Friday, March 9, 2012


I woke up.  Soon it will be time for me to go job hunting.  Nobody is going to give me employment on a silver platter.  I'll need to roll up my sleeves and seek employment myself.  I'll just keep filling out as many job application forms as possible until something sticks and I'm employed again.  I've been employed before---If being employed between four and a half hours to four days is considered to be actual employment.  I know that I'll be employed again.  It was raining almost non-stop for most of the morning and afternoon yesterday.  It's not raining today.  Though it's great to see plants getting fed.  And though ducks and fish enjoyed the rain too.  Though it's glad that Cleveland, Ohio isn't going to suffer from a drought, it's also glad to see dry weather again.  Though it would've been better if it were cold enough to snow instead of being warm enough to rain.  I need to be employed when I'm nitpicking the weather to this extent.
While I'm busy filling out job application forms, here is a photo of film actress Charlize Theron.

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