Thursday, August 18, 2011


So the comic book super-hero movie THE AVENGERS is filming in downtown Cleveland. To be more exact, the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Ninth Street. That particular intersection has been briefly renamed 42nd Street and Madison Avenue. Anyway, here are some more photos of the action adventure comic book super-hero movie THE AVENGERS which is filming in Downtown Cleveland, Ohio right now---This exact second, even as we speak to each other right now.

And here is a photo of Stellan Skarsgard (Dr. Selvig) posing photos and signing autographs.
Here is a photo of Chris Hemsworth (Thor) signing autographs to some of his fans. He wouldn't be standing here today without the support of his fans so he's deeply thankful.
Here's a photo of Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator and producer who is also The Avengers director Joss Whedon. He's posing for photos and signing autographs
Here's another photo of Chris Evans (Captain America) getting ready to fist fight two men in motion capture outfits.
More photos of damage and destruction.

This is a make believe restaurant on the make believe intersection of 42nd Street on Madison Avenue filming on the actual intersection of Euclid Avenue and Ninth Street.
More scenes of damage and destruction
Here are extras running from Loki's robbery of Colantotte Jewelry Store. According to the Cleveland Plains Dealer, the scene involves Loki breaking all the windows to Colantotte Jewelry Store. One of the windows didn't break on cue, so a film making crew member tossed a brick to break the window and complete the scene.
The filmmaking crew takes over Public Square in front of the Tower City Center in Cleveland, Ohio to make it look like Stuttgart, Germany. The Stuttgart, Germany scenes will be filmed on August 22, 2011.

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