Wednesday, February 15, 2012


And so yesterday was Valentines Day.  And so today is my birthday.  I'm forty-four years old.  I'm not exactly middle age yet, but I'm slowly getting there.  The fact that I'm so much closer to becoming elderly isn't a thought that I'm used to yet.  And so I shall celebrate my birthday by going job hunting by bicycle.  The streets and sidewalks might have ice.  However, the ice may already have melted off by the time I'm ready to get moving by bike to my job hunting destination.  It would've been better if I were already employed by the time Valentines Day and my birthday arrived.  However, I guess I'm not meant to be such a lucky person.  I'm hoping that my luck will improve before Christmas.  Hope springs eternal. 
And while I'm filling out job application forms on my birthday, here is a photo of Jennifer Love Hewitt, Aly Michalka and AJ Michalka.

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