And because you wanted it, there's some photos of Hannah Dakota Fanning. Dakota Fanning's film roles include NEW MOON, ECLIPSE, BREAKING DAWN PART ONE, BREAKING DAWN PART TWO (All four from the Twilight series), THE RUNAWAYS, THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES and the 2005 version of WAR OF THE WORLDS. As for me, I'm still unemployed. I'm still filling out job application forms. I'm praying to GOD that the Great Recession doesn't get any worse. The last thing the United States of America needs is more bad news that the Great Recession is getting bigger. I know that nobody in the United States Federal Congress and the shut down Minnesota state Government woke up one morning and said, "Hey, I'm going to shut down the government with gridlock." I'm sure everybody in the Federal Government and the Minnesota state government thought they were saving the world with their respective ideas. Too bad nothing between the Democrats and the Republicans are meshing very well. Lack of communication between people can be very damaging.
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