Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So it goes like this.  Two Hollywood comic book movies about the Hulk, two Hollywood comic book movies about Iron Man, one comic book movie about Thor and one comic book movie about Captain America has lead to this.  Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow might get her own spin off film, but right now she's sidekick to either Iron Man or to Captain America.  We're in the final days of the Cleveland, Ohio film shoot for the comic book movies entitled The Avengers.  It's a comic book smash up of four seperate comic book movies---All copywritten and owned by Marvel.  Except for Thor which is based on a Norwegan mythological legend.  Anyway, here are more photos.  These are photos from early August based on the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Ninth Avenue pretending to be the intersection of 42nd Street and Madison Avenue.

 These are photos from Walnut Avenue pretending to be 42nd Street in New York City.  This was filmed yesterday and made available on the web site for the Cleveland Plains Dealer.

 Help!  Iron Man has fallen and he can't get back up.  Does anybody have any rubber bands or glue.  We could put him back together.  He'll be faster, stronger and more capable than ever before.
Anyway, The Avengers will be released in movie theaters on May 14, 2011.  Don't be the last person on your city block to purchase a ticket.  Who knows, maybe there will be more location shoots in Cleveland, Ohio if a sequel to the Avengers super-hero comic book movie is approved.

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