Thursday, April 12, 2012


I can move through life without the paparazzi around.  I pretty much move through life without anybody noticing.  Don't get me wrong.  It would be nice to earn $90,000.00 a month for doing a television show.  Right now, the Great Recession going on, I'd settle for a hamburger flipping job at McDonalds.  And as much as I enjoy the latest rags to riches story, I keep getting telephone calls from bill collectors demanding immediate gratification for paying off my United States Government college tuition loans.  Then I'm reminded that I'm not famous and I'm not followed around by the paparazzi.  I'm reminded that I still need to pay off my college tuition loans.  That I need to be employed somehow.  I'll still write books and try to get them published.  However, I realize that I'm not a celebrity.  I'm just an ordinary person trying to survive day to day.  The saddest thing is that I've been unemployed for the first four months of 2012.  I'm still unemployed right now.  I pray to GOD that I'll be employed again soon.  And I'm thankful for Unemployment Compensation from the Department of Jobs and Family Services.  Unemployment Compensation is currently the only way I could repay my United States Government college tuition loans for attending (and still failing to graduate despite 3.0 grade point averages for all the classes) Franklin University.

As I fill out another job application form, here are some photos of Britney Spears---film actress, rock star and possible judge for the second season for the United States of America edition of the X-Factor talent competition show (Not to be confused with the Marvel comic book series by the same name).  Britney Spears hasn't officially signed her name on an actual contract for the televisions talent show competition show the X-Factor, but it's starting to look as if it's already guaranteed.

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