Friday, April 13, 2012


Bike riding is my only source of transportation.  I have a drivers license, but I don't own a car.  The truth is that I can't afford my driving ability.  Plus being unemployed and only earning unemployment compensation, it's not financially practical to be owning a car.  Plus, gasoline prices keeps rising higher and higher.  The question ends up becoming, would I bike ride everywhere if none of those factors were part of my life.  I would enjoy owning and driving a car.  Make no mistake about it.  Owning and driving a car would make my life much easier.  If I owned a car, then I'd still bike ride, but it would be for exercise.  However, I need to like in the reality and not in the world of what if.  It would be great if I could get my life back together again.  Until that magical wonderful day happens, I guess I'll be bike riding everywhere.  I bike ride through snow, rain, warm weather and cold.  It's easy to have a strong commitment to bike riding when it's my only source of transportation.  Plus, bike riding is safe for the environment.  It's always good to show concern for the environment.

While I'm getting ready to bike ride to my next job application opportunity, here are some photos of film and television actress Amanda Bynes along with film and television actress Kristen Bell.

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