Thursday, February 9, 2012


It's hard to wear a ski mask when it's cold outside.  I'm not talking about putting the ski mask on.  Quite the opposite.  Putting on the ski mask is easy.  Taking off the ski mask is easy.  However, everytime I wear a ski mask, somebody has me mistaken for somebody who's planning a store robbery.  I'm asked where I got the ski mask.  Not because the person asking the question is filled with envy and wants something like my ski mask too.  But rather because I'm looking like a stupid acting store robber and the person asking the question is insulting and teasing me.  Then the police mistaken me for somebody robbing a bank or a grocery store.  So then I can't go shopping at that bank or grocery store because that accusation ruined my appreciation for that place.  So now I don't wear a ski mask---Even when it's below zero.  The tempreture won't fall below zero for the Winter 2011 to 2012 so I have nothing to worry about.  Still, even if the tempreture were to fall below zero for the Winter 2011 to 2012, I'll handle it even if I can't wear a ski mask anymore.  There's no point in wearing a ski mask in the Summer.  Nobody wears ski masks in the Summer. 

Anyway, here are some photos of film actress Drew Barrymore.  She doesn't wear a ski mask either.

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