Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So continues my search for employment.  I didn't expect my job hunt efforts to take this long.  It won't matter if it were briefly snow falling in April.  It won't matter if the snow stopped falling before rain fell instead.  Hey, at least the weather is getting warmer.  Heck, I'd be job hunting in the middle of a tordado if it would give me the added advantage of getting hired.  Of course, I'd be so busy running for my life that I'm not sure how much of the job application form I'd be able to fill out before the store blows away.  In the end, perhaps it won't be a good idea to go job hunting while there is a natural disaster going on.  Yeah, I'm just typing out the first thing that enters my mind.  Sometimes such a strategy works.  Anyway, it's April and I've gone for the first three months of 2012 without employment.  I was hoping to be employed by now.  The Great Recession is taking a lot out of me.  Life was so much easier before the Great Recession.  Before the Great Recession, I only had to worry about two weeks of unemployment before getting hired again.  These days, I'd be lucky to find employment after close to an entire year of non-stop job application form filling out. 

While I'm busy filling out job application forms, here are some photos of film actress and television actress Charisma Carpenter.  Her biggest claim to fame is playing Cordelia Chase on the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it's spin-off series Angel.

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