Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Even tragedies begin with somebody waking up in the morning.  And when the Tragic Figure wakes up in the morning, he or she is faced with a choice.  The Tragic Figure could either stay the course and complete the tragedy in it's entirety.  In that case, the blame for the tragedy is partially the creep that started the tragedy and also on the tragic figure for knowing that he or she is doomed, but does the wrong thing anyway.  Let's rewind.  Even tragedies begin with somebody waking up in the morning.  And when the Tragic Figure wakes up in the morning, he or she is faced with a choice.  The Tragic Figure could either stay the course or complete the tragedy in it's entirety.  The Tragic Figure chose to do something else and avoid bad behavior which has made the tragedy behavior.  In choosing not to be a tragic figure, the person becomes enlightened.  No longer getting to use the former name, he or she gets the chance to be himself or herself again.  Because seeking tragic doom is not a natural part of the human nature.  Instead, seeking tragic doom is something that's educated into us by an outside world.  We can chose to reject such an education and realize that we're not born to hate or express fear.  And seeking a tragic doom is an expression of hate and fear.  So by rejecting tragedy, you're rejecting hate and fear as well. 

As I ponder the philosophy of tragedy, here are some photos of film actress Mira Sorvino.

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