Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Have you noticed that there are no recipes for cooking a dead skunk?  There are recipes for cooking a dead cow.  There are recipes for cooking a dead chicken.  There are recipes for cooking a dead fish.  There are recipes for cooking a dead pig.  However, there are no recipes for cooking a dead skunk?  Why isn't there recipes for cooking a dead skunk.  Gentle Reader, I understand that you don't want your perfume, cologne or aftershave lotion to smell like a skunk.  However, how would you know that skunks are repulsive to eat unless you try it.  At least make the effort to cook a dead skunk before you chose to eat it. 
I have a great idea.  Wait until you're going on a date.  Bring your date to your house.  Explain to your date that you spent the afternoon cooking yak diarrhea on all four stove burners to be used as front and back lawn fertilizer before cooking a skunk in the oven itself.  That's why your house smells so wonderful.  It would help if you actually did so before bringing your date to your house for the evening.  Your date will be so impressed that I guarantee that you'll get laid that evening.

While I'm lost in thought about skunks and yak diarrhea, here are some photos of film and television actresss Blake Lively, film and television actress Leighton Meester and a few of their friends.

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