Thursday, July 28, 2011


It might be possible that my inability to get into my Livejournal blog might be due to a glitch in the Cuyahoga County Public Library system computer network. I'm not sure why the computer glitches are waiting until now to show up. However, I guess I have to ride out the non-stop computer glitches and hope that I'll be able to gain access to my Livejournal blog without problems when the computer glitch storm finally reaches an end. Until that happens, here are some photos of the lovely Ms. Kate Bosworth.
I look at the cloudy skies and I remember that it was predicted to rain today. Then I remember that I failed to bring a rain coat today. Will I reach home before the rain falls. Will the rain fall at all today. That's a question that I'll find the answer to very soon. If it rains while I'm riding my bike home, it's my hope that I'd be closer to my house when that happens. Still, riding the entire journey to my house through the rain won't be so bad. It would make the journey much more eventful. I'm capable of handling any challenge that comes my way.

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