Tuesday, April 10, 2012


And as I type this, we're already in the fourth month of 2012.  Keep in mind that Federal, State and Local Income Taxes 2012 will be very simple since unemployment compensation from the Department of Jobs and Family Services has been my only source of income for 2012 so far.  I would like to be employed.  I'm filling out lots of job application forms with the hope of being employed.  I got all this free time, but I don't have any cash available to enjoy it with.  I don't have my own apartment anymore because I don't have any sources of employment to pay the rent with.  So I'm living in my Mom's house until I can get my life back together again after the bottom dropped out after twelve years of living in my own apartment.  The Great Recession has been a huge step backwards for me.  Trust me when I say that nobody will be more enthusiastic about the Great Recession leaving than I.  I want the United States of America to be strong and prosperous again.  I'm saying that because I would like to get my life back together again.  It's not fun to be unemployed and lacking cash.  Oh yes, I still need to repay my United States Government college tuition loans for attending (And failing to graduate) Franklin University.  I guess my dreams of a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration will have to wait a little bit longer.  Oh well, such things happen.

As I'm busy filling out another job application form, here are some photos of rock star Katy Perry.

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