Thursday, June 7, 2012


I library is a place to read and check out books.  A library is a place to check out digital video disks and watch them.  A library is a great place to hang out and talk to people.  A library is also a great place to use the Internet.  Since I can't afford to have Internet connection on my own computer, I either have to borrow my Mom's Internet connection or use the public library.  Using the public library is much easier.  However, I'm still surfing the Internet in full view of other people more often than not.  Still, I'm getting to use the library and that's the other thing.  If I can find employment with reliable hours and reliable permenent stability, then I might consider getting an Internet connection on my computer.  However, I won't get an Internet connection on my computers if either my work hours could be gutted without warning for extended months at a time.  Nor will I get an Internet connection to my computer if I can't guarantee that I'll be employed next month or the next six months beyond that.  The minimum wage employment has never been stable enough for me.
As I fill out another job application form, here are some photos of rock star and actress Hilary Duff.

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