieve her car keys without getting murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
And so Nicole Kidman spun around and she walked towards the exit of the Parking Garage without realizing that a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was following her close behind. And her attempt to escape being punished with a murder attack has been prevented by her bad habit of misplacing her car keys. Party Animal followed Nicole Kidman with the intentions of killing her at the first available opportunity.
Mena said, "You don't need to assist your friends."
Quiche King said, "I don't need to assist my friends."
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #8, Club Hopping Gentleman #2 kicked Dandelion Girl #9, Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #10 before kicking Dandelion Girl #11 and Dandelion Girl #12 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. Mena looked behind her with a smile as she continued to walk forward alongside Quiche King.
Mena said, "Those jerks are stupid and they need to be punished."
Quiche King said, "Those jerks are stupid and they need to be punished. Only you get to see the light of the morning because only you see the truth."
Mena said with a smile, "How nice of you. That's exactly what I need to hear."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #13, Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #14 before kicking Dandelion Girl #15, Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #16 before punching Dandelion Girl #17 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Mena said, "I will be needing to make my escape soon. You need to sacrifice your life covering for me. You need to kill my enemies for me."
Quiche King said, "It's a sacrifice that I'll love to make for you."
Mena said, "You better believe you'll love making the sacrifice for me."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #18, Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion #19, punched Dandelion Girl #20, kicked Dandelion Girl #21 before Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #22 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Mena said, "I'll miss all the good times we spent together."
Quiche King said, "I'll miss all the good times we spent together."
Mena said, "It's nothing but happiness for me."
Quiche King said, "It's nothing but happiness for me."
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #23 and punched Dandelion Girl #24, Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #25, kicked Dandelion Girl #26 and punched Dandelion Girl #27, Club Hopping Gentleman #1 kicked Dandelion Girl #28 and kicked Dandelion Girl #29 before punching Dandelion Girl #30 causing all eight girls to lie down legally dead.
Mena said, "My only regret is that I was forced to have sex with a loser."
Quiche King said, "Her only regret is that she was forced to have sex with me and I'm a loser."
Mena said, "I'll be glad to see that loser die sacrificing his life instead of me."
Quiche King said, "I'm a loser and she'll be glad to see me die sacrificing my life instead of her."
Mena said, "You're reinvention back to normal is progressing better than I thought."
Quiche King said, "I'm glad that you approve. I'm happy about my progress too."
Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #31 before kicking Dandelion Girl #32 while Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #33 and punched Dandelion Girl #34 making it possible for Club Hopping Gentleman to punch Dandelion Girl #35 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. Both Club Hopping Gentleman tried to pursue Mena Suvari without being distracted by the need to have Mena's Private Army Girls getting punched and kicked to death.
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #36, Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #37, punched Dandelion Girl #38, punched Dandelion Girl #39 before kicking Dandelion Girl #40 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Quiche King asked, "When will I need to sacrifice my life and die to allow you to escape."
Mena replied, "That time is coming very quickly so you better get ready."
Quiche King said, "Please let me know when I need to sacrifice my life and die for you because it will be fun. Such a shame I must die because quiche is fun to eat."
Mena replied, "You ate more quiche that I never know what to do with."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #41, kicked Dandelion Girl #42, punched Dandelion Girl #43, kicked Dandelion Girl #44 before Club Hopping Gentleman kicked Dandelion Girl #45 and kicked Dandelion Girl #46 causing all six girls to lie down legally dead.
Mena said, "It's almost time for me to escape. I hope I don't get myself killed before the chance for me to escape arrives."
Quiche King said, "Your need to escape is more important than my need to survive."
Mena said, "I feel good knowing that you volunteered to be mind controlled like this."
Quiche King said, "Allowing me to be mind controlled like this by going AWOL is fun. I'll do it again over and over again without hesitation."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #47 and punched Dandelion Girl #48 before Club Hopping Gentleman #1 kicked Dandelion Girl #49 and kicked Dandelion Girl #50 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Mena Suvari five times before Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #51 and punched Dandelion Girl #52 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 before Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Mena before kicking her five times.
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Mena, Club Hopping Gentleman kicked Mena before Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Mena. Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 only to be punched by Club Hopping Gentleman #1. Mena tried to punch Club Hopping Gentleman #1 but he blocked her attack before kicking her.
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #53, kicked Dandelion Girl #54 and kicked Dandelion Girl #55 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #1 before she kicked Club Hopping Gentleman #2. Club Hopping Gentleman kicked Mena and sent her crashing to the ground.
Mena stood up and she punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 before Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched her twice and Club Hopping Gentleman punched her seven times before kicking her. Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 only to be punched by Club Hopping Gentleman #1.
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 said, "Hurry up and kill Mena Suvari before it's too late. Only you can defeat the girl once and for all."
Quiche King said, "I can't because Mena ordered me to obey her exclusively."
Mena said, "It's too late. Quiche King's mind is gone forever. Only killing me can restore things to normal and I won't allow you to kill me."
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Mena five times, Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 before Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched her twice and Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched her once before she kicked Club Hopping Gentleman.
Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 before she kicked Club Hopping Gentleman causing both of them to lie down on the ground.
Mena said, "Now it's time for me to finish you both off."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 said, "Hurry up and kill Mena and save us both."
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 said, "It's up to you to kill the girl and save us both."
Mena said, "It's over guys, nobody will save you both by killing me."
Quiche King stabbed Mena from behind while Club Hopping Gentleman #1 and Club Hopping Gentleman #2 lay at her feet. Mena drooled blood as Quiche King stabbed Mena from behind five more times causing the dying girl to stagger forward.
Nicole reached the Dandelion Club and she entered the building. The Party Animal tried to follow the doomed girl, but five Dandelion Girls blocked his path. Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #6 and she legally died. The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #7 before he punched Dandelion Girl #8 and kicked Dandelion Girl #9. All three girls lay down legally dead. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #10 and she lay down legally dead. The Party Animal entered the Dandelion Club and punched Dandelion Girl #11 causing her to lie down legally dead. The Party Animal finally spotted Nicole Kidman inside the Dandelion Club.
Nicole Kidman reached the staircase.
Nicole said, "Now it's time to find my car keys in the second floor of the Dandelion Club before I'm punished and killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Nicole walked up the staircase.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #12, kicked Dandelion Girl #13, punched Dandelion Girl #14 to the left and punched Dandelion Girl #15 to the right. All four girls lay down legally dead. The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #16 and she fell backwards against Dandelion Girl #17. Dandelion Girl #17 lay down face up on top of Dandelion Girl #16 as she too lay face up---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end---before both girls legally died.
Nicole Kidman walked up the stairs. She looked down the stairs at the Party Animal before she said with exuberant enthusiasm, "You'll never get the chance to kill me asshole."
The Party Animal said, "I must give it a try regardless."
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #18 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #19 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #20 to the left of him and kicked Dandelion Girl #21 to the right of him. All four girls lay down legally dead.
The Party Animal punched Nicole and she fell. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #32 and kicked Dandelion Girl #33 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Nicole slowly stood up before she was kicked to the floor. The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #34 and she lay down legally dead. The Party Animal kicked Nicole as she tried to stand up. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #35 and punched Dandelion Girl #36 causing both girls to lie down legally dead.
Nicole stood up and the Party Animal punched her causing the girl to fall to the floor and she stopped moving. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #37, kicked Dandelion Girl #38 while punching both Dandelion Girl #39 and Dandelion Girl #40 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Nicole said, "Oh no you don't. You don't get to kill me so easily."
The Party Animal said, "You will die this easily. Leaving your car keys behind was the biggest mistake that will make it possible for me to kill you."
Nicole stood up and she punched the Party Animal before leaving the room. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #41, Dandelion Girl #42, Dandelion Girl #43 and Dandelion Girl #44 before kicking Dandelion Girl #45 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. The Party Animal grabbed Nicole from behind as she walked down the second floor hallway heading for the staircase. The Party Animal punched Nicole and watched as she lay down without moving.
Nicole rose to her feet as the Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #46 and Dandelion Girl #47 before kicking Dandelion Girl #48 and Dandelion Girl #49 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. The Party Animal kicked Nicole as she crawled on her hands and knees and she fell to the floor before rolling on her back. Nicole stopped moving. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #50 and she lay down legally dead.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #51 and she legally died as Nicole slowly rose and crawled towards the staircase. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #52 and she legally died as he walked towards Nicole Kidman while she crawled towards the staircase. The Party Animal picked up Nicole and punched her causing the girl to fall helplessly to the floor before she stopped moving.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #53 and she legally died as Nicole rose to her feet.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #54 and she legally died as Nicole walked down the stairs towards the first floor.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #55 and she legally died. Nicole continued to walk down the stairs to the first floor of the Dandelion Club.
Nicole exited the Dandelion Club and she ran towards the Parking Garage.
The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #56 and she legally died before running down the stairs to the first floor of the Dandelion Club. Nicole ran closer towards the Parking Garage.
The Parking Garage was almost within reach. Just a few more feet and she's safe from harm.
Nicole reached the Parking Garage. Her car was within reach.
And with her car keys in her hand, Nicole Kidman finally reached her car. Party Animal only had a few seconds left to murder Nicole Kidman before she closed the car door. Because if Nicole Kidman closed the car door and drove off, then she'll escape justice to live and fight another day. And Party Animal can't allow that to happen. The only way to punish a guilty criminal is to murder them. Nicole Kidman is a guilty criminal. Therefore, Nicole Kidman must be punished in a murder attack. Nicole Kidman blew Party Animal a kiss as she sat down in her car and placed the keys in the ignition. Only two seconds left to kill Nicole Kidman before she escapes justice.
Only one second left to murder Nicole Kidman before she escapes justice. She turned on the ignition of her car. She was about to close the car door. Run. Run. Run. Don't let Nicole Kidman close the door. Kill Nicole Kidman before she closes the car door. Run. Run. Run. The girl is getting away. Hurry up and kill her. Run. Run. Run. Run towards the car and murder the girl. Run. Run. Run.
The Party Animal replied, "I'm the one who killed her. I'm the one who killed you too."
Fergie said, "You will die as punishment for killing Nicole you damn jerk."
The Party Animal said, "Go ahead and try to kill me. You and I will need to fight to the death anyway. Let's do it now so I can kill you now."
Fergie punched the Party Animal and he fell backwards to the ground as she punched the wind out of her would-be attacker.
Fergie smiled as she said, "Today isn't the day in which I died you damn moron."
The Party Animal said, "I can't allow you to escape justice."
Fergie said, "Just you try to stop me."
Fergie turned her back to the Party Animal as she walked towards her car.
The Party Animal tried to stand up as Fergie walked towards her car. The Party Animal stabbed Dandelion Girl #57 between her breasts before punching Dandelion Girl #58 and Dandelion Girl #59 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #60 approached the Party Animal as he finally stood up and he punched her causing her to lie down legally dead. Fergie entered her car and put her keys into the ignition.
The Liason cried out, "She went that way. Kill her."
And so Magician #1, Magician #2, The Liason, Vodka Viceroy, Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3, Untied Shoelace Lad, A Friendly Person, Potato Pal, Fountain Fiend, Sidewalk Man, Illinois River Man, Illinois River Guy, Loser Lad and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum chased after Tara Reid with intention to kill her in mortal combat. However, it was looking as if Tara Reid was going to escape justice. Tara Reid started to feel that she might actually survive long enough to see the long painful night end and sunrise break across the city skyscrapers.
Tara Reid was several feet ahead and gaining distance away from her would be murderers.
The Unknown Third Person, The Driveway Guy #1, The Driveway Guy #2, The Driveway Guy #3, Mustard Man and Forest Path Guy stood directly in Tara's path.
Tara said, "The evil Dandilion Girl went that way."
Mustard Man said, "The evil Dandilion Girl is directly in front of me."
Tara said, "Oh damn, I guess we'll have to fight then."
Tara punched Mustard Man and kicked Forst Path Guy. She kicked down all three Driveway Guys before kicking the Unknown Third Person to the ground.
Tara Reid didn't bother to check if she actually killed her attackers. She simply ran as fast as she can. The Unknown Third Person, The Driveway Guy #1, The Driveway Guy #2, The Driveway Guy #3, Mustard Man and Forest Path Guy did recover and chased after her with intent to kill.
Farmer Frank thought he was nearly close to grabbing her. She punched him to the ground and walked over her would be attacker. Farmer Frank recovered, but she was too far ahead of him.
Tara Reid didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to think of something quick.
Tara Reid saw the Dandilion Shopping Mall directly in front of her. So she ran towards the Dandilion Shopping Mall.
Farmer Frank pulled out his gardening trowel as Tara Reid ran closer towards the Dandilion Shopping Mall.
Tara Reid was so close to the front entrance of the Dandilion Shopping Mall, she could feel her freshly painted finger nails touching the front doors.
Farmer Frank wasn't running fast enough. And in the end, Tara Reid outraced him with a proud smirk on her face.
Tara Reid entered the Dandilion Shopping Mall. The Yarn Knitting Lad grabbed the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine while the Fashion Designer grabbed her left arm. Tara's bracelet fell off her left arm as she used it to punch the Fashion Designer to the ground.
The Fashion Designer cried out, "You never liked the outfits I made for you. I must kill you for that reason alone."
Yarn Knitting Lad cried out, "Don't worry, Tara Reid won't escape justice."
Tara punched Yarn Knitting Lad and he fell against Farmer Frank.
Tara said with a smile, "Actually, I will escape justice without a scratch."
Tara Reid entered the Dandilion Shopping Mall.
The force field kept out Farmer Frank, The Fashion Designer and Yarn Knitting Lad. And that thought alone produced a smile on Tara Reid's face.
And so she turned to walk deeper into the Dandilion Shopping Mall. She was safe from being killed. There was no way the Dandilion Shopping Mall can be compromised by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Tara Reid checked her left wrist and realized that her favorite bracelet is outside the Dandilion Shopping Mall. She frowned as she debated stepping outside the Dandilion Shopping Mall to retrieve her favorite bracelet.
And she thought long and hard as she walked towards the food court to order herself a salad and perhaps go shopping too.
Yet, Tara Reid can't go shopping without her favorite bracelet on her wrist.
She could always purchase a new bracelet, but it won't be the same. She needed her favorite bracelet and no other bracelet would do.
She looked at the force field. If she stepped out and got herself killed, the force field would be compromised and the Dandilion Shopping Mall would be vulnerable to Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse attack all the way down to zero girls left.
And Tara Reid didn't want to be the Dandilion Girl who helped the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse destroy the force field by getting killed trying to retrieve her favorite bracelet.
Tara Reid took a deep breath as she sat down to think things through.
And she came to a decision as she sat down to think things through.
She going to retrieve her favorite bracelet was the decision as she sat down to think things through.
Tara Reid lowered the force field as she bent over to pick up her favorite bracelet. Archery Guy grabbed her by her left arm.
Archery Guy said, "Let me into the Dandilion Shopping Mall and I'll let you live. Refuse to let me into the Dandilion Shopping Mall and I'll kill you."
Tara said, "I guess I have no choice but to cooperate."
Archery Guy said, "That's a good girl."
And so Tara Reid allowed Archery Guy into the Dandilion Shopping Mall. She allowed him past the force field. Archery Guy rewarded Tara by firing an arrow between her breasts.
Tara said, "You told me that you were going to let me live if I allowed you into the Dandilion Shopping Mall. Why did you lie to me."
Archery Guy said, "I can't rest until every single Dandilion Girl is legally dead. You are a Dandilion Girl. Therefore, I can't rest until you are legally dead."
Tara Reid said with a gasp, "You have defeated me."
And she lay down before Archery Guy in a submissive pose.
Tara Reid is no longer alive. Tara Reid is legally dead.
Fergie said, "Oh there you are. Where's the Party Animal?"
The Suspicious Guy said, "He wants me to kill you instead."
Fergie said, "Oh how generous."
The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie causing her to lie down without moving before he said, "I'd like to think so."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #68, Dandelion Girl #69 and Dandelion Girl #70 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead.
The Suspicious Guy entered the food court and was attacked by five girls who worked in the Salad Bar Restaurant. He punched Salad Bar Restaurant Girl #1, kicked Salad Bar Restaurant girl #2 and Salad Bar Restaurant Girl #3 before punching Salad Bar Restaurant Girl #4 and Salad Bar Restaurant Girl #5. All five girls lay down legally dead as he punched Dandelion Girl #71 and kicked Dandelion Girl #72. Both girls lay down legally dead as Fergie slowly stood up. Fergie punched the Suspicious Guy before kicking him twice.
The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie. He punched Dandelion Girl #73 and Dandelion Girl #74 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Fergie. He punched Dandelion Girl #75, Dandelion Girl #76 and Dandelion Girl #77 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Fergie. He punched Dandelion Girl #78 causing her to lie down legally dead.
Fergie tried to escape and she was punched five times. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #79 and Dandelion Girl #80 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie. The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #81 and punched Dandelion Girl #82 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #83 and kicked Dandelion Girl #84 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie.
Fergie scrambled to her feet as she ran towards the exit. Once out of the Dandelion Mall, she ran towards her car. The Suspicious Guy grabbed her from behind and he stabbed her from behind. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #85, Dandelion Girl #86 and Dandelion Girl #87 before kicking Dandelion Girl #88 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Not giving up, Fergie stumbled towards her car in hopes of escaping. The Suspicious Guy stabbed her five more times.
Fergie said, "Please stop stabbing me. I'm going to die if you keep doing this."
The Suspicious Guy said, "Killing you is the whole idea."
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #89 and Dandelion Girl #90 before punching Dandelion Girl #91, Dandelion Girl #92 and Dandelion Girl #93 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Fergie almost reached her car. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #94 and Dandelion Girl #95 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Fergie from behind five more times as the dying girl started drooling blood as her muscles started going numb.
Fergie opened the door and she was stabbed from behind.
Fergie opened the car door before she lay down on the street and she slowly started to die. A puddle of her blood started to form under the dying girl.
Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson closed her eyes and she died face down on the street. Fergie is no longer alive. Fergie is legally dead. The Suspicious Guy closed the car door with a frown.
Mia Wasikowska entered the Dandilion Shopping Mall with ten Dandilion Girls close behind.
However, The Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill eleven Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and soon there's going to be twelve of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue. And when the force field generator started to short circuit Mia clenched her left hand in a fist and slammed it on her left leg.
Mia said, "Damn it, I hate it when it does that. Help me out."
Dandilion Girl #2 said, "You got it boss."
And so Mia worked on the force field generator as it electricuted Dandilion Girl #2 and caused her to lie down on the ground dead. Mia Wasikowska got the force field generator working again. Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill eleven Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and soon there's eleven of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
Mia looked at Archery Guy and she said with a smile, "I bet you always wanted to murder me. Such a shame your dreams of killing me is always frustrated. Now you'll never get the chance as you're trapped forever and never to be free again. Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman is standing guard in front of the hidden tunnel that links the Dandilion Club and the Dandilion Shopping Mall and they are impossible girls to murder."
Archery Guy said, "The Suspicious Guy will kill Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman before he murders you too. Just you wait and see. You will be punished and killed. I promise."
Mia said, "The Suspicious Guy better kill Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman quick because my plan to make the force field generator surrounding the Dandilion Mall is about to become permenent. The only way to stop me from doing so is to kill me and the Suspicious Guy is running out of time."
Archery Guy said, "I can't allow you to get away with your evil plan. I have no choice but to make constant efforts to kill you until I succeed in ending your life as punishment for your crimes."
Bella said, "Nothing much beyond my determination to survive."
Zendaya said, "Let's hope that will be enough to tilt the odds in our favor."
Zendaya said, "Perhaps it's safe for us to leave this room."
Bella said, "It might be safer for us to stay in this room."
Zendaya said, "I'll just check outside the room for a few seconds. If it isn't safe, then we'll use the secret hidden tunnel towards the Dandilion Shopping Mall."
Bella said, "Be careful and don't get yourself murdered."
Zendaya said, "Trust me when I say that I'm a girl who's difficult to murder."
And so Zendaya Coleman stepped out of the hidden room and stood in a infrequently used hallway located in the basement level of the Dandilion Club. She saw nothing but dead bodies of Dandilion Girls. She remembered those dead Dandilion Girls as one being lively who she had warm conversations with. And now those same Dandilion Girls are lying down motionless dead. She stepped over a few dead bodies and past the opened vault.
Zendaya knew how dangerous it was to remain in this room, but she needed to make sure that the coast was clear. So far, no Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse serial killers have tried to murder her. She took a deep breath as she took a few more steps forward.
Zendaya heard a noise and she spun around. Nothing. And with a frown, Zendaya walked forward a few more steps. She said, "Hey Bella, those jerks has finally left the basement area."
And with that, a blow to her head caused Zendaya to fall to the ground unconscious.
Bella Thorne stepped outside of the hidden room to see Zendaya lying on the ground unconscious. It was tough, but Bella finally managed to drag Zendaya Coleman to the hidden room and provided enough medical treatment to save Zendaya from dying. Bella looked at the door with a frown on her face. It would've been easier to use the Secret Hidden tunnel to the Dandilion Shopping Mall. But Bella needed another Danilion Girl to help drag Zendaya Coleman along with her. And she needed to step into the basement to find that second Dandilion Girl even if that meant running the risk of getting herself killed.
And so Bella stepped outside of the hidden room. She found herself standing in front of the opened safe. She saw dead Dandilion Girls lying around the ruined force field generator and the opened safe. And with a frown, Bella walked forward.
The Suspicious Guy found an opening to murder Bella Thorne.
Bella Thorne was distracted by the sound of female footsteps. She walked towards the female sounding footsteps.
The Suspicious Guy carefully snuck behind Bella as she walked towards the female sounding footsteps. There might be two Dandilion Girls to kill before Zendaya could be murdered once and for all. The Suspicious Guy had his knife ready just in case.
Dani said, "It's only a few feet from here. And I swear it will be quick and effortless. Both of us won't be killed one by one. I promise."
Bella voluptuous cheast heaved as she took a deep sigh.
Bella said, "Ok, let's grab your good luck charm. But it better be worth it."
Dani said, "It will be worth it."
Bella Thorne lead the way and her sister Dani Thorne followed. Both women walked slowly up the stairs to the first floor to the Dandilion Club.
Bella said, "The coast is clear. Let's go."
Dani said, "I see my good luck charm. Let's get it before we get ourselves killed one by one."
Bella Thorne lead the way and Dani Thorne followed as they walked from the staircase towards the dinning room of the Dandilion Club.
Bella asked, "Where was the table you were eating at?"
Dani said, "The table is over there."
Dani said, "You stand guard while I get my good luck charm."
Bella said, "I'm not leaving you out of my sight."
Dani said, "Don't argue. I know what I'm doing."
Bella said, "Both of us will get ourselves killed one by one if I let you out of my sight. My effort to drag Zendaya to safety will be defeated if you die. And then I'll die so that the second murder attack against Zendaya will succeed in killing her. I can't allow that to happen."
Dani said, "A Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer will enter this dining room and kill us both one by one if one of us isn't guarding outside this room."
Bella said, "I don't like this. It would be too easy for you to get yourself murdered."
Dani said, "It's a risk we'll have to take."
Bella said, "Ok, but I'll do it under protest."
Dani said, "You destroyed my good luck charm."
The Suspicious Guy said, "And now it's time for me to murder you."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dani Thorne between her breasts a second time.
The Suspicious Guy still doesn't have an opening to murder Bella Thorne. Bella Thorne still isn't aware how close a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer is standing behind her. The sexually seductive doomed girl must only be aware on the exact second of her murder attack. Only then will it be possible to attack and kill her.
And the frustrating part is that Bella Thorne kept looking behind her. The Suspicious Guy was forced to hide each and every time. And thus, it was hard to get a murder attack momentum started and kept that way.
And even if Bella Thorne wasn't aware how hard she was making it for her to be attacked and killed, she must've known subconsciously. And for that reason alone, Bella Thorne needed to die in a murder attack sooner rather than later.
Bella Thorne walked towards the staircase leading to the basement. The opening to kill her will be lost if she isn't attacked and killed this exact second. The Suspicious Guy was running out of ways to lure Bella away from the staircase leading to the basement.
Bella Thorne spun around to look directly a the Suspicious Guy. She said, "There's no use in hiding from me anymore. I know where you are."
The Suspicious Guy replied, "Then you know why I must murder you."
Bella said, "You might try to murder me, but you won't succeed."
Dandilion Girl #1 punched him as Bella kicked the Suspicious Guy in the stomach. The Suspicious Guy quickly recovered and stabbed Dandilion Girl #1 in the stomach. Dandilion Girl #1 fell to the ground dead as Bella punched him a second time.
Bella punched him again before asking, "Why won't you just die. It shouldn't be this hard for me to murder a jerk like you."
Dandilion Girl #2 tried to stab the Suspicious Guy while Dandilion Girl #3 stood nearby. The Suspicious Guy used Dandilion Girl #3 as a human shield. Dandilion Girl #2 unintentionally killed Dandilion Girl #3 and she died. Bella kicked him and he nearly fell.
The Suspicious Guy faced Bella and said, "I'm going to enjoy killing you most of all."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #2 between her breasts and she lay down dead. Bella kicked him twice before punching him. The Suspicious Guy fell to the ground. And with a smirk, Bella walked over him as he lay unconscious.
Bella Thorne checked her purse and her hidden knife was safely hidden from sight. And with a smile, she continued her pursuit of Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2 inside the first floor of the not yet fallen Dandilion Club.
It might be easier for the Dandilion Club to fall once Bella Thorne has been killed, but Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 hasn't found the right time to do so yet. Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord caught up with her. Bella smiled as she tossed a tear gas cannister from her purse and caused them all to fall unconscious.
The Suspicious Guy stood up and faced Dandilion Girl #4, Dandilion Girl #5, Dandilion Girl #6 and Dandilion Girl #7. He stabbed Dandilion Girl #4 and tossed Dandilion Girl #6 against Dandilion Girl #7 and rammed a machete through the breasts of Dandilion Girl #6, through her vital organs, out near her spine, between the breasts of Dandilion Girl #7, through her vital organs and out near her spine. Both Dandilion Girl #6 and Dandilion Girl #7 legally died. Bella Thorne spun around to face the Suspicious Guy with a flippant smirk on her face. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #5 between her breasts and she lay down dead.
Bella Thorne was grabbed from behind by Square Wheel Lad and she kicked him to the ground. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion girl #8 between her breasts and she died.
Bella Thorne and Dandilion Girl #9 walked closer to the staircase leading to the basement. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #10 between her breasts and she died.
Dandilion Girl #9 said, "The Suspicious Guy is a bit more violent than usual."
Bella said, "You know how it is. Some guys are never happy unless a building is being wrecked and a few cars are set on fire."
The Suspicious Guy strangled Dandilion Girl #11 and she died. Bella Thorne walked closer to the staircase leading to the basement level.
Dandilion Girl #9 said, "The Suspicious Guy seriously needs some help."
Bella said, "I'd rather murder the creep instead."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #9 between her breasts and she lay down dead.
Bella said, "Hey, I was in the middle of a conversation with that lady."
The Suspicious Guy said, "I'm sorry, but I was much too busy trying to kill you to notice."
Bella tried to strangle the Suspicious Guy while Dandilion Girl #12 snuck behind the Suspicious Guy with intent to stab him from behind. The Square Wheel Lad stabbed Dandilion Girl #12 from behind and she fell forward legally dead. Bella continued to strangle the Suspicious Guy and pushed him against the Square Wheel Lad. Square Wheel Lad fell down the stairs and was unconscious again.
Bella continued to strangle the Suspicious Guy as she asked, "I'm sorry, were you trying to have a conversation with that guy. Too bad I ruined it."
The Suspicious Guy punched Bella in the stomach and she doubled over in pain. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #13 between her breasts and she lay down dead. Bella recovered and she kicked the Suspicious Guy to the ground.
Bella said, "You're rude behavior isn't impressing me. You should try to be a bit nicer."
The Suspicious Guy said, "And you should try to be a bit more easier for me to kill."
Bella punched The Suspicious Guy in the face. Dandilion Girl #14 punched The Suspicious Guy. Bella punched The Suspicious Guy before kicking him. The Suspicious Guy fell backwards into Dandilion Girl #14 and he sliced her throat open. Dandilion Girl #14 died instantly. The Suspicious Guy stood up and was punched in the face by Bella yet again.
Bella Thorne said, "I need another girl to help me drag Zendaya to safety."
Dandilion Girl #16 said, "Damn, we got ourselves a problem."
Bella said, "What the hell is your problem?"
The Suspicious Guy said, "Everybody employed as a Dandilion Girl must die. You're employed as a Dandilion Girl. Therefore, you must die."
Bella punched the Suspicious Guy and she kicked him three more times. Her attempt to reach the staircase was defeated when he kicked her to the ground. She rose to her feet.
The Suspicious Guy said, "Very soon you will wear out from getting clobbered so aggressively and then you'll lie down on the ground dead."
Bella said, "Perhaps that's true, but today won't be that day. You won't be the one to deliver the killing blow anytime soon."
The Suspicious Guy punched her in the face and she fell. She punched him and he was hardly affected. He punched her and she fell to the ground with her head spinning. Her long red hair fell into her face as she scrambled to her feet.
Bella said, "I'm getting out of here."
And so she raced towards the exit with the idea of entering the basement from the secret door from outside the building.
The Suspicious Guy chased after Bella Thorne with the intention of killing her, but Bella Thorne was too far ahead of him. He stabbed Dandilion Girl #19 on his way out of the building and she died.
Bella faced Dandilion Girl #25 and she said, "I need you to help me drag Zendaya down the hidden corridor between the Dandilion Club and the Dandilion Mall."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "I'll help out as long as I'm still alive."
Bella said, "Hopefully, you won't be killed anytime soon. Let's move before the Suspicious Guy catches up with us and kills us both."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "The outside door the basement is right over there. We should get there without getting ourselves killed one by one."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #26 between her breasts and she lay down dead. Bella and Dandilion Girl #25 was still too far ahead to catch up with and kill off.
Bella said, "We need to hurry and help drag Zendaya down the hallway. She'll be easy to kill if she dies in the hallway between the Dandilion Club and the Dandilion Mall."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "Zendaya will die if she's forced to run down the hallway on her own."
Bella said, "Not if I can do anything about it."
Dandilion Girl #28 strangled the Suspicious Guy from behind while Dandilion Girl #29 stood nearby with a proud smirk on her face. The Suspicious Guy felt Dandilion Girl #28's voluptuous breasts press against his spine as her strangulation grip got tighter.
Bella said, "My biggest fear is dying before I could reach the age of twenty-one. However, I have a much greater will to survive and live. I shall destroy the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "And I'll be more than willing to help you out."
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandilion Girl #29 in the stomach and she doubled over in pain. Dandilion Girl #29 fell against Dandilion Girl #28 and caused Dandilion Girl #28 to wince in pain. Dandilion Girl #28 released her strangulation grip as the Suspicious Guy punched her in the stomach. Dandilion Girl #29 lay down legally dead. Dandilion Girl #28 lay down legally dead.
Bella Thorne and Dandilion Girl #25 continued to walk ahead of the Suspicious Guy. Bella is too far ahead to be killed by her victimizer.
Bella said, "I used to be afraid of being killed by guys. Now guys are afraid of being killed by me."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "There's nothing wrong with confidence."
Bella said, "Confidence and feminism will save the world from the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. It's an unavoidable fact of life."
Bella checked her purse as she asked, "Did I ever bring along mace to protect myself with?"
Dandilion Girl #25 asked, "Do you think the mace will help?"
Bella said, "It won't hurt to bring it along just in case."
Dandilion Girl #30 attacked the Suspicious Guy and he stabbed her between her breasts. Dandilion Girl lay down legally dead.
Bella said, "Damn it, I don't have mace. I guess I'll have to make do without it."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "I'm sure you'll be able to overpower and kill the Suspicious Guy if you're forced to do so."
Bella said, "I guess I have no choice but to do so."
Dandilion Girl #31 attacked the Suspicious Guy from behind.
Bella said, "It's days like this when I wish I took self defense classes more seriously."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "Most of the Dandilion Girls who actually showed up for the self defense class is already legally dead from a murder attack launched by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. You're failure to show up for classes may have saved your life."
Bella said, "I sure hope you're right."
Dandilion Girl #32 tried to stab the Suspicious Guy. He spun around and caused Dandilion Girl #32 to stab Dandilion Girl #31 from behind and she died. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #32 between her breasts and she also lay down legally dead.
Bella asked, "How many funerals must we hold for the legally dead Dandilion Girls?"
Dandilion Girl #25 replied, "I don't know. I lost track how many innocent girls were killed."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #33 from behind and she died in an unprovoked murder attack that killed her instantly.
Bella said, "I don't even own a decent funeral dress."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "Most of the dead Dandilion Girls corpses were never found."
The Suspicious Guy sliced open Dandilion Girl #34's throat open in an unprovoked murder attack. She too lay down legally dead.
Bella said, "Funerals still need to be held, even if the dead girls' corpses were never found."
Dandilion Girl #25 replied, "That's a lot of empty coffins to bury underground."
The Suspicious Guy grabbed Dandilion Girl #35 from behind and he strangled her to death. She lay down legally dead in a submissive pose.
Bella said, "The fact that we're not dead yet doesn't mean that we're immune from being murdered forever. It only means that we delayed our deaths a bit longer."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Hey, I'll take whatever optimism I can get."
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #43 and Dandelion Girl #44 before punching Dandelion Girl #45 and Dandelion Girl #46---Causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella said, "Optimism without practicality isn't going to do us girls any good."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I'm all in favor of impracticality if it kept us alive this long."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #47, Dandelion Girl #48, Dandelion Girl #49 and Dandelion Girl #50 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella Thorne lost track of Dandelion Girl #25. Bella started to panic as she searched in futility for Dandelion Girl #25 and praying the worst didn't already happen.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #51, Dandelion Girl #52, Dandelion Girl #53 and Dandelion Girl #54 before kicking Dandelion Girl #55 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella Thorne continued to search in futility for Dandelion Girl #25. The longer Bella searched in futility for Dandelion Girl #25 gave the Suspicious Guy a better chance to catch up to Bella and kill her before she can save Zendaya from getting herself murdered.
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #56 and Dandelion Girl #57 before punching Dandelion Girl #58, Dandelion Girl #59 and Dandelion Girl #60 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella was forced to walk backwards closer towards the Suspicious Guy as she searched in futility for Dandelion Girl #25. The Suspicious Guy got excited about getting the chance to kill Bella before she can save Zendaya from getting herself murdered.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #61, Dandelion Girl #62, Dandelion Girl #63, Dandelion Girl #64 and Dandelion Girl #65 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bellla ran towards the Suspicious Guy faster and faster reducing the distance between Bella and her victimizer. She still had trouble finding Dandelion Girl #25.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #66, Dandelion Girl #67, Dandelion Girl #68, Dandelion Girl #69 and Dandelion Girl #70 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella finally spotted Dandelion Girl #25 who fell and lay without moving.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #71, Dandelion Girl #72, Dandelion Girl #73 and Dandelion Girl #74 before kicking Dandelion Girl #75 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella lost track of Dandelion Girl #25 causing Bella to run towards the Suspicious Guy making it easier for him to kill the girl while there's still a chance to do so.
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #76 and Dandelion Girl #77 before punching Dandelion Girl #78, Dandelion Girl #79 and Dandelion Girl #80 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella realized that Dandelion Girl #25 got up and was at an unknown location. She ran towards the Suspicious Guy even faster while searching frantically before the Suspicious Guy gets the chance to kill her once and for all.
Bella said, "Then we better start running away while we still have the chance to do so."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Cool with me. Let's go."
Bella Thorne and Dandelion Girl #25 ran away from the Suspicious Guy and towards the spot where Bella hid Zendaya. There's still a chance to kill Bella before she reaches Zendaya's hiding place and kill Zendaya while she's still hidden.
Bella Thorne and Dandelion Girl #25 ran towards Zendaya Coleman's hiding place. Both girls needs to die before they can reach Zendaya's hiding place. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #91 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #92 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #93 and Dandelion Girl #94 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #95 and Dandelion Girl #96 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #97, Dandelion Girl #98 and Dandelion Girl #99 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #100 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #101, 102 and 103 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #105 behind him and kicked Dandelion Girl #106 to the left of him causing all sixteen teenage girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Hold on, I lost my bracelet. I need to find my bracelet."
Bella said, "Forget your bracelet. We need to reach Zendaya's hiding place now before both of us girls are murdered by the Suspicious Guy."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I'm sorry, but my bracelet is very important to me."
Bella said with a groan, "Ok, let's find your damn bracelet."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #107 to the left of him and she fell backwards spine against breasts and rear end against vagina into Dandelion Girl #108, Dandelion Girl #109 and Dandelion Girl #110 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #111 and Dandelion Girl #112 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #113 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #114, 115 and 116 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #117 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #118 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #119 and Dandelion Girl #120 behind him causing all ten girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 and Bella Thorne ran backwards towards the starting point even further in their doomed quest to find Dandelion Girl #25's bracelet.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I think I left my bracelet somewhere around here."
Bella said with another groan, "I certainly hope so."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #121, Dandelion Girl #122 and Dandelion Girl #123 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #124 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #125 and Dandelion Girl #126 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #127, Dandelion Girl #128 and Dandelion Girl #129 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #130 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #131 and Dandelion Girl #132 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #133 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #134 to the right of him and punched Dandelion Girl #135 to the left of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 bent down on her hands and knees looking for her bracelet.
Bella asked, "Did you find your bracelet yet?"
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Not yet."
Bella replied, "Hurry up, the Suspicious Guy is now in front of us instead of being behind us. Sooner or later, he'll find that out and kill us both."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #136, Dandelion Girl #137, Dandelion Girl #138, Dandelion Girl #139 and Dandelion Girl #140 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #141 and Dandelion Girl #142 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #143, Dandelion Girl #144 and Dandelion Girl #145 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #146, Dandelion Girl #147, Dandelion Girl #148, Dandelion Girl #149 and Dandelion Girl #150 behind him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 slipped and ended up lying down on the ground while pressing her vagina and her breasts on the ground. Her lower legs raised upwards while doing so. Bella helped Dandelion Girl #25 to her feet.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Thanks. I nearly died."
Bella said, "Let's get to Zendaya's hiding place."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Not without my bracelet. Bend down and help me get it."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #151, Dandelion Girl #152, Dandelion Girl #153, Dandelion Girl #154, Dandelion Girl #155, Dandelion Girl #156, Dandelion Girl #157 and Dandelion Girl #158 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #159 and Dandelion Girl #160 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #161 to the left of him before punching Dandelion Girl #162, Dandelion Girl #163, Dandelion Girl #164 and Dandelion Girl #165 to the left of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella said, "One of us girls needs to keep watch for the Suspicious Guy to make sure he doesn't attack and kill us from behind while looking for your bracelet."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "But I'll find my bracelet faster with your help."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #166, Dandelion Girl #167, Dandelion Girl #168, Dandelion Girl #169 and Dandelion Girl #170 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #171, Dandelion Girl #172, Dandelion Girl #173, Dandelion Girl #174 and Dandelion Girl #175 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #176 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #177 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #178, Dandelion Girl #179 and Dandelion Girl #180 behind him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella said, "I must protest. It will be easier for the Suspicious Guy to kill us both if one of us isn't keeping watch. Hurry up, stop arguing and find your damn bracelet already."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Ok, I'll hurry up and find my bracelet."
Bella rested her left hand on her voluptuous breasts as Dandelion Girl #25 bent over on her hands and knees looking for her bracelet.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #181, Dandelion Girl #182, Dandelion Girl #183, Dandelion Girl #184, Dandelion Girl #185, Dandelion Girl #186, Dandelion Girl #187 and Dandelion Girl #188 behind her before punching Dandelion Girl #189, Dandelion Girl #190, Dandelion Girl #191, Dandelion Girl #192, Dandelion Girl #193, Dandelion Girl #194 and Dandelion Girl #195 to the left of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 thought she found her necklace. She nearly slipped and fell completely to the ground. Bella nearly slipped and fell on top of Dandelion Girl breasts on spine and vagina on rear end before holding on to a nearby bench and pulling herself back up.
Bella said, "This is the second time that you nearly died and nearly got me killed too. Hurry up and find it before both of us are killed for real."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Stop nagging. I'll find it. I'll find it."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #196, Dandelion Girl #197, Dandelion Girl #198, Dandelion Girl #199 and Dandelion Girl #200 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #201, Dandelion Girl #202 and Dandelion Girl #203 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #204 in front of him before punching Dandelion Girl #205, Dandelion Girl #206, Dandelion Girl #207, Dandelion Girl #208, Dandelion Girl #209 and Dandelion Girl #210 in front of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I found the bracelet."
Dandelion Girl #25 picked up her bracelet and put it on her wrist."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Now we can get going."
Bella replied with a sigh of relief, "It's about time."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Damn, the police is following us."
Bella said, "Don't worry, I got this covered."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #231, Dandelion Girl #232, Dandelion Girl #233, Dandelion Girl #234 and Dandelion Girl #235 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #236, Dandelion Girl #237, Dandelion Girl #238, Dandelion Girl #239 and Dandelion Girl #240 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #241 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #242 behind him before punching Dandelion Girl #243, Dandelion Girl #244 and Dandelion Girl #245 in front of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 asked, "What do you plan to say to the police when they get here?"
Bella said, "Relax, I'll use the usual excuse."
Police Officer #1 said, "Where is your permit that gives you permission to be an unauthorized female. You realize that all unauthorized females born without permission must be killed on spot. Where is your permit that gives you permission to be an unauthorized female."
Police Officer #2 said, "These two girls has no permit that gives them permission to be an unauthorized female. We might need to kill them both right now."
Bella said, "I have a bribe that will tell you otherwise."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Oh right, the bribe always works."
Bella said, "The bribe always works when I give it."
The following fifteen girls had no permit allowing them to be alive making them unauthorized females. This is what happened to all fifteen of them.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #246, Dandelion Girl #247, Dandelion Girl #248, Dandelion Girl #249 and Dandelion Girl #250 in front of him, he punched Dandelion Girl #251 and Dandelion Girl #252 to his right, punched Dandelion Girl #253, Dandelion Girl #254 and Dandelion Girl #255 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #256 to his right, punched Dandelion Girl #257, Dandelion Girl #258 and Dandelion Girl #259 to his left before kicking Dandelion Girl #260 causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Police Officer #1 said, "The bribe is more than enough to function as a permit allowing this unauthorized female to remain alive."
Bella gave the bribe to the police officers and she said, "I figured that you would say that."
Police Officer #2 said, "You two girls have a good day."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "You better believe that Bella and I will have a good day."
The following fifteen girls had no permit allowing them to be alive making them unauthorized females. This is what happened to all fifteen of them.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #261, Dandelion Girl #262, Dandelion Girl #263, Dandelion Girl #264, Dandelion Girl #265 and Dandelion Girl #266 to his left, kicked Dandelion Girl #267 to his right, punched Dandelion Girl #268, Dandelion Girl #269 and Dandelion Girl #270 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #271 to his right before punching Dandelion Girl #272, Dandelion Girl #273, Dandelion Girl #274 and Dandelion Girl #275 causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "The Police is walking away. We're now free to walk forward."
Bella said, "Then we should do so with enthusiasm."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #276, Dandelion Girl #277, Dandelion Girl #278, Dandelion Girl #279 and Dandelion Girl #280 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #281, Dandelion Girl #282, Dandelion Girl #283, Dandelion Girl #284 and Dandelion Girl #285 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #286 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #287 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #288 and Dandelion Girl #289 in front of him before kicking Dandelion Girl #290 to his left causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #306, Dandelion Girl #307, Dandelion Girl #308, Dandelion Girl #309 and Dandelion Girl #310 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #311, Dandelion Girl #312, Dandelion Girl #313, Dandelion Girl #314 and Dandelion Girl #315 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #316 and Dandelion Girl #317 to his right before punching Dandelion Girl #318, Dandelion Girl #319 and Dandelion Girl #320 behind him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "The Police is still following us."
Bella said, "The Police isn't a problem because the bribe is sufficient enough. It's the Suspicious Guy that I'm worried about. He has what it takes to punish and kill us both for the crime of being unauthorized women having been born without a permit."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "But the Police is still following us."
Bella said, "Then be patient and be calm."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I'm trying to be calm, but it's not easy."
Bella said, "Your failure to be calm will doom us both."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Yeah, I realize that. I'm trying hard not to doom us both."
Bella said, "We're almost there. Keep calm."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Easy for you to say. I'm a nervous wreck right now."
Bella said, "You jerk, you didn't need to kill all of those girls."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #331, Dandelion Girl #332, Dandelion Girl #333, Dandelion Girl #334 and Dandelion Girl #335 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
The Suspicious Guy said, "I needed to kill all of those girls. I need to murder you too."
The Suspicious Guy punched Bella twice. She tried to punch him, but he blocked the blow. He punched Bella twice, kicked her once and kicked her three more times.
Bella tried to escape, but he grabbed the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and pulled her backwards before he grabbed her in a stranglehold.
The Suspicious Guy entered the Hidden Tunnel and he punched Bella twice before kicking her once. Bella punched him and he kicked her in return.
Bella punched him twice. He kicked her three times before punching her once. He punched her five times. He kicked her six times before punching her again.
Bella punched him twice and he kicked her five times before punching her once.
Bella said, "I'll offer you a bribe if you let me survive."
The Suspicious Guy punched her before he said, "I'm sorry, but I must kill you now."
The Suspicious Guy said, "I'm ready if you're ready."
Bella tried to rise to her feet as Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3, Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2 took time lying down on top of the Suspicious Guy. Bella is dying and the loving kiss that could save her will never be given to her.
Christa B. Allen said, "Please let me live. I promise that I'll be better behaved."
Ketchup King said, "I'd rather murder you instead."
Juliana faced Radio Reject and asked, "Do you know where Jewel Kilcher vanished to?"
Radio Reject said, "She's still in the room behind me if you want to hang out with her."
Juliana said, "What's with the blood soaked knife?"
Radio Reject said, "I was forced to kill a girl who asked too may questions."
Juliana said, "I'm not stepping aside until you tell me what happened to Jewel Kilcher."
Radio Reject said, "I'm not going to tell you what happened to Jewel Kilcher."
Juliana asked, "Why won't you tell me what happened to Jewel Kilcher."
Radio Reject said, "Because you need to be more worried about yourself."
Juliana said, "I'm going to be fine. You need to be worried about our own safety."
Radio Reject said, "It's not my safety that's in danger right now."
Christmas Man is very close to stabbing Juliana from behind before Radio Reject could stab her from the front. Just a few more steps. The doomed Juliana doesn't have any chance for survival because the death of women never carries negative consequences.
Radio Reject was very close to stabbing Juliana from the front before Christmas Man can stab her from behind. He's very close to moving his knife towards her chest and between her breasts. The doomed Juliana doesn't have any chance for survival because the death of women never carries negative consequences.
Juliana said, "Is this quick enough for you?"
Radio Reject said, "It's quick enough for me to murder you in self defense."
Juliana said, "Oh you wish you were that lucky."
Juliana still had her back turned to Christmas Man. She had her knife out and so does Radio Reject. If Christmas Man has any hope of killing Juliana before Radio Reject does, then he better hurry and make the kill before it's too late. The first one to kill Juliana wins the game.
Juliana faced Radio Reject. She had her knife out and so does Radio Reject. If Radio Reject has any hope of killing Juliana before Christmas Man does, then he better hurry and make the kill before it's too late. The first one to kill Juliana wins the game.
Juliana said, "It appears that we have a Mexican Standoff with knives. So what will it be? Should I attack first and put your miserable life to an end?"
Radio Reject said, "I'm not planning to die today."
Juliana said, "I could've sworn that you were planning to die today."
Radio Reject said, "I thought you were going to die today instead."
Juliana said, "Talk is cheap. We should dance instead."
Juliana lunged and he grabbed her right arm and prevented her from using her knife. It takes one swift lunge from his knife and Radio Reject wins the game by stabbing her between her breasts.
Juliana kicked him and she lunged with her knife again. Lying on the ground, Radio Reject dodged her blow and rolled from his back to his stomach.
Juliana pinned him down and was prepared to attack with her knife again. Radio Reject started to wiggle from her grip as he continued to lie on his stomach.
Christmas Man walked closer behind Juliana Hatfield. It appears as if he'll get to kill her and win the game. His knife was ready to stab her from behind.
Juliana lay down on Radio Reject face down as he lay down face down on the floor trying to wiggle from her grip. Juliana lay on Radio Reject breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Christmas Man walked closer to them both.
Christmas Man lay down on Juliana chest on spine and groin on her rear end. Juliana lay on Radio Reject breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Radio Reject wiggled as he continued to lie down face down on the floor. Christmas Man stabbed Juliana from behind.
Juliana felt pain as she was stabbed from behind again.
Juliana was dying as she was stabbed from behind again.
Juliana had no hope for survival as she was stabbed from behind again.
Christmas Man was winning the game as he stabbed Juliana from behind again.
Radio Reject continued to wiggle from the dying woman's grip as he felt a masturbation orgasm as Juliana started to die. Christmas Man wiggled on Juliana before he pushed her off of Radio Reject. The dead Dandilion Girl rolled off Radio Reject and lay without moving. Soon, Christmas man was lying face down on Radio Reject who lay face down. Radio Reject was still wiggling even after being released from the dying woman's grip.
The world got dark as Juliana closed her eyes.
Juliana Hatfield is no longer alive. Juliana Hatfield is legally dead.
Kirsten felt tired so she lay down on her back on the couch and closed her eyes like a dead body. However, nobody was under her crying in terror and nobody was attacking her to rescue the guy under her. And that won't happen if the victimizers are outside the Dandelion Manor and outside the force field and Kirsten is inside Dandelion Manor and inside the force field. So the chance to kill the sexually seductive girl was lost as she stood up again.
Kirsten took another look around Dandelion Manor. Nothing. The girl was safe from harm.
Kirsten stripped to her bra and panties as she chose to change clothes to something that wasn't covered in dirt.
Kirsten lit a cigarette as she stood in her bra and panties.
Kirsten walked around Dandelion Manor in her bra and panties before she lay down face up on the couch and closed her eyes like a dead body for a second time. But her victimizers are outside Dandelion Manor and outside the force field and she's inside Dandelion Manor and inside the force field. So she doesn't get to die yet.
Kirsten changed to a new set of clothes and she looked out of the window. She didn't see Captain Parakeet nor did she see Rescue Lad. So she stepped out of Dandelion Manor and lowered the force field so she can step outside of the force field zone.
Kirsten Dunst stood outside the Dandelion Manor and outside the lowered force field zone yet nobody attacked her with intent to kill her yet.
Kirsten walked towards her car which was outside Dandelion Manor and outside the force field zone. She still didn't see Captain Parakeet nor did she see Rescue Lad.
Kirsten saw a cardboard box nearby her car and she bent over the cardboard box to check it's contents. Nobody tried to stab her in the back and cause her to die on top of the cardboard box. Not satisfied with the cardboard box, she carried the cardboard box towards the sidewalk.
Kirsten Dunst reentered the Dandelion Manor and raised the force field.
Kirsten wasn't sure if Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad slipped into Dandelion Manor before the force field was raised a second time.
Kirsten walked outside the Dandelion Manor and she brushed her voluptuous breasts across the force field and she wasn't electrocuted by the force field. The force field wasn't turned against girls yet.
Kirsten Dunst sat down before she lay down like a dead body. Kirsten smirked as she stood up again.
Kirsten reentered the Dandelion Manor and she stripped to her bra and panties. She noticed that Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 have also stripped to their bra and panties.
Kirsten said, "Check the force field generator and make sure that it isn't reprogrammed to kill girls."
Dandelion Girl #3 said, "I shall do as you request."
Dandelion Girl #4 said, "Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad will never get to kill either of us girls."
Dandelion Girl #4 entered the force field generator room and she was stabbed between her breasts by Rescue Lad. Dandelion Girl #4 lay down dead as Captain Parakeet struggled to reprogram the force field generator.
Rescue Lad said, "Hurry up and reprogram the force field generator before it's too late. Another Dandelion Girl is about to enter."
Captain Parakeet said, "Then kill the Dandelion Girl so that I can have more time."
Dandelion Girl #3 entered the force field generator room. Rescue Lad stabbed her between her breasts and the doomed girl lay down legally dead.
Captain Parakeet said, "I reprogrammed the force field generator."
Rescue Lad said, "Good, now it's time for us to kill Kirsten Dunst before she escapes again."
Kirsten Dunst stood in her bra and panties without realizing that she's about to be murdered by Rescue Lad and Captain Parakeet. The doomed girl has no chance for survival.
Kirsten was fully clothed as she approached Dandelion Girl #5 and she hugged her.
Kirsten said, "Check the force field generator room and kill the intruders now."
Dandelion girl #5 said, "Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad won't be able to escape me."
Dandelion Girl #5 entered the force field generator room and Captain Parakeet punched her in the stomach. Dandelion Girl #5 lay down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #6 and Dandelion Girl #7 attacked only to be kicked to the ground by Rescue Lad. Dandelion Girl #6 and Dandelion Girl #7 lay down legally dead. Kirsten approached Rescue Lad and Captain Parakeet inside the force field generator room. Time for Kirsten to die.
Kirsten Dunst kicked Captain Parakeet and he fell to the ground. Rescue Lad smiled. Kirsten smiled. Rescue Lad ran away from the force field generator room and entered the bathroom. Kirsten followed with intent to kill or die in the process.
Dandelion Girl #8 snuck behind Rescue Lad. Kirsten nodded as Dandelion Girl #8 moved to attack.
Kirsten said, "You and I should have sex together."
Rescue Lad said, "I don't know if that's a good idea. You're a Dandilion Girl and Dandilion Girls are the enemy that I must attack and kill."
Kirsten lovingly kissed Rescue Lad. She lovingly kissed him again."
Kirsten said, "Are you sure you don't want to have sex with me?"
Rescue Lad said, "Ok, let's do it."
Captain Parakeet watched from a hiding place. However, the only way Captain Parakeet can leave his hiding place is to fall on top of Kirsten Dunst as she lay down on top of Rescue Lad. And then Captain Parakeet will have to wiggle on top of Kirsten Dunst. However, the only way Kirsten will be able to have sex with Rescue Lad at that point is to kill Captain Parakeet and have him fall off her. And the only way that Rescue Lad can keep wiggling with Kirsten Dunst on top of him breasts on spine and vagina on rear end is to kill her and have her fall off Rescue Lad and slam to the floor. But then, Captain Parakeet will have to wiggle on top of Rescue Lad because Kirsten won't be below him anymore. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten Dunst smiled sweetly as she slowly removed her pants. She stood only in her grey panties and a white tee shirt. Rescue Lad was still fully clothed.
Kirsten said sweetly, "Don't be bashful. Lie down on the bed."
Kirsten continued to slowly remove her pants and slowly revealed her grey panties. Rescue Lad felt to urge to sit down on the bed as ordered by Kirsten Dunst. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten Dunst stood facing Rescue Lad barefoot in her grey panties, grey bra and a white tee shirt. Rescue Lad removed his shirt to face Kirsten.
Kirsten said, "Now we can have sex with each other."
Rescue Lad said, "Do we have condems?"
Kirsten leaned on the door to the hiding place and accidently locked it.
Kirsten said, "I'll find some condems.
Kirsten walked to the kitchen. There was a secret passage way from the hiding place in the bedoom to the hiding place in the kitchen. However, opening the door to the hiding place in the kitchen would impail and murder Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst walked to the kitchen. Captain Parakeet walked down the hidden passage to the hiding place in the kitchen. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten thought about escaping. She found herself walking to the kitchen instead. She can't escape because this is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten Dunst reached the kitchen.
She reached for the counter with the condems. The only way that Captain Parakeet can exit the hiding place is to open the door with sharp spikes that will impale Kirsten as it opens. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten Dunst's voluptuous breasts bounced as she opened the counter door and got the condems. She walked towards the bedroom without dying.
Kirsten leaned against the door to the hiding spot in the bedroom as Captain Parakeet now lies on the other side of. Her rear end unknowingly unlocked the door.
Kirsten said, "I got the conndems."
Rescue Lad said, "Let's have sex."
And Rescue Lad lay down face up. Kirsten Dunst lay down on top of him face down. Her breasts rested on his chest. Her vagina rested on his groin. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Captain Parakeet exited the door to the secret room as Kirsten lovingly kissed Rescue Lad. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Captain Parakeet tripped and fell on top of Kirsten Dunst. His chest rested on her spine and his groin rested on her rear end. Kirsten's breasts rested on Rescue Lad's chest and her vagina rested on his groin. Captain Parakeet started to wiggle on Kirsten. The bed can only support two. Either Kirsten dies and she continues to have sex with Rescue Lad or Kirsten dies so Captain Parakeet can wiggle as she falls off Rescue Lad and is no longer between the two Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs.
Captain Parakeet stabbed Kirsten Dunst in the back. He continued to wiggle on top of the dying girl.
Captain Parakeet stabbed Kirsten Dunst in the back five more times. He continued to wiggle on the dying girl.
Captain Parakeet stabbed Kirsten Dunst in the back three times. He continued to wiggle on the dying girl. Kirsten Dunst knew that she's about to die.
Kirsten Dunst said, "You have defeated me. Time for me to die."
Angelina Jolie said, "I guess there's a limit to everything."
Alecia Moore lost track how long she looked at herself in the mirror with her shirt unbotton and open and her bra exposed. And she needed to hunt down and wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before she's killed in battle and dies forever.
And so she checked her makeup and improved her makeup application with her shirt still open and her bra still exposed. She wasn't sure if her assigned murderer from the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was looking at this from a distance. And if he did, her actions made Thug #4 want to kill her by accident even more so than before.
Alecia Moore rebuttoned her shirt only to spill talcom powder and a potted plant all over her slacks. And she needed to remove her slacks to wash in the washing machine. So Alecia Moore was forced to walk around only wearing her bra, her shirt, her panties and nothing else. And if that was the outfit that she'll get murdered in, then Thug #4 was more than satisfied with what she was forced to die in.
Alecia Moore exited the women's bathroom and she walked towards the automobile garage. And she felt nervous because she was about to die. She didn't know that she was about to die, but her doom was obvious to her assigned murderer Thug #4. Her confidence made Thug #4 humiliate her so much that she'll be screaming, sobbing and begging for mercy as he slowly killed her for sexual thrills and masturbational glory.
And soon, Hailee Steinfield, who wasn't aware that she was blocking Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad's path to the staircase wasn't alone. Four more women joined Hailee. Soon, Arielle Kebbel, Teresa Palmer, Melissa George, Hailee Steinfeld and Malin Akerman were unintentionally blocking Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad's path to the staircase. Now it's necessary to kill all five women. Which of the five gets to die first and which of the five gets to die last. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad wasn't sure of the answer yet.
Malin said, "Oh there's my necklace. I knew it was here somewhere."
Mailin pointed to the spot where he was hiding without knowing that he's next to the necklace."
Arielle Kebbel said, "I'll get the necklace."
Malin said, "That's ok, I can get the necklace."
Arielle said, "But I'm closer."
Hailee said, "We don't have time to go searching for missing necklaces."
Malin said, "My necklace isn't missing when it's right there."
Melissa said, "Hailee is correct. We're here to grab the computer disk."
Teresa said, "Only one of us can grab the necklace and the other four can grab the computer disk."
Arielle said, "I could use some help getting the necklace."
Teresa said, "Malin's necklace is right over there."
Hailee said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is in the building. We can't afford to split up like this for foolish necklace hunting reasons."
Mailin said, "But it's my lucky necklace."
Melissa said, "The room with the computer disk in it is across the room. We can easily reach Arielle if she ends up in trouble, which I seriously doubt."
Arielle said, "I'm a tough girl. I can handle anything."
Mailin said, "I can grab the necklace instead."
Melissa said, "You're the only one who knows how to unlock the security code on the computer disk. Your death would render the computer disk unusable."
Hailee said, "I also know the security code on the computer disk."
Teresa said, "I can stay behind and help out Arielle."
Arielle said, "I'll be fine. You four girls go on ahead. It won't take long for me to grab the necklace and help you four with the computer disk."
Melissa said, "What's in the computer disk?"
Hailee said, "The computer disk will reboot the force field so it won't be used to kill girls."
Teresa said, "We could've used that computer disk a lot earlier."
Mailin said, "We're only using the computer disk because all the other options are now impossible to use anymore. If this fails, then the Dandilion Girls really are going to be wiped out all the way down to zero beyond any hope of resurrection."
Hailee said, "I don't want to be murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse anytime soon."
Mailin said, "None of us Dandilion Girls wants that to happen."
Melissa said, "Let's find the computer disk and get it over with."
Teresa said, "I'm ready for some good news for a change of pace."
Arielle said, "Don't worry, I'll grab the necklace and rejoin you in seconds. I'm a tough resourceful girl and nothing can possible harm me."
And so Palmer, Melissa George, Hailee Steinfeld and Malin Akerman walked across the room to the doorway to the next room and walked through. Arielle walked closer to his hiding spot in an effort to grab the necklace. However, she can't grab the necklace without spotting him. Which means, that he'll be forced to kill her in order for his hiding spot to remain a hiding spot.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stood prepared to kill Arielle Kebbel as she unknowingly walked closer to his hiding place in an effort to grab the necklace.
Arielle Kebbel was about to approach his hiding place to get herself killed when another Dandilion Girl entered the fourth floor room. Arielle Kebbel warmly greeted Clea DuVall.
Arille Kebbel asked, "I'm trying to retrieve my necklace before helping Teresa Palmer, Melissa George, Hailee Steinfeld and Malin Akerman with the computer disk that will reboot the force field so it won't be used to kill Dandilion Girls anymore."
Clea DuVall said, "I'd be more than happy to help out. Where did you last leave the necklace."
Arielle Kebbell said, "It was right over there."
Teresa entered the room and she warmly greeted Clea DuVall. Teresa said, "I need your help with the computer for a bit."
Arielle said, "Clea can help me out too if she wants."
Clea said, "I'll look for your necklace instead."
Arielle said, "Thanks for helping me out. I'll be back to help out."
Arielle and Teresa exited the room. Clea DuVall took a deep breath as she stood with her back turned against him. She walked towards the staircase again.
It wouldn't be necessary to murder Clea if she walked down the staircase to escape justice, but she chose to return to the room again. She walked towards Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad's hiding place and she stood behind him. She looked at him with a cross expression on her face.Clea stood behind him and she said, "Excuse me, but is there a problem going on?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I'm hiding from Dandilion Girls."
Clea said, "You're not doing a good job at it."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stood up and he spun around to face Clea DuVall.
Clea said, "I'm assuming that you're not here for a social call."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "You'll tell Arielle Kebbel, Teresa Palmer, Melissa George, Hailee Steinfeld and Malin Akerman that I'm here. Plus, you're blocking my path to the staircase."
Clea said, "That's correct. What are you going to do about it."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I have no choice but to murder you in an unprovoked act of murder one. It's possible for me to kill you because the murder of women never carries negative consequences and it's easy for any guy to accomplish."
Clea said, "I'm sorry your hatred of women is so uncompromising."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Killing women is my only comfort in a difficult existence."
Clea said, "You're probably one of those jerks who loves to make a public spectacle of a private murder attack just to prove how tough he is. You make me sick. Just hearing that crap makes me want to kill you before you succeed in killing me."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Clea between her breasts.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "You'll never succeed in killing me because I'm better at murder attacks than you are."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Clea between her breasts again. He stabbed her between her breasts five more times. Clea started to drool blood from her mouth as she slowly started to die.
Clea DuVall made one last effort to attack him, but he was faster. He stabbed her between her breasts seven more times. Clea looked at him with a blank lifeless expression on her face.
He stabbed her between her breasts when she failed to lie down legally dead. Clea DuVall fell to the floor and she died. Clea DuVall is legally dead.
Arielle Kebbel reentered the room and tried in vain to look for Clea. However, in order for Arielle to find Clea's dead body, she'll have to find him too. And if Arielle finds him, then he'll be forced to kill her in an unprovoked murder attack against her.
Arielle Kebbel finally located Clea's dead body. She bent over the corpse and tried to find a pulse without success. She stood up and looked directly at him. She blocked his path to the staircase. He now must kill her to protect his hiding place. He must kill her in order to reach the staircase. He must kill her to gain control of the computer disk that could rewrite the force field. The force field must remain a weapon to kill Dandilion Girls with.
Arielle said, "You really are the biggest creep ever. What the fuck is wrong with you."Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I had no choice in the matter. Clea forced me to kill her in self defense. There was no way for me to prevent killing her."
Arielle said, "You don't need to murder women if you don't want to murder women. It's within our ability to stop killing women in unprovoked murder attacks."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "But killing women in unprovoked murder attacks is an addicting drug that I'm not able to find a cure for."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Arielle in the chest before stabbing her between her breasts. Arielle looked at her murderer with shock as she slowly started to die in a murder attack.
Arielle said, "What have you done?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I'm making you my latest murder attack victim."
Arielle said, "I don't want to be your latest murder attack victim."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I don't want to victimize women in murder attacks, but you refuse to surrender for incarceration for your crimes. Therefore, killing you is the only way out."
Arielle said, "Please have mercy on me. You can still save me from dying."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Watching you die is much more interesting."
Arielle said, "Would it make you feel better if I surrender for incarceration?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It's too late. You're dying and I'm having an orgasm from watching you die in front of me."
Arielle said, "It's not fair that you're treating me like this."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Life is never fair young lady."
Arielle said, "You have defeated and murdered me."
Arielle Kebbel lay down on the ground in a growing puddle of blood that's flowing from both of her knife wounds. Arielle is dying.
Arielle Kebbel closed her eyes and she died. Arielle Kebbel is legally dead forever.
Teresa Palmer exited the room a second time. She said, "Arielle, the computer is having trouble again. We may never be able to rewrite the force field s that it won't kill girls if you don't fix it for us. I'm sorry about your necklace, but this is much more important."
Clea DuVall and Arielle Kebbel are legally dead and he hid from Teresa. He may be forced to kill her if she dares to walk closer towards him.
Teresa asked, "Hello, is anybody here?"He remained hidden as she walked closer towards her victimizer. He slowly started to realize that he may have no choice but to murder Teresa.
Teresa found his hiding place and he was forced to stand up. He lovingly kissed Teresa and she slapped him in the face.
Teresa said, "What's wrong with you. Look around you. What you're doing to women is sick and it's inhumane. You need help. You need to be arrested by the police."
Teresa knows where his hiding place. She's blocking his path to the staircase. Killing her in an unprovoked murder attack is the only option.
He said, "And you're about to become my next murder attack victim."
Teresa said, "I'm not going to make it easy for you to kill me. Are you crazy? Why would I do a horrible thing like that for?"
He stabbed Teresa Palmer between her breasts. She looked at her murderer with shock.
Teresa cried out, "Oh my GOD, what have you done? I'm dying."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Thank you young lady, that's the whole idea."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Teresa Palmer between her breasts seven more times. She tried to attack him and he responded by stabbing her between her breasts three more times.
Teresa said, "You're going to be punished for my murder someday. My dead body will be found and your crime spree against women will end."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Then I better make sure that your dead body is never found by anybody. I'm not going to jail anytime soon."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Teresa between her breasts five times.
He stabbed Teresa between her breasts yet again.
Teresa tried to escape, but he stabbed her between her breasts again.
Teresa said, "I'm sorry I insulted you. I'm sorry I tried to attack you. Let me live and I'll surrender for incarceration for my crimes against you."
He stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
He said, "I'm sorry, but when I start attack women with intent to kill, I must keep attacking her until she lies down dead and she stays dead forever."
Teresa said, "It's not fair. I'm too young to die."
He stabbed Teresa between her breasts five more times. Teresa Palmer lay down on the floor in a large puddle of blood flowing from her knife wounds. Teresa Palmer is no longer alive. Teresa Palmer is legally dead forever. He was forced to hide when Alice Evans walked up the staircase. Malin Akerman and Melissa George exited the room to warmly greet Alice Evans.
Malin asked, "Where is Clea, Arielle and Teresa?"
Alice said, "I don't know. I just got here."
Melissa said, "Do you know much about computers? Malin and I are trying to use a computer disk on a lap top computer that will rewrite the force field so that it won't be used to kill girls. The plan will be ruined if Malina and I ends up getting murdered. Teresa was supposed to help with the computer program, but she vanished."
Alice said, "I know a lot about computers. I'll help you with the program."
Now he has no choice but to murder Alice Evans. Alice said, "I think I see a necklace over there."
Malin said, "Arielle lost her necklace. She'll be happy to get it back."
Melissa said, "We don't have time to go looking for necklaces. Our plan will be ruined if Alice, Malin and I are killed one by one. We need to hurry up before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse finds and murders us all."
Alice said, "I'll be right there. I'm going to get the necklace first."
Melissa said, "Ok, but I'll do so under firm protest."
Malin said, "Don't take too long."
Malin Akerman and Melissa George reentered the room. Alice Evans walked closer to the necklace. She also walked closer towards his hiding place. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad may be forced to murder Alice if she spots him to expose his hiding place.
Alice Evans finally found both the necklace and his hiding place. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stood up to face her. She frowned with disgust.Alice said, "Are you having fun yet? Because you won't be having fun much longer when I'm finally through with you."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It's too late for you to escape justice. So you might as well attack me so that I can claim that I killed you in self defense."
Alice said, "You are so narcissistic. What makes you think I'm going to be that easy for you to kill?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I never lost a battle against a girl yet."
Alice said, "That's not much of an explanation."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It's the only explanation that I'll need."
Alice said, "I feel sorry for you in that case."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Alice Evans between her breasts. She looked at her murderer with shock as blood started to flow out of the knife wound.
Alice said, "Oh my GOD, you actually done it. You actually succeeded in murdering me."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I had no choice but to murder you."
Alice said, "All my plans against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has been defeated."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It was never going to succeed anyway."
Alice Evans lay down on the ground and she died. Alice Evans is no longer alive. Alice Evans is legally dead. The Englishwoman has been defeated.
Not aware that Alice Evans is legally dead in violent murder attack, Malin Akerman and Melissa George exited the room again.
Malin faced Melissa and said, "I need you to go downstairs and find a Dandilion Girl who can help us use the computer disk to rewrite the force field so that it won't be used to kill girls."
Melissa said, "You'll never be able to use the computer disk if I end up getting murdered."
Malin said, "The computer disk is useless if Arielle and Alice are legally dead."
Melissa said with a groan, "I don't like it. Clea, Arielle, Teresa and Alice has vanished. Too many girls have disappeared. I don't want to become the next girl to be killed as punishment for refusing to be incarcerated by kidnapping for her crimes."Malin said, "But the computer disk won't work and we need a third Dandilion Girl to help reprogram the disk. If we fail, then it will electrocute Hailee Steinfeld if she tries to use the lap top computer and the computer disk if we both end up getting killed."
Melissa George groaned with frustration a second time.
Melissa said, "Ok, I'll walk downstairs and find another Dandilion Girl to help reprogram the laptop computer and the computer disk, but I'll do so under protest."
Malin said, "I knew I can depend on you."
Malin returned to the room. Melissa walked towards the staircase. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad has no choice but to murder Melissa George before she reaches the staircase. Melissa George is about to die as punishment for her crimes and her failure to be incarcerated by kidnapping when she had the chance. Now that chance is gone and Melissa needs to die.
There was the door leading to the staircase on the western side of the room. There was a door leading to a smaller room on the eastern side of the room. And Melissa George left the smaller room on the eastern side of the room and stood in front of the doorway leading to the staircase on the western side of the room. And she unknowingly blocked his path---But she still needs to die because of it.Melissa walked closer to his hiding place and she spotted him. He stood up and he faced her.
Melissa said, "I knew there was a creep nearby. What are you doing here. You know guys are not allowed inside this building."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "That's too bad because I want to hang out in this building."
Melissa said, "I'm sorry, but that's simply not possible."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "If I need to kill you to prevent you from alerting the other Dandilion Girls of my presence, then that's what I need to do."
Melissa said, "Fine, go ahead and stab me to death with your knife."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Fine, if that's what you want, then that's what you'll get."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Melissa George between her breasts.
Melissa George fell to the ground in a puddle of blood. She lay very still for a few minutes and it was clear that she was legally dead---But only for a few minutes. Melissa George stood up a few minutes later and it was clear that she has been successfully resurrected.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I don't get it. I killed you. You died. Why are you still standing here talking to me like this?"
Melissa said, "I have the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device. It only has five resurrections left before it loses the ability to resurrect dead murder victim girls."
He stabbed Melissa George between her breasts and she fell to the ground in a splatter of blood. She legally died. He waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life yet again.
He said, "I need to stab you four more times before you die and stay dead."
Melissa said with tears streaming down her face, "Please don't do this to me."
He stabbed Melissa between her breast and she fell to the ground sobbing, weeping, feeling horrible about herself in a splatter of blood. She legally died. He waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life.
He said, "I need to stab you three more times before you die and stay dead."
Melissa started to feel uncomfortable in her own skin as she started to feel violated and uncomfortable inside. She started to sob and weep as she begged, "Please spare my life. I'll let you hang out here anytime you want."
He stabbed Melissa between her breasts and she fell to the ground broken and feeling ruined inside even more so than usual. She legally died. He waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life.
He said, "I need to stab you two more times before you die and stay dead."
Melissa begged between sobs, "No seriously, I don't mind you hanging around the Dandilion Club every single day."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "And I'll bring along all my friends to hang out here too. But first, you need to die and stay dead."
He stabbed Melissa between her breasts and she fell down in a bigger splatter of blood than before. She started to cry and sob more intensely before she legally died. He waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life."
He said, "I need to stab you one more time before you die and stay dead."
Melissa cried more intensely as she begged, "I meant that you can hang out here all the time without killing me. Please spare my life. I'm sorry I hurt you."
He stabbed Melissa between her breasts and she was filled with an intense feeling of hopeless shame, misery and embarrassment about committing the crime of daring to stay alive. She legally died in the biggest puddle of blood yet emerging from the knife wound in her stomach. He patiently waited until the last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device brought her back to life.
He said, "This time, you will die and stay dead."
Melissa screamed between humiliated sobs, "You don't need to kill me. I surrender for incarceration by kidnapping."
He plugged her last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device into the force field generator and her last remaining Girl Only Resurrection Device electrocuted Melissa George to death. Melissa looked at her murderer with a blank empty expression.
Melissa George fell to the ground and she died. Melissa George is legally dead. All of her evil schemes has been defeated. Now she must lie down legally dead and stay legally dead forever.
Hailee Steinfeld looked at Malin Akerman. Both girls needs to die.
Malin said, "It's taking Melissa George too long to get assistance for this. I'm going to do this myself. Stay here with the laptop computer and the computer disk. If somebody tries to destroy the laptop computer or the computer disk, then fight the creep to the death if necessary."
Hailee said, "I shall defend the laptop computer and the compact disk drive with my life if necessary. Though I'm hoping that I won't have to die in the process."
Malin exited the room. He waited a few minutes before he snuck into the room and found himself looking directly at Hailee. Hailee saw him and now she must die to prevent her from alerting Malin.
Hailee faced her murderer and said, "I only need to punch a cell phone number into my cell phone before Malin Akerman is alerted that you've been making all those girls vanish. And then it's all over for you and soon it will be all over for the rest of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Then I need to kill you before you tell anybody else in the Dandilion Girls that I'm here and ready to cause damage. Only one of us will leave this room alive and that person is going to be me."
Hailee said with a laugh, "Oh wow, you sure are confident."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I never lost a battle to the death against a Dandilin Girl."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad advanced towards the lap top computer. Hailee stood directly in front of the laptop computer.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "This is your last chance to escape justice before I'm forced to kill you."
Hailee said, "I'm sorry jerk, but I'm not letting you past me."
Hailee looked at Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad with a proud defiant stance.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "You're going to regret saying that."Hailee said, "And yet I'm still alive and breathing. Jerks like you are all talk and no action. What? You need a convoluted ritual in order to kill me off? Do you need aninvitation to kill me off?"
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I'm waiting for you to attack me first before I'm forced to kill you forever in self defense."
Hailee said, "Oh, so that's all it will take for this fight to get started. I always known you're too lazy to do anything unless being forced to do so."
Hailee Steinfeld ran towards Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad and he stabbed her between her breasts. She tried to strangle him with a snarl on her face.
Hailee tried to strangle him with blood dripping out of her knife wound.
He didn't think that Hailee's knife would was big enough, so he stabbed her between her breasts again. Hailee continued to strangle him despite bleeding from being stabbed twice.
He stabbed Hailee again and her strangle hold got weaker.
Hailee released her strangle hold and she tried to crawl away while sobbing in pain. She felt shame and embarrassment for the crime of being born female.
Hailee said between sobs, "Take the laptop computer if you want it. Just let me live."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "It's too late. I want more than to destroy the laptop computer. I need to kill you too."
He stabbed Hailee between her breasts a third time.
Hailee felt violated and shame towards herself as she tried to crawl away while leaving a trail of blood behind as she crawl towards the door. He stabbed her in the back.
Hailee coughed up blood as he stabbed her in the back again.
He grabbed Hailee while she sobbed as misery overwhelmed her. He tried to turn her over on her back, but she struggled against him.
He spun Hailee on her back against her wishes. She sobbed as he stabbed her between her breasts.
Hailee said between sobs, "I'm sorry I insulted you. It won't happen again."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I know it won't happen again because I'm going to kill you."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad stabbed Hailee between her breasts three times. It was harder for the dying girl to remain alive while a puddle of blood emerged from her knife wounds.
He stabbed her three more times. It was now impossible for Hailee to survive after losing way too much blood in his murderous attack against her.
He stabbed Hailee between her breasts again. She coughed blood a few more times.
He stabbed Hailee between her breasts three more times.
Hailee Steinfeld closed her eyes and she died in a submissive pose. Hailee is legally dead forever. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad walked over Hailee's dead body and he destroyed the lap top computer and the compact disk that contained the computer program that could've turned the force field into something that's safe for girls again. He walked over Hailee's dead body as he left the room. He still can't leave the room though because Malin Akerman is standing between staircase and himself. Mailin needs to die for that crime alone.
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I can't allow you to block the staircase anymore. You're not going to escape justice either. It's time for you to die."Malin said, "I'm sorry you feel that way because I plan to escape justice."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "I wish I had the chance to incarcerate you through kidnapping earlier, but now it's too far gone. You must die."
Malin said, "And since you never had the courage to incarcerate me through kidnapping, I'm going to do exactly that to you. You're my ticket to escaping justice."
Malin Akerman struck him with a plank of wood and he fell to the ground. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad felt Malin's voluptuous breasts against his left arm as she tied his arms behind his back. She hoisted him in front of her as Dwayne Humpty entered the room.
Malin said, "I'm going to incarcerate Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad for his crimes against women by kidnapping him since he never had the courage to incarcerate me for my crimes by kidnapping. Step aside or I'm going to kill him."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Kill Malin now."
Dwayne Humpty said, "I can't do that without killing you in the process."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Don't worry about me. Kill the girl now."
Dwayne Humpty said, "I'm sorry, but girls isn't allowed to incarcerate guys for their crimes through the use of kidnapping. Only guys can incarcerate girls for their crimes by kidnapping. You must die for that crime alone."
Malin brushed her right voluptuous breast across the left shoulder and arm of Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad as she said, "This is your last warning. Don't interfere with my attempt to escape justice to live and fight another day. Step aside or I kill the hostage."
Dwayne Dumpty snuck behind the girl and he stabbed her from behind.
Dwayne Dumpty said, "Grab Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad and check for brainwashing. He may have fallen in love with her."
Dwayne Humpty said, "You got it."
Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad said, "Malin is a very pretty girl."
Malin said, "You see, Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad likes to be taken hostage by girls."
Dwayne Humpty started to reverse Malin's brainwashing attack against Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad by making him fall in love with her. Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad almost slipped into catatonic shock. Malin tried to attack with her knife only to be stabbed from behind by Dwayne Dumpty.
Malin said, "Holy Shit, I'm not going to escape justice after all."
Dwayne Dumpty said, "That's the whole idea young lady."
Malin spun around to face Dwayne Dumpty and he stabbed her between her breasts.
Dwayne Dumpty stabbed Malin between her breasts three more times.
Malin tried to run for the staircase only to have Dwayne Dumpty grab her by her left arm. Still grabbing her left arm, Dwayne Dumpty tossed Malin to the ground with a loud thud.
Malin felt oppressive misery and shame for the crime of being born female as Dwayne Dumpty stabbed her between her breasts. She started to cry as Dwayne Dumpty stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
Malin said between sobs, "Why won't you let me escape justice?"
Malin Akerman closed her eyes and she died in an oppressive state of grief, misery and shame. Malin is legally dead. Dwayne Dumpty walked towards Dwayne Humpty to help him reverse the brainwashing attack afflicted against Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad.
Shit For Brains Lad has yet to murder a girl. And with that in mind, he encountered Noah Cyrus.
Noah faced Shit For Brains Lad and she said, "I'm a very sad girl."
Shit For Brains Lad said, "Why are you a sad girl?"
Noah said, "I'm sad because my sister Miley is dead."
Shit For Brains Lad asked, "What can I do to help you cope with your loss?"
Noah said, "You can hold me. You can make love to me. Help me feel better."
And so Shit For Brains Lad kissed Noah. He lovingly kissed her again. She lovingly kissed him and he kissed her back. He held her hands as they walked closer towards a closet. She smiled before kissing him as she led him closer to the closet.
Noah said, "I lost my necklace inside that closet. Can you do a huge favor for me and retrieve my necklace from the closet for me?"
Shit For Brains Lad said, "Oh sure, I'd be more than happy to get your necklace from the closet."
And so Shit For Brains Lad entered the closet. Noah Cyrus slammed the closet door shut and she locked it with a huge smile on her face.
Noah said with a smirk, "I can't believe that dummy was foolish enough to fall for it."
Noah smirked again before she walked away from the closet and down the hallway in the first floor of the Dandelion Club with calm satisfaction.
Noah stood near the entrance to the Dandelion Club and she spotted Cloe Sevigny. Noah started to wonder what Chloe Sevigny was up to. Noah was about to find out.
Chloe Sevigny stood outside and she waited in vain for Clea DuVall and was disappointed when Clea failed to show up. And rather frustrated by yet another setback, Chloe Sevigny walked across the street towards her car to reassess her task in case Clea DuVall is legally dead. Chloe Sevigny didn't want to think that way, but she may have no other choice in the matter.
Chloe faced him. He faced her. Captain Parakeet punched Chloe before he punched Dandelion Girl #1 causing her to lie down legally dead, he punched Chloe, kicked Chloe before punching Dandelion Girl #2 causing her to legally die. He punched Dandelion Girl #3, kicked Dandelion Girl #4 before punching Dandelion Girl #5 causing all three girls to legally die. Chloe punched him five times.
Chloe said, "It's going to take a lot more than just that to kill me. You need to try harder."
Captain Parakeet said, "I intend to try harder young lady."
Captain Parakeet punched Dandelion Girl #6, kicked Dandelion Girl #7 and kicked Dandelion Girl #8 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Chloe, she kicked him, he punched her, she punched him, she kicked him and he slammed her body against a tree before kicking her. He kicked Dandelion Girl #9 causing her to legally die. He kicked Chloe. He kicked Dandelion Girl #10 causing her to legally die. He punched Chloe, she kicked him and he kicked Chloe five times.
Chloe ran indoors. He followed Chloe into the Dandelion Club. He kicked Dandelion Girl #11, kicked Dandelion Girl #12, kicked Dandelion Girl #13, kicked Dandelion Girl #14 and kicked Dandelion Girl #15 causing all five girls to legally die. Chloe punched him twice before he kicked her five times, she punched him, he punched her and he kicked her twice.
He kicked Dandelion Girl #16, kicked Dandelion Girl #17, kicked Dandelion Girl #18, kicked Dandelion Girl #19 before punching Dandelion Girl #20 causing all five girls to legally die. He kicked Chloe and she kicked him and he kicked her five times.
He kicked Chloe five times. He kicked Dandelion Girl #21, kicked Dandelion Girl #22, kicked Dandelion Girl #23 and kicked Dandelion Girl #24 causing all four girls to legally die. He kicked Chloe five times. He kicked Dandelion Girl #25 causing her to legally die. He kicked Chloe five times, she punched him and he kicked her twice.
He kicked Chloe five times. He kicked Dandelion Girl #26, kicked Dandelion Girl #27, kicked Dandelion Girl #28, kicked Dandelion Girl #29 causing all four girls to legally die. He kicked Chloe five times. He punched Dandelion Girl #30 causing her to legally die. He kicked Chloe four times, she punched him, he kicked her, she punched him, he kicked her, she kicked him, she punched him, she kicked him and he kicked her four more times.
He punched Chloe five times, he kicked Dandelion Girl #31, punched Dandelion Girl #32, punched Dandelion Girl #33, kicked Dandelion Girl #34 and kicked Dandelion Girl #35 causing all five girls to legally die. He punched Chloe, she kicked him and he kicked her five times.
Chloe punched him, he punched Chloe, Chloe kicked him, Noah Cyrus kicked him, he punched Noah while Chloe punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #36 causing her to legally die. He punched Noah, Chloe punched him, he punched Chloe before kicking Noah before Noah punched him. He kicked Dandelion Girl #37, kicked Dandelion Girl #38 and punched Dandelion Girl #39 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Noah, Chloe kicked him, he punched Noah, Noah kicked him and he punched Chloe. He punched Dandelion Girl #40 causing her to legally die. He punched Chloe before he kicked Noah five times before punching Noah.
He punched Noah, kicked Chloe before punching Noah. Noah punched him, he kicked Chloe before Noah punched him again. He kicked Dandelion Girl #41 causing her to legally die. He punched Chloe and Noah kicked him. Chloe tried to punch him and he blocked the blow before he punched Chloe. He kicked Noah before punching Chloe. He kicked Dandelion Girl #42, kicked Dandelion Girl #43, kicked Dandelion Girl #44 and punched Dandelion Girl #45 causing all five girls to legally die. Noah punched him and he kicked her before he kicked Chloe.
Chloe said, "Welcome to the party Noah."
Noah replied, "It's my pleasure to help out."
Captain Parakeet said, "It only means that I have one more girl to murder."
He punched Chloe, Noah kicked him and he punched Chloe. He punched Dandelion Girl #46 causing her to legally die. He punched Noah. He punched Dandelion Girl #47 causing her to legally die. He punched Chloe. He punched Dandelion Girl #48 causing her to legally die. He punched Noah before kicking Chloe. Noah punched him twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #49 causing her to legally die. He punched Noah before punching Chloe. Chloe punched him, he kicked Noah, Chloe punched him and he kicked Chloe. He punched Dandelion Girl #50 causing her to legally die. He kicked Noah, punched Chloe before he punched Noah.
He punched Noah, kicked Chloe before he punched Noah. Chloe punched him, Noah kicked him and he punched Chloe. He kicked Dandelion Girl #51, kicked Dandelion Girl #52, kicked Dandelion Girl #53, kicked Dandelion Girl #54 before kicking Dandelion Girl #55 causing all five girls to legally die. He punched Noah, kicked Chloe before punching Noah five times. Noah kicked him and he punched her five times before kicking Noah.
He punched Chloe before kicking her. He punched Noah, she kicked him, he punched Noah before kicking her ten times. He kicked Dandelion Girl #56, kicked Dandelion Girl #57, punched Dandelion Girl #58, punched Dandelion Girl #59 before kicking Dandelion Girl #60. He punched Noah, blocked her attempt to punch him before he kicked her five times.
Noah said, "I told you a thousand times to calm the fuck down. Now I have to kill you."
Captain Parakeet said, "I refuse to calm down. Throwing temper tantrums because girls won't have sex with me helps to make me feel powerful."
Noah said, "That's your loss, not mine."
Noah punched him and he kicked her five times. Noah staggered as he punched her again. He punched her again. Noah struggled to stand up and he kicked her to the floor. He picked her up and he punched her ten times before dropping her. Noah drooled blood as he kicked her twice before picking her up and punching her. He tossed her against the wall and kicked her to the floor.
Noah Cyrus is no longer alive. Noah Cyrus is legally dead.
Chloe Sevigny smiled as she punched Captain Parakeet before he kicked him to the floor.
Captain Parakeet struggled to stand up as Chloe was starting to escape justice. His efforts to kill her was frustrated when he fell to the floor in a failed attempt to stand up. Chloe turned around to face him with a smirk before she vanished down the hallway in the first floor of the Dandelion Club.
Captain Parakeet tried to find Chloe Sevigny, but she successfully escaped. Captain Parakeet tried to rescue Shit For Brains Lad. However, Shit For Brains Lad was locked in the closet and must remain locked in the closet until all the girls occupying the Dandelion Club is wiped out all the way down to zero. Chloe escaped the Dandelion Club, jumped into a nearby automobile and she drove away to safety with the wind in her hair and a smile on her face.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad got a really bad gash on his often broken left leg. He was approached by Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...).
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Oh my GOD, you need medical treatment. Lie down and I'll get you some help."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Thank you. I'll need some help."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad lay down on the floor with Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) about to provide medical treatment when there was the sound of a woman giggling. Belgium Broken Leg Lad turned his head while still lying down face up to see Ashley Monroe standing near the entrance to a room on the third floor of the Dandilion Club.
Ashley Monroe said, "Don't let me interrupt you. If you'd rather have a guy provide medical care of that nature instead of a woman, then don't allow me to stop you."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad felt embarrassed by what Ashley Monroe said and he abruptly stood up.
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Hey, what's wrong? Don't tell me you're letting a Dandiion Girl talk you out of this."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I can't follow through with this with Ashley Monroe looking at me like that. You know how sensitive I can get."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "Then kill Ashley Monroe and she won't be judgemental anymore. You know that she's going to want nothing but the chance to kill you when she learns about your true nature. Any attempt at friendship could only end with you killing her."
Ashley Monroe said, "Hey, I'm standing right here asshole."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I still can't follow through with it with Ashley Monroe alive and looking down at me like that."
Ashley Monroe faced Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and said, "You heard what Belgium Broken Leg Lad said. Take a hike and never return."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) faced Ashley Monroe before saying, "Any friendship with Belgium Broken Leg Lad can only end with him killing you. Remember that before you wreck another medical treatment between me and him."
Ashley Monroe said mockingly, "Oh I'm so scared."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) side bumped Ashley Monroe as he stormed out of the room.
Ashley Monroe said to Belgium Broken Leg Lad, "Are you hurt? Do you need medical treatment?"
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "That would be wonderful. Thanks."
And so Ashley Monroe had her back turned to Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) as she provided medical treatment to Belgium Broken Leg Lad. Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) was tempted to fire an arrow into Ashley Monroe while her back was turned to him, but Belgium Broken Leg Lad wasn't ready to accept his Dandilion Girl killing destiny yet. So he turned around to leave.
Olivia Evans, Sara Evans, Hayden Panettiere, Angaleena Presley, and Ashley Monroe received a cell phone call from the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls that Chloe Sevigny is going to need a sidekick now that Clea Duvall is legally dead. Only one of the five needs to be Chloe Sevigny's sidekick and all five are still alive and breathing. Four out of five still needs to die.
Hayden asked, "Are you sure we're in the right building?"
Sara said, "The Supreme Commander told us to meet Chloe Sevigny in the Dandilion Club. We're in the Dandilion Club and I don't see her."
Ashley said, "Perhaps Cloe ran for her life when she realized that most of the Dandilion Club fell into the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse when too many Dandilion Girls died."
Angaleena said, "Perhaps Chloe is somewhere here trying to free the Dandilion Club from the oppressive control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Olivia said, "We better escape this building before we too end up dead."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad approached the five women. He said, "I can't help but overhear your conversation. I have switched sides and now I'm helping out the Dandilion Girls. I would like to help you find Chloe Sevigny. You think she's in this building?"
Belguim Broken Leg Lad said, "The clue to where Chloe Sevigny is can be found in that ice cream truck over there."
Olivia looked out of the window to the parking Lot. Ice Cream Truck Lad was standing next to an ice cream truck. She frowned.
Olivia said, "I shouldn't hang out with strangers handing out free ice cream."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "You'll never know where Chloe Sevigny is until you sneak into the Ice Cream Truck and grab the information before Ice Cream Truck Lad ties you up and drives off with you as his kidnapped prisoner. I'd do it myself, but only a Dandilion Girl can do it."
Sara said, "I'll help out Olivia."
Olivia said, "Thanks. I'll need the help."
Sara Evans and Olivia Evans exited the Dandilion Club.
They walked towards the Ice Cream Truck.
Sara dropped her bracelette and she bent to pick it up. Olivia continued to walk forward.
It was hard for Sara to find her bracelette in the darkness. It was easy for Olivia to walk towards the ice cream truck in the darkness. Olivia walked alone in the darkness as a consequence.
Ice Cream Truck Lad walked away from the ice cream truck. Sara thought she found her bracelette in the darkness. Olivia wasn't sure she should enter the Ice Cream Truck alone in the darkness.
Ooops sorry, that wasn't Sara Evan's bracelette after all. That made it possible to make a victim out of Olivia Evans. Olivia Evans entered the ice cream truck and looked for information about the location of Chloe Sevigny.
Sara tried to find her bracelette. Ice Cream Truck Lad reentered his ice cream truck and placed a rag over Olivia Evan's mouth.
The rag was supposed to be dipped in a sleeping drug. It turned out to be cyanide instead. The cyanide soaked rag placed over the mouth killed Oivia Evans inside the ice cream truck. Ice Cream Truck Lad lowered Olivia Evans' dead body to the ground and drove the ice cream truck to safety. Sara Evans finally found her bracelette, but it's too late. Olivia Evans is legally dead forever. Sara Evans returned to the Dandilion Club.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad stood nearby four women. Sara Evans, Hayden Panettiere, Angaleena Presley, and Ashley Monroe received a cell phone call from the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls that Chloe Sevigny is going to need a sidekick now that Clea Duvall is legally dead. Only one of the five needs to be Chloe Sevigny's sidekick and four are still alive and breathing and one is legally dead. Three out of five still needs to die.
Sara Evans said, "I'm sorry, but Olivia Evans is legally dead. I couldn't save her from getting killed."
Hayden said, "Belgium Broken Leg Lad isn't working for us. He's working for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. We need to kill him now.
Angeleena said, "We might still need him as a resource."
Ashley said, "We could always use him as a hostage."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad faced Hayden and said, "Let's play a game of tag. You're it and your trying to tag me. If I kill you before you tag me, then you must lie down and die. If you tag me before I can kill you, then I must tell you where Chloe Sevigny is located. Then you must tell me the best way for me to kill you. Then I'm set free and you chase after me until I kill you. I'm never allowed to lie down and die because only girls are allowed to lie down and die."
Hayden said, "That's a bit sexist and I can't accept your challenge."
Hayden said, "That's a bit sexist and I can't accept your challenge."
Miranda Lambert joined the gathering. Ashley Monroe, Angeleena Presley, Miranda Lambert and Hayden Panettiere looked at him.
Hayden cried out, "Can you believe the nerve of that guy."
Miranda said, "I've heard the entire conversation and this game of tag idea sounds rigged. He'll murder Hayden before she could get him to say anything."
Ashley asked, "Why should there be a murderous game of tag in the first place?"
Angeleena said, "Hayden should accept the game of tag. Kill the creep for failing to be a proper adviser to the Dandilion Girls."
Sara said, "It's not a good idea for us girls to split up like this. We already lost Olivia."
Hayden faced Belgium Broken Leg Lad and said, "I'm not going to give you a head start."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Either Hayden will return to this group alive or I'll return to this group alive, but one of us will be murdered soon."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad ran down the hallway. Hayden ran close behind.
Hayden could still see him as she chased after him. He was still far from her reach. She was determined to win the game of tag and prevent him from killing her in self defense.
However, the only way Sara Evans will be prevented from joining forces with Chloe Sevigny would be if Sara Evans dies and Hayden Panettiere took her place. And the fact that Hayden accepted the game of tag instead of Sara could only mean that Hayden is about to be murdered by the Belgium Broken Leg Lad as he wins the murderous game of tag.
Belgium broken Leg Lad turned a corner. Hayden turned a corner too.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad tripped and fell. Hayden smiled as she was starting to catch up.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad stood up and started running again. He was quickly reaching a dead end.
Hayden got him cornered.
There was a wall behind him and Hayden in front of him. The only way that Belgium Broken Leg Lad could walk past Hayden would be to murder her.
Hayden said, "Tag, you're it."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "You have to attack and murder me before I attack and murder you. Then it's tag, I'm it."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad stabbed Hayden Panettiere between her breasts. The sexually seductive girl released a whimper before she lay down legally dead in a puddle of blood. Hayden Panettiere is legally dead. Only Belgium Broken Leg Lad rejoined the group.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad stood nearby four women. Sara Evans, Miranda Lambert, Angaleena Presley and Ashley Monroe received a cell phone call from the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls that Chloe Sevigny is going to need a sidekick now that Clea Duvall is legally dead. Only one of the six needs to be Chloe Sevigny's sidekick and four are still alive and breathing and two is legally dead. Three out of six still needs to die.
Angeleena said, "I can't handle it anymore. I want to die."
Ashley said, "Hold it together. We can survive this."
Miranda cried out, "Step aside Ashley. You're about to get yourself murdered."
Ashley said, "I have to comfort Angeleena instead."
Angeleena said, "Goodbye cruel world."
Angeleena Presley sliced her own throat open and she fell legally dead on top of Ashley Monroe breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Ashley closed her eyes and she legally died as Belium Broken Leg Lad tied Angeleena's arms to Ashley's arms and Angeena's legs to Ashley's legs. Ashley Monroe is legally dead.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad stood nearby two women. Sara Evans and Miranda Lambert, received a cell phone call from the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls that Chloe Sevigny is going to need a sidekick now that Clea Duvall is legally dead. Only one of the six needs to be Chloe Sevigny's sidekick and two are still alive and breathing and four is legally dead. One out of six still needs to die.
Miranda Lambert looked at Sara Evans. Sara Evans looked at Miranda Lambert.
Miranda Lambert said, "I guess both of us will be sidekicks of Chloe Sevigny."
Sara Evans said, "We still need to know where Chloe Sevigny is located."
Miranda said, "It's obvious that Belgium Broken Leg Lad doesn't know where Chloe Sevigny is located. We need to kill him now."
Sara said, "I'll stand guard as you kill him off."
Miranda Lambert grabbed him and dragged him into a room that was already occupied by Grace Potter. Grace Potter and Miranda Lambert looked at him with intent to kill.
Grace asked, "What do we have here?"
Miranda replied, "We have a jerk who is about to die."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad looked at Grace Potter and then looked at Miranda Lambert. Miranda Lambert stood closest to him. Therefore, she must die first. Grace Potter stood closer to the door. Therefore, she must die second. Sara Evans can't join forces with Chloe Sevigny inside the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls until both Grace Potter and Miranda Lambert are murdered in a serial killing attack.
Grace said, "Do you want to attack first or should I attack second."
Miranda said, "I'll be the first to attack him."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I was going to tell you girls where Chloe Sevigny is located, but I'll murder you both if you don't back down."
Miranda said, "You were going to kill us both anyway."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad punched Grace Potter and she fell to the floor unconscious.
Miranda Lambert said, "That girl better be alive."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I was planning to kill you first."
Miranda Lambert said, "Good luck trying to accomplish that."
Miranda Lambert punched him and he fell. He tried to rise and she kicked him to the floor again. Miranda looked at her murderer with a harsh glare.
She said, "I bet you're the sort of wretched dirt bag who betrayed anybody who ever came into contact with you regardless how nice they were to you. Oh poor baby, you keep getting rejected. Well maybe you won't be rejected so often if you wasn't such a goddamn asshole."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad stabbed Miranda Lambert between her breasts before he said, "I refuse to accept psychoanalysis from a girl who is about to be murdered."
Miranda said, "I'm not dead until I'm lying down and no longer breathing."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad stabbed her between her breasts before he said, "I can fix that. Just a few more knife attacks and you're legally dead forever."
Miranda replied, "You never answered the question. What gave you the right to betray everybody who makes the mistake of being nice to you simply because you keep getting rejected?"
Belgium Broken Leg Lad stabbed Miranda between her breasts before he said, "I never betrayed the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, but that never occurred to you."
Miranda said, "Unproven gossip about you claims otherwise."
Miranda fell to the floor in a puddle of blood. She tried to stand up only to slip on the puddle of her own blood and fell down with a loud thud.
Miranda felt tired so she lay down as the puddle of her own blood got bigger.
Miranda said, "Holy shit, you succeeded in murdering me."
Miranda Lambert closed her eyes and she died. Miranda Lambert is legally dead. Grace Potter stood up and she faced her murderer seconds after the death of Miranda Lambert.
Grace Potter said, "Oh my Goddess, what have you done? You can go to death row for this."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Thankfully, the unprovoked murder of women never carries any negative consequences."
Grace said, "You know I can't let you walk out of this room. I must kill you."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Then I'm sorry if I must kill you in self defense before you succeed in killing me. I hate to kill a pretty girl like you, but you gave me no choice."
Grace pulled out a hidden knife from her purse. She pointed her knife at her murderer.
Grace said, "It would be great to see you lying down on the ground dying."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Too bad I never lost a battle to the death against a girl."
Grace said, "Killing you would've been easier if Miranda Lambert was still alive, but I guess I have to make do with the limitations you forced me into. Perhaps I could get Sara Evans to jump in and help me out. Perhaps that could finish you off."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Then I better kill you before Sara Evans enters the room."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad swung her knife and she dodged the blow. She stabbed him and caused him to stagger.
Grace said, "This is easier than I thought."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "You're going to wish you never did that."
Grace stabbed Belgium Broken Leg Lad again with a smirk.
Grace said, "Somehow I'm not concerned."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Look behind you."
Grace said, "Oh please, come up with something original."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Ok, but I did warn you."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) fired an arrow into Grace Potter from behind. The dying girl dropped her knife as she started to stagger. A second arrow was fired from Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) bow, went nearby her spine, went through most of her vital organs and out between her breasts. Grace started to drool blood.
Grace said, "Goddamn it, I never saw this coming."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Next time look behind you when I tell you to do so."
Grace said, "You have defeated me."
Grace Potter fell to the floor and she died. Grace Potter is legally dead. Belgium Broken Leg Lad also fell to the floor from his knife wounds.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I need to murder Sara Evans."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "It's too late. Sara Evans escaped justice with Chloe Sevigny. We might succeed in killing both Sara Evans and Chloe Sevigny inside the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls. Right now, I must provide medical treatment to cure your knife wounds."
And so, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) provided medical treatment to Belgium Broken Leg Lad with two legally dead girls lying nearby and unable to interrupt or interfere.
Kerri Strug, Jaycie Phelps, Shannon Miller and Amanda Borden were dressed in their street clothing as they walked towards the Dandilion Gymnasium. All four women were calm and confident that nothing bad will ever happen to them that evening.
Shannon said, "The girl was scared of him. His parents tried to get him therepy. His parents tried to have him declared legally insane and placed in the care of a legal guardian. She ended up filing a restraining order that he frequently ignored."
Shannon said, "The girl was scared of him. His parents tried to get him therepy. His parents tried to have him declared legally insane and placed in the care of a legal guardian. She ended up filing a restraining order that he frequently ignored."
Kerri said, "That's horrible."
Shannon said, "The girl ended up committing suicide out of grief. The guy killed himself in an automobile accident."
Kerri said, "It served him right. He thought he could act like a creep and get away with it. That's what he gets for his stupidity."
Jaycie said, "It's a shame the girl had to die before something could be done about the crises."
Amanda said, "Sometimes the police needs a little bit of vigilantism to get law and order started."
Shannon said, "It's my hope that the Dandilion Girls' presence will no longer make it possible for creeps to victimize women and get away with it. Girl hating creeps who escape the police will never escape the vigilantes. That's the motto of the Dandilion Girls."
And with that, Kerri Strug, Jaycie Phelps, Shannon Miller an Amanda Borden entered the Dandilion Gymnasium. The four women entered the women's locker room to get dressed into their leotards.
Carly Patterson was seated at a table at a nearby restaurant when she spotted Drama King. Drama King approached the table where Carly was enjoying her salad meal.
He said, "You realize that you have no choice but to kill me before I punish and kill you."
Carly said, "I might try to escape justice to prevent you from killing me."
He said, "Make believe that I killed Svetlana Khorkina."
Carly cried out, "Oh my Goddess, you didn't just kill her."
Drama King said, "Not yet, but the teenage girl is doomed."
Carly said, "If we make believe that Svetlana Khorkina is legally dead which isn't the case, then we need to fight against each other to the death until one of us is legally dead."
Carly Patterson faced Drama King. Drama King faced Carly Patterson. She ran towards him with intention to kill.
Drama King grabbed her and tossed her aside with remarkable ease.
Carly Patterson stood up alive and breathing.
Drama King said, "I don't understand. You should've been dead."
Carly said, "Perhaps you should've done that when I'm either wearing my underwear or wearing skin tight leotards. What you tried to do can't work when I'm fully clothed. Plus, pretending that Sveltana Khorkina is legally dead isn't the same as actually killing her first before trying to kill me. Damn, I just told you how to kill me. That's ok, you'll never get another chance to murder me."
Carly Patterson smiled with happiness as she escaped justice to live and fight another day.
It was already an established fact that had Angelina Jolie and her team of Dandilion Girls collaborated with Liv Tyler and Kate Hudson's team of Dandilion Girls, that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse would've been destroyed forever. However, since Liv Tyler and Kate Hudson's team of Dandilion Girls are legally dead forever, it's only a matter of time before Angelina Jolie's team of Dandilion Girls are also wiped out to absolute zero. It's now not a matter of if Angelina Jolie and her team of Dandilion Girls will get wiped out, but which Dandilion Girl gets to die first. And Angelina Jolie can't die until all the Dandilion Girls under her command is dead.
And Angelina Jolie foolishly felt confidence that her team of Dandilion Girls and herself can survive. However, the Dandlion Club and the Dandilion Manor can't fall to Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse hands until Angelina Jolie and her team of Dandilion Girls are wiped out. So poor Angelina Jolie is doomed when you look at it that way.
But the reality that she's doomed didn't stop Angelina Jolie from showing up at the Dandilion Club anyway. And perhaps that was to show what a glutton for punishment she truly was, but it saved the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse the trouble of tracking her down.
So now the question becomes is she being followed by a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse employed serial killer? And if so, is it her assigned murderer or somebody who wasn't assigned to murder her. Angelina Jolie won't know until the actual moment of her expected murder. Doomed women won't be doomed anymore if the actually knew the date and time of their deaths. And so despite being doomed to be killed, Angelina Jolie wasn't allowed to know when or where she will get the chance to be killed off. So she truly could end up being killed without warning at any time.
And if Angelina Jolie was doomed, she never visibly showed. Maybe it's because she came to grips with the reality that she's doomed to be killed. Or perhaps it's because she refuses to come to grips with the reality that she's doomed to be killed. Or perhaps a little bit of both.
Angelina wasn't sure if she was being followed as she walked through the isolated alleys that were nearby the Dandilion Club. Yeah, it was supposed to be a shortcut. However, it was isolated enough to be the place of her death too. Angelina's hair flew into her face as she turned around. Nothing. Everything was calm and peaceful. Perhaps a bit too calm and peaceful.
Nothing. Nobody was standing behind her. Either she was delusional or the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member was better at escaping and hiding, it won't take long before Angelina locates the Girl Killing, Woman Thing Posse Serial Killer who was closely following her.
And so she kept walking forward. She walked closer to the Dandilion Club.Normally, Angelina Jolie would be ordering a huge group of Dandilon Girls to check out the alleys so she would have to be afraid of being killed when walking alone at dark. However, too many Dandilion Girls are legally dead forever to make such a plan possible.
Almost there. Angelina Jolie almost reached the Dandilion Club. So far, so good. No murder attacks. At least, not yet. Hopefully, no murder attacks at all. Angelina tried to be cautiously optimistic about a great number of things.
Just a few more minutes....
...Before Angelina Jolie reaches the front door of the Dandilion Club.
Angelina Jolie reached the main entrance to the Dandilion Club....
...And the perfect chance to kill her was ruined because the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse waited too long Angelina Jolie didn't much care because she got to stay alive a bit longer.
She talked to a few of her friends.

Kirsten Dunst waited patiently for Kristen Bell to arrive without realizing that Kristen Bell is legally dead. And tired of waiting, Kirsten Dunst realized that her plan that she was planning to utilize against the Girl killing, Woman Hating Posse has failed. So she chose to escape justice by walking towards her car and driving off to live and fight another day.
Kacey Musgraves wasn't sure if it was good or bad that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse hasn't attacked her yet. It was good because Kacey wasn't in a rush to get herself murdered. Yet, it was bad because the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls didn't think that Kacey Musgraves was pretty or girlie enough to be attacked by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, so a team of beauty and fashion experts was called upon to pretty up Kacey Musgraves so that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse would have no choice but to attack and try to murder her. And when forced to fight for her life, Kacey Musgraves will have the chance to wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse---At least that was the general idea. But Kacey Musgraves kept getting the haunted feeling that she this was her last few minutes alive and she's about to be murdered by a misogynist serial killer who never lost a battle to the death against the Dandilion Girls. And so here she goes for her beauty makeover at the East End Beauty Parlor.
And when her beauty makeover is complete, Kacey Musgraves is finally cute and pretty enough to be attacked and killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Now all Kacey Musgraves needs is to be assigned a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse serial killer to attack and murder her in mortal combat. However, Kacey Musgraves was still under the belief that she'll be the one who will attack and murder every single serial killer employed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
And so Kacey Musgraves stepped outside the East End Beauty Parlor to face the night and a possible fight to the death against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
She paused to take photos.She talked to a few of her friends.
And the Dandilion Girl was stabbed to death by Mustard Man as Kacey walked away from her. However, Kacey didn't see the poor woman die.
Kacey Musgraves was in such a good mood, she failed to see how doomed she really was. And while Mustard Man didn't mind that Kacey Musgraves was so delusional, he was hoping for more of a challenge from the girl before it's her turn to die.
Kacey talked a lot to all sorts of people. She didn't care who she talked to because she was so happy and cheerful tonight. Nothing could discourage the girl.
And if she wouldn't be so happy if she spotted Mustard Man behind her. But her loss was Mustard Man's gain which he was willing to exploit for maximum effect.
She was only a few feet away from the Dandilion Club. She was walking closer and closer.
And her purse swayed front to back while resting on her left shoulder. She used confident strides as she walked closer towards the Dandilion Club. She liked the color of her lipstick as it sparkled in the moonlight. Lipstick that sparkled in the moonlight always was the best form of lipstick ever.
Kacey Musgraves never knew what was it about women that made the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse so homicidal. She wished she knew, but she never done well in Psychology 101 class. She kept goofing off and never paid much attention to any sort of classroom learning.
Kacey Musgraves pretty much dropped out of school soon afterwerds. She never saw much point in it. The real world was a better form of classroom education was always her motto. And in the end, the real world was often free of bullies, snobs, inept teachers and other forms of irritation.
And Kacey Musgraves walked closer towards the Dandilion Club. Her freshly painted fingernails could almost touch the metalic door handles.
Kacey Musgraves swung open the doors and she entered the Dandilion Club with confidence and a significant level of what she hoped wasn't foolhardy type of bravery.
Kacey Musgraves was excited when she spotted Sheryl Crow at the Dandilion Club. Clearly the Dandilion Club hasn't fallen into the hands of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse if Sheryl Crow was still around. The two women apprached and warmly greeted each other.
Sheryl said, "Hell of an evening. Too many talented girls has needlessly died tonight."
Kacey said, "I'm hoping that all the unnecessary bloodletting will end when it's my turn to attack and kill each and everyone of those Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs."
Kacey asked, "Do you have a plan or do I just pick a sexist creep and start attacking him?"
Sheryl said, "Picking out a sexist creep and attacking him is pretty much it. Of course, if you know a shortcut to wiping out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, go ahead and use it."
And as Sheryl Crow and Kacey Musgraves got themselves something to drink, the two women spotted Mustard Man. Sheryl Crow chased after Mustard Man while Untied Shoelace Lad grabbed Kacey Musgraves from behind.
Untied Shoelace Lad said, "Thanks for getting that makeover to make yourself pretty and girly for me to kill you off. It's very much appreciated."
And Kacey Musgraves felt horrible, rotten, violated and horribly abused as a significant level of grief and trama overwhelmed her as he sliced open her throat open. Kacey tried to say something, but Untied Shoelace Lad was slicing her throat open and made such a task impossible. And all that was left for Kacey Musgraves to do was to lie down on the ground and die in a puddle of blood. Kacey Musgraves is no longer alive. Kacey Musgraves is legally dead.
Not aware that Kacey Musgraves has been defeated and murdered, Sheryl Crow exited the Dandilion Club in pursuit of Mustard Man. The only way that Untied Shoelace Lad can prevent Sheryl Crow from killing Mustard Man is to attack and murder Sheryl Crow. And so Untied Shoelace Lad chased after Sheryl Crow with the intention of murdering and defeating her.
Sheryl Crow was catching up with Mustard Man as Untied Shoelace Lad was barely able to catch up with and murder Sheryl Crow. Sheryl Crow stopped running and she looked behind her at Untied Shoelace Lad with a smirk as if she was convinced that she'll escape justice to fight another day. That made Untied Shoelace Lad want to kill her a great deal more. Sheryl Crow returned her attention to chasing after Mustard Man with intention of killing him. Her arrogance gave Untied Shoelace Lad the chance to catch up with Sheryl Crow.
Sheryl Crow grabbed Mustard Man. Her voluptuous breasts pressed against Mustard Man's spine as her shiney lipstick glossed lips was close to the back of his neck.
Sheryl said to Mustard Man, "Come on, you know that you always wanted me to kill you."
Mustard Man said, "I need some help killing Sheryl Crow."
Untied Shoelace Lad said, "Release Mustard Man or I'll kill you. I'll kill you even if you release Mustard Man, but at least he won't be your hostage anymore."
Sheryl said with pride, "Go ahead and try to kill me, but I won't release Mustard Man."
Mustard Man said, "You must murder Sheryl Crow or else I'm a goner."
Untied Shoelace Lad said, "Sorry lady, but you gave me no choice, but to murder you."
Untied Shoelace Lad was prepared to let Sheryl Crow escape justice the second she released her grip on Mustard Man. However, a quick glimpse into Sheryl's purse and Untied Shoelace Lad spotted a second fragment of a snap together teleportation device that allowed only a small number of Dandilion Girls into the Secrete Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls (Who happens to be a female herself). When Gwyneth Paltrow died, the first fragment of the snap together teleportation device that lead into the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls (Who happens to be a female herself). Untied Shoelace Lad needs the second fragment of the snap together teleportation device that lead into the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls (Who happens to be a female herself). And the only way to get that second fragment of the snap together teleportation device that lead into the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls (Who happens to be a female herself)s to murder Sheryl Crow in an unprovoked murder attack.

Sheryl said, "Well, it looks as if Mustard Man and I are about to leave."
Mustard Man said, "Please save me. Sheryl must die before she escapes and ruins everything."
Untied Shoelace Lad said, "I'm sorry, but it's necessary for me to murder you today Sheryl."
Untied Shoelace Lad stabbed Sheryl Crow between her breasts.
Untied Shoelace Lad stabbed Sheryl Crow between her breasts five more times.
Sheryl Crow was too weak to hold on to Mustard Man. Mustard Man squirmed free of Sheryl's grip and he started to strangle her as Untied Shoelace Lad stabbed her from behind.
Sheryl Crow tried to escape from Mustard Man's strangulation grip as Untied Shoelace Lad stabbed her from behind three more times. It was getting harder for Sheryl to remain alive.
Sheryl Crow gave up fighting a futile lost cause. She closed her eyes as she slowly started to die.
Mustard Man released his strangulation grip as Sheryl Crow lay down on the ground legally dead. Untied Shoelace Lad grabbed the first and the second fragments of a snap together teleportation device that allowed only a small number of Dandilion Girls into the Secrete Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls (Who happens to be a female herself). The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is one step closer towards teleporting into the secrete lair of Sarah McLachlan---the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls. Sarah McLachlan continues to defy the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse efforts to murder her in an unprovoked murder attack.
******Kirsten Dunst wasn't sure if she was being followed by a serial killer, so she walked quickly in case her life was in mortal danger of being violently ended in a senseless serial killing attack.
Kirsten Dunst's car wasn't too far away. She figured that it should be easy for her to walk to her car without getting murdered. Yet, that nerve rattling feeling that she's being followed was something that she couldn't shake free.
And if she was being followed by a serial killer, such a serial killer is doing a good job at hiding from sight. Kirsten never saw anybody every time she looked behind her before she resumed walking forward. And if she was doomed to die, she did a good job at hiding the futility of her constant struggles to prevent herself from getting killed.
Yet, here she is alive and breathing. So clearly any suggestion that she's doomed was only in her mind and nowhere else except her mind. And that was a relief.
Kirsten Dunst had no idea where the foolish notion that she was doomed to die in a serial killing attack came from. She was so calm and confident when she woke up.
Kirsten Dunst had a different thought in her head when she woke up. She woke up confident that she was going to spend another day wiping out another crew of girl hating serial killers.
There's nothing that Kirsten Dunst likes more than to knock a serial killer down a few notches. And though a part of her doubt any notion of survival, right now she's still breathing oxygen. So she has to be doing something right.
And so she continued to walk towards her car. Kirsten Dunst is getting closer to her car. She can almost feel the car door in her hand already.
Kirsten Dunst thought about recruiting a decoy to distract the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse employed serial killer who may or may not be following her. However, she lacked the money and the time to pull off such an accomplishment.
And chances would be that all the female decoy audition candidates would be murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before Kirsten Dunst can get to them.
But then again, Kirsten Dunst think like that. Keep in mind that she woke up in a good mood and she shouldn't allow the doomed possibility of being killed in a serial killer attack drag down her optimism. After all, she had big plans when morning arrives a few hours from now.
And Kirsten Dunst still harbored optimistic hope that she'll live long enough to see morning daylight replace the darkness of the night.Kirsten Dunst was getting closer to her car.
She can see her car. It's right there. She can see herself grabbing the car door handle.
Just a few steps more and she'll be inside the safety of her car.
She placed one foot in front of the other as she walked closer to her car. It's right there. It's almost within reach.
Kirsten Dunst finally reached her car.
She opened the door to the drivers side of her car.
She entered her car.
Kirsten Dunst closed the door to her car. She turned on the ignition and she drove off. Kirsten Dunst escaped justice without a scratch.
Kirsten Dunst reached the Dandilion Manor. She sat down on a very girly looking chair as her cell phone rang. Beth Behrs was on the other side of the telephone line.
Kirsten said into her cell phone, "What's up Beth?"
Beth replied, "I got this really hot date with Berrbury. He's a drug dealer and he's going to get me some marijuana to get stoned with."
Kirsten Dunst said, "Be careful with the opposite gender Beth. Too many Dandilion Girls has been ending up getting murdered. You don't want to end up becoming an unsolved crime scene."Beth said, "Don't worry, I'm a strong and powerful girl. It's impossible for anybody to kill me off. Hey, I'll share some of the marijuana with you once I killed off the drug dealer once he sold me his stash of narcotics."
Kirsten said, "Well good luck and I hope you have an enjoyable first date."
Beth Behrs hung up the cell phone. Kirsten Dunst hung up her cell phone too.
And Kirsten Dunst started to unbutton her blouse as she removed her skirt. Her thoughts was about her need to murder Rescue Lad as she started to undress. Berrbury was nothing like Rescue Lad. Rescue Lad was the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse employed misogynist who loved to tie up, gag and murder Dandilion Girls. Berrbury would never tie up, gag and murder a Dandilion Girl. And the difference alone put Kirsten Dunst at ease.
Her blouse was now unbuttoned as she felt envy. She can't have private time with Berrbury instead of Rescue Lad as long as Beth Behrs was alive, breathing and got to him first. And if Beth Behrs was murdered by Rescue Lad before she could score marijuana from Berrbury, then Kirsten could have the job of scoring pot from Berrbury without getting killed by Rescue Lad instead. Yet, she didn't want to wish for Beth Behrs to die either because both Dandilion Girls are such close friends.
Kirsten Dunst lay down face down on her bed while her clothes fell off and she only lay in her bra and panties.
Kirsten Dunst felt the urge to take a nap while she thought about scoring marijuana from Berrbury before she could get killed by Rescue Lad. She was certain she could succeed where other girls always ended up being bound, gagged and murdered.
Rescue Lad followed Beth Behrs close behind. He had a plan that he was convinced was going to work. He created a fake Facebook profile. Check. He lured her to an isolated portion of the forest. Check. He covered himself in black. Black shoes. Black jeans. Black long sleeved tee shirt. Black ski mask. Check for everything. So far, so good. And here comes Beth Behrs.
Beth Behrs entered the isolated portion of the forest and she asked, "Hello Berrbury, somebody was going to sell me some marijuana?"
That was his cue. Rescue Lad grabbed Beth Behrs from behind. It didn't take much effort to tie her arms behind her back. It was more difficult to tie her feet together though.Beth Behrs asked, "Pardon me, but what's going on here?"
He didn't answer her. It was Rescue Lad's plan to kidnap Beth Behrs, drive her to an isolated house in the forest. Leave the house. Return to the house wearing different clothes and rescue her. She would be so enchanted by the rescue that Beth Behrs would agree to be his girlfriend. However, the plan won't work unless her feet was tied up too.
Beth Behrs said, "I'll be forced to murder you if you don't tell me what's going on."
Rescue Lad was silent.
And Rescue Lad finally got Beth Behrs feet tied together. He tried to put a gag over her mouth, but she tried to bite him.
Beth Behrs said, "Just wait until I'm free from this mess. I'll kill you. Trust me. I won't rest until either I die or you die. I would prefer that you die instead of you killing me though."
Rescue Lad finally gagged her with duct tape. He dragged her to his car.

He opened the trunk and he tossed her into the trunk. Rescue Lad slammed the trunk shut.
Beth Behrs could hear the car starting. She tried to breath, but there wasn't much air in the trunk. Perhaps Rescue Lad wasn't aware, but she'll die from the lack of oxygen if she doesn't break free from her kidnapping bondage soon.Beth Behrs found a knife. She grabbed the knife and she tried to cut her hands free.
Beth Behrs started to gasp for air as the oxygen supply got more and more limited. She nearly got her arms free. Then she'll get the trunk door opened.
Beth Behrs dropped her knife as the lack of oxygen made her dizzy. She felt violated and abused. She suddenly felt rotten and horrible inside. All her confidence started to fade away. She tried to grab the knife, but the lack of oxygen was starting to make a dangerous impact.
Beth Behrs was dying. She knew that she'll be dead from the lack of oxygen if she doesn't cut her arms free. Yet, her knife kept falling out of her hands.
The car bumped forward and she was forced to roll from lying face up to lying face down. A piece of cloth clamped her nose shut. Her mouth was duct taped shut. She was being suffocated to death.
The knife started to bump closer and closer towards her breasts. She prayed that the knife doesn't bump itself closer to her breasts than it already is.
The car bumped again. She ended up being stabbed between her breasts with her own knife as she was suffocated to death from the lack of oxygen. Beth Behrs died while in captivity inside Rescue Lad's car trunk. And when he opened the trunk of his car, he saw Beth Bhers dead body lying motionless. Rescue Lad failed to gain Beth Behrs as a girlfriend, but he punished her for failing to treat him with proper respect. Beth Behrs is no longer alive. Beth Behrs is legally dead.
Winona Ryder followed Captain Parakeet from a distance. She was convinced that Captain Parakeet didn't spot her. And if he managed to spot her, it would be too late. Because Winona Ryder was close to her plan to avenge all the Dandilion Girls who has been unfairly killed by attacking and killing Captain Parakeet before he manages to do the same against her. And with a smug smile on her face, Winona paused as Captain Parakeet was about to turn around. And she hid from sight until she was certain that he gave up looking for her. And then she continued her persuit when he walked forward without any attempt to look backwards in her direction.
Winona Ryder vanished into the crowd before Captain Parakeet could succeed in attacking and killing the voluptuous sexually seductive Dandilion Girl. Captain Parakeet was frustrated because Winona Ryder owned the third fragment of a snap together teleportation device that allowed only a small number of Dandilion Girls into the Secrete Lair of Sarah McLachlan---The Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls (Who happens to be a female herself). Winona Ryder needs to die so that the third fragment of the snap together teleportation device that allowed only a small number of Dandilion Girls into the Secrete Lair of Sarah McLachlan---The Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls (Who happens to be a female herself).
Winona Ryder used the third fragment of the snap together teleportation device to teleport herself along with Dandilion Girl #1, Dandilion Girl #2, Dandilion Girl #3 and Dandilion Girl #4 into the Secret Lair of Sarah McLachlan. However, Since the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse owned the first two fragments of the snap together teleportation device (After killing the Dandilion Girls who once owned the fragments), Dandilion Girl #1 and Dandilion Girl #2 were shredded in the process of teleportation. Dandilion Girl #1 and Dandilion Girl #2 legally died in the process of being shredded while being teleported. Winona Ryder, Dandilion Girl #3 and Dandilion Girl #4 faced Sarah McLachlan inside her Secret Lair.
Sarah McLachlan said, "Please tell me there are some good news in the Dandilion Girls war against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Please tell me at least one member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is legally dead."
Winona Ryder said, "Actually, sixty percnt of the Dandilion Girls are now legally dead forever. Two Dandilion Girls died getting here. The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has been afflicted with no permanent fatalities. What little fatalities that were afflicted were easily reversed."
Sarah McLachlan said, "That's not good enough. I want you to personally kill at least one Girl Hating, Woman Killing Posse if you can't find a Dandilion Girl to do the job. I want you to personally select a Dandilion Girl Squad from the forty percent of the Dandilion Girls who are still alive and breathing. I won't tolerate being the Supreme Leader of a lost futile cause. I want you to personally lead this replacement Dandilion Girl Squad if Angelina Jolie, Kirsten Dunst and Alecia Moore and their girl only squad ends up legally dead."
Winona Ryder said, "I'll do what I can, but it might be better if the forty percent of the Dandilion Girls who isn't legally dead yet were to escape justice to live and fight another day. I'm afraid that I'll die in battle and I got too much ahead of me. I can't die young when I got so much living yet to experience. But I'll do as you command despite my feelings on the matter."
Sarah McLachlan said, "I'm not going to escape justice when there's still a chance that the Dandilion Girls could wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse for their evil crimes against women."
Winona Ryder paused for a few seconds before she said, "I understand and I'll try not to disappoint your high expectations for me."
Sarah McLachlan said, "There we go. I always knew that you and I will come to an understanding. I await good news of your victories against our mutual enemies."
And so Winona Ryder, Dandilion Girl #3 and Dandilion Girl #4 teleported back to the Dandilion Mall. However, Since the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse owned the first two fragments of the snap together teleportation device (After killing the Dandilion Girls who once owned the fragments), Dandilion Girl #3 and Dandilion Girl #4 were shredded in the process of teleportation. Dandilion Girl #3 and Dandilion Girl #4 legally died in the process of being shredded while being teleported. Drama King was about to grab Winona Ryder and Dandilion Girl #5 and use them as being shredded decoys so that an army of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers can storm Sarah McLachlan---The Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls Secret Lair and kill her. However, Winona Ryder slipped away and Dandilion Girl accidently walked into Drama King's knife and she fell to the ground legally dead. Winona Ryder lived to fight another day.
Meanwhile, Sarah McLachlan continued to hide inside her Secret Lair. And she walked from the living room to the outdoor garden to look at the crumbling empire she built for herself. And she hoped that she doesn't become a murder victim in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse serial killing spree against the doomed Dandilion Girls. Sarah McLachlan was still optimistic, but her optimism was quickly fading away into panic and concern for her safety and survival. Sarah could die at any time and she knew it.
Sarah McLachlan walked towards the Escape Pod Room of her Secret Lair. The only way she could operate the front door to her Escape Pod was to lie down on the Incinerator Device with her voluptuous breasts resting on the computer control panel. And as she lay down on the Incinerator Device with her voluptuous breasts resting on the computer control panel, she didn't die in the process of lying down on the Incinerator Device with her volutuous breasts resting on the computer control panel. That's because ninety-nine percent of the Dandilion Girls hasn't been massacred yet. And she entered the Escape Pod, but she didn't use it. Sarah McLachlan only rested inside it.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad watched as the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls connected to Earth. Belgium Broken Leg Lad walked closer towards the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls when he sensed a female presence behind him. He spun around to see Karen Marie Aagaard Ørsted Andersen aka MØ standing behind him.
MØ held a chainsaw and faced Belgium Broken Leg Lad and said, "Ok asshole, this way and no funny business. Boss lady wants to speak to you."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I don't want to speak to Sarah."
MØ said, "That's too bad. She's speaking to you anyway."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad walked backwards into Dandelion Girl #1 and Dandelion Girl #2 and kicked them both to the ground causing both girls to legally die. MØ moved her chainsaw closer towards Belgium Broken Leg Lad preventing him from killing her.
MØ walked towards Winona Ryder who reentered the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls now that it briefly connected to Earth. Winona Ryder and MØ led Belgium Broken Leg Lad down the hallway and towards Sarah McLachlan's private quarters. Belgium Broken Leg Lad grabbed MØ's chainsaw and rammed it into Dandelion Girl #3 legally killing her and ruining the chainsaw forever.
MØ said, "Hey, I ought to kill him for doing that."
Winona said, "Not before the boss lady talks to him."
Winona Ryder led Belgium Broken Leg Lad past Missy Higgins and she looked at him with a scowl. Missy said with a frown, "What the hell are you looking at?"
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "You're a pretty girl."
Missy said, "I don't care. Go to Hell."
Missy said, "You better not look at me goddamn it."
Winona said, "Oh damn it, that's harsh. I bet he wasn't expecting you to say that. He was expecting you to enjoy the perverted glare and you dissed him. You go girl."
Winona faced him and she added, "You're not very popular around here."
Winona lead Broken Leg Lad towards Sarah McLachlan inside her private quarters.
Winona said, "This jerk was snooping around this building."
Sarah replied, "I was just about to eat dinner. Why don't you join me. I'll tell you all about my plans while we eat."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I'm not hungry."
Sarah said, "I'm not making a request. I'm giving you an order."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I still won't do it."
MØ said, "You will do what Sarah McLachlan order you to do and you will like it."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad punched Dandelion Girl #4, kicked Dandelion Girl #5, punched Dandelion Girl #6 before kicking Dandelion Girl #7 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. Belgium Broken Leg Lad kicked MØ causing the girl to stagger with a blank expression in her eyes.
MØ found herself falling face first to the floor as Belgium Broken Leg Lad punched Dandelion Girl #8, punched Dandelion Girl #9, punched Dandelion Girl #10, punched Dandelion Girl #11, punched Dandelion Girl #12, kicked Dandelion Girl #13, kicked Dandelion Girl #14 and kicked Dandelion Girl #15 causing all nine girls to lie down legally dead.
MØ is no longer alive. MØ is legally dead.
Sarah said, "It's a shame you killed her. That girl was one of my best employees. Sit down. Eat some dinner. I want to tell you about my plans for the evening."
Sarah McLachlan led Belgium Broken Leg Lad towards a dinner table with dinner already placed for four people now just three since one of them is legally dead.
Sarah said, "I'm about to give an ultimatum. Either the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse loses their inability to be killed by a girl right away or I'll trigger nuclear bombs placed on all the earthquake fault lines. The only way to stop my plans is to wipe out the Dandelion Girls all the way down to zero. The nuclear bombs placed in the earthquake fault lines will go off with the first daylight of morning if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse inability to be killed by a girl isn't taken away or all the Dandelion Girls are wiped out.
Winona said, "Either all the girls die or all the guys die. No compromise is allowed."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Both of you are insane. You ladies won't get away with it. I will stop you. I will murder you both."
Winona said, "You had plenty of chances to murder me and you never succeeded."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "That's because the opportunity to kill you never arose."
Sarah said, "You're the one who is about to die. First I give you a chance to be fully rested in a soft comfortable bed and then I'll place you in a needlessly convoluted trap that can be easily escaped from. Then it's all over. I won't be in danger of being killed by you anymore."
Sarah said, "I see you're enjoying the food."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "The food is delicious."
Sarah said, "I'm glad because it's the last meal that you will ever have."
Winona said, "I've been in contact with Bella Thorne. She insists that the Dandelion Shopping Mall isn't going to fall under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse like the Dandelion Club is falling under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Winona said, "We should send more Dandelion Girls to reinforce Bella Thorne just in case."
Sarah said, "Send enough Dandelion Girls that the only way for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to succeed is to wipe out over half of the Dandelion Girls. Have more Dandelion Girls reinforce the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. Let's force the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to wipe out over seventy percent of the Dandelion Girls just to gain control of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium, but they'll never make it that far."
Broken Leg Lad was led to a cell with soft comfortable rugs, soothing artwork, a soft comfortable bed, tons of replacement clothing and a fully stocked first aid kit. He helped himself to fresh clothes and the first aid kit and slept in the soft comfortable bed until he was fully fed and fully rested. He was led out of his cell and into a needlessly convoluted death trap that can be easily escaped from. He was chained to a wall as the room was filled with water. He found a nearby key and escaped from the death trap. He kicked Dandelion Girl #16 and punched Dandelion Girl #17 causing both of them to legally dead. Hailey Baldwin spotted him and proceeded to chase after Belgium Broken Leg Lad with intent to keep attacking him until he kills her once and for all.
Hailey Baldwin activated her cell phone and said into it, "Belgium Broken Leg Lad has escaped. Send as much Dandelion Girls as possible to kill him."
Hailey spotted Belgium Broken Leg Lad punching Dandelion Girl #18, kicked Dandelion Girl #19, punched Dandelion Girl #20, punched Dandelion Girl #21 and punched Dandelion Girl #22 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. Hailey Baldwin chased after Belgium Broken Leg Lad with intent to keep attacking him until he's forced to kill the girl.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad saw a flash forward in which he walked alone across the desert. He was in the American Southwest. Perhaps he was walking towards a spaceship. Perhaps walking towards some Aliens from Outer Space. But he was alone in the desert. He could see nothing in the scorching heat but the endless stretch of the desert sand.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad saw a flashback where he talked to Captain Parakeet when they were kids nearby a lake.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad as a child asked Captain Parakeet as a child, "Please tell me that my life won't end in tragedy. Please tell me that I won't go down as an unemployed and unemployable slow witted murderer who's hated by everybody."
Captain Parakeet as a child said, "Progress won't be possible unless your life ends in tragedy. But on the positive side, I get to keep all of your toys. So it's good for me, even if it's bad for you."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad as a child said, "Your being mean again."
Captain Parakeet as a child said, "I don't care."
Ellinor Miranda Salome Olovsdotter aka Elliphant thought he was looking at her in a perverted manner when he was actually lost in flashbacks and flash forwards.
Elliphant was seated in a chair and looking at him when she said, "I have every reason to kick your ass if you keep looking at me like this. Besides, you're supposed to be locked up in a deathtrap that's easy to escape from."
Now Belgium Broken Leg Lad is back to the present.
Dandelion Girl #46 said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of this."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad kicked Dandelion Girl #46 and she lay down legally dead. However, Elliphant was still alive and she needs to be killed.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad raced out of the room and locked the door behind him. Elliphant was banging on the door behind him and trying to break it down.
Elliphant cried out from behind the locked door, "Don't think that it's over because it's not. I'll kill you damn asshole."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad raced out of the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls with Hailey Baldwin and her crew of Dandelion Girls in close pursuit. Belgium Broken Leg Lad raced into a nearby forest and kept running through the trees until he reached a clearing.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad kicked Dandelion Girl #23, punched Dandelion Girl #24, punched Dandelion Girl #25 before kicking Dandelion Girl #26 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Hailey before kicking her twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #27 causing her to lie down legally dead.Hailey punched him twice. He kicked Dandelion Girl #28, kicked Dandelion Girl #29 before punching Dandelion Girl #30 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Hailey before she punched him twice and kicked him.
He punched Hailey and she kicked him twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #31, punched Dandelion Girl #32, kicked Dandelion Girl #33, kicked Dandelion Girl #34 and kicked Dandelion Girl #35 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Hailey and she kicked him twice.
Hailey said, "Why are you even bothering? We both know that you are about to be defeated."
He kicked Dandelion Girl #36 and she lay down legally dead. He punched Hailey. He kicked Dandelion Girl #37 and she lay down legally dead. He kicked Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #38, punched Dandelion Girl #39 and kicked Dandelion Girl #40 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He ran with Hailey Baldwin and her crew of girls in close pursuit.
He ran as fast as possible. However, Hailey Baldwin and her crew of girls was just as fast. He realized that he'll wear himself out if he doesn't take a stand to kill Hailey Baldwin and her crew of girls this exact second.
He punched Dandelion Girl #41, kicked Dandelion Girl #42 and punched Dandelion Girl #43 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #44 and she lay down legally dead. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #45 and she lay down legally dead. He punched Hailey.
Hailey said, "At last, we reached the end of our private battle between each other. One of us will die now and it won't be me."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "You're the one who is delusional lady. You know that you must die this exact second."
He tried to punch Hailey and she blocked his blow. He punched Hailey twice and kicked her.
Elliphant grabbed him from behind and she tried to strangle him from behind. Her voluptuous breasts was pressed against his spine as she continued to strangle him from behind. He slammed backwards into a tree causing a stunned Elliphant to lose her grip against him. He punched Dandelion Girl #47 and she lay down legally dead, punched Elliphant, kicked Dandelion Girl #48, punched Dandelion Girl #49 and kicked Dandelion Girl #50 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He kicked Elliphant twice, she punched him once and he punched her twice before kicking her.
He punched Dandelion Girl #51, kicked Dandelion Girl #52, kicked Dandelion Girl #53 before punching Dandelion Girl #54 causing all four girls to legally die. He punched Elliphant twice before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #55 causing her to legally die. He punched Elliphant and she kicked him three times in response. He kicked Elliphant in return. He punched Dandelion Girl #56, punched Dandelion Girl #57, he kicked Dandelion Girl #58 causing her to fall backwards against Dandelion Girl #59 and Dandelion Girl #60 causing all five girls to legally die. He punched Elliphant five times, kicked her twice before punching her. Elliphant punched him twice and he responded by kicking her.
He punched Dandelion Girl #61 causing her to legally die. He punched Elliphant, she kicked him and he punched her again. He punched Dandelion Girl #62 and punched Dandelion Girl #63 causing both girls to legally die. Elliphant punched him and he kicked her twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #64 and she legally died. He punched Elliphant, she tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. He punched Elliphant. He punched Dandelion Girl #65, punched Dandelion Girl #66 and kicked Dandelion Girl #67 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Elliphant. He punched Dandelion Girl #68 causing her to die. Elliphant punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #69 and she legally died. Elliphant punched him and he kicked Elliphant. He punched Dandelion Girl #70 and she legally died. He punched Elliphant, she kicked him, he punched her, she punched him, he kicked her, she punched him and he kicked her twice. He kicked Dandelion Girl #71 and Dandelion Girl #72 causing both girls to legally die.
He punched Dandelion Girl #73, punched Dandelion Girl #74 and kicked Dandelion Girl #75 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He kicked Elliphant and she lay down legally dead. He punched Dandelion Girl #76, kicked Dandelion Girl #77, punched Dandelion Girl #78 and kicked Dandelion Girl #79 before punching Dandelion Girl #80 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. He walked over Elliphant's legally dead body in pursuit of Hailey.
Ellinor Miranda Salome Olovsdotter aka Elliphant is no longer alive. Elliphant is legally dead.
Hailey watched as he ran down a forest path. Hailey motioned all the girls following her who are still alive to follow her. Hailey and all the surviving girls still alive and following her chased after him down a forest path until he can't run any further.
He punched Hailey. He kicked Dandelion Girl #81 and she lay down legally dead. He kicked Hailey, she punched him and he kicked her. He punched Dandelion Girl #82 and kicked Dandelion Girl #83 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Hailey punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #84 causing her to legally die. Hailey punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #85 and kicked Dandelion Girl #86 causing both girls to legally die. Hailey punched him.
Hailey punched him. He kicked Dandelion Girl #87 and she legally died. He tried to punch Hailey and she blocked his blow before she punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #88 and kicked Dandelion Girl #89 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Hailey punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #90. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #91 and she legally died.
Hailey punched him and he kicked her twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #92 and kicked Dandelion Girl #93 causing both girls to legally die. He punched Hailey, she punched him and he kicked her. He punched Dandelion Girl #94 and kicked Dandelion Girl #95 causing both girls to legally die. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #96 causing her to legally die. He punched Hailey. He punched Dandelion Girl #97 causing her to legally die.
He punched Dandelion Girl #98 causing her to legally die. He punched Hailey, she kicked him, he punched her, she kicked him, he punched her twice, she punched him, she kicked him, she punched him and he kicked her dead. He punched Dandelion Girl #99, kicked Dandelion Girl #100, punched Dandelion Girl #101, kicked Dandelion Girl #102 and kicked Dandelion Girl #102 causing all five girls to legally die. He walked over Hailey Baldwin's legally dead body and walked down the forest grove path. Hailey Baldwin and her army of Dandelion Girls has been successfully wiped out.
Hailey Baldwin is no longer alive. Hailey Baldwin is legally dead.
Sarah McLachlan and her army of Dandelion Girls ran towards Belgium Broken Leg Lad and he spun around to face her.
Sarah said, "So you're not willing to die so easily. I'll have to fix that."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I've been wanting to kill you for quite some time. It will feel good to finally kill you once and for all."
Sarah punched him and he kicked her before she punched him. He kicked Dandelion Girl #102, kicked Dandelion Girl #103, kicked Dandelion Girl #104, punched Dandelion Girl #105 and punched Dandelion Girl #106 causing all five girls to legally die. He punched Sarah, she kicked him, she punched him and he kicked her twice.
Sarah punched him, he kicked her and she punched him five times. He punched Dandelion Girl #107, kicked Dandelion Girl #108 and punched Dandelion Girl #109 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #110 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah. He kicked Dandelion Girl #111 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah twice before kicking the sexually seductive girl.Sarah punched him. Louisa Rose Allen aka Foxes punched him. He punched Sarah, kicked Foxes, Sarah punched him as he punched Foxes, Sarah punched him, he punched Foxes, Foxes punched him and he kicked her before kicking Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #112, punched Dandelion Girl #113, punched Dandelion Girl #114, punched Dandelion Girl #115 and kicked Dandelion Girl #116 causing all five girls to legally die. He punched Foxes. He kicked Dandelion Girl #116 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah, Sarah punched him, he punched Sarah, Foxes kicked him, Sarah punched him, Foxes kicked him, he punched Foxes before kicking Sarah.
Foxes cried out, "What's it going to take to kill this jerk."
Sarah said, "Don't give up. We're bound to kill him if enough Dandelion Girls attack this jerk."
He punched Dandelion Girl #117 causing her to legally die. He punched Foxes causing her to legally die. He punched Dandelion Girl #118, kicked Dandelion Girl #119, punched Dandelion Girl #120, kicked Dandelion Girl #121 and kicked Dandelion Girl #122 causing all six girls to legally die.
Louisa Rose Allen aka Foxes is no longer alive. Foxes is legally dead.
Sarah punched him, he kicked her before she punched him. He kicked Dandelion Girl #123 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He kicked Dandelion Girl #124 and punched Dandelion Girl #125 before kicking Dandelion Girl #126 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Sarah, she kicked him, she punched him, he kicked her, she punched him and he tossed her against a tree before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #127 and punched Dandelion Girl #128 causing both girls to legally die.
He punched Dandelion Girl #129 and she legally died. Sarah punched him. Butterfly Boucher punched him, He punched Butterfly, Sarah kicked him, he punched Butterfly, Sarah punched him, Butterfly punched him, He punched Sarah before kicking Butterfly. He kicked Dandelion Girl #130, punched Dandelion Girl #131 and kicked Dandelion Girl #132 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Butterfly only to have Sarah kick him, he kicked Sarah, Butterfly punched him while Sarah kicked him. Sarah punched him, he punched Sarah, Butterfly punched him, he punched Sarah, Butterfly kicked him and he punched Butterfly before kicking Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #133, punched Dandelion Girl #134 and kicked Dandelion Girl #135 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Butterfly, punched Sarah before kicking Butterfly.
Butterfly said, "Go ahead. Take a good look pervert. What do you see? You're seeing the woman who's going to end your goddamn life."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Show me what you're made of."
He punched Dandelion Girl #136, kicked Dandelion Girl #137 and punched Dandelion Girl #138 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Butterfly and she fell legally dead. He punched Dandelion Girl #139, kicked Dandelion Girl #140, punched Dandelion Girl #141, punched Dandelion Girl #142, kicked Dandelion Girl #143, punched Dandelion Girl #144 and kicked Dandelion Girl #145 causing all seven girls to legally die.
Butterfly Boucher is no longer alive. Butterfly is legally dead.
He punched Dandelion Girl #146 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #147 and she legally died. He punched Sarah before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #148 before kicking Dandelion Girl #149 causing both girls to legally die. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #150 and she legally died. He punched Sarah.
Missy Higgins approached Sarah McLachlan and said, "I understand you're having some problems with this asshole."
Sarah said, "Nothing that can't be handled with your assistance."
Missy said, "I'll be more than happy to assist in the killing of this dumbass."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I've been wanting to kill both of you ladies for a long time. Perhaps I'll start by killing Missy."
Missy said, "Talk is cheap jerk."
He punched Missy and Sarah punched him. He punched Sarah, punched Missy, Missy punched him as he punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #151 and she legally died. He punched Missy before kicking Sarah. He kicked Dandelion Girl #152, punched Dandelion Girl #153 before kicking Dandelion Girl #154 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Missy, Sarah punched him, he punched Missy before kicking Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #155 causing her to legally die. Missy punched him and he kicked her. He punched Dandelion Girl #156, kicked Dandelion Girl #157, punched Dandelion Girl #158 and kicked Dandelion Girl #159 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Sarah, Missy punched him and he punched Missy before kicking Sarah. He kicked Dandelion Girl #160 and she legally died.
He punched Dandelion Girl #161 and she legally died. He punched Missy. He punched Dandelion Girl #162 and she legally died. He punched Missy. He punched Dandelion Girl #163, kicked Dandelion Girl #164, kicked Dandelion Girl #165 and punched Dandelion Girl #166 causing all four girls to legally die. He punched Missy and she fell legally dead. He punched Dandelion Girl #167, kicked Dandelion Girl #168, kicked Dandelion Girl #169 and punched Dandelion Girl #170 causing all four girls to legally die.
Missy Higgins is no longer alive. Missy Higgins is legally dead.
He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #171 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #172 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #173 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #174 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #175 and she legally died. He punched Sarah before kicking her five times.
Sarah was flanked by twenty-five Dandelion Girls who were still alive and breathing. All twenty-six girls needs to die one by one.
Sarah said, "Give it up. You can't keep fighting against me forever. You're going to wear down and then it's my chance to kill you."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I must keep fighting against you as long as it's still possible for me to do so."
Sarah said, "Fine. Don't say that I didn't warn you."
He punched Sarah. He kicked Dandelion Girl #176 and she lay down legally dead. He punched Sarah before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #177 before kicking Dandelion Girl #178 causing both girls to legally die. Sarah punched him and he kicked her twice before punching her. He punched Dandelion Girl #179 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #180 and she legally died. He punched Sarah, she punched him and he kicked her.
He punched Sarah and she kicked him. He punched Dandelion Girl #181 before kicking Dandelion Girl #182 causing both girls to legally die. He punched Sarah, she kicked him and he punched her twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #183 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #184. He kicked Sarah and she kicked him back before he punched her. He punched Dandelion Girl #185 and she legally died. He kicked Sarah twice before punching her.
He punched Dandelion Girl #186 and she legally died. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #187 and kicked Dandelion Girl #188 before punching Dandelion Girl#189 causing all three girls to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #190 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him and he kicked her twice before punching her.
Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #191 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #192 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #193 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #194 causing her to legally die. Sarah punched him. He punched Dandelion Girl #195 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah twice before kicking her. Sarah tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before punching her.
He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #196, kicked Dandelion Girl #197 before punching Dandelion Girl #198 causing all three girls to legally die. He punched Sarah. He punched Dandelion Girl #199 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah before kicking her. He punched Dandelion Girl #200 causing her to legally die. He punched Sarah, kicked her twice and punched her three times. Sarah punched him twice and he started to withdraw.
Sarah cried out, "You can't escape me. Sooner or later, you will be forced to kill me or else I'll be forced to kill you instead. You can't escape our final battle to the death."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Maybe that's true, but I could still make the effort anyway."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad ran away from Sarah McLachlan so fast that he eventually outran the girl.
Sarah McLachlan reentered the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls before it detached from Earth. The Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls returned to a pocket dimension which can be accessed only be a special vehicle. Sarah McLachlan got to survive and she has escaped justice once again.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad came upon Captain Parakeet who was badly injured. Belgium Broken Leg Lad picked up Captain Parakeet and helped him into a nearby log cabin without knowing who or what was in the log cabin. The two men entered the living room and the sound of women speaking was in the other room.
Sara Evans said, "It's foolish to believe that I'm an easy girl to kill. Nothing could be further from the truth. I could wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse all by myself if necessary."
Sarah faced Jenny Owen Youngs before she added, "I only chose not to exercise that ability right now. It's not because I'm afraid. It's because I carefully choose my battles."
Jenny replied, "Oh sure, that's all it is. How foolish of me to believe otherwise."
Jenny said, "And if you expect me to believe that, there's some land in the desert I would like to sell to you for a cheap price."Sara heard a noise in the living room.
Sara said, "Did you hear that."
Jenny replied, "I heard that."
Sara said, "You need to check it out."
Jenny replied, "You got it."
Jenny Owen Youngs exited the room she occupied with Sara Evans and she entered the living room. She saw Captain Parakeet badly injured in the living room.
Jenny said, "I badly injured you so that you won't come back to life to reenter this log cabin."
Captain Parakeet said, "Look behind you lady."
Jenny said, "Oh no, I won't fall for it. I'm going to kill you instead."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad stood behind Jenny and he stabbed the girl from behind. Jenny started to drool blood as she was stabbed from behind five more times. Jenny tried to say something, but she fell to the floor dead in a blood splattered mess instead. Belgium Broken Leg Lad hugged Captain Parakeet as Jenny lifelessly lay silent and unmoving.Jenny Owen Youngs is no longer alive. Jenny Owen Youngs is legally dead.
Sara realized that Jenny was dead and wasn't going to come back. Sara rose from her seat and she prepared to enter the living room of the Dandelion Log Cabin.
Sara said, "I know you're in there. I can hear you. I'm going to kill you both."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "We need to escape because those two other girls murder us."
Captain Parakeet said, "I can't run any further."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "We only need to make it as far as the garage."
Chloe Sevigny said, "The two of you is going to do no such thing. Both of you will die instead."
Chloe said, "I got two of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Sara entered the living room and said, "At least they didn't murder you too like they did to poor Jenny. It wasn't necessary for Jenny to die."
Chloe said, "There's no way that I'll die as easily as Jenny died."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Don't force me to kill both of you two girls also."
Sara said, "You're not going to survive long enough to make the attempt."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad punched Sara before kicking Chloe. Both girls fell to the floor. Belgium Broken Leg Lad helped Captain Parakeet to his feet and helped him to the garage.
Chloe recovered and she slowly stood up.
Chloe said, "Are you alright."
Sara said, "I'm fine, but those two guys are escaping. We must try to kill them now before they escape. Keep attacking until either we kill them or they kill us in self defense."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad pushed Sara to the floor, helped Captain Parakeet into the car and entered the drivers side. The garage door was opened and the car drove away. Sara slowly rose to her feet once again as she watched the car drive away.
Sara said, "Not to worry, those jerks won't make it far before more Dandelion Girls attack them both. And next time, those two jerks will die once and for all."
Sara smiled as she lowered the garage door once again.
Belgium Broken Leg Lad drove Captain Parakeet to the Hospital and drove back to the Dandelion Log Cabin with Farmer Frank and Rabbi Ralph as reinforcement. But when the three men returned to the Dandelion Log Cabin, it was empty except for Christen Press, Meghan Klingenberg and Carli Lloyd. The three men snuck closer into the Dandelion Log Cabin to listen.
Meghan said, "Nobody must learn that the Second Dandelion Safehouse is hidden below the Dandelion Log Cabin. Our advantage would be ruined if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers know the truth of this building."
Christen said, "Not to worry, the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is going to get wiped out anyway so it won't matter how many of them know the truth of this building."
Carli said, "Pardon me guys, but somebody is listening right now."
Farmer Frank said, "Damn it, those girls discovered our hiding place."
Rabbi Ralph said, "Then we must kill all three of those girls before they murder us."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "I get to kill the girl in the middle."
Meghan said, "In your dreams asshole."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "Dead girls has no need for dreaming when their eyes are closed."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad punched Meghan as Farmer Frank kicked Carli and punched Christen. Christen stood up and Rabbi Ralph kicked her as Farmer Frank punched Carli and kicked her as she struggled to stand up. Belgium Broken Leg Lad punched Meghan while Carli stood up and punched Farmer Frank. Rabbi Ralph punched Carli and kicked Meghan as Christen stood up and punched Belgium Broken Leg Lad and Rabbi Ralph as Farmer Frank stood up to punch Christen. Meghan, Belgium Broken Leg Lad and Rabbi Ralph stood up. Belgium Broken Leg Lad kicked Meghan before tossing her against the western wall and kicking her twice.
Carli vanished into a hidden door that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has been unable to locate. Meghan Klingenberg and Christen Press ran towards Jemima Kirke.
Meghan said, "We have three intruders who need to die. Kindly kill all three of them please."
Christen added, "Do us a favor and leave no survivors."
Jemima said, "It will be a pleasure."
Jemima kicked Rabbi Ralph, punched Farmer Frank before kicking Belgium Broken Leg Lad causing all three of them to collapse. Mouse Lass entered the Dandelion Log Cabin to face Jemima. Jemima smiled as she said, "So you want to be the first to die."
Mouse Lass said, "One of us isn't going to get very far."
Meghan said, "Oh wow are you in for a surprise."
Christen said, "Don't ruin the surprise for Mouse Lass."
Mouse Lass asked, "What surprise are you talking about?"
Meghan said, "You'll find out."
Mouse Lass faced Meghan before saying, "I'll be glad when both Carli and you are finally punished and killed once and for all."
Meghan said, "You'll have to survive the surprise first."
Mouse Lass spun around to face Belgium Broken Leg Lad, Farmer Frank and Rabbi Ralph. All three of them has been unable to stand up. The only way for Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass to resurrect all three men is to kill Jemima Kirke.
Meghan asked, "Have you figured out what the surprise is?"
Mouse Lass said, "Oh fuck, I'm screwed."
Carli said, "This is something I need to see."
Mouse Lass said, "You need to give me the best possible way to kill you Jemima. That's the rules that can't be broken for anything."
Jemima said, "Screw the rules. I'm going to kill you."
Mouse Lass punched Meghan and kicked Carli. Mouse Lass watched Meghan and Carli vanish into a yet to locate hidden doorway. Mouse Lass tried to punch Jemima and the girl stood there without any negative effect. Mouse Lass tried to punch Jemima, nearly broke her hand in the process and Jemima stood there without negative effect. Jemima punched Mouse Lass and Mouse Lass doubled over in pain from the blow. Jemima growled as she kicked Mouse Lass injuring her further. Mouse Lass tried to punch Jemima with no negative effect.
Mouse Lass said, "No seriously, you need to give me pointers on the best way to kill you if you're going to do this to me. Those really are the rules."
Jemima growled before she punched Mouse Lass and breaking a few ribs in the process. Mouse Lass tried to punch Jemima with no negative effect. Jemima punched Mouse Lass and nearly broke Mouse Lass' legs in the process.
Mouse Lass ran out of the Dandelion Log Cabin and towards the nearby Storage Shed used by the Dandelion Girls. Mouse Lass found a chainsaw just as Jemima entered the Storage Shed.
Jemima said, "We're not finished yet."
Mouse Lass said, "Oh yes we are finished."
Jemima said, "Oh fuck, I'm screwed."
Mouse Lass attacked Jemima Kirke with a chainsaw over and over again until the girl died. Jemima Kirke is no longer alive. Jemima is legally dead. Belgium Broken Leg Lad, Farmer Frank and Rabbi Ralph returned to life when Jemima Kirke legally died. All three men ran out of the Dandelion Log Cabin and the door locked as the three men exited. They entered the Storage Shed to see the legally dead body of Jemima Kirke.
Rabbi Ralph said, "Thank God you killed that horrible woman."
Mouse Lass said, "Too bad she refused to tell me the best way to kill her."
Farmer Frank said, "We lost the ability to enter the Dandelion Log Cabin."
Belgium Broken Leg Lad said, "We also failed to kill Christen Press, Meghan Klingenberg and Carli Lloyd. We'll have to try to kill all three of those horrible women some other time."
Mouse Lass we need to kill Christen Press, Meghan Klingenberg and Carli Lloyd before sunrise. Failure to do so will cause nuclear bombs to detonate inside every single earthquake fault all over the world. Murdering Christen Press, Meghan Klingenberg and Carli Lloyd is the only way to prevent the catastrophe and save trillion of lives."
Farmer Frank said, "Then we need to get to work and kill a few more girls."
Suzanne Somers faced Amanda Bynes and said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is going to kill you if you continue to provoke them. They won't stop until you are dead."
Amanda Bynes said, "I'll take my chances. And if I end up dead, perhaps I'll kill a few on my way down."
Suzanne Somers replied, "Well, if you think you're tougher and have better survival instincts, but it might be better to escape justice while you have a chance. Don't say that I never warned you."
Amanda Bynes frowned as she exited the Dandilion Club and walked down the moonlit sidewalk towards a nearby gas station. She looked behind her every so often, but failed to see any Girl Killing, Woman Hating serial killing thugs.
Amanda checked her purse. Yes. She still had the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine that forces the victim to experience the same sexual orgasm that the holder of them weapon is experiencing with lethal doses. She smirked as she continued to walk towards the largest cluster of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers.
Depressed Lass stood behind Amanda Bynes and pointed a knife to her spine.
Depressed Lass said, "I'm having you punished for your crimes. You need to be incarcerated through kidnapping before you hurt the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Amanda said, "Are you crazy? I'm doing this to make your life better."
Depressed Lass said, "The longer you remain unpunished, the longer I'll be persecuted for the crimes of being born female. I can only survive by tossing you under the bus."
Amanda said, "Don't do this. I'm this close to victory."
Depressed Lass said, "Then I arrived in the nick of time."
Amanda said, "Please be reasonable. You don't need to do this."
Depressed Lass said, "I do need to do this."
And with her knife blade pointed at Amanda Bynes spine with the tip of the knife resting on the portion of the bra strap that rested on her spine, the two women walked past the cluster of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers.
Depressed Lass took Aanda's purse and lead her to Depressed Lass's bedroom in her apartment. Amanda Bynes was tied up as Depressed Lass searched through the stolen purse. Depressed Lass picked up the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine that forces the victim to experience the same sexual orgasm that the holder of them weapon is experiencing with lethal doses. Depressed Lass pointed the machine at Amanda.
Amanda said, "Don't do it. You'll kill me if you do this."
Depressed Lass said, "Gooodbye Cruel World."
Amanda said, "Please don't do this. I'm too young to die."
Amanda said, "Please don't do this. I'm too young to die."
Depessed Lass shot herself in the head and fell on top of Amanda Bynes breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Depressed Lass felt a powerful surge of sexual orgasm emotion and that projected through the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine that forces the victim to experience the same sexual orgasm that the holder of them weapon is experiencing with lethal doses. Amanda was forced to feel a powerful surge of sexual orgasm emotion and she died. Amanda Bynes is legally dead. Amanda closed her eyes and she'll never stand up ever again.
Farmer Frank entered the bedroom of his apartment only to find Suzanne Somers out of her street clothing and dressed only in her nightgown waiting for him.
Farmer Frank said, "I'm waiting for Yarn Knitting Lad and he'll be disappointed to see you making out with me."
Suzanne said, "Yarn Knitting Lad can either make love to me too or he'll have to sit this one out."
Farmer Frank said, "I can't kiss you. It's not fair to Yarn Knitting Lad."
Suzanne walked towards him and kissed him.
Farmer Frank said, "To hell with Yarn Knitting Lad. Let's make love with each other."
Farmer Frank lay down on his back. Suzanne Somers lay down on top of him face down breasts on chest and vagina on groin. They kissed. They kissed again. Suzanne saw ants crawl all over her.
Suzanne said, "What are those things."
Farmer Frank said, "Those are a special form of human eating ants who only eat females."
Suzanne cried out, "Get them off me."
Farmer Frank said, "I'll be forced to kill you if you try to hurt my pet animals."
Suzanne said, "I'm not fucking around. Get rid of those things or I'll kill those things myself."
Farmer Frank tossed Suzanne Somers out of the fifth story window and she fell face down half naked on top of the roof to her car. Yarn Knitting Lad entered Farmer Frank's apartment (He also owned a nearby rural farm too) before entering the bedroom.
The human female eating ants ate Suzanne Somers and she legally died. Suzanne Somers is no longer alive. Suzanne Somers is legally dead. Yarn Knitting Lad comforted Farmer Frank in his time of grief since his beloved human female eating ants got loose in the city streets below.
Amber Benson faced Brea Grant with a frown. Amber said, "You know what the frustrating thing was? Ashley Benson died and I still never found out if I was related to her."
Brea replied, "Well, I'm afraid that the two of us will join Ashley Benson in the graveyard if we don't find a way of killing the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse very soon."
Amber replied, "Well yeah, but do you have a plan?"
Brea said, "I have something that might be a plan, but I'm hoping that the two of us won't get killed one by one before we do so." Brea faced two Dandilion Girls and said, "I need you two to stand guard while Amber and I figure this out."
Dandilion Girl #1 said, "You can rely on us."
Dandilion Girl #2 said, "We won't let the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse walk past us."
Dandilion Girl #1 and Dandilion Girl #2 exited the room located on the basement of the Dandilion Club and they were both stabbed to death in a knife attack afflicted by Broken Glass Champion. Dandilion Girl #1 and Dandilion Girl #2 fell to the floor legally dead.
Brea Grant faced Amber and she asked, "Can you keep Broken Glass Champion Busy while I try to set up this plan of ours. I don't want us both to die one by one before it can be set into motion."
Amber said, "I don't know what I could do what those other two girls can't do, but I'll give it a try."
Amber Benson took a deep breath as she exited the room off to the side in the basement and walked over two legally dead Dandilion Girls towards Broken Glass Champion.
Amber said, "Hey buddy, what are you doing?"
Broken Glass Champion said, "I'm trying to cure myself of being addicted to killing innocent women without negative consequences. However, everytime I thought I'm cured, another girl starts tempting me to murder her."
Amber stood nearby a rope that could easily be used as a noose to hang her from the ceiling with.
Amber said, "I hope I'm not going to be your next murder target."
Broken Glass Champion said, "It's very dangerous for us both to be still talking to each other. I could end up killing you anytime now."
Amber said, "And yet, I still would like to know you better."
Amber almost slipped and fell through a sheet of glass that could've murdered her. She quickly recovered in time and robbed Broken Glass Champion of the chance to kill her off.
Broken Glass Champion said, "It always starts like that. Then the girl pushes her luck and she ends up forcing me to kill her in an unprovoked murder attack that never has any negative consequences."
Amber said, I'll be the exception to the rule. I'll be the girl who survives."
Broken Glass Champion said, "Let's play hide and seek. You hide and I seek you out. If I find you, then I get to murder you. If you find me, then you get to murder me. The game continues until one of us is lying down on the ground legally dead."
Amber said as she stood nearby a very sharp knife, "I thought you were trying to cure yourself of the addiction of killing innocent girls without provocation without negative consequences."
Broken Glass Champion said, "I can kill you and enter that room you're preventing me from entering instead of playing hide and seek."
Amber said with a groan and with hopes of delaying Broken Glass Champion of the chance to enter the room early and kill Brea Grant before her plan could be activated, "Ok, let's play hide and seek."
Broken Glass Champion closed his eyes and counted to ten as Amber Benson found a room on the direct opposite direction of the room that Brea Grant is currently operating from.
Yeah, it wasn't an expensive or detailed plan. Amber knew that she was about to be murdered. Amber only hoped that she was able to delay Broken Glass Champion long enough for Brea Grant to activate her plan without joining Amber in the graveyard.
Technically, Amber Benson is still alive and breathing. However, every girl who plays hide and seek with the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Possse always ends up being murdered. Amber Benson is playing hide and seek with the Girl Killing, Woman hating posse. Therefore, Amber Benson is about to be killed in an unprovoked murder attack.
Broken Glass Champion started to count to twenty as Amber Benson found her hiding place to hide in on her last minutes of life. Broken Glass Champion can't enter the nearby room that Amber is standing guard in front until Amber is murdered. And when a Dandilion Girl dies, she must lie down on the ground and stay legally dead forever.
Amber smiled as she checked the knife hidden in her purse. She had a plan to murder Broken Glass Champion. Killing her was the only way to stop her. She heard him say, "Ready or not, here I come." And then nothing. Perhaps her hiding place was much too good. Or perhaps he's standing there in front of her and stepping from her hiding place would lead to her death. Broken Glass Champion can't enter the nearby room that Amber is standing guard in front until Amber is murdered. And when a Dandilion Girl dies, she must lie down on the ground and stay legally dead forever
She couldn't see anything beyond the hiding place. She she carefully listened for footsteps. No footsteps. Perhaps Broken Glass Champion never intended to kill her---Just get her out of the way so that she won't be guarding the door and now she endangered Brea Grant in the process. Amber listened for footsteps as her left hand rested on her voluptuous breasts. Nothing. She took a deep breath and held it in. Waiting for Broken Glass Champion to find and kill her was much more unnerving that the sexually seductive girl anticipated. Broken Glass Champion can't enter the nearby room that Amber is standing guard in front until Amber is murdered. And when a Dandilion Girl dies, she must lie down on the ground and stay legally dead forever
Yet, Amber Benson never left her hiding place. And part of Amber Benson still felt that she had a chance to survive the evening to see the next morning. There was still chance for the Dandilion Girls to survive the night if she doesn't get killed. Yet, the Dandilion Girls won't be wiped out all the way down to zero if Amber Benson was still alive and breathing. Yet, Broken Glass Champion can't kill her if her hiding place was much too good. It necessary for Amber Benson to slip up somehow so that her murder attack will occur as required. Broken Glass Champion can't enter the nearby room that Amber is standing guard in front until Amber is murdered. And when a Dandilion Girl dies, she must lie down on the ground and stay legally dead forever
Male sounding footsteps entered the basement located room that Amber Benson was hiding in. The footsteps got closer to her. Amber held her breath as she quietly shifted to a new hiding place seconds before Broken Glass Champion found her old hiding place. Amber was relieved that she survived a near successful murder attempt against her. She looked at her victomizer's foolishness with a smirk. Amber Benson thought her evil plan to escape her hiding place and find a new hiding place will succeed in keeping her alive. Broken Glass Champion can't enter the nearby room that Amber is standing guard in front until Amber is murdered. And when a Dandilion Girl dies, she must lie down on the ground and stay legally dead forever.
Amber Benson never fully settled in her hiding place. Broken Glass Champion was still in the room and looking for her. If he finds her, he gets to kill her. If she kills him while stay hidden, then she gets the kill. Amber checked her purse for her knife a second time. Her hiding place was located directly behind Broken Glass Champion. It was possible for her to sneak behind and kill. He might be forced to kill Amber in self defence. Broken Glass Champion can't enter the nearby room that Amber is standing guard in front until Amber is murdered. And when a Dandilion Girl dies, she must lie down on the ground and stay legally dead forever.
Broken Glass Chapion looked directly at Amber Benson's hiding place, but he failed to find the girl. However, he failed to search the area in detail. He spun around so that his back was turned towards her a second time. It might be her chance to try to kill him with her knife. She took a deep breath as she moved from her hiding place. Broken Glass Champion can't enter the nearby room that Amber is standing guard in front until Amber is murdered. And when a Dandilion Girl dies, she must lie down on the ground and stay legally dead forever
Amber Benson moved towards him. She swung her knife. He stabbed her between her breasts.
He stabbed Amber between her breasts five more times.
Amber Benson started to drool blood as Broken Glass Champion stabbed her between her breasts two more times. The doomed sexually seductive girl was dying and she knew it.
Broken Glass Campion lovingly kissed Amber Benson as he stabbed her between her breasts six more times. She was bleeding a puddle of blood on the floor.
Amber Benson fell to the ground in a puddle of blood. She slowly rose to her feet and was stabbed between her breasts again. She continued to rise to her feet.
Amber Benson said, "You may have defeated me, but you'll never get to murder Brea Grant."
Amber Benson lay down on the floor and she died. Amber Benson is no longer alive. Amber Benson is legally dead forever.
Broken Glass Champion said, "Time for me to kill Brea Grant."
Meanwhile, Brea Grant was busy trying to set her plan to enter the Hidden Magic City of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and destroy it forever. The only way to stop Brea Grant is to kill her.
Brea Grant said, "My plan is almost ready. What's taking Amber so long. I hope she didn't get herself murdered by those psychos."
If Brea Grant waits to long for Amber Benson to arrive, she'll miss the chance to enter the Hidden Magic City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. And if that happens, then it's possible to kill her and end her crime spree forever.
The only way to punish criminals is to kill them. Brea Grant is a criminal. Therefore, the only way to punish Brea Grant is to kill her. However, Broken Glass Champion was in the opposite end of the basement and Brea Grant is almost ready to make the effort to enter and destroy the Hidden Magic City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Broken Glass Champion may not be able to defeat and kill Brea Grant quickly enough.
Brea Grant took a deep breath as she frantically typed into her laptop computer. She only had seconds to succeed in her evil scheme or else she'll be killed and defeated. She wasn't sure how much time she got left if Amber Benson was killed before she could truly delay her victimizer long enough. However, Brea Grant still foolishly thought she could get away with her crimes without getting killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Brea Grant looked behind her when she thought she heard something. She walked away from her laptop computer and towards the source of the noise. Broken Glass Champion may be forced to kill her if she walked too close to his hiding place.
She stood next to Broken Glass Champion without noticing him. She walked back towards her laptop computer to complete her task. He emerged from his hiding place.
He walked closer towards Brea Grant. She was closer towards the completion of her task. It's no longer necessary for him to wait for Brea to discover his hiding place before being forced to kill her. He must murder the voluptuous nubile sexually seductive teenage girl right now.
He grabbed Brea from behind and attempted to strangle her from behind. Brea rammed her left elbow into her victimizer without any effect.
Brea frantically kept ramming her left elbow into her victimizer, but that only made him want to strangle her to death even more than usual.
Brea Grant rammed her left elbow and he doubled over in pain. She spun around to face him before kicking him to the floor.
Brea said with pride, "Not so tough anymore."
He said, "Please don't make this worse than it needs to be."
Brea said, "Oh you better believe that it will be worse than it needs to be."
He said, "I'm sorry you feel that way."
Broken Glass Champion kicked Brea and she fell to the floor in a crumpled heap. Brea struggled to her feet before he punched her twice.
Brea tried to kick him and he dodged the blow. He kicked her and she doubled over in pain.
Brea sputtered, "What is wrong with you? Your behavior is much too disturbing for me to handle."
He replied, "It doesn't matter because I still need to kill you."
Brea replied, "Come on, why would anybody want to kill such a pretty girl like me?"
He replied, "The fact that you're pretty makes no difference. The fact that you're guilty is much more important to me. All criminals must die. You're a criminal. Therefore, you must die."
Brea said, "You're going to get shot by the SWAT Squad if you keep it up."
He replied, "Then I better hide the evidence after I murder you."
Brea said, "It won't matter. My death will be the catalyst for your doom."
He replied, "I don't care because you still need to die sado-massochism style."
Brea tried to punch him twice and he blocked the blow. He kicked her, punched her five times before kicking her five more times. He tossed her against the wall and she fell into a crumpled heap.
Brea tried to stand up and he kicked her to the floor.
Brea tried to stand up and he kicked her to the floor a second time.
He said, "For GOD's sake, just goddamn die already."
Brea struggled to her feet as she said, "I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."
He replied, "It won't matter because I'll defeat anything you plan to use against me."
He kicked Brea and she fell backwards to the floor and rolled onto her stomach in a crumpled heap.
Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 entered the room and stood between Broken Glass Champion and Brea Grant. Brea Grant slowly crawled to her feet.
Brea Grant said, "That is my trick that I have up my sleeve."
He stabbed Dandelion Girl #4 between her breasts and she fell against Dandelion Girl #3 breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Dandelion Girl #3 fell backwards face up while Dandelion Girl #4 fell on top of her breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 are legally dead. Brea Grant grabbed her laptop computer and she headed for the exit.
He grabbed Brea from behind and tried to strangle her. She rammed her left elbow and she broke free, but dropped and broke her laptop computer in the process. Her evil scheme has been defeated. Now it's time to kill Brea Grant.
Brea Grant punched him and he doubled over in pain.
Brea ran towards a hidden tunnel in hopes of escaping justice.
Brea Grant found the entrance to the escape tunnel and she opened it.
Brea Grant crawled through the escape tunnel and he followed the voluptuous sexually seductive nubile teenage girl in hopes of killing her.
He grabbed Brea from behind as she tried to crawl through the tunnel. She tried to squirm free, but his strangulation grip was much too strong for her to endure. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her life slowly started to come to a violent end.
Brea Grant tried to ram her left elbow, but it was no good. The nubile teenage girl was dying and nothing will save her now.
Brea Grant closed her eyes and she died. Brea Grant is no longer alive. Brea Grant is legally dead.
Mena Suvari went for a walk alongside Quiche King. It was a calm evening and Mena was feeling relaxed. And more important, Quiche King was on her side so she didn't have to fear for her life.
Quiche King said, "Let's turn left and go towards that direction."Mena replied, "I'd rather walk straight down the sidewalk instead."
Quiche King said, "I don't care what you desire. I'm turning left and you're joining me."
Mena pulled out a small remote control device from her purse and she pressed a button on the remote control device. An electric shock brought Quiche King to his knees.
Mena replied, "We're walking straight down the sidewalk without turning left."
Quiche King said, "I shall do as you command me to do."
Mena Suvari replied, "Oh yeah, you better believe that you will do as I command."
Mena continued, "It's so good to have a helpless puppet doing my bidding anytime I want."
Quiche King said, "You will pay for what you done. I shall kill you myself."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device and electric shocks brought Quiche King to his knees again.
Mena said, "That's not the right answer. It's so good to have a helless puppet doing my bidding anytime I want."
Quiche King said, "I shall do as you command."
Mena said, "That's the answer that I'm looking for."
Quiche King asked, "Where are we going?"
Mena said, "That's the wrong thing to ask me."
Mena pressed a button on her remote control device. Electric shocks brought Quiche King to his knees.
Mena continued, "It's not your place to ask me where we're going. Anywhere I go will be suitable."
Quiche King said, "I shall do as you command."
Mena pressed the remote control device and brought Quiche King to his knees.
Quiche King asked, "Why did you do that for?"
Mena replied, "I did that because I felt like it."
Mena said, "The sky is green and grass is blue."
Quiche King said, "That's a stupid thing to say and I'm not an idiot.. Everybody knows that grass is green and the sky is blue."
Mena said, "Tonight isn't your night for good fortune."
Mena pressed a button on her remote control device. An electrocuted was brought to his knees.
Quiche King said, "I apologize for my earlier statement."
Mena asked, "What color is the sky?"
Quiche King said, "The sky is green in color."
Mena asked, "What color is the grass?"
Quiche King said, "The grass is blue in color."
Mena Suvari pressed the button on her remote control device. An electrocuted Quiche King was brought to his knees.
Mena said, "It wasn't necessary for me to ask you that twice. The next time, I want the correct answer much quicker."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device. An electrocuted Quiche King was brought to his knees by electrocution.
Mena said, "What answer do I get when I'm trying to correct your behavior?"
Quiche King replied, "I shall do as you command."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device and brought Quiche King to his knees through electrocution.
Quiche King asked, "What did I do this time?"
Mena said, "I enjoy pressing that button. It's a fun button to push."
Mena asked, "What color is the grass?"
Quiche King replied, "The grass is blue."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device. Quiche King was brought to his knees through electrocution.
Mena replied, "That's a stupid thing to say. Everybody knows that grass is green."
Quiche King replied, "I shall do as you command."
Mena asked, "What color is the sky?"
Quiche King replied, "The sky is green."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device. Quiche King was brought to his knees through electrocution.
Mena said, "That's a stupid thing to say. Everybody knows the sky is blue."
Quiche King replied, "I shall do as you command."
Mena said, "I honestly don't know why I tolerate you. You're utterly useless."
Quiche King said, "I'm useless and I deserve to be beaten."
Mena said, "Beg me to electrocute me."
Quiche King said, "Go to Hell."
Mena pressed the button on her remote control device. Quiche King was brought to his knees through electrocution.
Mena said, "That's close enough to begging for electrocution to begin."
Quiche King said, "If you insist that's a proper way for me to be electrocuted, then it has to be correct. You're always right about everything."
Nicole Kidman approached Mena Suvari and Quiche King. Nicole looked at Quiche King with an arrogant expression as she waved her hand in front of Quiche King's face.
Nicole Kidman said, "I heard you figured out a way to do it, but I never believed you until now. How long will this brainwashing conditioning last?"
Mena Suvari said, "I have to apply two more brainwashing conditioning sessions and then the brainwashing conditioning is permanent. Even if I were to be murdered, the brainwashing conditioning will continue."
Nicole Kidman said, "I'm impressed. We can put your skills to good use. Bring Quiche King over to the Dandilion Club and make it look as if he's about to kill you. And anytime a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Thug tries to help him, Quiche King attacks and tries to kill him instead."
Mena Suvari said, "Sounds like a good plan. I'll do as you ordered."
Quiche King said, "I shall do as you ordered me to do."
And so Mena Suvari and Quiche King walked away from Nicole Kidman.
And Nicole Kidman thought she was being followed as she walked into the Parking Garage nearby the Dandilion Club. Her car was nearby. She though she was being followed. She swore to GODDESS that her name was being called a few times.However, there was never anything behind her. So she continued walking forward towards her car.
Nicole Kidman found her car, but as luck had it, she dropped her car keys somewhere near the second floor of the Dandilion Club. Nicole frowned and groaned as she stomped the cement ground with her left foot. She knew she had to walk all the way back to the Dandilion Club to retrieve her car keys without getting murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
And so Nicole Kidman spun around and she walked towards the exit of the Parking Garage without realizing that a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was following her close behind. And her attempt to escape being punished with a murder attack has been prevented by her bad habit of misplacing her car keys. Party Animal followed Nicole Kidman with the intentions of killing her at the first available opportunity.
And so Nicole Kidman walked away from the Parking Garage and towards the Dandilion Club.
And so Mena Suvari and Quiche King walked towards the Dandilion Club as instructed. However, Club Hopping Gentleman #1 and Club Hopping Gentleman #2 tasered Quiche King and pulled him towards a deserted alley to remove the brainwashing that Mena Suvari. And despite her evil plan to use Quiche King as her puppet has been defeated by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, Mena Suvari went through with the plan anyway.
Mena Suvari looked for Quiche King inside the first floor of the Dandilion Club. She cursed her bad fortune silently as she exited the Dandilion Club.
Mena Suvari walked towards Club Hopping Gentleman #1 and Club Hopping Gentleman #2 to reclaim her brainwashing control over Quiche King. The only way that Club Hopping Gentleman #1 and Club Hopping Gentleman #2 can prevent Mena Suvari from doing so is by killing her.
Dandelion Girl #1 attacked Club Hopping Gentleman #2 and he punched her before kicking Dandelion Girl #2 and Dandelion Girl #3 before punching Dandelion Girl #4 and punching Dandelion Girl #5 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #6 before kicking Dandelion Girl #7 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Not bothered by the death of seven of her Private Army Girls, Mena Suvari walked forward with Quiche King walking side by side alongside the girl.Mena said, "You don't need to assist your friends."
Quiche King said, "I don't need to assist my friends."
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #8, Club Hopping Gentleman #2 kicked Dandelion Girl #9, Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #10 before kicking Dandelion Girl #11 and Dandelion Girl #12 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. Mena looked behind her with a smile as she continued to walk forward alongside Quiche King.
Mena said, "Those jerks are stupid and they need to be punished."
Quiche King said, "Those jerks are stupid and they need to be punished. Only you get to see the light of the morning because only you see the truth."
Mena said with a smile, "How nice of you. That's exactly what I need to hear."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #13, Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #14 before kicking Dandelion Girl #15, Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #16 before punching Dandelion Girl #17 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Mena said, "I will be needing to make my escape soon. You need to sacrifice your life covering for me. You need to kill my enemies for me."
Quiche King said, "It's a sacrifice that I'll love to make for you."
Mena said, "You better believe you'll love making the sacrifice for me."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #18, Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion #19, punched Dandelion Girl #20, kicked Dandelion Girl #21 before Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #22 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Mena said, "I'll miss all the good times we spent together."
Quiche King said, "I'll miss all the good times we spent together."
Mena said, "It's nothing but happiness for me."
Quiche King said, "It's nothing but happiness for me."
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #23 and punched Dandelion Girl #24, Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #25, kicked Dandelion Girl #26 and punched Dandelion Girl #27, Club Hopping Gentleman #1 kicked Dandelion Girl #28 and kicked Dandelion Girl #29 before punching Dandelion Girl #30 causing all eight girls to lie down legally dead.
Mena said, "My only regret is that I was forced to have sex with a loser."
Quiche King said, "Her only regret is that she was forced to have sex with me and I'm a loser."
Mena said, "I'll be glad to see that loser die sacrificing his life instead of me."
Quiche King said, "I'm a loser and she'll be glad to see me die sacrificing my life instead of her."
Mena said, "You're reinvention back to normal is progressing better than I thought."
Quiche King said, "I'm glad that you approve. I'm happy about my progress too."
Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #31 before kicking Dandelion Girl #32 while Club Hopping Gentleman punched Dandelion Girl #33 and punched Dandelion Girl #34 making it possible for Club Hopping Gentleman to punch Dandelion Girl #35 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. Both Club Hopping Gentleman tried to pursue Mena Suvari without being distracted by the need to have Mena's Private Army Girls getting punched and kicked to death.
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #36, Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #37, punched Dandelion Girl #38, punched Dandelion Girl #39 before kicking Dandelion Girl #40 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Quiche King asked, "When will I need to sacrifice my life and die to allow you to escape."
Mena replied, "That time is coming very quickly so you better get ready."
Quiche King said, "Please let me know when I need to sacrifice my life and die for you because it will be fun. Such a shame I must die because quiche is fun to eat."
Mena replied, "You ate more quiche that I never know what to do with."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #41, kicked Dandelion Girl #42, punched Dandelion Girl #43, kicked Dandelion Girl #44 before Club Hopping Gentleman kicked Dandelion Girl #45 and kicked Dandelion Girl #46 causing all six girls to lie down legally dead.
Mena said, "It's almost time for me to escape. I hope I don't get myself killed before the chance for me to escape arrives."
Quiche King said, "Your need to escape is more important than my need to survive."
Mena said, "I feel good knowing that you volunteered to be mind controlled like this."
Quiche King said, "Allowing me to be mind controlled like this by going AWOL is fun. I'll do it again over and over again without hesitation."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Dandelion Girl #47 and punched Dandelion Girl #48 before Club Hopping Gentleman #1 kicked Dandelion Girl #49 and kicked Dandelion Girl #50 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Mena Suvari five times before Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #51 and punched Dandelion Girl #52 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 before Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Mena before kicking her five times.
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Mena, Club Hopping Gentleman kicked Mena before Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched Mena. Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 only to be punched by Club Hopping Gentleman #1. Mena tried to punch Club Hopping Gentleman #1 but he blocked her attack before kicking her.
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Dandelion Girl #53, kicked Dandelion Girl #54 and kicked Dandelion Girl #55 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #1 before she kicked Club Hopping Gentleman #2. Club Hopping Gentleman kicked Mena and sent her crashing to the ground.
Mena stood up and she punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 before Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched her twice and Club Hopping Gentleman punched her seven times before kicking her. Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 only to be punched by Club Hopping Gentleman #1.
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 said, "Hurry up and kill Mena Suvari before it's too late. Only you can defeat the girl once and for all."
Quiche King said, "I can't because Mena ordered me to obey her exclusively."
Mena said, "It's too late. Quiche King's mind is gone forever. Only killing me can restore things to normal and I won't allow you to kill me."
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched Mena five times, Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 before Club Hopping Gentleman #2 punched her twice and Club Hopping Gentleman #1 punched her once before she kicked Club Hopping Gentleman.
Mena punched Club Hopping Gentleman #2 before she kicked Club Hopping Gentleman causing both of them to lie down on the ground.
Mena said, "Now it's time for me to finish you both off."
Club Hopping Gentleman #2 said, "Hurry up and kill Mena and save us both."
Club Hopping Gentleman #1 said, "It's up to you to kill the girl and save us both."
Mena said, "It's over guys, nobody will save you both by killing me."
Quiche King stabbed Mena from behind while Club Hopping Gentleman #1 and Club Hopping Gentleman #2 lay at her feet. Mena drooled blood as Quiche King stabbed Mena from behind five more times causing the dying girl to stagger forward.
Mena Suvari saw the dead body of Alicia Witt piled under the dead body of Leelee Sobieski breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina and impaled by the same machete weapon that's still rammed through them both. And perhaps it was a bit selfish that a bracelet that Alicia Witt borrowed from Mena Suvari that was never returned was still on her wrist.
Mena Suvari bent over the dead body of Leelee Sobieski vagina on rear end and breasts on spine while the dead body of Leelee Sobieski lay on top of the dead body of Alicia Witt breasts on beasts and vagina on vagina. Mena Suvari was close to reclaiming her bracelet once again from the left wrist of Alicia Witt's dead body.
A newly liberated Quiche King rammed an even bigger machete near Mena's spine, through most of her vital organs and out between her breasts, near Leelee's spine, through most of her vital organs and out between her breasts, between Alicia's breasts, through most of her vital organs and out near her spine. Mena was dying.
Mena sputtered, "I thought my mind control was permanent. I thought you were mine forever."
Quiche King said, "Girl control over my mind is temporary. Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse liberation of my mind is eternal. Time for you to be punished and the only way to punish you is to kill you. Time for you to die."
Mena sputtered, "You have defeated me."
Mena Suvari closed her eyes and she died. Mena Suvari is legally dead.
Meanwhile, Nicole Kidman reached the Dandilion Club. Party Animal's task was to find a way to murder Nicole Kidman before she found her car keys in the second floor of the Dandilion club. The Party Animal wasn't sure how to accomplish the task, but he was willing to die making the effort if necessary (But he prayed that he'll be the one to successfully murder Nicole Kidman instead).
Nicole had made plans to meet with Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson to strategize their next plan for attack. If the meeting takes place without one (Or hopefully both) of the women being killed, then the results could ruin the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. And for that reason alone, Nicole must die now before it's too late. It may already be too late because Nicole is heading towards her car. Dandelion Girl #1 approached the Party Animal and he punched her and she legally died. Dandelion Girl #2 was to the right of Party Animal. Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #2 and she legally died. Dandelion Girl #3 was to the left of Party Animal so he punched her and she legally died. Dandelion Girl #4 and Dandelion Girl #5 stood in front of Party Animal so he punched both girls and they legally died. Party Animal was free to pursue Nicole with intent to murder her.Nicole reached the Dandelion Club and she entered the building. The Party Animal tried to follow the doomed girl, but five Dandelion Girls blocked his path. Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #6 and she legally died. The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #7 before he punched Dandelion Girl #8 and kicked Dandelion Girl #9. All three girls lay down legally dead. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #10 and she lay down legally dead. The Party Animal entered the Dandelion Club and punched Dandelion Girl #11 causing her to lie down legally dead. The Party Animal finally spotted Nicole Kidman inside the Dandelion Club.
Nicole Kidman reached the staircase.
Nicole said, "Now it's time to find my car keys in the second floor of the Dandelion Club before I'm punished and killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Nicole walked up the staircase.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #12, kicked Dandelion Girl #13, punched Dandelion Girl #14 to the left and punched Dandelion Girl #15 to the right. All four girls lay down legally dead. The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #16 and she fell backwards against Dandelion Girl #17. Dandelion Girl #17 lay down face up on top of Dandelion Girl #16 as she too lay face up---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end---before both girls legally died.
Nicole Kidman walked up the stairs. She looked down the stairs at the Party Animal before she said with exuberant enthusiasm, "You'll never get the chance to kill me asshole."
The Party Animal said, "I must give it a try regardless."
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #18 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #19 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #20 to the left of him and kicked Dandelion Girl #21 to the right of him. All four girls lay down legally dead.
Nicole Kidman reached the second floor of the Dandelion Club. She entered a room and found her car keys placed on a table. The Party Animal walked up a flight of stairs only to punch Dandelion Girl #22, kicked Dandelion Girl #23 and punch Dandelion Girl #24 and all three girls legally died while tumbling down the stairs lifelessly. The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #25 and kicked Dandelion Girl #26 causing both girls to die before rolling downstairs lifelessly.
The Party Animal entered the room and grabbed Nicole Kidman and tossed her against the wall on the left side of the room. Nicole slid down the wall and lay down without moving. The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #27, punch Dandelion Girl #28 and kicked Dandelion Girl #29 before punching Dandelion Girl #30. All four girls lay down legally dead. The Party Animal punched Nicole as she slowly scrambled to her feet. The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #31 and she lay down legally dead.The Party Animal punched Nicole and she fell. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #32 and kicked Dandelion Girl #33 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Nicole slowly stood up before she was kicked to the floor. The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #34 and she lay down legally dead. The Party Animal kicked Nicole as she tried to stand up. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #35 and punched Dandelion Girl #36 causing both girls to lie down legally dead.
Nicole stood up and the Party Animal punched her causing the girl to fall to the floor and she stopped moving. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #37, kicked Dandelion Girl #38 while punching both Dandelion Girl #39 and Dandelion Girl #40 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Nicole said, "Oh no you don't. You don't get to kill me so easily."
The Party Animal said, "You will die this easily. Leaving your car keys behind was the biggest mistake that will make it possible for me to kill you."
Nicole stood up and she punched the Party Animal before leaving the room. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #41, Dandelion Girl #42, Dandelion Girl #43 and Dandelion Girl #44 before kicking Dandelion Girl #45 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. The Party Animal grabbed Nicole from behind as she walked down the second floor hallway heading for the staircase. The Party Animal punched Nicole and watched as she lay down without moving.
Nicole rose to her feet as the Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #46 and Dandelion Girl #47 before kicking Dandelion Girl #48 and Dandelion Girl #49 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. The Party Animal kicked Nicole as she crawled on her hands and knees and she fell to the floor before rolling on her back. Nicole stopped moving. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #50 and she lay down legally dead.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #51 and she legally died as Nicole slowly rose and crawled towards the staircase. The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #52 and she legally died as he walked towards Nicole Kidman while she crawled towards the staircase. The Party Animal picked up Nicole and punched her causing the girl to fall helplessly to the floor before she stopped moving.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #53 and she legally died as Nicole rose to her feet.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #54 and she legally died as Nicole walked down the stairs towards the first floor.
The Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #55 and she legally died. Nicole continued to walk down the stairs to the first floor of the Dandelion Club.
Nicole exited the Dandelion Club and she ran towards the Parking Garage.
The Party Animal kicked Dandelion Girl #56 and she legally died before running down the stairs to the first floor of the Dandelion Club. Nicole ran closer towards the Parking Garage.
The Parking Garage was almost within reach. Just a few more feet and she's safe from harm.
Nicole reached the Parking Garage. Her car was within reach.
And with her car keys in her hand, Nicole Kidman finally reached her car. Party Animal only had a few seconds left to murder Nicole Kidman before she closed the car door. Because if Nicole Kidman closed the car door and drove off, then she'll escape justice to live and fight another day. And Party Animal can't allow that to happen. The only way to punish a guilty criminal is to murder them. Nicole Kidman is a guilty criminal. Therefore, Nicole Kidman must be punished in a murder attack. Nicole Kidman blew Party Animal a kiss as she sat down in her car and placed the keys in the ignition. Only two seconds left to kill Nicole Kidman before she escapes justice.
Only one second left to murder Nicole Kidman before she escapes justice. She turned on the ignition of her car. She was about to close the car door. Run. Run. Run. Don't let Nicole Kidman close the door. Kill Nicole Kidman before she closes the car door. Run. Run. Run. The girl is getting away. Hurry up and kill her. Run. Run. Run. Run towards the car and murder the girl. Run. Run. Run.
Nicole never got to close the car door. The Party Animal stabbed Nicole between her breasts and kept stabbing her between her breasts until seventy percent of her blood was splashed throughout the interior of her car. Nicole closed her eyes before she died. Her dead body pushed the peddle to the metal and caused her car to drive against a cement wall and was smashed to bits. Nicole's dead body was pulverized by the twisted metal of the car wreck. The Party Animal smiled as he watched the nubile sexually seductive girl die. Nicole Kidman is no longer alive. Nicole Kidman is legally dead.
Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson in futility for Nicole Kidman to arrive. Fergie was frustrated when nothing happened. Fergie was about to turn away and return back to her car. Fergie heard some male sounding movement behind her. The doomed girl to turn around to face her would-be attacker . The doomed girl's would be attacker was the Party Animal.
Fergie said, "I'm guessing you know what happened to Nicole Kidman."The Party Animal replied, "I'm the one who killed her. I'm the one who killed you too."
Fergie said, "You will die as punishment for killing Nicole you damn jerk."
The Party Animal said, "Go ahead and try to kill me. You and I will need to fight to the death anyway. Let's do it now so I can kill you now."
Fergie punched the Party Animal and he fell backwards to the ground as she punched the wind out of her would-be attacker.
Fergie smiled as she said, "Today isn't the day in which I died you damn moron."
The Party Animal said, "I can't allow you to escape justice."
Fergie said, "Just you try to stop me."
Fergie turned her back to the Party Animal as she walked towards her car.
The Party Animal tried to stand up as Fergie walked towards her car. The Party Animal stabbed Dandelion Girl #57 between her breasts before punching Dandelion Girl #58 and Dandelion Girl #59 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #60 approached the Party Animal as he finally stood up and he punched her causing her to lie down legally dead. Fergie entered her car and put her keys into the ignition.
Fergie drove off while the Party Animal punched Dandelion Girl #61 and Dandelion Girl #62 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson successfully escaped justice to live and fight another day. Fergie still needs to be murdered before it's too late.
Magician #1, Magician #2, The Liason, Vodka Viceroy, Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3, Untied Shoelace Lad, A Friendly Person, Potato Pal, Fountain Fiend, Sidewalk Man, Illinois River Man, Illinois River Guy, Loser Lad and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum followed Tara Reid. Tara Reid knew that she was being followed. She kept walking anyway.
Tara Reid spun around to face her would-be murderers with a smile. She said, "Hello Gentlemen, how are you doing? Nice weather we've been having tonight."
Thug #2 said, "Holy shit, she's on to us."
Tara replied, "You got that right."
Tara kicked Thug #2 and he fell. She punched Thug #3 and tossed his against Thug #1 and they both fell. Tara spun around and ran as all three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse members stood up.
A Friendly Person cried out, "Where did she go?"The Liason cried out, "She went that way. Kill her."
And so Magician #1, Magician #2, The Liason, Vodka Viceroy, Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3, Untied Shoelace Lad, A Friendly Person, Potato Pal, Fountain Fiend, Sidewalk Man, Illinois River Man, Illinois River Guy, Loser Lad and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum chased after Tara Reid with intention to kill her in mortal combat. However, it was looking as if Tara Reid was going to escape justice. Tara Reid started to feel that she might actually survive long enough to see the long painful night end and sunrise break across the city skyscrapers.
Tara Reid was several feet ahead and gaining distance away from her would be murderers.
The Unknown Third Person, The Driveway Guy #1, The Driveway Guy #2, The Driveway Guy #3, Mustard Man and Forest Path Guy stood directly in Tara's path.
Tara said, "The evil Dandilion Girl went that way."
Mustard Man said, "The evil Dandilion Girl is directly in front of me."
Tara said, "Oh damn, I guess we'll have to fight then."
Tara punched Mustard Man and kicked Forst Path Guy. She kicked down all three Driveway Guys before kicking the Unknown Third Person to the ground.
Tara Reid didn't bother to check if she actually killed her attackers. She simply ran as fast as she can. The Unknown Third Person, The Driveway Guy #1, The Driveway Guy #2, The Driveway Guy #3, Mustard Man and Forest Path Guy did recover and chased after her with intent to kill.
Farmer Frank thought he was nearly close to grabbing her. She punched him to the ground and walked over her would be attacker. Farmer Frank recovered, but she was too far ahead of him.
Tara Reid didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to think of something quick.
Tara Reid saw the Dandilion Shopping Mall directly in front of her. So she ran towards the Dandilion Shopping Mall.
Farmer Frank pulled out his gardening trowel as Tara Reid ran closer towards the Dandilion Shopping Mall.
Tara Reid was so close to the front entrance of the Dandilion Shopping Mall, she could feel her freshly painted finger nails touching the front doors.
Farmer Frank wasn't running fast enough. And in the end, Tara Reid outraced him with a proud smirk on her face.
Tara Reid entered the Dandilion Shopping Mall. The Yarn Knitting Lad grabbed the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine while the Fashion Designer grabbed her left arm. Tara's bracelet fell off her left arm as she used it to punch the Fashion Designer to the ground.
The Fashion Designer cried out, "You never liked the outfits I made for you. I must kill you for that reason alone."
Yarn Knitting Lad cried out, "Don't worry, Tara Reid won't escape justice."
Tara punched Yarn Knitting Lad and he fell against Farmer Frank.
Tara said with a smile, "Actually, I will escape justice without a scratch."
Tara Reid entered the Dandilion Shopping Mall.
The force field kept out Farmer Frank, The Fashion Designer and Yarn Knitting Lad. And that thought alone produced a smile on Tara Reid's face.
And so she turned to walk deeper into the Dandilion Shopping Mall. She was safe from being killed. There was no way the Dandilion Shopping Mall can be compromised by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Tara Reid checked her left wrist and realized that her favorite bracelet is outside the Dandilion Shopping Mall. She frowned as she debated stepping outside the Dandilion Shopping Mall to retrieve her favorite bracelet.
And she thought long and hard as she walked towards the food court to order herself a salad and perhaps go shopping too.
Yet, Tara Reid can't go shopping without her favorite bracelet on her wrist.
She could always purchase a new bracelet, but it won't be the same. She needed her favorite bracelet and no other bracelet would do.
She looked at the force field. If she stepped out and got herself killed, the force field would be compromised and the Dandilion Shopping Mall would be vulnerable to Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse attack all the way down to zero girls left.
And Tara Reid didn't want to be the Dandilion Girl who helped the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse destroy the force field by getting killed trying to retrieve her favorite bracelet.
Tara Reid took a deep breath as she sat down to think things through.
And she came to a decision as she sat down to think things through.
She going to retrieve her favorite bracelet was the decision as she sat down to think things through.
Tara Reid lowered the force field as she bent over to pick up her favorite bracelet. Archery Guy grabbed her by her left arm.
Archery Guy said, "Let me into the Dandilion Shopping Mall and I'll let you live. Refuse to let me into the Dandilion Shopping Mall and I'll kill you."
Tara said, "I guess I have no choice but to cooperate."
Archery Guy said, "That's a good girl."
And so Tara Reid allowed Archery Guy into the Dandilion Shopping Mall. She allowed him past the force field. Archery Guy rewarded Tara by firing an arrow between her breasts.
Tara said, "You told me that you were going to let me live if I allowed you into the Dandilion Shopping Mall. Why did you lie to me."
Archery Guy said, "I can't rest until every single Dandilion Girl is legally dead. You are a Dandilion Girl. Therefore, I can't rest until you are legally dead."
Tara Reid said with a gasp, "You have defeated me."
And she lay down before Archery Guy in a submissive pose.
Tara Reid is no longer alive. Tara Reid is legally dead.
Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson stopped her car and she exited her vehicle. The Suspicious Guy watched as Fergie walked towards the Dandelion Mall. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #63, Dandelion Girl #64 and Dandelion Girl #65 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Fergie had no idea that the Suspicious Guy was following her with intent to kill.
Fergie entered the Dandelion Mall with the Suspicious Guy following close behind. The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #66 and Dandelion Girl #67 causing both girls to lie down legally dead.Fergie said, "Oh there you are. Where's the Party Animal?"
The Suspicious Guy said, "He wants me to kill you instead."
Fergie said, "Oh how generous."
The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie causing her to lie down without moving before he said, "I'd like to think so."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #68, Dandelion Girl #69 and Dandelion Girl #70 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead.
The Suspicious Guy entered the food court and was attacked by five girls who worked in the Salad Bar Restaurant. He punched Salad Bar Restaurant Girl #1, kicked Salad Bar Restaurant girl #2 and Salad Bar Restaurant Girl #3 before punching Salad Bar Restaurant Girl #4 and Salad Bar Restaurant Girl #5. All five girls lay down legally dead as he punched Dandelion Girl #71 and kicked Dandelion Girl #72. Both girls lay down legally dead as Fergie slowly stood up. Fergie punched the Suspicious Guy before kicking him twice.
The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie. He punched Dandelion Girl #73 and Dandelion Girl #74 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Fergie. He punched Dandelion Girl #75, Dandelion Girl #76 and Dandelion Girl #77 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Fergie. He punched Dandelion Girl #78 causing her to lie down legally dead.
Fergie tried to escape and she was punched five times. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #79 and Dandelion Girl #80 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie. The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #81 and punched Dandelion Girl #82 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #83 and kicked Dandelion Girl #84 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy punched Fergie.
Fergie scrambled to her feet as she ran towards the exit. Once out of the Dandelion Mall, she ran towards her car. The Suspicious Guy grabbed her from behind and he stabbed her from behind. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #85, Dandelion Girl #86 and Dandelion Girl #87 before kicking Dandelion Girl #88 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Not giving up, Fergie stumbled towards her car in hopes of escaping. The Suspicious Guy stabbed her five more times.
Fergie said, "Please stop stabbing me. I'm going to die if you keep doing this."
The Suspicious Guy said, "Killing you is the whole idea."
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #89 and Dandelion Girl #90 before punching Dandelion Girl #91, Dandelion Girl #92 and Dandelion Girl #93 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Fergie almost reached her car. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #94 and Dandelion Girl #95 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Fergie from behind five more times as the dying girl started drooling blood as her muscles started going numb.
Fergie opened the door and she was stabbed from behind.
Fergie opened the car door before she lay down on the street and she slowly started to die. A puddle of her blood started to form under the dying girl.
Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson closed her eyes and she died face down on the street. Fergie is no longer alive. Fergie is legally dead. The Suspicious Guy closed the car door with a frown.
Archery Guy spun around and saw a door close in front of him. A Dandilion Girl stood in front of the newely created door with a smirk on her face. The only way to kill her would be if a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thug were to sneak in through the secret hidden tunnel that linked the Dandilion Club with the Dandilion Shopping Mall and kill her from behind.Mia Wasikowska entered the Dandilion Shopping Mall with ten Dandilion Girls close behind.
However, The Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill eleven Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and soon there's going to be twelve of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue. And when the force field generator started to short circuit Mia clenched her left hand in a fist and slammed it on her left leg.
Mia said, "Damn it, I hate it when it does that. Help me out."
Dandilion Girl #2 said, "You got it boss."
And so Mia worked on the force field generator as it electricuted Dandilion Girl #2 and caused her to lie down on the ground dead. Mia Wasikowska got the force field generator working again. Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill eleven Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and soon there's eleven of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
Mia looked at Archery Guy and she said with a smile, "I bet you always wanted to murder me. Such a shame your dreams of killing me is always frustrated. Now you'll never get the chance as you're trapped forever and never to be free again. Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman is standing guard in front of the hidden tunnel that links the Dandilion Club and the Dandilion Shopping Mall and they are impossible girls to murder."
Archery Guy said, "The Suspicious Guy will kill Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman before he murders you too. Just you wait and see. You will be punished and killed. I promise."
Mia said, "The Suspicious Guy better kill Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman quick because my plan to make the force field generator surrounding the Dandilion Mall is about to become permenent. The only way to stop me from doing so is to kill me and the Suspicious Guy is running out of time."
Archery Guy said, "I can't allow you to get away with your evil plan. I have no choice but to make constant efforts to kill you until I succeed in ending your life as punishment for your crimes."
Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman stood in front of the secret hidden tunnel that linked the Dandilion Club (Which is starting to fall into the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse) and the Dandilion Shopping Mall (Which has yet to fall into the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. And Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman may not be aware of this, but both women will need to die in order for the Suspicious Person to use to secret hidden tunnel that linked the Dandilion Club to the Dandilion Shopping Mall to kill the Dandilion Girl and rescue Archery Guy. And not knowing this, both girls talked casually to themselves.
Bella said, "Hell of an evening. Too many dead bodies. Too many senseless murders."
Zendaya said, "Let's hope the two of us won't become the next to die."
Bella said, "I'm actually hoping to be the girl who wipes out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse once and for all."
Zendaya said, "Oh yeah, all the doomed Dandilion Girls have said that before they end up getting murdered. I'm sorry to sound morbid, but it's true. What do you have that's different?"Bella said, "Nothing much beyond my determination to survive."
Zendaya said, "Let's hope that will be enough to tilt the odds in our favor."
Zendaya said, "Perhaps it's safe for us to leave this room."
Bella said, "It might be safer for us to stay in this room."
Zendaya said, "I'll just check outside the room for a few seconds. If it isn't safe, then we'll use the secret hidden tunnel towards the Dandilion Shopping Mall."
Bella said, "Be careful and don't get yourself murdered."
Zendaya said, "Trust me when I say that I'm a girl who's difficult to murder."
And so Zendaya Coleman stepped out of the hidden room and stood in a infrequently used hallway located in the basement level of the Dandilion Club. She saw nothing but dead bodies of Dandilion Girls. She remembered those dead Dandilion Girls as one being lively who she had warm conversations with. And now those same Dandilion Girls are lying down motionless dead. She stepped over a few dead bodies and past the opened vault.
Zendaya knew how dangerous it was to remain in this room, but she needed to make sure that the coast was clear. So far, no Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse serial killers have tried to murder her. She took a deep breath as she took a few more steps forward.
Zendaya heard a noise and she spun around. Nothing. And with a frown, Zendaya walked forward a few more steps. She said, "Hey Bella, those jerks has finally left the basement area."
And with that, a blow to her head caused Zendaya to fall to the ground unconscious.
Bella Thorne stepped outside of the hidden room to see Zendaya lying on the ground unconscious. It was tough, but Bella finally managed to drag Zendaya Coleman to the hidden room and provided enough medical treatment to save Zendaya from dying. Bella looked at the door with a frown on her face. It would've been easier to use the Secret Hidden tunnel to the Dandilion Shopping Mall. But Bella needed another Danilion Girl to help drag Zendaya Coleman along with her. And she needed to step into the basement to find that second Dandilion Girl even if that meant running the risk of getting herself killed.
And so Bella stepped outside of the hidden room. She found herself standing in front of the opened safe. She saw dead Dandilion Girls lying around the ruined force field generator and the opened safe. And with a frown, Bella walked forward.
The Suspicious Guy found an opening to murder Bella Thorne.
The Suspicious Guy stood behind Bella Thorne. He raised his knife to make a violent murder attack against the doomed sexually seductive Dandilion Girl.
The Suspicious Guy was about to make a violent murder attack. He was certain that he found an angle needed to kill Bella Thorne.
Bella Thorne spun around. The Suspicious Guy halted his murder attack and was forced to hide. Bella Thorne searched everywhere in the basement. She nearly found the Suspicious Guy's hiding spot. And if she did find the Suspicious Guy's hiding spot, then he'd be forced to kill her.Bella Thorne was distracted by the sound of female footsteps. She walked towards the female sounding footsteps.
The Suspicious Guy carefully snuck behind Bella as she walked towards the female sounding footsteps. There might be two Dandilion Girls to kill before Zendaya could be murdered once and for all. The Suspicious Guy had his knife ready just in case.
Bella Thorne encountered her sister Dani Thorne. Both women embraced each other warmly.
Bella said, "Zendaya has been hurt in a failed murder attempt. I need your help to drag her down the secret hidden tunnel between the Dandilion Club and the Dandilion Shopping Mall. The secret hidden tunnel between the Dandilion Club and the Dandilion Shopping Mall will fall into the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse if all three of us girls are murdered one by one."
Dani said, "First we need to go to the first floor to grab my good luck charm at the table I was eating dinner at. I can't go anywhere without my good luck charm."
Bella said, "We don't have time to grab your good luck charm on the dinner table on the first floor of this building. We'll both die if we don't succeed in dragging Zendaya to safety. Zendaya will die if we don't drag her to safety. Too much is at risk."Dani said, "It's only a few feet from here. And I swear it will be quick and effortless. Both of us won't be killed one by one. I promise."
Bella voluptuous cheast heaved as she took a deep sigh.
Bella said, "Ok, let's grab your good luck charm. But it better be worth it."
Dani said, "It will be worth it."
Bella Thorne lead the way and her sister Dani Thorne followed. Both women walked slowly up the stairs to the first floor to the Dandilion Club.
Bella said, "The coast is clear. Let's go."
Dani said, "I see my good luck charm. Let's get it before we get ourselves killed one by one."
Bella Thorne lead the way and Dani Thorne followed as they walked from the staircase towards the dinning room of the Dandilion Club.
Bella asked, "Where was the table you were eating at?"
Dani said, "The table is over there."
Dani said, "You stand guard while I get my good luck charm."
Bella said, "I'm not leaving you out of my sight."
Dani said, "Don't argue. I know what I'm doing."
Bella said, "Both of us will get ourselves killed one by one if I let you out of my sight. My effort to drag Zendaya to safety will be defeated if you die. And then I'll die so that the second murder attack against Zendaya will succeed in killing her. I can't allow that to happen."
Dani said, "A Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer will enter this dining room and kill us both one by one if one of us isn't guarding outside this room."
Bella said, "I don't like this. It would be too easy for you to get yourself murdered."
Dani said, "It's a risk we'll have to take."
Bella said, "Ok, but I'll do it under protest."
And so Bella Thorne exited the dinning room. Dani Thorne walked towards her table. One foot carefully walked in front of the other. Her voluptuous chest heaved as she breathed slow and steady. The sexually seductive doomed Dandilion Girl walked closer to the table where she left her good luck charm. It was almost within reach.
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dani Thorne between her breasts as he knocked her good luck charm from the table to the floor. He stepped on it and broke it under his left foot.Dani said, "You destroyed my good luck charm."
The Suspicious Guy said, "And now it's time for me to murder you."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dani Thorne between her breasts a second time.
Dani Thorne said, "You have defeated me."
Dani Thorne stopped breathing and looked at her murderer with a blank expression. She fell to the floor and died. Dani Thorne is no longer alive. Dani Thorne is legally dead.
The Suspicious Guy said, "Now it's time for me to kill Bella Thorne."
Meanwhile, outside the dinning room, Bella Thorne briefly lost track of her sister Dani Thorne. Bella Thorne prayed to the Goddess that the brief moment that she lost track of her sister lead to the permanent death of her sister. She stepped into the dinning room and saw her sister Dani Thorne lying dead on the dinning room floor. The Suspicious Guy hid from sight as Bella Thorne tried to find a pulse and failed to find any. Bella Thorne stood up before the Suspicious Guy could stab her to death while checking her dead sister's pulse. Bella Thorne looked around the dinning room and she failed to find anything. Bella frowned with frustration.
Bella Thorne still needed to find a way to drag an unconscious Zendaya down the secret hidden tunnel towards the safety of the Dandilion Shopping Mall. The Suspicious Guy needed to kill her so that Zendaya will be vulnerable to a second and permanent murder attack. And for that reason alone, Bella Thorne must be murdered before she could reach the basement. Bella Thorne left the dinning room with the Suspicious Guy close behind.The Suspicious Guy still doesn't have an opening to murder Bella Thorne. Bella Thorne still isn't aware how close a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer is standing behind her. The sexually seductive doomed girl must only be aware on the exact second of her murder attack. Only then will it be possible to attack and kill her.
And the frustrating part is that Bella Thorne kept looking behind her. The Suspicious Guy was forced to hide each and every time. And thus, it was hard to get a murder attack momentum started and kept that way.
And even if Bella Thorne wasn't aware how hard she was making it for her to be attacked and killed, she must've known subconsciously. And for that reason alone, Bella Thorne needed to die in a murder attack sooner rather than later.
Bella Thorne walked towards the staircase leading to the basement. The opening to kill her will be lost if she isn't attacked and killed this exact second. The Suspicious Guy was running out of ways to lure Bella away from the staircase leading to the basement.
Bella Thorne spun around to look directly a the Suspicious Guy. She said, "There's no use in hiding from me anymore. I know where you are."
The Suspicious Guy replied, "Then you know why I must murder you."
Bella said, "You might try to murder me, but you won't succeed."
Dandilion Girl #1 punched him as Bella kicked the Suspicious Guy in the stomach. The Suspicious Guy quickly recovered and stabbed Dandilion Girl #1 in the stomach. Dandilion Girl #1 fell to the ground dead as Bella punched him a second time.
Bella punched him again before asking, "Why won't you just die. It shouldn't be this hard for me to murder a jerk like you."
Dandilion Girl #2 tried to stab the Suspicious Guy while Dandilion Girl #3 stood nearby. The Suspicious Guy used Dandilion Girl #3 as a human shield. Dandilion Girl #2 unintentionally killed Dandilion Girl #3 and she died. Bella kicked him and he nearly fell.
The Suspicious Guy faced Bella and said, "I'm going to enjoy killing you most of all."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #2 between her breasts and she lay down dead. Bella kicked him twice before punching him. The Suspicious Guy fell to the ground. And with a smirk, Bella walked over him as he lay unconscious.
Bella Thorne wasn't aware that she was being followed by Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3. Because had she known that she was being followed by Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3, she would've surrendered voluntarily for incarceration as punishment for her crimes. The only other option left was to murder her in an unprovoked murder attack. And so since she refused to be incarcerated as punishment for her crimes, a murder attack against her was the only way out.
And perhaps it was both smarter and safer for Bella Thorne to turn around and head back, but she foolishly walked forward. Bella Thorne spotted Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2. And with an enthusiastic smile on her face, Bella Thorne quietly followed Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2 with intention to kill and she wasn't even noticed doing so. Meanwhile, Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 followed Bella Thorne with intention to kill and they wasn't even noticed doing so. So it was up to Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 to murder Bella Thorne before she can murder Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2.Bella Thorne checked her purse and her hidden knife was safely hidden from sight. And with a smile, she continued her pursuit of Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2 inside the first floor of the not yet fallen Dandilion Club.
It might be easier for the Dandilion Club to fall once Bella Thorne has been killed, but Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 hasn't found the right time to do so yet. Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord caught up with her. Bella smiled as she tossed a tear gas cannister from her purse and caused them all to fall unconscious.
The Suspicious Guy stood up and faced Dandilion Girl #4, Dandilion Girl #5, Dandilion Girl #6 and Dandilion Girl #7. He stabbed Dandilion Girl #4 and tossed Dandilion Girl #6 against Dandilion Girl #7 and rammed a machete through the breasts of Dandilion Girl #6, through her vital organs, out near her spine, between the breasts of Dandilion Girl #7, through her vital organs and out near her spine. Both Dandilion Girl #6 and Dandilion Girl #7 legally died. Bella Thorne spun around to face the Suspicious Guy with a flippant smirk on her face. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #5 between her breasts and she lay down dead.
Bella Thorne was grabbed from behind by Square Wheel Lad and she kicked him to the ground. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion girl #8 between her breasts and she died.
Bella Thorne and Dandilion Girl #9 walked closer to the staircase leading to the basement. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #10 between her breasts and she died.
Dandilion Girl #9 said, "The Suspicious Guy is a bit more violent than usual."
Bella said, "You know how it is. Some guys are never happy unless a building is being wrecked and a few cars are set on fire."
The Suspicious Guy strangled Dandilion Girl #11 and she died. Bella Thorne walked closer to the staircase leading to the basement level.
Dandilion Girl #9 said, "The Suspicious Guy seriously needs some help."
Bella said, "I'd rather murder the creep instead."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #9 between her breasts and she lay down dead.
Bella said, "Hey, I was in the middle of a conversation with that lady."
The Suspicious Guy said, "I'm sorry, but I was much too busy trying to kill you to notice."
Bella tried to strangle the Suspicious Guy while Dandilion Girl #12 snuck behind the Suspicious Guy with intent to stab him from behind. The Square Wheel Lad stabbed Dandilion Girl #12 from behind and she fell forward legally dead. Bella continued to strangle the Suspicious Guy and pushed him against the Square Wheel Lad. Square Wheel Lad fell down the stairs and was unconscious again.
Bella continued to strangle the Suspicious Guy as she asked, "I'm sorry, were you trying to have a conversation with that guy. Too bad I ruined it."
The Suspicious Guy punched Bella in the stomach and she doubled over in pain. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #13 between her breasts and she lay down dead. Bella recovered and she kicked the Suspicious Guy to the ground.
Bella said, "You're rude behavior isn't impressing me. You should try to be a bit nicer."
The Suspicious Guy said, "And you should try to be a bit more easier for me to kill."
Bella punched The Suspicious Guy in the face. Dandilion Girl #14 punched The Suspicious Guy. Bella punched The Suspicious Guy before kicking him. The Suspicious Guy fell backwards into Dandilion Girl #14 and he sliced her throat open. Dandilion Girl #14 died instantly. The Suspicious Guy stood up and was punched in the face by Bella yet again.
Bella tried to race towards the staircase, but the Suspicious Guy grabbed the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and he tossed her to the ground. Dandilion Girl #15 tried to help up Bella only to be strangled to death. Dandilion Girl #15 lay down legally dead. Bella stood up and she kicked the Suspicious Guy and he fell unconscious.
Dandilion Girl #16 said, "I'll try to delay the Suspicious Guy while you race down the stairs."Bella Thorne said, "I need another girl to help me drag Zendaya to safety."
Dandilion Girl #16 said, "Damn, we got ourselves a problem."
Dandilion Girl #17 asked, "What's going on?"
Dandilion Girl #16 said, "Bella needs our help with something."
Dandilion Girl #18 said, "The four of us should be able to find a solution rather quickly."
Bella said, "We must move quickly before the Suspicious Guy recovers."
Dandilion Girl #16 and Dandilion Girl #17 stood over the Suspicious Guy with their left feet to his left side, their right feet to his right side and standing directly above him. He suddenly woke up and stabbed Dandilion Girl #16 in the gut causing her to fall to the ground legally dead. The only way he could stand up was to cause Dandilion Girl to fall backwards. He stabbed her between her breasts several times until she died. He strangled Dandilion Girl #18 until she died as Bella snuck towards the staircase. He grabbed the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and tossed her to the ground with a loud nasty thud. Bella rose to her feet..Bella said, "What the hell is your problem?"
The Suspicious Guy said, "Everybody employed as a Dandilion Girl must die. You're employed as a Dandilion Girl. Therefore, you must die."
Bella punched the Suspicious Guy and she kicked him three more times. Her attempt to reach the staircase was defeated when he kicked her to the ground. She rose to her feet.
The Suspicious Guy said, "Very soon you will wear out from getting clobbered so aggressively and then you'll lie down on the ground dead."
Bella said, "Perhaps that's true, but today won't be that day. You won't be the one to deliver the killing blow anytime soon."
The Suspicious Guy punched her in the face and she fell. She punched him and he was hardly affected. He punched her and she fell to the ground with her head spinning. Her long red hair fell into her face as she scrambled to her feet.
Bella said, "I'm getting out of here."
And so she raced towards the exit with the idea of entering the basement from the secret door from outside the building.
The Suspicious Guy chased after Bella Thorne with the intention of killing her, but Bella Thorne was too far ahead of him. He stabbed Dandilion Girl #19 on his way out of the building and she died.
Bella Thorne successfully escaped the Dandilion Club with the intention of entering the basement from a hidden doorway connected outside the building. The Suspicious Guy must murder Bella before she reaches that door. However, Bella was too far ahead of him. He stabbed Dandilion Girl #20 and she died. He stabbed Dandilion Girl #21 and she died. He strangled Dandilion Girl #22 and she died. He chased after Bella, but she was too far ahead.
Bella Thorne was smug as she was too far ahead of the Suspicious Guy that killing her was impossible. Dandilion Girl #23 and Dandilion Girl #24 attacked. The Suspicious Guy rammed a machette between the breasts of Dandilion Girl #23, through most of her vital organs, out near her spine, between the breasts of Dandilion Girl #24, through most of her vital organs and out near her spine. Dandilion Girl #23 and Dandilion Girl #24 lay down legally dead. Bella was still too far ahead and getting farther everytime the Suspicious Guy was distracted by the need to kill a nearby Dandilion Girl blocking his path.Bella faced Dandilion Girl #25 and she said, "I need you to help me drag Zendaya down the hidden corridor between the Dandilion Club and the Dandilion Mall."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "I'll help out as long as I'm still alive."
Bella said, "Hopefully, you won't be killed anytime soon. Let's move before the Suspicious Guy catches up with us and kills us both."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "The outside door the basement is right over there. We should get there without getting ourselves killed one by one."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #26 between her breasts and she lay down dead. Bella and Dandilion Girl #25 was still too far ahead to catch up with and kill off.
Bella Thorne's voluptuous chest started to heave as her left hand rested on her breasts. The doomed girl is about to die and nothing will stop the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse from killing her.
Meanwhile, in the Dandilion Mall, Mia Wasikowska and ten Dandilion Girls were guarding Archery Guy as he was trapped behind a force field that kept him prisoner inside a room. Mia looked at Archery Guy and she smiled. Archery Guy looked at Mia and he smiled. However, The Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill nine Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and there's eleven of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
Archery Guy said, I need to use the restroom."
Mia said, "Screw you. You're going to die."
Archery Guy said, "I'm not dead yet and I really need to go."
Mia groaned with frustration and she said, "Ok, but you better make it quick." She faced two Dandilion Girls and she said, "You're coming with me."
Dandilion Girl #1 said, "As you command."
Dandilion Girl #3 said, "Let's get this over with."
And so Mia lowered the force field. Achery Guy fired an arrow between Dandilion Girl #1's breasts and she lay down legally dead. Dandilion Girl #3 twisted Archery Guy's left arm behind his back as she lead him into the woman's bathroom (There are no men bathrooms in the Dandilion Mall).
Mia said, "Well, if you're going to go, then go."
Archery Guy said, "Not in front of women."
Mia said, "I'm not going to leave a dangerous serial killer unguarded."
Archery Guy felt Dandilion Girl #3's voluptuous breasts against his spine as he stabbed her left side. Dandlion Girl #3 lay down legally dead.
Archery Guy said, "I told you girls that I'm not going to go in front of women."
Archery Guy punched Mia in the stomach and she doubled over in pain.
Mia stood up as she said, "That's it, playtime is over. We're going back to your cell."
Archery Guy said, "I never got to use the bathroom."
Mia said, "That's not my problem."
Archery Guy felt Mia's voluptuous breasts against his spine as she twisted his left arm behind his back and led to his force field cell.
Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill nine Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and there's nine of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
Meanwhile, Bella and Dandilion Girl #25 walked closer towards the doorway that lead from the outside street to the basement of the Dandilion Club. The Suspicious Guy still needs to murder them both before they succeed in doing so.
Bella said, "I can't believe how easy this turned out to be."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "We didn't reach the basement yet. The two of us could still end up dead until we succeed I getting there."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #26 between her breasts and she lay down dead.
The Suspicious Guy continued to follow close behind Bella Thorne with intent to murder her. The sight of Bella Throne lying down in defeat made him perverted and horny. Bella is a pretty girl and she'll make a very pretty corpse. However, she was too far ahead of him to be attacked and killed by an impossible to defeat girl hating serial killer.
The Suspicious Guy continued to follow close behind Bella Thorne with intent to murder her. The sight of Bella Throne lying down in defeat made him perverted and horny. Bella is a pretty girl and she'll make a very pretty corpse. However, she was too far ahead of him to be attacked and killed by an impossible to defeat girl hating serial killer.
Dandilion Girl #27 was eating a salad as she felt a sharp pain near her spine. Dripping blood all over her salad, Dandilion Girl #27 lay down dead after being stabbed in the back by the Suspicious Guy. Bella Thorne and Dandilion Girl #25 continued to walk side by side.Bella said, "We need to hurry and help drag Zendaya down the hallway. She'll be easy to kill if she dies in the hallway between the Dandilion Club and the Dandilion Mall."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "Zendaya will die if she's forced to run down the hallway on her own."
Bella said, "Not if I can do anything about it."
Dandilion Girl #28 strangled the Suspicious Guy from behind while Dandilion Girl #29 stood nearby with a proud smirk on her face. The Suspicious Guy felt Dandilion Girl #28's voluptuous breasts press against his spine as her strangulation grip got tighter.
Bella said, "My biggest fear is dying before I could reach the age of twenty-one. However, I have a much greater will to survive and live. I shall destroy the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "And I'll be more than willing to help you out."
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandilion Girl #29 in the stomach and she doubled over in pain. Dandilion Girl #29 fell against Dandilion Girl #28 and caused Dandilion Girl #28 to wince in pain. Dandilion Girl #28 released her strangulation grip as the Suspicious Guy punched her in the stomach. Dandilion Girl #29 lay down legally dead. Dandilion Girl #28 lay down legally dead.
Bella Thorne and Dandilion Girl #25 continued to walk ahead of the Suspicious Guy. Bella is too far ahead to be killed by her victimizer.
Bella said, "I used to be afraid of being killed by guys. Now guys are afraid of being killed by me."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "There's nothing wrong with confidence."
Bella said, "Confidence and feminism will save the world from the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. It's an unavoidable fact of life."
Bella checked her purse as she asked, "Did I ever bring along mace to protect myself with?"
Dandilion Girl #25 asked, "Do you think the mace will help?"
Bella said, "It won't hurt to bring it along just in case."
Dandilion Girl #30 attacked the Suspicious Guy and he stabbed her between her breasts. Dandilion Girl lay down legally dead.
Bella said, "Damn it, I don't have mace. I guess I'll have to make do without it."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "I'm sure you'll be able to overpower and kill the Suspicious Guy if you're forced to do so."
Bella said, "I guess I have no choice but to do so."
Dandilion Girl #31 attacked the Suspicious Guy from behind.
Bella said, "It's days like this when I wish I took self defense classes more seriously."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "Most of the Dandilion Girls who actually showed up for the self defense class is already legally dead from a murder attack launched by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. You're failure to show up for classes may have saved your life."
Bella said, "I sure hope you're right."
Dandilion Girl #32 tried to stab the Suspicious Guy. He spun around and caused Dandilion Girl #32 to stab Dandilion Girl #31 from behind and she died. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #32 between her breasts and she also lay down legally dead.
Bella asked, "How many funerals must we hold for the legally dead Dandilion Girls?"
Dandilion Girl #25 replied, "I don't know. I lost track how many innocent girls were killed."
The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #33 from behind and she died in an unprovoked murder attack that killed her instantly.
Bella said, "I don't even own a decent funeral dress."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "Most of the dead Dandilion Girls corpses were never found."
The Suspicious Guy sliced open Dandilion Girl #34's throat open in an unprovoked murder attack. She too lay down legally dead.
Bella said, "Funerals still need to be held, even if the dead girls' corpses were never found."
Dandilion Girl #25 replied, "That's a lot of empty coffins to bury underground."
The Suspicious Guy grabbed Dandilion Girl #35 from behind and he strangled her to death. She lay down legally dead in a submissive pose.
Bella said, "Empty coffins cost money and funerals are expensive."
Dandilion Girl #25 said, "We need to focus on surviving tonight. We'll worry about the funerals of the legally dead Dandilion Girls later."
Dandilion Girl #36 attacked and the Suspicious Guy stabbed her between her breasts. Dandilion Girl #36 lay down on the ground legally dead. Bella Thorne and Dandilion Girl #25 was still too far ahead. The Suspicious Guy was still unable to murder both ladies.
Meanwhile, in the Dandilion Mall, Mia Wasikowska and eight Dandilion Girls were guarding Archery Guy as he was trapped behind a force field that kept him prisoner inside a room. Mia looked at Archery Guy and she smiled. Archery Guy looked at Mia and he smiled. However, The Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill seven Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and there's nine of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
Archery Guy said, "I still need to use the bathroom."
Mia Wasikowska said, "Go to Hell. The last time we did this dance, you didn't need to go and two of my girls ended up legally dead."
Archery Guy said, "I'm serious this time. I really need to go."
Mia released a groan before she said, "Ok, let's get this over with before I regret this."
Mia lowered the force field and Archery Guy fired an arrow from his archery weapon between Dandilion Girl #4's breasts. Dandilion Girl #4 lay down legally dead. Dandilion Girl #5 twisted Archery Guy's left arm behind his back. Archery Guy felt Dandilion Girl #5's voluptuous breasts against his spine as she pushed him forward. The three of them walked towards the women's bathroom (There still isn't any men's bathroom since the last time we've seen this happen).
Mia faced Dandilion Girl #5 and said, "Ok, release the creep." Mia faced Archery Guy and said, "Ok, you get some privacy when going to the bathroom. No funny business and no dead girls."
Archery Guy fired an arrow between Dandilion Girl #5's breasts and she lay down legally dead.
Archery Guy said, "I told you girls that you have to force me to go in front of women. Only a doomed easy to kill girl would leave me unguarded."
Mia said, "You think you're being funny by acting like this. You made your last mistake."
Archery Guy punched Mia in the stomach and she doubled over in pain. It was slightly harder for Mia to recovered, but she managed to do so. She twisted his left arm behind his back. Archery Guy felt Mia's voluptuous breasts against his spine as she lead him back to his force field cell.
Mia said, "That's it. No more bathroom breaks, no food and no water. The next time I lower the force field barrier is the moment when I end your life."
Archery Guy said, "You won't be so proud and arrogant when I succeed in killing you."
Mia said, "You'll never succeed in punishing and killing me. I promise to put up a really violent fight against you and your Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse friends."
Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill seven Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and there's seven of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
Meanwhile, The Suspicious Guy continues to chase after Bella Thorne with the intention of murdering her in an unprovoked serial killing murder attack. Bella smiled with pride when she realized she might actually have a chance in defeating the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. The Suspicious Guy needs to kill her immediately in order to defeat such arrogance. The Suspicious Guy stabbed Dandelion Girl #37 between her breasts before punching Dandelion Girl #38 causing both girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella said, "We need to hurry if we're going to reach Zendaya before it's too late."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I'm not bothered. The fact that we're not legally dead yet is encouraging."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #39 and Dandelion Girl #40 before kicking Dandelion Girl #41 and stabbing Dandelion Girl #42 between her breasts---Causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. Bella said, "We need to hurry if we're going to reach Zendaya before it's too late."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I'm not bothered. The fact that we're not legally dead yet is encouraging."
Bella said, "The fact that we're not dead yet doesn't mean that we're immune from being murdered forever. It only means that we delayed our deaths a bit longer."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Hey, I'll take whatever optimism I can get."
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #43 and Dandelion Girl #44 before punching Dandelion Girl #45 and Dandelion Girl #46---Causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella said, "Optimism without practicality isn't going to do us girls any good."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I'm all in favor of impracticality if it kept us alive this long."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #47, Dandelion Girl #48, Dandelion Girl #49 and Dandelion Girl #50 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella Thorne lost track of Dandelion Girl #25. Bella started to panic as she searched in futility for Dandelion Girl #25 and praying the worst didn't already happen.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #51, Dandelion Girl #52, Dandelion Girl #53 and Dandelion Girl #54 before kicking Dandelion Girl #55 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella Thorne continued to search in futility for Dandelion Girl #25. The longer Bella searched in futility for Dandelion Girl #25 gave the Suspicious Guy a better chance to catch up to Bella and kill her before she can save Zendaya from getting herself murdered.
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #56 and Dandelion Girl #57 before punching Dandelion Girl #58, Dandelion Girl #59 and Dandelion Girl #60 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella was forced to walk backwards closer towards the Suspicious Guy as she searched in futility for Dandelion Girl #25. The Suspicious Guy got excited about getting the chance to kill Bella before she can save Zendaya from getting herself murdered.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #61, Dandelion Girl #62, Dandelion Girl #63, Dandelion Girl #64 and Dandelion Girl #65 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bellla ran towards the Suspicious Guy faster and faster reducing the distance between Bella and her victimizer. She still had trouble finding Dandelion Girl #25.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #66, Dandelion Girl #67, Dandelion Girl #68, Dandelion Girl #69 and Dandelion Girl #70 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella finally spotted Dandelion Girl #25 who fell and lay without moving.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #71, Dandelion Girl #72, Dandelion Girl #73 and Dandelion Girl #74 before kicking Dandelion Girl #75 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella lost track of Dandelion Girl #25 causing Bella to run towards the Suspicious Guy making it easier for him to kill the girl while there's still a chance to do so.
The Suspicious Guy kicked Dandelion Girl #76 and Dandelion Girl #77 before punching Dandelion Girl #78, Dandelion Girl #79 and Dandelion Girl #80 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella realized that Dandelion Girl #25 got up and was at an unknown location. She ran towards the Suspicious Guy even faster while searching frantically before the Suspicious Guy gets the chance to kill her once and for all.
Bella Thorne's chest heaved while half of her anticipated being killed while half of her was terrified of being murdered once and for all.
Meanwhile, in the Dandilion Mall, Mia Wasikowska and six Dandilion Girls were guarding Archery Guy as he was trapped behind a force field that kept him prisoner inside a room. Mia looked at Archery Guy and she smiled. Archery Guy looked at Mia and he smiled. However, The Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill five Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and there's seven of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
Archery Guy said, "I still need to use the bathroom."
Mia replied, "Forget it. It's not going to happen."
Archery Guy said, "I'm only going to make a huge mess on the floor and I won't be held responsible."
Mia said, "I can't believe that this is your idea of sweet talking me out of killing you."
Archery Guy said, "Hey, if I guy has to go, then he has to go. Please, have some compassion."
Mia said, "I'm not going to do it."
Archery Guy said, "I'll pay you money to take me to the bathroom."
Mia said with a groan, "I guess I could do it for money."
Mia Wasikowska lowered the force field and she moved to restrain him. However, she wasn't quick enough and Archery Guy fired an arrow between Dandilion Girl #6's breasts and she lay down legally dead. Dandilion Girl #7 twisted Archery Guy's left arm behind his back. Dandilion Girl #7's voluptuous breasts was felt on his spine as she and Mia lead him to the women's bathroom (The Dandilion Shopping Mall wasn't built for male shoppers yet).
Mia said with frustration, "What are you waiting for?"
Archery Guy said, "I can't go in front of you two girls."
Mia said, "Since you can't be trusted on your own, you'll need to go in front of us both."
Archery Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #7's left side with his knife and she lay down legally dead on the floor. He spun to face Mia in violent battle to the death.
Archery Guy said, "If I told you once, I told you many times that I can't go in front of women. What the fuck is wrong with you."
Mia said, "You're fucking with me and I don't like it."
Archery Guy punched Mia in the stomach and she doubled over in pain. She nearly lay down and it took longer than expected to recover. She barely blocked his attempt to punch her in the face.
Mia twisted his left arm behind his back. He felt Mia's voluptuous breasts resting on his spine as she dragged him out of the bathroom.
Mia said, "That's enough girl murdering scariness from jerks like you for tonight You're going back to your force field cell until the Dandilion Girls are ready to murder you with or without a bathroom break you self centered piece of filth."
Mia reached the force field cell and she pushed him forward and caused him to tumble to the ground. The force field closed down around him.
Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill five Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and there's five of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #81 and Dandelion Girl #82 before kicking Dandelion Girl #83, Dandelion Girl #84 and Dandelion Girl #85---Causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy walked closer towards Bella with intention to kill her.
Bella finally spotted Dandelion Girl #25. Bella said, "There you are. I got worried that you were murdered and I was next to die."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "We'll still be in danger of being killed if we keep running towards our victimizer instead of away from him."
The Suspicious guy kicked Dandelion Girl #86, Dandelion Girl #87, Dandelion Girl #88 and Dandelion Girl #89 before punching Dandelion Girl #90 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious guy ran towards Bella excited that he still has a chance to kill her.Bella said, "Then we better start running away while we still have the chance to do so."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Cool with me. Let's go."
Bella Thorne and Dandelion Girl #25 ran away from the Suspicious Guy and towards the spot where Bella hid Zendaya. There's still a chance to kill Bella before she reaches Zendaya's hiding place and kill Zendaya while she's still hidden.
Bella Thorne and Dandelion Girl #25 ran towards Zendaya Coleman's hiding place. Both girls needs to die before they can reach Zendaya's hiding place. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #91 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #92 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #93 and Dandelion Girl #94 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #95 and Dandelion Girl #96 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #97, Dandelion Girl #98 and Dandelion Girl #99 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #100 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #101, 102 and 103 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #105 behind him and kicked Dandelion Girl #106 to the left of him causing all sixteen teenage girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Hold on, I lost my bracelet. I need to find my bracelet."
Bella said, "Forget your bracelet. We need to reach Zendaya's hiding place now before both of us girls are murdered by the Suspicious Guy."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I'm sorry, but my bracelet is very important to me."
Bella said with a groan, "Ok, let's find your damn bracelet."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #107 to the left of him and she fell backwards spine against breasts and rear end against vagina into Dandelion Girl #108, Dandelion Girl #109 and Dandelion Girl #110 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #111 and Dandelion Girl #112 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #113 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #114, 115 and 116 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #117 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #118 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #119 and Dandelion Girl #120 behind him causing all ten girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 and Bella Thorne ran backwards towards the starting point even further in their doomed quest to find Dandelion Girl #25's bracelet.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I think I left my bracelet somewhere around here."
Bella said with another groan, "I certainly hope so."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #121, Dandelion Girl #122 and Dandelion Girl #123 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #124 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #125 and Dandelion Girl #126 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #127, Dandelion Girl #128 and Dandelion Girl #129 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #130 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #131 and Dandelion Girl #132 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #133 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #134 to the right of him and punched Dandelion Girl #135 to the left of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 bent down on her hands and knees looking for her bracelet.
Bella asked, "Did you find your bracelet yet?"
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Not yet."
Bella replied, "Hurry up, the Suspicious Guy is now in front of us instead of being behind us. Sooner or later, he'll find that out and kill us both."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #136, Dandelion Girl #137, Dandelion Girl #138, Dandelion Girl #139 and Dandelion Girl #140 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #141 and Dandelion Girl #142 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #143, Dandelion Girl #144 and Dandelion Girl #145 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #146, Dandelion Girl #147, Dandelion Girl #148, Dandelion Girl #149 and Dandelion Girl #150 behind him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 slipped and ended up lying down on the ground while pressing her vagina and her breasts on the ground. Her lower legs raised upwards while doing so. Bella helped Dandelion Girl #25 to her feet.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Thanks. I nearly died."
Bella said, "Let's get to Zendaya's hiding place."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Not without my bracelet. Bend down and help me get it."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #151, Dandelion Girl #152, Dandelion Girl #153, Dandelion Girl #154, Dandelion Girl #155, Dandelion Girl #156, Dandelion Girl #157 and Dandelion Girl #158 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #159 and Dandelion Girl #160 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #161 to the left of him before punching Dandelion Girl #162, Dandelion Girl #163, Dandelion Girl #164 and Dandelion Girl #165 to the left of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella said, "One of us girls needs to keep watch for the Suspicious Guy to make sure he doesn't attack and kill us from behind while looking for your bracelet."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "But I'll find my bracelet faster with your help."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #166, Dandelion Girl #167, Dandelion Girl #168, Dandelion Girl #169 and Dandelion Girl #170 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #171, Dandelion Girl #172, Dandelion Girl #173, Dandelion Girl #174 and Dandelion Girl #175 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #176 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #177 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #178, Dandelion Girl #179 and Dandelion Girl #180 behind him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Bella said, "I must protest. It will be easier for the Suspicious Guy to kill us both if one of us isn't keeping watch. Hurry up, stop arguing and find your damn bracelet already."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Ok, I'll hurry up and find my bracelet."
Bella rested her left hand on her voluptuous breasts as Dandelion Girl #25 bent over on her hands and knees looking for her bracelet.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #181, Dandelion Girl #182, Dandelion Girl #183, Dandelion Girl #184, Dandelion Girl #185, Dandelion Girl #186, Dandelion Girl #187 and Dandelion Girl #188 behind her before punching Dandelion Girl #189, Dandelion Girl #190, Dandelion Girl #191, Dandelion Girl #192, Dandelion Girl #193, Dandelion Girl #194 and Dandelion Girl #195 to the left of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 thought she found her necklace. She nearly slipped and fell completely to the ground. Bella nearly slipped and fell on top of Dandelion Girl breasts on spine and vagina on rear end before holding on to a nearby bench and pulling herself back up.
Bella said, "This is the second time that you nearly died and nearly got me killed too. Hurry up and find it before both of us are killed for real."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Stop nagging. I'll find it. I'll find it."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #196, Dandelion Girl #197, Dandelion Girl #198, Dandelion Girl #199 and Dandelion Girl #200 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #201, Dandelion Girl #202 and Dandelion Girl #203 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #204 in front of him before punching Dandelion Girl #205, Dandelion Girl #206, Dandelion Girl #207, Dandelion Girl #208, Dandelion Girl #209 and Dandelion Girl #210 in front of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I found the bracelet."
Dandelion Girl #25 picked up her bracelet and put it on her wrist."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Now we can get going."
Bella replied with a sigh of relief, "It's about time."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #211, Dandelion Girl #212, Dandelion Girl #213 and Dandelion Girl #214 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #215 and Dandelion Girl #216 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #217 and Dandelion Girl #218 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #219, Dandelion Girl #220, Dandelion Girl #221, Dandelion Girl #222, Dandelion Girl #223 and Dandelion Girl #224 behind him before punching Dandelion Girl #215 in front of him causing all fifteen girls lie down legally dead
Bella Thorne and Dandelion Girl #25 ran past the Suspicious Guy with arrogant expression on their faces. Bella final felt relief that everything is finally going her way.
Bella said, "It feel good that we're finally making up for lost time."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Everything is good as long as I don't lose my bracelet again."
Bella replied, "Please don't even think like that."
Meanwhile, in the Dandilion Mall, Mia Wasikowska and four Dandilion Girls were guarding Archery Guy as he was trapped behind a force field that kept him prisoner inside a room. Mia looked at Archery Guy and she smiled. Archery Guy looked at Mia and he smiled. However, The Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill three Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and there's five of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
The Suspicious Guy said, "I need to use the restroom."
Mia said, "Then do it in your pants. I don't give a shit anymore."
The Archery Guy said, "The Supreme Commander will kill you if I die after going to the bathroom in my pants. The Supreme Commander will stab you between your breasts for failing the cardinal rule that male deaths must be sexually satisfying to women murderers."
Mia said, "You'll kill me if I cooperate."
The Archery Guy sad, "Then we got ourselves a problem."
Mia said, "Ok, let's get this over with."
Mia lowered the force field and the Archery Guy sent an arrow from his bow and arrow set between Dandilion Girl #8's breasts. Dandilion Girl #8 lay down legally dead. Dandilion Girl #9 grabbed Archery Guy from behind an twisted his left arm behind his back. Archery Guy felt Dandilion Girl #9's voluptuous breasts pressed against his spine as she lead Archery Guy down the hallway to the women's bathroom (No men's bathroom yet folks).
Once they entered the bathroom, Mia said, "Ok, release the jerk."
Archery Guy said, "It's a lethal mistake not to have a girl guard me."
Mia said, "You threatened to kill me if I had a girl guard you while you go to the bathroom."
Archery Guy fired an arrow between Dandilion Girl #9's breasts and she lay down legally dead.
Archery Guy said, "Never leave a dangerous man like me unguarded. I might succeed in killing you.
Archery Guy punched Mia in the stomach and she doubled over in pain. She nearly lay down and it took longer than expected to recover. She barely blocked his attempt to punch her in the face.
Mia twisted his left arm behind his back. He felt Mia's voluptuous breasts resting on his spine as she dragged him out of the bathroom. She lead him down the hall and towards the force field cell.
Archery Guy said, "I still didn't get to use the bathroom."
Mia said, "That's not my problem."
Suspicious Guy only needs to sneak behind and kill three Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and there's three of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #216, Dandelion Girl #217, Dandelion Girl #218, Dandelion Girl #219 and Dandelion Girl #220 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #221 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #222, Dandelion Girl #223, Dandelion Girl #224 and Dandelion Girl #225 in front of him before punching Dandelion Girl #226, Dandelion Girl #227, Dandelion Girl #228, Dandelion Girl #229 and Dandelion Girl #230 causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Damn, the police is following us."
Bella said, "Don't worry, I got this covered."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #231, Dandelion Girl #232, Dandelion Girl #233, Dandelion Girl #234 and Dandelion Girl #235 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #236, Dandelion Girl #237, Dandelion Girl #238, Dandelion Girl #239 and Dandelion Girl #240 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #241 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #242 behind him before punching Dandelion Girl #243, Dandelion Girl #244 and Dandelion Girl #245 in front of him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 asked, "What do you plan to say to the police when they get here?"
Bella said, "Relax, I'll use the usual excuse."
Police Officer #1 said, "Where is your permit that gives you permission to be an unauthorized female. You realize that all unauthorized females born without permission must be killed on spot. Where is your permit that gives you permission to be an unauthorized female."
Police Officer #2 said, "These two girls has no permit that gives them permission to be an unauthorized female. We might need to kill them both right now."
Bella said, "I have a bribe that will tell you otherwise."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Oh right, the bribe always works."
Bella said, "The bribe always works when I give it."
The following fifteen girls had no permit allowing them to be alive making them unauthorized females. This is what happened to all fifteen of them.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #246, Dandelion Girl #247, Dandelion Girl #248, Dandelion Girl #249 and Dandelion Girl #250 in front of him, he punched Dandelion Girl #251 and Dandelion Girl #252 to his right, punched Dandelion Girl #253, Dandelion Girl #254 and Dandelion Girl #255 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #256 to his right, punched Dandelion Girl #257, Dandelion Girl #258 and Dandelion Girl #259 to his left before kicking Dandelion Girl #260 causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Police Officer #1 said, "The bribe is more than enough to function as a permit allowing this unauthorized female to remain alive."
Bella gave the bribe to the police officers and she said, "I figured that you would say that."
Police Officer #2 said, "You two girls have a good day."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "You better believe that Bella and I will have a good day."
The following fifteen girls had no permit allowing them to be alive making them unauthorized females. This is what happened to all fifteen of them.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #261, Dandelion Girl #262, Dandelion Girl #263, Dandelion Girl #264, Dandelion Girl #265 and Dandelion Girl #266 to his left, kicked Dandelion Girl #267 to his right, punched Dandelion Girl #268, Dandelion Girl #269 and Dandelion Girl #270 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #271 to his right before punching Dandelion Girl #272, Dandelion Girl #273, Dandelion Girl #274 and Dandelion Girl #275 causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "The Police is walking away. We're now free to walk forward."
Bella said, "Then we should do so with enthusiasm."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #276, Dandelion Girl #277, Dandelion Girl #278, Dandelion Girl #279 and Dandelion Girl #280 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #281, Dandelion Girl #282, Dandelion Girl #283, Dandelion Girl #284 and Dandelion Girl #285 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #286 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #287 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #288 and Dandelion Girl #289 in front of him before kicking Dandelion Girl #290 to his left causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #291, Dandelion Girl #292, Dandelion Girl #293, Dandelion Girl #294 and Dandelion Girl #295 to his left, he punched Dandelion Girl #296, Dandelion Girl #297, Dandelion Girl #298, Dandelion Girl #299 and Dandelion Girl #300 to his right, kicked Dandelion Girl #301 to his left, punched Dandelion Girl #302, Dandelion Girl #303 and Dandelion Girl #304 to his right before kicking Dandelion Girl #305 to his right causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "We should hurry before the police realize that the bribe isn't high enough."
Bella said, "Don't worry, the bribe is high enough."The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #306, Dandelion Girl #307, Dandelion Girl #308, Dandelion Girl #309 and Dandelion Girl #310 in front of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #311, Dandelion Girl #312, Dandelion Girl #313, Dandelion Girl #314 and Dandelion Girl #315 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #316 and Dandelion Girl #317 to his right before punching Dandelion Girl #318, Dandelion Girl #319 and Dandelion Girl #320 behind him causing all fifteen girls to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "The Police is still following us."
Bella said, "The Police isn't a problem because the bribe is sufficient enough. It's the Suspicious Guy that I'm worried about. He has what it takes to punish and kill us both for the crime of being unauthorized women having been born without a permit."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "But the Police is still following us."
Bella said, "Then be patient and be calm."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "I'm trying to be calm, but it's not easy."
Bella said, "Your failure to be calm will doom us both."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Yeah, I realize that. I'm trying hard not to doom us both."
Bella said, "We're almost there. Keep calm."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "Easy for you to say. I'm a nervous wreck right now."
Bella said, "You see, the Police is walking away. We're free to proceed forward."
Dandelion Girl #25 said, "But the Suspicious Guy ran out of Dandelion Girls to attack and kill. We could be next for the Suspicious Guy to kill."
Meanwhile, in the Dandilion Mall, Mia Wasikowska and two Dandilion Girls were guardingArchery Guy as he was trapped behind a force field that kept him prisoner inside a room. Mia looked at Archery Guy and she smiled. Archery Guy looked at Mia and he smiled. However, The Suspicious Guy only needs to walk over twelve legally dead Dandilion Girls---Mia Wasikowska included and there's three of them looking straight at Archery Guy as he's trapped behind a force field generator waiting for Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue. All three Dandilion Girls, Mia Wasikowska included, must be murdered immediently in order for the Suspicious Guy to stage a rescue. When the Suspicious Guy chases Zendaya Coleman down the secret tunnel connecting the Dandilion Club with the Dandilion Shopping Mall, it's necessary for Zendaya Coleman to lie down dead on top of a legally dead Dandilion Girl. That can't happen until Mia Wasikowska is killed right now.
Archery Guy said, "I need to use the bathroom."
Mia said, "I'm getting sick and tired of this idiotic garbage. Give it a rest."
Archery Guy said, "We'll do this dance one more time and then I won't need to do this anymore."
Mia said, "You better be right about this."
Mia lowered the force field and Archery Guy sent an arrow from his archery weapon between Dandilion Girl #10's breasts. Dandilion Girl #10 lay down legally dead. Mia punched Archery Guy and he dropped his archery weapon. Dandilion Girl #11 grabbed Archery Guy from behind before he could grab his archery weapon. Archery Guy felt Dandilion Girl #11's breasts pressed against his spine as he was lead down the hallway to the women's bathroom (More girls need to die before it's sealed forever with or without living girls inside (Who are then gassed to death when the women's bathroom is sealed forever with living Dandilon Girls inside)). A men's bathroom is then created when the women's bathroom is sealed off forever.
This is it. Mia Wasikowska must die now.
Mia said, "You'll have to do it in front of my girlfriend and I."
Archery Guy said, "If I told you girls once, I told you girls multiple times. I can't do it in front of girls. I can't allow girl perversion."
Archery Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #11 between her breasts and she lay down legally dead. Archery Guy punched Mia in the stomach and she doubled over in pain.
Mia said, "You have defeated me."
Mia Wasikowska looked at her victimizer with a blank lifeless expression before she lay down legally dead. Mia Wasikowska is legally dead. Archery Guy finally defeated and killed the girl and she'll never return again. Once a Dandilion Girl is killed, she must lie down and remain dead forever. Mia Wasikowska is a Dandilion Girl. Mia Wasikowska is legally dead and she must stay that way forever.
Archery Guy remembered that he left his archery weapon behind. He returned to the force field cell and the force field lowered around him. And he must stay there until Bella Thorne dies and Suspicious Guy chases Zendaya Coleman down the secret tunnel connecting the Dandilion Club with the Dandilion Shopping Mall, kills Zendaya and forces her to lie down dead on Mia's dead body. Since Bella Thorne and Zendaya Coleman are still alive, Archery Guy must remain in captivity.
The Suspicious Guy was catching up to Bella Thorne and Dandelion Girl #25.
Dandelion Girl #25 rested her right hand on her breasts before she said, "Oh damn, I dropped my bracelet. Keep watch while I try to find my bracelet."
Bella said, "Hurry up, the Suspicious Guy is catching up."
Dandelion Girl #25 bent on her hands and knees before the Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #321 causing her to fall on top of Dandelion Girl #25 breasts on spine and vagina on rear end with Dandelion Girl #321 kissing the back of Dandelion Girl #25's neck---Causing both girls to fall face down to the ground legally dead. The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #322, Dandelion Girl #323, Dandelion Girl #324, Dandelion Girl #325 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #326, Dandelion Girl #327, Dandelion Girl #328, Dandelion Girl #329 and Dandelion Girl #330 behind him causing all ten girls to fall down legally dead. Bella said, "You jerk, you didn't need to kill all of those girls."
The Suspicious Guy punched Dandelion Girl #331, Dandelion Girl #332, Dandelion Girl #333, Dandelion Girl #334 and Dandelion Girl #335 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead.
The Suspicious Guy said, "I needed to kill all of those girls. I need to murder you too."
The Suspicious Guy punched Bella twice. She tried to punch him, but he blocked the blow. He punched Bella twice, kicked her once and kicked her three more times.
Bella tried to escape, but he grabbed the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and pulled her backwards before he grabbed her in a stranglehold.
Bella tried to break free from his stranglehold, but he was much too strong for her. She rammed her left elbow into him without success. His stranglehold got tighter against her throat.
Bella rammed her elbow into his stomach and he winced in pain. Bella broke free and she ran towards the hidden tunnel where she hid Zendaya. The Suspicious Guy followed close behind.The Suspicious Guy entered the Hidden Tunnel and he punched Bella twice before kicking her once. Bella punched him and he kicked her in return.
Bella punched him twice. He kicked her three times before punching her once. He punched her five times. He kicked her six times before punching her again.
Bella punched him twice and he kicked her five times before punching her once.
Bella said, "I'll offer you a bribe if you let me survive."
The Suspicious Guy punched her before he said, "I'm sorry, but I must kill you now."
Bella Throne's sister Dani Thorne is legally dead. All of the Dandilion Girls directly under the command of Bella Thorne is legally dead. Bella Thorne's effort to save Zendaya Coleman has failed. And Bella Thorne effort to reach to secret tunnel where Zendaya Coleman is lying down badly hurt inside was defeated. And now the only way to murder Zendaya Coleman is to first kill Bella Thorne. Bella knew that she was about to die, but she chose to challenge him to a battle to the death anyway.
The Suspicious Guy said, "You know the rules. Anytime a Dandilion Girl is about to kill off her victimizer, she must tell him the best way for him to kill her."
Bella said, "Do you really think that I'm that stupid. Why would I do such a thing?"
The Suspicious Guy said, "Because the Dandilion Girls outnumber the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. In order to make sure the Dandilion Girl majority is wiped out all the way down to zero, two rules are crucial. Number one, Girl deaths are permanent and guy deaths are always reversible. Number two, anytime a girl is about to kill a guy, she must tell him the best way to kill her."
Bella lovingly kissed him and whispered inside his ear, "First I give you a lethal karate kick. If I kill you, then I must give you a second loving romantic kiss. Then I must give a loving romantic kiss to the first person to enter the room. If I fail to kill you, then you must give me a lethal karate kick. If you kill me, then you must lie down and be kissed by the first person to help you up who isn't legally dead. Round three gives me the chance to give you a lethal karate kick if you fail to kill me. You must kill me to prevent round three from happening."
Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3, Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2 walked closer to the room. The Suspicious Guy must murder Bella Thorne now.
Bella said, "Are you ready for our little death game?"The Suspicious Guy said, "I'm ready if you're ready."
Bella Thorne gave the Suspicious Guy a lethal karate kick. He survived. He gave Bella Thorne a lethal karate kick. The sexually seductive Hispanic girl winced in pain as she started to die.
Bella Throne fell to the ground and she started to die. The Suspicious Guy fell to the ground and he started to die. Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3, Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2 entered the room. They can only save one from death with a kiss. They must allow the other one to die by refusing to offer a kiss.Bella tried to rise to her feet as Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3, Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2 took time lying down on top of the Suspicious Guy. Bella is dying and the loving kiss that could save her will never be given to her.
Bella Thorne eyes started to close. She watched the kiss of life be given to the enemy who killed her. She has no choice but to die.
Bella said, "You have defeated me."
Bella tried to rise, but her arms caved in from under her.
Thug #1, Thug #2, Thug #3, Parking Lot Lord #1 and Parking Lot Lord #2 was so busy lying down on top of the Suspicious Guy and saving him from death, that they didn't notice that Bella was dying and will soon be legally dead.
Bella closed her eyes and she died. Bella Thorne is legally dead. Now it's time to kill Zendaya Coleman. It's time to reach the hidden tunnel and kill the girl.
Meanwhile, as she searched in vain for Bella Thorne, Zendaya Coleman found herself in another portion of the soon-be-be fallen Dandilion Club. Her cell phone battery was dying and she was hoping that it would be easier to find Bella Thorne if Zendeya tried to call her up on the cell phone. And without knowing that the Unknown Third Person was standing nearby and waiting for an opening to kill her in an unprovoked murder attack.
Barbara Palvin stood outside the Dandilion Shopping Mall. The girl was nervous as she stood outside the building near the parking lot.
Christa B. Allen
was attempting to enter the Dandilion Mall. She failed to realize that it was already being attacked by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. However, she had a plan that could restore the balance back in favor of the Dandilion Girls---If only she can reach the besieged Dandilion Mall just in the nick of time.
Christa B. Allen ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She wasn't sure how badly the situation has become, but Angelina Jolie told her to get there quick and she's trying to get there quick. Part of her was sexually excited about he prospect of dying in battle against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Part of her wanted to survive long enough to see the next morning.
She was breathing heavier and she was getting worn out from all that running, but she wasn't going to lose sight of the goal. She didn't know what was going on at the Dandilion Mall, but she got a plan to save it whatever was going on over there.
Christa B. Allen was so intent on running towards the Dandilion Mall, that she didn't realize until it was too late that she ran into a knife. The knife as held by Ketchup King. Ketchup King looked at the dying girl with a perverted expression as he stabbed Christa B. Allen between her breasts several more times. Christa B. Allen said, "Please let me live. I promise that I'll be better behaved."
Ketchup King said, "I'd rather murder you instead."
Ketchup King stabbed Christa B. Allen between her breasts five more times.
Christa B. Allen said, "It's not necessary for you to murder me. I'll surrender if you want."
Ketchup King said, "It's too late. The blood loss is too extensive. It's time for you to die."
Christa B. Allen released a groan of defeat before she lay down on the sidewalk in front of Ketchup King in a submissive pose. Christa B. Allen is no longer alive. Christa B. Allen is legally dead.
Masked Failed Suicide Crusader, Ketchup King and Captain Mayonnaise wanted to sit in those seats. However, Katharine McPhee, Louise Roe and Sami Gayle chose to sit there instead. And not knowing that they're provoking an outburst of violence, the three women proceeded to enjoy a conversation as if nothing have gone wrong.
Sami said, "The surviving girls are taking bets who the last girl standing is going to be. Let's hope that one of us girls are the last girls standing."
Katharine said, "Only one girl can be the last girl standing."
Louise said, "It's not fair that only one girl can be the last girl standing."
Katharine said, "The very word last girl standing excludes the possibility for more than one last remaining survivor needing to be killed."
Louise said, "Yeah, but rules were made to be broken."
Sami said, "That's right. Rules were made to be broken and we're the girls to break them."
Sami continued, "The three of us girls managed to survive this long. What could possibly hinder any chance of surviving for the rest of the evening?"
Katharine said, "I wish I had your enthusiasm."
Louise said, "Oh please don't ruin it for Sami and myself."
Katharine said, "I don't want to ruin it for Sami and yourself."
Louise said, "You're not doing a good job at it."
Sami said, "The three of us girls will survive any challenge the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse throws against us as long as we stand united together."
Katharine said, "Yeah, but Sami needs to check to make sure the exit is free of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs."
Sami said, "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."
Louise said, "And that's a good thing because I don't want to waste anytime trying to find Sami if she were to vanish."
Sami said, "There is no reason for me to vanish unless somebody managed to murder me. And us girls already agreed to be the last girls standing."
Katharine said, "That's true, but one of us girls still needs to check the exit to make sure it's free of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs."
Lousie said, "Not yet. We're still watching the Fashion Show."
Katharine said, "Seventy percent of the girls hired for the Fashion Show is legally dead in a serial killing attack."
Sami said, "Yeah, I had this perception that the Fashion Show wasn't nearly as spectacular as it should've been."
Louise said, "But it's still a fun Fashion Show anyway even if only a fourth of the hired girls are still alive. Don't ruin it by diluting our girl strength by sending Sami to die alone to make us both vulnerable to a serial killing attack."
Katharine said, "I don't want to send Sami to die alone to dilute our girl strength either, but one of us has to make sure the exit doesn't have a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs."
Sami said, "Plus I still have a chance to survive the murder attack long enough for Louise to rescue me. Which means that it's pointless for me to wander off since I'll survive anyway."
Louise said, "I don't want to leave Katharine alone to die while I'm off on a doomed quest to rescue Sami who died seconds before I could rescue her. Sami and I being joined together will make it impossible for Katherine to die alone."
Sami said, "We shouldn't be talking about such morbid things."
Louise said, "That's right. Nobody attacked and killed the two of us yet."
Sami said, "And nobody will kill the two of us anytime soon either."
Katharine said, "I can't die until the remaining fourth of the Fashion Show Girls are murdered one by one after Sami and Louise is killed."
Sami said, "Perhaps Louise should check the exit to make sure it's clear of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs."
Louise said, "It will be impossible for us girls to get wiped out one by one all the way down to zero if I'm checking the exit instead of Sami."
Sami said, "That's the whole idea."
Katharine said, "Thankfully, nobody is here to lure Sami to her death before she could convince Louise to go instead of her and save us all from getting killed."
Sami said, "And nobody is going to convince me to go first instead of Louise going first either."
Louise said, "I don't mind wandering off first and then Sami wanders off second."
Katharine said, "One of you two girls needs to be the first to wander off alone."
Sami said, "I'll pay Louise to wander off first instead of me."
Louise said, "It depends on how much Sami offers to pay me."
Sami said, "I got enough money to convince you to wander off first instead of me."
Katharine said, "Sami has three minutes to convince Louise to wander off alone first instead of her."
Sami said, "Come on, time is wasting. I'll pay you right now."
Louise said, "Please don't rush me."
Sami said, "I must rush you because I'm running out of time."
Katharine said, "Sami has two minutes to convince Louise to wander off alone first instead of her."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader was sitting next to Katherine McPhee, Louise Roe and Sami Gayle. He faced the three women and said, "I'm trying to commit suicide and I'm not having much luck. However, every time I ask a Dandilion Girl to kill me, she ends up legally dead. I asked three Dandilion Girls to kill me because I tried to kill myself and failed. I ended up killing all three Dandilion Girls in self defense."
Sami looked at him with a flirty smile. Her shiny lipstick glistened in the light. Sami asked, "What was the name of the first dead Dandilion Girl?"
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "The first dead Dandilion Girl is named Sami Gayle."
Katherine said, "You don't need to fight this guy to the death if you don't want to."
Sami said, "But he clearly wants to die. Why else would he attempt suicide."
Katherine said, "He's baiting you to attack him so he'll be forced to kill you because the death of women never has any negative consequences."
Louise said, "Ignore Katherine and try to kill the creep."
Sami said, "That's what I intend to do."
Sami Gayle cautiously walked away from Katharine McPhee and Louise Roe with the gamble that she isn't going to end up getting herself killed. And when Sami Gayle and the Masked Failed Suicide Crusader was in an isolated portion of the Dandilion Mall where nobody can save Sami from getting herself murdered she faced him directly.
Sami said, "Do you want me to strangle you or do you want me to attack you with a knife."
Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "Try to kill me with a knife."
Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "Try to kill me with a knife."
Sami Gayle looked at the Failed Suicide Crusader with a sweet girlish smile before she attacked him with a knife. The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader blocked her knife attack and grabbed her right hand which held the knife.
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader turned Sami's right hand towards her breasts. The tip of the knife was pointing between her voluptuous breasts. Sami tried to hold him back, but she was losing the fight as the tip of the knife got closer towards her.
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader stabbed Sami Gayle between her breasts. Sami sputtered for air as blood dripped out of her mouth as she was stabbed between her breasts five more times.
Sami dropped to her knees. The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader picked her up and stabbed her between her breasts ten more times. The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader dropped Sami to the floor nearby a growing puddle of her blood. Sami tried to say something, but her throat was filled with too much blood as the doom nubile sexually seductive girl slowly started to die.
Sami Gayle is no longer alive. Sami Gayle is legally dead.
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader rudely sat in Sami Gayle's chair and he faced Katherine McPhee and Louise Roe. He faced the two women and said, "I'm trying to commit suicide and I'm not having much luck. However, every time I ask a Dandilion Girl to kill me, she ends up legally dead. I asked three Dandilion Girls to kill me because I tried to kill myself and failed. I ended up killing all three Dandilion Girls in self defense. The first dead Dandilion Girl was named Sami Gayle."
Louise was slightly rattled but she looked at him with a flirty smile. Her shiny lipstick glistened in the light. Louise asked, "What was the name of the second dead Dandilion Girl?"
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "The second dead Dandilion Girl is named Louise Roe."
Katherine said, "Louise and I need to have a private conference about this."
Katharine McPhee and Louise Roe walked a few inches away from their seats and looked at each other with concern on both of their faces.
Katharine said, "You don't need to do this."
Louise said, "Sami is legally dead and somebody needs to avenge her death. I'm the perfect girl needed to avenge Sami's death."
Katharine said, "You won't be able to avenge Sami's death if you end up getting killed by these people. We should pick our battles much more wisely."
Louise said, "But then the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will start bragging that they succeeded in chasing us away from our seats. No, this ends now and it starts with me."
Katharine said, "I wish you would reconsider. This isn't smart. This could be your last minutes of life before you too are killed."
Louise said, "Whatever makes you think that I'm willing to die anytime soon."
Katharine said, "So you have a plan that will kill this creep once and for all?"
Lousie said, "I don't have a plan to kill this creep once and for all."
Katharine said, "Then what makes you think that you will actually survive this?"
Louise said, "I have faith in my superior knowledge that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will never be able to supersede."
Katharine said, "I sure hope that you're right because legally dead Dandelion Girls are never allowed to rise from the dead. If you screw up and die, then you're dead and gone forever."
Louise said, "I'm willing to take my chances and attack that creep anyway regardless."
Louise Roe was slightly rattled and not nearly so confident as she cautiously walked away from Katharine McPhee. Louise tried not show how rattled she was, but she was a nervous wreck inside. Louise walked towards The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader with the gamble that she isn't going to end up getting herself killed. And when Louise Roe and the Masked Failed Suicide Crusader was in an isolated portion of the Dandilion Mall where nobody can save Louise from getting herself murdered she faced him directly.
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "Thanks for offering to kill me since I'm not very good at attempting suicide. How do you want to get started?"
Louise said, "I'm willing to take requests. How will I know that you won't murder me before I could fulfill your request to let me kill you?"
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "You have my word that I won't try to kill you unless you're already dying in somebody else's murder attack."
Louise said, "How will I know that your word is any good?"
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "You'll just have to trust me."
Louise said, "Sorry, but I don't trust you."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "I understand, but I insist that you trust me anyway."
Louise pulled out her knife and she said, "Well ok, I don't normally do this, but I'll make an exception in your case. Here we go. Time for you to die."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "I'm ready for your unprovoked murder attack because I'm starting to fall in love with you."
Louise said, "Hold on, that wasn't part of the plan."
Louise knew that she was tricked and now it's time for her to die.
Ketchup King stabbed Louise from behind as he said, "Don't worry The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader, I'll save you from the evil Dandelion Girl."
Louise said, "This wasn't part of our arrangement."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "Please don't die Louise. I love you and I'll always love you for the rest of eternity if need be."
Ketchup King said, "This can't be allowed. I must kill Louise this exact second."
Ketchup King stabbed Louise from behind five more times.
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader looked at Louise and said, "Please don't die. I can't live without you. You need to continue living just for my sake."
Louise said, "I'm going to kill you for tricking me like this."
Ketchup King said, "You're the one who's about to die young lady."
Ketchup King stabbed Louise from behind three times. Louise started to drool blood as her body started to feel numb. The dying girl was having trouble standing up because she was losing too much blood from the unprovoked knife attacks.
Ketchup King stabbed Louise and she sank to her knees. Ketchup King stabbed her five more times. Louise tried to say something, but he dying girl was unable to form the words.
Ketchup King said, "You must prove to me that this girl isn't brainwashing you anymore by killing her right this second."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "I can't do that because I'm falling in love with her."
Ketchup King said, "Don't be a coward and kill her now."
Ketchup King said, "You must prove to me that this girl isn't brainwashing you anymore by killing her right this second."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "I can't do that because I'm falling in love with her."
Ketchup King said, "Don't be a coward and kill her now."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader stabbed Louise between her breasts ten times while Ketchup King stabbed Louise from behind ten times. Louise tried to say something, but she was unable to form the words. Louise fell to her hands and knees as she slowly started to die.
Louise tried to stand up only to be stabbed between her breasts by The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader five times while Ketchup King stabbed her from behind twice.
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader stabbed Louise ten times and watched as she lay down in a puddle of her own blood.
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "It's working. Killing her has cleared my head."
Ketchup King said, "Watch out, the girl is still alive! You must kill her now!"
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader stabbed Louise from behind five times while Ketchup King stabbed Louise from behind five times. Louise closed her eyes and she stopped breathing. Louise has been defeated.
Louise Roe is no longer alive. Louise Roe is legally dead.
Ketchup King rudely sat in Sami's chair and The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader rudely sat in Louise Roe's chair and he faced Katharine McPhee. The doomed girl is about to die.
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader faced the woman and said, "I'm trying to commit suicide and I'm not having much luck. However, every time I ask a Dandilion Girl to kill me, she ends up legally dead. I asked three Dandilion Girls to kill me because I tried to kill myself and failed. I ended up killing all three Dandilion Girls in self defense. The first dead Dandilion Girl was named Sami Gayle. The second dead Dandilion Girl was named Louise Roe."
Katherine felt humiliated shame and anguish filled humiliation for the crime of being born female. She looked at him with a tramatic expression. He looked at her shiny lipstick in a manner that made her tremble with anguish, shame and humiliation. She felt no confidence.
Katharine asked, "What was the name of the third dead Dandilion Girl?"
Katharine asked, "What was the name of the third dead Dandilion Girl?"
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "The third dead Dandilion Girl is named Katherine McPhee."
Katharine McPhee said with a groan, "Oh all right, let's get this over with."
Katharine McPhee was torn usunder with humiliation and shame as she cautiously walked away from the empty chairs with the gamble that she isn't going to end up getting herself killed. And when Katharine McPhee and the Masked Failed Suicide Crusader was in an isolated portion of the Dandilion Mall where nobody can save Katharine from getting herself murdered she faced him directly. Time for Katharine to die.
Captain Mayonnaise stabbed Katharine between her breasts. Ketchup King stabbed Katharine between her breasts. The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader stabbed Katharine between her breasts. Katharine looked at all three of the knife wounds with a shocked expression on her face.
Katharine said, "You never gave me a chance to attack you."
Captain Mayonnaise said, "Sorry lady, but I just couldn't wait. You must die now."
Ketchup King said, "We might need to stab her to death a few more times."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "We should wait a few minutes. She's closer to death that you two realize."
Captain Mayonnaise stabbed Katharine between her breasts. Ketchup King stabbed Katharine between her breasts. The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader stabbed Katharine between her breasts. Katharine looked at all three of the knife wounds with a shocked expression on her face.
Katharine said, "You never gave me a chance to attack you."
Captain Mayonnaise said, "Sorry lady, but I just couldn't wait. You must die now."
Ketchup King said, "We might need to stab her to death a few more times."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader said, "We should wait a few minutes. She's closer to death that you two realize."
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader asked, "Do I need to stab you a few more times or are you finally ready to die for all three of us."
Katharine said, "I don't want to die, but I have no choice. I'm dying and nothing can save me from death. All of my plans are ruined thanks to you three."
Katharine closed her eyes and she stopped breathing as she fell lifelessly to the floor. Katharine was legally dead before her dead body hit the floor. Ketchup King checked for a pulse on the dead girl's body and he found none. Katharine McPhee has been defeated.
Katharine McPhee is no longer alive. Katharine McPhee is legally dead.
The Masked Failed Suicide Crusader rudely sat in Katherine McPhee's chair, Ketchup King sat in Louise Roe's chair and Captain Mayonnaise sat in Sami Gayle's chair. There was no longer any Dandilion Girls sitting next to all three of them.
Kirsten Dunst approached Jewel Kilcher and said, "You need to do something about the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. They're killing off too many Dandilion Girls. They're taking away too much of the Dandilion Girl owned property. You'll need to kill as many of them as possible to prevent the Dandilion Mall from falling into their control."
Jewel Kilcher said, "Are you sure it's wise for me to attack them directly. I might get killed."
Kirsten Dunst said, "You're going to get killed anyway Jewel."
Jewel said, "Yeah, you might be right. Who should I attack and kill first?"
Kirsten said, "Does it matter? The entire Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse needs to be defeated and killed. You need to do it or die trying."
Jewel said, "There needs to be a plan goddamn it. I can't just grab a dancing partner and start punching the shit out of him."
Kirsten said, "Yeah sure you can. That's a great I idea. Just pick a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member at random and start flogging the crap out of him."
Jewel said, "And suppose I end up getting killed in the process."
Kirsten said, "You're going to get murdered anyway."
Jewel said, "I hope you're right about this."
And as Jewel Kilcher walked off, Kirsten slipped and fell backwards. And Radio Reject had the perfect chance to stab her between her breasts, but he failed to do so. Radio Reject kind of felt bad about attacking and killing such a sweet innocent girl. Radio Reject realized that his behavior isn't considered proper according the the laws of feminism. And as Radio Reject stood there and debated whether or not it was proper to stab Kirsten Dunst between her breasts and killing her when he had the chane, Kirsten Dunst had the chance to escape justice.
Radio Reject waited too long. Kirsten Dunst escaped justice. It was that moment that Jewel Kilcher spotted him. It was that moment that Jewel Kilcher chose Radio Reject as her dancing partner. And it was the type of dance that only one of them will survive and the other will end up legally dead. And Jewel won't stop attacking him until he kills her in cold blood. He hesitated too long and that gave Kirsten Dunst the chance to escape justice. Radio Reject can't allow Jewel Kilcher to escape justice that same way too. Either he dies or she dies. There's no other way around it.
Jewel said, "Are you ready to dance or are you going to be a coward again?"
Radio Reject punched Jewel in the face and said, "I'm more than ready young lady."
Jewel Kilcher said, "Oh, you're going to regret ever doing that."
Jewel grabbed his right arm. Her voluptuous breasts brushed against his right arm as she shoved him against a wall and kicked him from behind.
Radio Reject said, "Dear GOD, why do you have to make it so difficult."
Jewel said, "What? You actually expected an easy murder attack against me?"
Jewel pressed her voluptuous breasts against his spine as she started to strangle Radio Reject from behind. He tried to squirm free, but her grip around his neck was too tight. Jewel smiled with happiness.
Jewel said, "I was asked to murder you guys one by one as punishment for all the Dandilion Girls that you killed. I wasn't expecting to start with you."
Radio Reject couldn't respond because Jewel's strangulation grip was too strong."
And as Jewel's strangulation grip got tighter, she became more confident.
Jewel said, "And here I foolishly thought that I didn't stand a chance. It goes to show me how foolish such a thought turned out to be."
Radio Reject pulled out a knife with intention of killing Jewel before she kills him.
Radio Reject stabbed Jewel's left side as she pressed her voluptuous breasts on his spine and pressed her vagina on his rear end. Her strangulation grip continued to choke the air out of him. Jewel wasn't bothered by the stab wound.
Jewel said, "It's going to take more than that for you to kill me. You didn't try hard enough."
Radio Reject stabbed Jewel's left side five more times. Her strangulation grip got weaker when she realized that she was dying.
Jewel said, "Jesus Fucking Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you."
Radio Reject said, "The only way to stop you from strangulating me is for me to murder you."
Radio Reject stabbed Jewel's left side and she released her strangulation grip. He stabbed Jewel between her voluptuous breasts seven times. Jewel staggered as the doomed girl started dying.
Jewel said, "Ok, we don't need to fight if there's a better option available."
Radio Reject said, "I'd rather try to murder you instead."
Radio Reject stabbed Jewel between her breasts again.
Jewel started to cry and sob as she said, "Seriously, you don't need to keep doing this. I'll surrender and turn myself in for imprisonment."
Radio Reject said, "This is the only punishment I'm interesting in giving you."
Jewel started to sob as she felt ashamed and uncomfortable with herself as Radio Reject stabbed her between her breasts again. Her blood was splashed across the floor as she tried to crawl free.
Jewel tried to crawl towards the exit.
Radio Reject said, "Oh no you don't, you don't get to escape justice today."
Radio Reject stabbed her from behind as she tried to crawl free without success.
Jewel said between sobs, "I'm sorry, I never intended to strangle you."
Radio Reject said, "It won't matter what you did because I was going to murder you anyway."
Radio Reject stabbed Jewel Kilcher from behind.
Jewel said, "You have killed me. All of my plans have been defeated."
Jewel lay down, face down, on the floor dead in the middle of a large puddle of blood as it came flowing out of her corpse. Jewel Kilcher is legally dead.
Radio Reject stood up and walked over Jewel Kilcher's dead body towards the exit.
Juliana Hatfield sat on a couch in the first floor of the Dandilion Mall. She was feeling relaxed and calm. And despite the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse invading the Dandilion Mall, she wasn't even the vaguest bit worried. She was convinced that she wasn't going to be murdered.
She spotted Radio Reject walking towards her with a blood soaked knife. She realized that Radio Reject was walking towards Christmas Man. Juliana then chose to try to murder Radio Reject before he could reach Christmas Man. And Radio Reject realized that Juliana Hatfield was walking towards him as he was walking towards Christmas Man, he knew what had to be done. He may be forced to kill Juliana before she stops him from reaching Christmas Man.Juliana faced Radio Reject and asked, "Do you know where Jewel Kilcher vanished to?"
Radio Reject said, "She's still in the room behind me if you want to hang out with her."
Juliana said, "What's with the blood soaked knife?"
Radio Reject said, "I was forced to kill a girl who asked too may questions."
Juliana said, "There's nothing wrong with asking questions if saving an innocent life is the result."
Radio Reject said, "You know just as well as I do that the death and murder of women never carries any negative consequence. I'm not worried by your threats."
Juliana said, "Well, perhaps you should start to get worried."
Christmas Man was walking towards Radio Reject who was facing him. Christmas Man was also walking towards Juliana Hatfield who's back was turned to him. And if Christmas Man wanted to talk to Radio Reject, he might need to stab and kill Juliana Hatfield from behind before Radio Reject could stab and kill her from the front. And if Radio Reject wanted to talk to Christmas Man, he'll be forced to stab and kill Juliana from the front before Christmas Man could stab her from behind. The winner gets to kill Juliana and start the conversation. And Juliana Hatfield will soon be dead.
Radio Reject said, "Please step aside before I'm forced to kill you."Juliana said, "I'm not stepping aside until you tell me what happened to Jewel Kilcher."
Radio Reject said, "I'm not going to tell you what happened to Jewel Kilcher."
Juliana asked, "Why won't you tell me what happened to Jewel Kilcher."
Radio Reject said, "Because you need to be more worried about yourself."
Juliana said, "I'm going to be fine. You need to be worried about our own safety."
Radio Reject said, "It's not my safety that's in danger right now."
Christmas Man is very close to stabbing Juliana from behind before Radio Reject could stab her from the front. Just a few more steps. The doomed Juliana doesn't have any chance for survival because the death of women never carries negative consequences.
Radio Reject was very close to stabbing Juliana from the front before Christmas Man can stab her from behind. He's very close to moving his knife towards her chest and between her breasts. The doomed Juliana doesn't have any chance for survival because the death of women never carries negative consequences.
Juliana said, "If you killed Jewel Kilcher, then you got problems. I'll need to kill you in revenge."
Radio Reject said, "You better move quickly then because your life is about to be ended."
Juliana pulled out her knife and she pointed it at Radio Reject.Juliana said, "Is this quick enough for you?"
Radio Reject said, "It's quick enough for me to murder you in self defense."
Juliana said, "Oh you wish you were that lucky."
Juliana still had her back turned to Christmas Man. She had her knife out and so does Radio Reject. If Christmas Man has any hope of killing Juliana before Radio Reject does, then he better hurry and make the kill before it's too late. The first one to kill Juliana wins the game.
Juliana faced Radio Reject. She had her knife out and so does Radio Reject. If Radio Reject has any hope of killing Juliana before Christmas Man does, then he better hurry and make the kill before it's too late. The first one to kill Juliana wins the game.
Juliana said, "It appears that we have a Mexican Standoff with knives. So what will it be? Should I attack first and put your miserable life to an end?"
Radio Reject said, "I'm not planning to die today."
Juliana said, "I could've sworn that you were planning to die today."
Radio Reject said, "I thought you were going to die today instead."
Juliana said, "Talk is cheap. We should dance instead."
Juliana lunged and he grabbed her right arm and prevented her from using her knife. It takes one swift lunge from his knife and Radio Reject wins the game by stabbing her between her breasts.
Juliana kicked him and she lunged with her knife again. Lying on the ground, Radio Reject dodged her blow and rolled from his back to his stomach.
Juliana pinned him down and was prepared to attack with her knife again. Radio Reject started to wiggle from her grip as he continued to lie on his stomach.
Christmas Man walked closer behind Juliana Hatfield. It appears as if he'll get to kill her and win the game. His knife was ready to stab her from behind.
Juliana lay down on Radio Reject face down as he lay down face down on the floor trying to wiggle from her grip. Juliana lay on Radio Reject breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Christmas Man walked closer to them both.
Christmas Man lay down on Juliana chest on spine and groin on her rear end. Juliana lay on Radio Reject breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Radio Reject wiggled as he continued to lie down face down on the floor. Christmas Man stabbed Juliana from behind.
Juliana felt pain as she was stabbed from behind again.
Juliana was dying as she was stabbed from behind again.
Juliana had no hope for survival as she was stabbed from behind again.
Christmas Man was winning the game as he stabbed Juliana from behind again.
Radio Reject continued to wiggle from the dying woman's grip as he felt a masturbation orgasm as Juliana started to die. Christmas Man wiggled on Juliana before he pushed her off of Radio Reject. The dead Dandilion Girl rolled off Radio Reject and lay without moving. Soon, Christmas man was lying face down on Radio Reject who lay face down. Radio Reject was still wiggling even after being released from the dying woman's grip.
The world got dark as Juliana closed her eyes.
Juliana Hatfield is no longer alive. Juliana Hatfield is legally dead.
Isla Fisher walked alongside Kirsten Dunst and Dandelion Girl #1.
Isla asked, "Are you sure you want me to accompany you as you escape justice. I could be put to better use sacrificing my life to delay the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse so you can escape justice to live and fight another day."
Kirsten said, "I have a feeling that I'll have a better use for you when we successfully escape justice to live and fight another day. The only way the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse can defeat the plan I need your help with is to kill you before killing me to prevent our escape."
Dandelion Girl #1 said, "I don't see any Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs. We should escape justice now before our location is discovered."
Kirsten said, "Our location won't be discovered. Trust me on this."
Isla said, "I sure hope you know what you're doing."
Dandelion Girl #1 said, "Kirsten Dunst always knows what she's doing."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "The coast is clear. We should get going while we still can."
Isla said, "So how are we going to escape justice."
Kirsten said, "I got an escape vehicle a few blocks away from here. All four of us girls needs to reach the car without three out of four of us girls getting killed one by one."
Dandelion Girl #1 said, "Sounds like an easy goal."
Kirsten said, "It isn't an easy goal, but it's the only move we got left."
Isla said, "I trust that the hidden car is still hidden."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "Of course the hidden car is still hidden. Kirsten knows what she's doing."
Isla asked, "Are you sure I shouldn't split up from you girls to delay the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse so that Kirsten doesn't get herself killed."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "You don't need to do that Isla because that's my job."
Dandelion Girl #1 said, "I'm sticking with Kirsten and Isla unless somebody forces me to be the second out of four girls to die."
Isla said, "No offense, but I need to split up and delay the Girl Killing , Woman Hating Posse so that Kirsten can escape with the two of you girls."
Kirsten said, "But my plan will fail if you die in a murder attack."
Isla said, "Your plan better be a good one because I'm risking my life the longer I'm walking around in the open with you instead of hiding or attacking much more directly."
Kirsten said, "But if you attack much more directly and then die in the process, then walking around in the open with me would be a much better option."
Isla said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mind walking around in the open with you, but did you need to hide your car so far away? Did you need to hide your car in Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse controlled territory? Couldn't you have hidden your car closer to us in Dandelion Girl controlled territory instead?"
Kirsten said, "That area nearby the movie theater was still Dandelion Girl controlled territory at the time I hid the car. So many Dandelion Girls has been murdered that the movie theater area fell under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Kirsten continued, "And if my plan fails, then the Dandelion Shopping Mall area will fall under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. So hiding my car here will be useless if all the Dandelion Girls inside and nearby the Dandelion Shopping Mall, including us girls, are wiped out one by one all the way down to zero."
Isla asked, "How many Dandelion Girls has been irreversibly murdered?"
Kirsten replied, "I lost count, but I'm guessing that more than half of the Dandelion Girls are legally dead forever and us girls are now the next girls scheduled to be murdered."
Dandelion Girl #1 said, "I think I see something. I need to check it out."
Kirsten said, "Don't check out that strange movement over there. Let the rest of us three girls accompany you. If you check out that strange movement alone, then you'll run the risk of getting yourself murdered. Us girls can't make use of you if you're murdered forever once and for all."
Dandelion Girl #1 said, "I'm sorry, but that strange movement needs to be checked out and I need to check out that strange movement alone."
Isla faced Dandelion Girl #1 said, "If you wander off alone to check out the strange movement and die forever in the process, then nothing will prevent me from getting myself killed the same way."
Kirsten said, "None of us girls is going to wander off and get killed in the process. We're going to check out the strange movement together."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "The strange movement is nowhere near your hidden car. Your attempt to escape in your hidden car will be defeated followed by three out of four of us girls getting killed one by one if we don't reach the hidden car right now."
Dandelion Girl #1 said, "I need to check out that strange movement right now."
Isla said, "I need to delay the rest of you three girls escape by attacking members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and die in the process. That's the only way the rest of you three girls can survive without dying one by one."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "Oh shit, I lost my bracelet. I need to risk my life trying to find my bracelet or die in the process."
Kirsten said, "Oh come on, don't make it easy for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to wipe you three girls out one by one. I'll be murdered forever if you three girls ends up getting killed."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "Normally, I'd be suggesting we check out the strange noise before heading to your hidden car and risk getting wiped out one by one all the way down to just only Kirsten in the process. However, I need to find my bracelet or die trying."
Isla said, "I'll help investigate the strange movement, but I'm running off the attack the creep making the strange movement or die in the process."
Dandelion Girl #1 said, "I can investigate the strange movement without any help."
Kirsten said, "I understand that, but you're getting some help anyway."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "This is where we part company, because I lost my bracelet the opposite direction, but good luck ladies."
Dandelion Girl #1 said, "I wish you would reconsider."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "My mind is made up. I need to find my bracelet."
Isla said, "I can help find the missing bracelet to prevent an unprovoked murder attack."
Kirsten said, "I need your help investigating the strange movement."
Dandelion Girl #2 walked off in the opposite direction in search for her missing bracelet. Kirsten, Isla and Dandelion Girl #1 walked towards the strange movement.
Kirsten felt doom and hopelessness overwhelm her as Dandelion Girl #2 walked further away from Dandelion Girl #1, Isla and herself. Kirsten didn't realize that three out of four girls is about to die in a violent murder attack a few minutes from now. Kirsten can't die until she's the last girl standing and she's about to become the last girl standing a few minutes from now.
Kirsten, Isla and Dandelion Girl #1 reached the strange movement only to have Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad taking turns stabbing Dandelion Girl #1 between her breasts. Isla tried to rescue Dandelion Girl #1 only to be punched in the stomach and she fell unconscious. Kirsten tried to rescue Dandelion Girl #1 only to be punched twice, kicked one and punched again in the stomach and she fell unconscious. Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad continued taking turns stabbing Dandelion Girl #1 between her breasts.
Isla woke up only to be kicked unconscious. Kirsten woke up only to be kicked unconscious. Rescue Lad and Captain Parakeet continued taking turns stabbing Dandelion Girl #1 to death. The dying girl is only seconds away from death.
Dandelion Girl #1 started to drool blood before she stopped breathing and she fell to the ground and she died. Dandelion Girl #1 is legally dead. Kirsten woke up. Isla woke up. Rescue Lad and Captain Parakeet ran off before the two girls could attack them.
Isla said, "Holy shit, now there's only two girls out of three who needs to die before you become the last girl standing."
Kirsten said, "Don't remind me. We need to find my hidden car before you too are needlessly killed."
Isla said, "We have a missing bracelet to find first."
Kirsten said, "I'm not going to risk having you murdered over a damn bracelet."
Isla said, "Then the two of us girls will be all that's left and then only I will be needed to be killed before you are the last girl standing."
Kirsten said with a groan, "Ok, let's find the damn missing bracelet before I regret it." Kirsten looked around her and failed to see Dandelion Girl #2. Kirsten replied, "Where did she go? She was here a few minutes ago."
Isla said, "We might find the missing girl if we split up and go opposite directions. We'll cover more ground that way."
Kirsten said, "That would make it easy for our victimizers to wipe us girls out one by one."
Isla said, "Our plan to escape inside your hidden car may already be defeated. It may already be too late for us girls to prevent the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse from wiping us girls out one by one. We might as well accept the unavoidable and get ourselves wiped out now to get it over with."
Kirsten said, "I'm not going to make it easy for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to wipe us girls out. Nor am I accepting that my plan for us girls to reach my hidden car has been defeated."
Isla said, "Ok then, don't say I didn't warn you. Let's find the missing girl before the two of us girls are separated and I'm killed off in the process."
Kirsten said, "There we go. That's the enthusiasm that I'm looking for."
Isla said, "Oh come on, where did that girl go? She couldn't have gone far."
Kirsten said, "Perhaps she entered one of the buildings."
Isla said, "She couldn't have lost her bracelet inside one of the buildings because we didn't enter any of the buildings."
Kirsten said, "Perhaps somebody took the bracelet from the street and entered the building with it."
Isla said, "There's an awful lot of buildings for us to enter."
Kirsten said, "But a limited number of the buildings are unlocked."
Isla said, "Ok, this is the plan. You check the buildings on the left side of the street and I'll check the buildings on the right side of the street."
Kirsten said, "We'll check the building right here next to us together."
Isla said, "You're one of the most stubborn girls I ever known."
Kirsten said, "It's my stubbornness that's keeping the two of us girls alive."
Isla said, "Or perhaps your stubbornness is leading us both into a death trap and the only way to avoid the death trap is to split up to cover more ground."
Kirsten said, "My way hasn't gotten any girls killed yet. Your way already gotten one girl killed and another girl missing."
Isla said, "I guess we're entering that building together unless somebody kills me off right now."
Kirsten said, "I don't see anybody attempting to kill either of us girls. Let's enter the building before somebody starts attacking us both."
Isla said, "Hold on, I see Captain Parakeet over there. Let's grab him and force him to tell us both where the missing girl and her missing bracelet vanished to."
Kirsten said, "That's a good plan. Let's do it."
And so Isla Fisher and Kirsten Dunst chased after Captain Parakeet with intention to attack and kill him or die in the process. The only way for Captain Parakeet to prevent himself from getting attacked and killed is to kill Isla Fisher and Kirsten Dunst once and for all.
Kirsten Dunst and Isla Fisher ran side by side only a few feet away from Captain Parakeet. The two girls are catching up and soon he'll be forced to attack and kill the two girls.
Captain Parakeet ran faster and faster until he was certain that he lost track of Kirsten. Perhaps it would be easier to kill Isla if Kirsten wasn't standing so close to her. However, it turned out that Kirsten was running behind only a few inches behind Isla. So Isla doesn't get to die right now.
Isla continued to chase after Captain Parakeet with Kirsten running behind her. Isla was running faster than Kirsten and was close to being separated from Kirsten. Only then will it be possible to kill Isla. However, Isla and Kirsten hasn't been separated from each other yet.
Isla looked to her left and spotted Dandelion Girl #2. Kirsten also spotted Dandelion Girl #2. Kirsten and Isla lost track of Captain Parakeet.
Isla said, "There you are. We lost track of you. Did you find your bracelet?"
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "I didn't find my bracelet yet."
Kirsten said, "Forget your bracelet. We must get out of here now before us three girls are wiped out one by one."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "I'm not going to forget about my necklace. My necklace is nearby."
Kirsten said, "I sure hope your right about this."
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "I know I'm right about this."
Isla said, "Hold on, I think I see the missing bracelet."
Captain Parakeet stabbed Dandelion Girl #2 between her breasts as Isla bent over to pick up the bracelet. Kirsten tried to save Dandelion Girl #2 only to be kicked to the ground.
Isla was kicked to the ground by Captain Parakeet as Rescue Lad stabbed Dandelion Girl #2 between her breasts.
Dandelion Girl #2 lay down on the ground and she legally died. Isla crawled towards the necklace and she grabbed it. Kirsten stood up and she kicked Rescue Lad against Captain Parakeet chest on chest and groin on groin. Kirsten grabbed Isla's hand and the two girls ran away from their victimizers. The two girls ran faster and faster until they lost track of Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad. Their victimizers are unable to kill the two girls---Not yet at any rate.
Captain Parakeet punched Kirsten and she fell to the ground. Isla punched Captain Parakeet before she kicked him five times."
Captain Parakeet cried out, "Somebody help me. Isla Fisher needs to die before she kills me."
Rescue Lad cried out from a distance, "I'm trying to rescue you by killing Isla, but I don't know where you are."
Isla cried out, "Forget about killing me and rescuing Captain Parakeet. You'll never get here quickly enough to murder me once and for all."
Isla punched Captain Parakeet five times causing him to double over in pain.
Captain Parakeet cried out, "Hurry up and kill Isla. I'm getting closer towards dying if you don't kill Isla right this second."
Isla kicked Captain Parakeet and he fill. Captain Parakeet stood up only to be kicked down to the ground yet again. Isla kicked Captain Parakeet five times as he stood up and he fell backwards against a brick wall while still standing up. Isla smiled as she kicked her victimizer three more times.
Isla said, "How does it feel knowing that you're very close to dying. Your friend will never get to kill me quickly enough to save you."
Captain Parakeet said, "Be patient young lady. Rescue Lad will rescue me and kill you soon enough. I need only a few more minutes before it's time for you to die."
Isla said, "You don't have a few more minutes left. I'm close to killing you right now."
Captain Parakeet said, "Then you must delay your killing blow long enough for Rescue Lad to get here for his chance to murder you."
Isla said, "I'm not going to delay my final killing blow. I'm going to do it right now."
Rescue Lad appeared from nowhere and he punched Isla in the stomach. The sexually seductive girl doubled over in pain before Rescue Lad punched her five more times.
Rescue Lad punched Isla five times before kicking her twice.
Kirsten Dunst drove towards Isla Fisher inside her hidden car which Kirsten managed to recover quickly nearby the Dandelion Movie Theater (Which the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse now has 100% control over).
Kirsten said, "Get in and escape justice with me while you have a chance."
Isla said, "Hold on a second, I need to attack Rescue Lad."
Kirsten said, "Don't try to kill Rescue Lad. He'll kill you if you try that."
Isla said, "I'm attacking Rescue Lad and that's the end of it."
Rescue Lad said, "Try to kill me so that you can deliver the final killing blow against Captain Parakeet. Force me to kill you in order to save Captain Parakeet from being killed by your final killing blow young lady."
Kirsten said, "Don't be a fool Isla. You must escape justice with me right now."
Isla said, "I'll escape justice once I attack and force Rescue Lad to murder me. Don't worry, I have no intention of getting murdered."
Kirsten said, "You better be right about this."
Isla said, "I am right about this."
Isla Fisher ran away from Kirsten Dunst's car.
Rescue Lad stabbed Isla Fisher between her breasts. The doomed girl staggered as Rescue Lad stabbed Isla between her breasts five more times.
Isla said, "Go on without me Kirsten. I've been defeated. I'm about to die."
Kirsten said, "I can't leave without you."
Isla said, "You must escape without me because I'm seconds away from dying."
Captain Parakeet cried out, "Hurry up and kill Isla before she kills me with her final killing blow."
Rescue Lad cried out, "I'm trying to kill Isla, but she won't die."
Kirsten cried out, "Last chance to escape justice."
Isla said, "I must kill Captain Parakeet or die in the process."
Rescue Lad stabbed Isla Fisher between her breasts ten times. The doomed girl drooled blood as her body started to feel numb. She fought against the urge to close her eyes because she knew that she'll never be able open her eyes again if she closes it. She fell to the ground and closed her eyes and the doomed girl slowly stopped breathing. Kirsten Dunst drove away to safety as Isla Fisher died on the street in a puddle of her blood.
Isla Fisher is no longer alive. Isla Fisher is legally dead.
Time for Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad to murder Kirsten Dunst.
With her escape prevented and Isla Fisher legally dead all that there is left is to kill Kirsten Dunst before she makes another move against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Time for Kirsten Dunst to finally die once and for all. Kirsten Dunst rested in at Dandilion Manor as she waited for her victimizers to kill her. She couldn't use the Dandilion Hotel because too many Dandilion Girls were killed and that resulted in the permanent loss of property. However, Kirsten Dunst didn't realize that the Starbuck's Barista had already snuck into the Dandilion Manor. Kirsten didn't realize that she was in serious danger of being murdered in a serial killing attack. She tried to telephone Jewel on the cell phone without success. Kirsten was already fearing the worst.
Kirsten looked around Dandelion Manor and she didn't find Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad. The force field connected to Dandelion Manor hasn't been turned against her either. Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad must fool Kirsten into dropping her guard and let them both into Dandelion Manor so that they can turn the force field generator against her and kill the girl once and for all. But how will they do that when they are outside Dandelion Manor and outside the force field and Kirsten is both inside Dandelion Manor and inside the force field.Kirsten felt tired so she lay down on her back on the couch and closed her eyes like a dead body. However, nobody was under her crying in terror and nobody was attacking her to rescue the guy under her. And that won't happen if the victimizers are outside the Dandelion Manor and outside the force field and Kirsten is inside Dandelion Manor and inside the force field. So the chance to kill the sexually seductive girl was lost as she stood up again.
Kirsten took another look around Dandelion Manor. Nothing. The girl was safe from harm.
Kirsten stripped to her bra and panties as she chose to change clothes to something that wasn't covered in dirt.
Kirsten lit a cigarette as she stood in her bra and panties.
Kirsten walked around Dandelion Manor in her bra and panties before she lay down face up on the couch and closed her eyes like a dead body for a second time. But her victimizers are outside Dandelion Manor and outside the force field and she's inside Dandelion Manor and inside the force field. So she doesn't get to die yet.
Kirsten changed to a new set of clothes and she looked out of the window. She didn't see Captain Parakeet nor did she see Rescue Lad. So she stepped out of Dandelion Manor and lowered the force field so she can step outside of the force field zone.
Kirsten Dunst stood outside the Dandelion Manor and outside the lowered force field zone yet nobody attacked her with intent to kill her yet.
Kirsten walked towards her car which was outside Dandelion Manor and outside the force field zone. She still didn't see Captain Parakeet nor did she see Rescue Lad.
Kirsten saw a cardboard box nearby her car and she bent over the cardboard box to check it's contents. Nobody tried to stab her in the back and cause her to die on top of the cardboard box. Not satisfied with the cardboard box, she carried the cardboard box towards the sidewalk.
Kirsten Dunst reentered the Dandelion Manor and raised the force field.
Kirsten wasn't sure if Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad slipped into Dandelion Manor before the force field was raised a second time.
Kirsten walked outside the Dandelion Manor and she brushed her voluptuous breasts across the force field and she wasn't electrocuted by the force field. The force field wasn't turned against girls yet.
Kirsten Dunst sat down before she lay down like a dead body. Kirsten smirked as she stood up again.
Kirsten reentered the Dandelion Manor and she stripped to her bra and panties. She noticed that Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 have also stripped to their bra and panties.
Kirsten said, "Check the force field generator and make sure that it isn't reprogrammed to kill girls."
Dandelion Girl #3 said, "I shall do as you request."
Dandelion Girl #4 said, "Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad will never get to kill either of us girls."
Dandelion Girl #4 entered the force field generator room and she was stabbed between her breasts by Rescue Lad. Dandelion Girl #4 lay down dead as Captain Parakeet struggled to reprogram the force field generator.
Rescue Lad said, "Hurry up and reprogram the force field generator before it's too late. Another Dandelion Girl is about to enter."
Captain Parakeet said, "Then kill the Dandelion Girl so that I can have more time."
Dandelion Girl #3 entered the force field generator room. Rescue Lad stabbed her between her breasts and the doomed girl lay down legally dead.
Captain Parakeet said, "I reprogrammed the force field generator."
Rescue Lad said, "Good, now it's time for us to kill Kirsten Dunst before she escapes again."
Kirsten Dunst stood in her bra and panties without realizing that she's about to be murdered by Rescue Lad and Captain Parakeet. The doomed girl has no chance for survival.
Kirsten was fully clothed as she approached Dandelion Girl #5 and she hugged her.
Kirsten said, "Check the force field generator room and kill the intruders now."
Dandelion girl #5 said, "Captain Parakeet and Rescue Lad won't be able to escape me."
Dandelion Girl #5 entered the force field generator room and Captain Parakeet punched her in the stomach. Dandelion Girl #5 lay down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #6 and Dandelion Girl #7 attacked only to be kicked to the ground by Rescue Lad. Dandelion Girl #6 and Dandelion Girl #7 lay down legally dead. Kirsten approached Rescue Lad and Captain Parakeet inside the force field generator room. Time for Kirsten to die.
Kirsten Dunst kicked Captain Parakeet and he fell to the ground. Rescue Lad smiled. Kirsten smiled. Rescue Lad ran away from the force field generator room and entered the bathroom. Kirsten followed with intent to kill or die in the process.
Dandelion Girl #8 snuck behind Rescue Lad. Kirsten nodded as Dandelion Girl #8 moved to attack.
Rescue Lad spun around and he punched Dandelion Girl #8 Dandelion Girl #8 tried to cry out for Kirsten to rescue her, but she was bound and gagged. And as Rescue Lad tried to drag Dandilion Girl #8 outside Dandelion Manor to his car, he slipped on a bar of soap and fell. Dandilion Girl #8 fell first and slammed her head on the tiles of the shower stall. Blood flowed from her cracked open skull and she died while still bound and gagged. Kirsten Dunst was getting away, but Rescue Lad knew where she was going.
Kirsten Dunst was delighted to see Berrbury. She failed to realize that Berrbury was the phony Facebook name for Rescue Lad---The kidnapper and murderer of Dandilion Girls. Kirsten's wish that Beth Behrs would fail and die so that Kirsten can attack and try to make a failed and doomed murder attempt instead finally came true. Kirsten rested her breasts on Rescue Lad's left arm as she kissed him. She smiled sweetly as she kissed her future murderer five more times. Rescue Lad felt the urge to kidnap her and then stage a rescue and watch her die as he botches the rescue. However, Kirsten Dunst was so sweet and girly, that he felt the urge not to have her bound, gagged and accidently murdered. Kirsten said, "You and I should have sex together."
Rescue Lad said, "I don't know if that's a good idea. You're a Dandilion Girl and Dandilion Girls are the enemy that I must attack and kill."
Kirsten lovingly kissed Rescue Lad. She lovingly kissed him again."
Kirsten said, "Are you sure you don't want to have sex with me?"
Rescue Lad said, "Ok, let's do it."
Captain Parakeet watched from a hiding place. However, the only way Captain Parakeet can leave his hiding place is to fall on top of Kirsten Dunst as she lay down on top of Rescue Lad. And then Captain Parakeet will have to wiggle on top of Kirsten Dunst. However, the only way Kirsten will be able to have sex with Rescue Lad at that point is to kill Captain Parakeet and have him fall off her. And the only way that Rescue Lad can keep wiggling with Kirsten Dunst on top of him breasts on spine and vagina on rear end is to kill her and have her fall off Rescue Lad and slam to the floor. But then, Captain Parakeet will have to wiggle on top of Rescue Lad because Kirsten won't be below him anymore. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten Dunst smiled sweetly as she slowly removed her pants. She stood only in her grey panties and a white tee shirt. Rescue Lad was still fully clothed.
Kirsten said sweetly, "Don't be bashful. Lie down on the bed."
Kirsten continued to slowly remove her pants and slowly revealed her grey panties. Rescue Lad felt to urge to sit down on the bed as ordered by Kirsten Dunst. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten Dunst stood facing Rescue Lad barefoot in her grey panties, grey bra and a white tee shirt. Rescue Lad removed his shirt to face Kirsten.
Kirsten said, "Now we can have sex with each other."
Rescue Lad said, "Do we have condems?"
Kirsten leaned on the door to the hiding place and accidently locked it.
Kirsten said, "I'll find some condems.
Kirsten walked to the kitchen. There was a secret passage way from the hiding place in the bedoom to the hiding place in the kitchen. However, opening the door to the hiding place in the kitchen would impail and murder Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst walked to the kitchen. Captain Parakeet walked down the hidden passage to the hiding place in the kitchen. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten thought about escaping. She found herself walking to the kitchen instead. She can't escape because this is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten Dunst reached the kitchen.
She reached for the counter with the condems. The only way that Captain Parakeet can exit the hiding place is to open the door with sharp spikes that will impale Kirsten as it opens. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Kirsten Dunst's voluptuous breasts bounced as she opened the counter door and got the condems. She walked towards the bedroom without dying.
Kirsten leaned against the door to the hiding spot in the bedroom as Captain Parakeet now lies on the other side of. Her rear end unknowingly unlocked the door.
Kirsten said, "I got the conndems."
Rescue Lad said, "Let's have sex."
And Rescue Lad lay down face up. Kirsten Dunst lay down on top of him face down. Her breasts rested on his chest. Her vagina rested on his groin. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Captain Parakeet exited the door to the secret room as Kirsten lovingly kissed Rescue Lad. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is about to die.
Captain Parakeet tripped and fell on top of Kirsten Dunst. His chest rested on her spine and his groin rested on her rear end. Kirsten's breasts rested on Rescue Lad's chest and her vagina rested on his groin. Captain Parakeet started to wiggle on Kirsten. The bed can only support two. Either Kirsten dies and she continues to have sex with Rescue Lad or Kirsten dies so Captain Parakeet can wiggle as she falls off Rescue Lad and is no longer between the two Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs.
Captain Parakeet stabbed Kirsten Dunst in the back. He continued to wiggle on top of the dying girl.
Captain Parakeet stabbed Kirsten Dunst in the back five more times. He continued to wiggle on the dying girl.
Captain Parakeet stabbed Kirsten Dunst in the back three times. He continued to wiggle on the dying girl. Kirsten Dunst knew that she's about to die.
Kirsten Dunst said, "You have defeated me. Time for me to die."
Captain Parakeet wiggled on Kirsten Dunst before he pushed her off the bed. The dead Dandilion Girl fell off the bed and lay without moving. Soon, Captain Parakeet was lying face down on Rescue Lad who lay face up. Captain Parakeet was still wiggling. This is it. Kirsten Dunst is no longer alive. Kirsten Dunst is legally dead.
With her team of Dandilion Girls legally dead, Angelina Jolie chose to make an escape to live and fight another day. But first, Angelina needed to look for Alecia Moore aka Pink. And as she searched the first floor of the Dandilion Mall for Alecia Moore aka Pink, Angelina's heart sank as Thug #4 approached her with a smile on his face. Angelina tried to fake a smile as best she can.
Thug #4 said, "Do you want to see my pet snake."
Angelina said, "I don't want to see your pet snake."
Thug #4 said, "My pet snake wants to hang out with you."
Angelina said, "I'm too busy trying to escape justice to play with your pet snake."
Thug #4 said, "I insist on you making friends with my pet snake."
And so, Thug #4 tossed his pet snake onto Angelina Jolie.
Angelina Jolie said, "Are you crazy? That pet snake is poisonous. I'll die if that pet snake bites me."
Thug #4 said, "That pet snake bites me all the time and I never died from it."
The pet snake was about to bite and kill Angelina Jolie.
Angelina Jolie said, "You and your crazy buddies are always killing each other off and coming back to life seconds later. However, if I die, it's permanent. So get this thing off me before I'm murdered by this creature."
Thug #4 said, "I thought you said earlier that women are the same as men. If a guy can do something, a chick can do the same. So if my buddies in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse can get bitten by poison snakes and survive over and over again for happiness and pleasure, a chick can get bitten by the same poison snakes and survive over and over for happiness and pleasure."Angelina Jolie said, "I guess there's a limit to everything."
Thug #4 said, "So men are better than women after all."
Angelina said, "I never said that."
Thug #4 said, "Then play with my snake and prove how equal you are to me."
Angelina Jolie started to sob as she felt humiliated and violated inside. She wanted to grovel for an apology for the crime of being born female, but Thug #4 was obsessed with killing her by accident regardless of her feelings. And her doomed feeling of helplessness made him angry and want to kill her even more violently than before.
Too late. The snake bit Angelina Jolie and she fell to the ground. The snake bit her again and she started to close her eyes.
Angelina said, "I came this close to escaping and now you have defeated and killed me."
Thug #4 said, "You're right, girls isn't good at playing the poison snake game. Guys are so much better at this."
Angelina Jolie said, "You have defeated and murdered me."
Angelina Jolie died in a submissive pose directly in front of Thug #4.
Thug #4 picked up the snake and said, "Gee, I guess my pet snake didn't want to hang out with the pretty girl after all. Oh well, let's go somewhere else."
Thug #4 walked over the dead body of Angelina Jolie as he walked towards another portion of the Dandilion Mall.
The Dandilion Mall is falling into the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Angelina Jolie's dead and Alecia Moore is the last surviving minion of Angelina Jolie. And she knew when it was time to escape justice to fight another day. And so, Alecia Moore aka Pink raced as fast as she can to the underground garage of the Dandilion Mall before she's killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. She rested on a couch for a while.
She wasn't sure if her bra was the right bra to wear so she opened her shirt and looked at herself in the mirror from all possible angle. Yes, her bra was sufficient. However, she wasn't counting on any of her possible murderers from the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to actually see her bra, but it was always good to check---Just to be on the safe side. In case she dies and her shirt is opened up to make sure her claims of womanhood were gunuine.Alecia Moore lost track how long she looked at herself in the mirror with her shirt unbotton and open and her bra exposed. And she needed to hunt down and wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before she's killed in battle and dies forever.
And so she checked her makeup and improved her makeup application with her shirt still open and her bra still exposed. She wasn't sure if her assigned murderer from the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse was looking at this from a distance. And if he did, her actions made Thug #4 want to kill her by accident even more so than before.
Alecia Moore rebuttoned her shirt only to spill talcom powder and a potted plant all over her slacks. And she needed to remove her slacks to wash in the washing machine. So Alecia Moore was forced to walk around only wearing her bra, her shirt, her panties and nothing else. And if that was the outfit that she'll get murdered in, then Thug #4 was more than satisfied with what she was forced to die in.
Alecia Moore exited the women's bathroom and she walked towards the automobile garage. And she felt nervous because she was about to die. She didn't know that she was about to die, but her doom was obvious to her assigned murderer Thug #4. Her confidence made Thug #4 humiliate her so much that she'll be screaming, sobbing and begging for mercy as he slowly killed her for sexual thrills and masturbational glory.
Alecia Moore was nervous because she was both excited and scared of the possibility that she'll die before she could make her escape. So you can imagine Alecia's thrill when she actually reached the underground garage alive and well.
Thug #4 faced Alecia Moore aka Pink and he said, "Yoohoo, so you know where my pet snake is?"
Alecia Moore aka Pink said, "Go away creep, you're wrecking my attempt to escape justice."
Thug #4 said, "I need to find my pet snake first."
Alecia Moore aka Pink tripped over Thug #4's feet and she landed on the cement floor of the underground parking garage. Her voluptuous breasts landed directly on the snake's mouth and the creature bit her on the left breast.
The dying woman tried to rise to her feet, but the poison venom was already starting to shut down her body. She's dying and nothing can save her. Alecia Moore started to cry as she felt ashamed and humiliated for the crime of being born female. And her misery made Thug #4 want to kill her by accident even more. He was close to an masturational orgasm the more she begged in futility for him to spare her life. Alecia Moore aka Pink collapsed and her breasts rested on the head of the snake as it bit her on her right breast too. The snake slithered away towards Thug #4 as Alecia Moore aka Pink realized that she'll never get to escape justice.
Alecia Moore aka Pink said between sobs, "Holy shit, you actually succeeded in killing me. You have defeated my effort to escape and now it's time for me to die."
Alecia Moore aka Pink lay down on the cement floor of the underground parking garage and she died. Alecia Moore aka Pink is legally dead.
Thug #4 said, "Why are pretty girls always dying when the come into contact with my pet snake. Oh well, let's see if there's anything else I can do in this shopping mall. Perhaps I'll find a buddy who isn't easy to humiliate and kill."
And so Thug #4 walked over Alecia Moore aka Pink's dead body as he returned to the Dandilion Mall in search for more adventures to engage in with his pet snake.
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