Saturday, May 12, 2012


I have trouble figuring out how the world could possibly function without coffee.  The Ancient Roman Empire (Or rather, the Western Ancient Roman Empire) lasted from 27 B.C. to 476 A.D. with the Eastern half of the Ancient Roman Empire (Also called the Byzantine Empire) lasted until 1453 A.D..  And through that entire period of time, there never was anybody anywhere drinking coffee.  It staggers the mind to come to grips with such a thought, but it's true.  So I guess we're all lucky that we have coffee beverages at our disposal.  I'm not saying that whatever happened in the Ancient Roman Empire would've been prevented if coffee was available.  I'm saying that everybody who ever lived in the entire known history of the Ancient Roman Empire missed out on a great thing by not having coffee available.  Yes, they could drink water, wine and fruit juice.  Perhaps the citizens of the Ancient Roman Empire drank tea as well.  I'm not sure if that's true or not.  However, if you traveled backwards in time and tried to explain coffee to anybody who ever lived in the Ancient Roman Empire, you'd re received with blank empty stares.  And that, Gentle Reader, is the biggest tragedy of them all.

While I'm lost in thought about coffee beverages, here are some photos of film and television actress Minka Kelly.

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