Friday, June 29, 2012


Gentle Reader, we should get together to make a movie. But what type of movie should we make? That's a tough question. Gentle Reader, the movie we make together can be happy or sad. It can be exciting or filled only with conversation. The lack of a script aside, I agree with the Gentle Reader that a film should be made.
There's one problem though. Does anybody have any money to make the movie with? You see, I've been unemployed for the entire first half of 2012. It's pointless for me to get a bank loan because I'm already trying to pay off my United States Government college tuition loans for attending (But failing to graduate despite 3.0 grade point average) Franklin University. My Mom and my sister Dani never misses an opportunity to grill me black and blue over how stupid it was for me to take out a United States Government loan simply to attend college. I had reliable employment when I took advantage of the United States Government tuition loans, now I've been unemployed for the entire first half of 2012 without any relief from the employment drought that I'm suffering from. So what am I going to say to my Mom and my sister Dani when I tell them that a second loan that I can't repay the balance for has been taken so I can make a movie that doesn't have a distribution deal and isn't likely to make much money beyond a profit of $6.40 maximum? I can only imagine all the lectures I'll have to suffer through about needing to be more responsible with my money. A man can only tolerate lectures about financial responsibility for only a few hours. I try to avoid getting in trouble with my Mom. That's expecially true since I'm forced to live with my Mom since being unemployed for the entire first half of 2012 makes it impossible for me to pay the rent for my own private apartment. I first need to be employed in order to move out of my Mom's house and into my own apartment.
Gentle Reader, I'll tell you what. You pay for the movie that we'll make together. I'll provide the script. Does that sound like a good arrangement? I'm sorry for forcing you to be the provider of cash, but being unemployed for the entire first half of 2012 and having a still unpaid United States Government college tuition loan for attending (But failing to graduate despite a 3.0 grade point average) limits what I can spend my money on. Keep in mind, that I'm not sure how long my Unemployment Compensation from the Department of Jobs and Family Services will last. I'm not sure if the Department of Jobs and Family Services will be amused that I spent my Unemployment Compensation making a movie that doesn't have a distribution contract and isn't likely to earn a profit beyond $6.40 maximum.

While my movie making efforts is hindered by unemployment and unpaid college tuition loans, here are some photos of rock stars, film actresses and identical twins Aly (Alyson) and AJ (Amanda Joy) Michalka.

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