Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today, the highest tempreture is sixteen degrees and the lowest tempreture is one degree. Yes, it's cold outside. Thankfully, the tempreture will zoom up to between thirty degrees to thirty-nine degrees. No, it's not summer yet. We have roughly one more month of winter to go. Trust me when I say that I can't wait for warmer weather. Don't get me wrong. Cold weather is great for sledding, skiing and ice skating. I know this weird, but after living in landlocked cities such as Columbia, Missouri and Columbus, Ohio, it's great to live near a large body of water. Yes, there are beaches in Cleveland, Ohio. I don't know where yet. I know that visiting the beach when the maximum tempreture is sixteen is pointless, but even if it's to see Lake Erie frozen over, that will be good enough for me. Is there a beach nearby the public bus routes? Life would be so much better if that were the case.

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