Thursday, April 12, 2012


I must be in a rough patch of bad luck when the concept of being employed, with my United States Government College Tuition Loans for attending (and failing to graduate despite a 3.0 grade point average) Franklin University being paid in full and having my independent apartment restored seems to be more and more of an unrealistic fantasy.  Too many job application forms leads nowhere.  Too many job interviews goes nowhere.  Employment at KFC only lasted four and a half hours.  Employment at Earthbound Trading Center only lasted four days.  I have six novels published and available only on with two more on the way, yet I have yet to sell a single unit.  I'm running faster and faster on a treadmill with nothing to show for it.  Am I being punished for something.  If I'm being punished for something, how many times do I need to apologize before I'm forgiven.  Whatever personality trait is leading to persistant unemployment and forcing me to live in my Mom's house instead of having my own apartment shouldn't lead to an Ancient Greek Tragedy.  Whatever bad personality trait is leading to me going backwards must be ended and replaced with behavior that's much more crowd pleasing.  If I make myself as crowd pleasing as possible, I'll be able to get my life back on track again.  It's easy to lose hope with unemployment being so persistant.  However, there's hope at the end of the long dark tunnel of unemployment.

As I fill out another job application form, here are some photos of film actress, rock star and American Idol talent show contest judge Jennifer Lopez.

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