Saturday, June 23, 2012


Before I start, here are some photos of film actress Anna Faris.

Horror film logic regarding the treatment of women have always existed in an alternate reality that's not connected to actual reality.  On one hand, the viewer is encouraged to beat up and abuse as many women as possible.  Horror film female deaths never carry negetive consequences.  Horror film female deaths never lead to an arrest warrent, courtroom trial or to death row.  Horror film female deaths are weirdly encouraged as life affirming.  Yet, most of the horror films has the last female standing wait until all of her friends are dead before she starts acting like an action film character.  Of course, by that time, it's too little being done much too late.  Sometimes, the last female standing will wait until all her friends are dead before slipping into action film heroine mode, slip back to please punch me in the face mode and die.  Sometimes, the last female standing will wait until all her friends are dead before slipping into action film heroine mode, slip back to please punch me in the face mode before killing the serial killer.  Which then leads to me ask what is the horror film trying to accomplish.  Is the last female standing in a horror film waiting until all of her friends are dead before slipping into action film heroine mode intended to be an apology for treating women so badly for 80% of the film as a form of cruel woman punching pornography?  Or is the sight of the last girl standing waiting until all of her friends are dead before slipping into action film heroine mode only to slip back to please punch me mode is a form of pornography itself.  Horror films treating abuse of women as pornography is a weird form of storytelling.  Yet, it's a billion dollar industry that shows no sign of slowing down.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Friday the 13th as much as the next guy.  However, you have to wonder about the sanity of the person who writes such stories.
As I ponder the logic of horro film slasher movies, here are some more photos of film actress Anna Faris.

Before I continue with more photos of film actress Anna Faris, let's discuss horror film slashers a bit more.  Have you noticed that horror film slashers all have the same plot.  A bunch of beautiful people who look like fashion models make the weird suicidal choice to visit a serial killer haunted house.  After being told the rules for survival, the group of beautiful people who look like fashion models proceeds to break those rules.  Then they throw a keg party with drugs, alcohol (Mostly beer) and premarital sex.  The unlikeable party animals mostly die first, but that's not always the case.  Memebers of the group always find the dumbest reasons to split off and get killed.  When enough dead bodies are found, flimsy attempts to attack the serial killer is made that's always defeated.  The screaming virgin survivor (Or screaming born again virgin who lost virginity a long time ago and has repented) waits until everybody is dead before slipping into action film heroine mode.  After close to ninety minutes of seing women beaten, tortored and killed, this part of the horror film slasher is contradictory.  The final portion of the horror film slasher where the tortored woman beating victim waits until all her friends are dead before slipping into action film heroine mode feels more like an apology than an actual organtic part of the story.  And now, on to more photos of sexually seductive film actress Anna Faris.

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