Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Gentle Reader, are you as frustrated by gridlock in Congress as I am.  And with the conservative Republicans more driven by the need for gridlock against those who isn't the same as they are than the Liberal Democrats are, do we need a Conservative Republican in the White House?  Just think of it.  High intrest rates for United States Government Student Loans.  No Social Security.  No Medicaid.  Reduced unemployment compensation.  While billionaires are getting the tax breaks.  But then Conservative Republicans say that if we remove tax breaks for billionaires, then they'll leave the United States or ship jobs overseas.  And while billionair Conservative Republicans are moving overseas and shipping jobs overseas, Conservative Republicans insist upon having a monopoly on patriotism.  It must be nice for weathy Conservative Republicans can just fly to a foreign country anytime there is a taxation issue they don't like while us common folk has to stay here in the United States and endure the brunt of it all.  Is it just me or do I get the perception that Conservative Republican politics is just an excuse to live a fantasy life without consequences for bad behavior. 

While I'm hoping that cooperation and collaboration is no longer considered to be an insult on Capitol Hill, here are some photos of film actress Anne Hathaway.

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