Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Few people ever notice the ceiling.  Perhaps you'll look upwards at the ceiling when you go to sleep at night.  However, if you tend to go to sleep face down, like I always do, then the ceiling would be something that's never seen when going to sleep at night.  There are talks about a glass ceiling which is more of a metaphore than an actual geographic object.  However, the actual ceiling is the most important portion of a building.  The ceiling helps keep buildings cool in hot weather and helps keeps buildings hot in cold weather.  The ceiling keeps out rain and snow.  Without the ceiling, you only have the floor and the walls and nothing else.  And forget about multiple floors if there isn't a ceiling.  Because the ceiling that's above my head is the floor for somebody else.  It's hard to imagine something being both a ceiling for the first level of a building and a floor for the second level of a building.  However, it's the truth.  What appears to be the highest anybody could go for the first level is always the start for the second level.  However, if a building is only one level tall, then the ceiling is just only a ceiling and not the start of a brand new level.  It depends on what type of building you're in.
As I'm lost in thought about ceilings and floors, here are some photos of rock star Kesha Rose Sebert also known as Ke$ha.

Here is a photo of Kristin Bauer van Straten, Rose McGowan and Ke$ha.

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