Friday, April 13, 2012


So now it's close to 5:13 in the afternoon.  You'll never know that because the time that's left on this blog entry is so hopelessly screwed up.  But trust me when I say that it's 5:13 in the afternoon.  I have less than fifteen minutes to write this blog entry.  I have less than fifteen minutes to download all the photos that I'm hoping to download.  Gentle Reader, I have less than fifteen minutes to impress you with my wisdom and intelligence.  With luck, I'll say something intelligent and and filled with such awe inspiring wisdom that it will change the course of human history.  Well maybe that will happen and maybe it won't happen.  Right now, I'll settle for the chance to be employed, repay all of my United States Government college tuition loans for attending (and failing to graduate despite 3.0 grade point averages for all my classes) and the chance to get my own personal apartment restored.  If I'm being punished for something I've done (Or my previous Budhist reincarnation incarnation has done) than someday I'll be forgiven with my life restored.  There is a light at the end of the long dark tunnel of unemployment.

And as I fill out more job application forms, here are some photos of punk rock star legend Kim Gordon (One of two lead singers for the legendary punk rock band Sonic Youth).

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