Sunday, January 8, 2012


It's the weekend in Cleveland, Ohio.  Winter is here and the tempreture is rather mild.  Is the Winter season supposed to be between twenty-eight degrees to thirty-eight degrees?  I'm not complaining.  The grass is green though the earth below it is still wet and soggy from the melted snow.  Then again, the earth below the grass in the backyard normally is wet and soggy.  The front yard isn't nearly as wet and soggy as the backyard.  That's strange since the front yard and the backyard gets the same amount of rain (and melted snow) water.  I'm depressed because I'm worried about my future.  I wish I were employed.  It's frustrating that it's taking this long to be employed.  I keep filling out job application forms.  Yet, between January 2011 to now, I've only been employed for two months and barely a week.  I know you're sick of me always saying that.  However, I keep wondering what I've done to get struck with this type of misfortune.  If I made a mistake and blew it, what can I do to make things right again.  If I did something that gave people the perception that I blew it, then I'm sorry.  I don't want to be remembered as somebody who has blown it.  That's not the legacy I want to have.  I want to be employed again.  I don't want to go backwards anymore.  Rather, I would like to move forward for a change. 

Anyway, here are some photos of Chloë Grace Moretz

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