Thursday, July 26, 2012


Gentle Reader, let's assume that you're name is Courtney Love.  Your rock band, Hole, has gone through a lot of personnel changes.  It's hard to hold on to your rock band employees beyond a single album.  If you're lucky, your rock band employees might hang around for two albums.  It's hard to find a rock band employee who is willing to hang around for three albums.  Anyway Gentle Reader, we're assuming that your name is Courtney Love and you're the widow of Kurt Cobain (The lead singer of Nirvana).  You're rich enough to go on vacation to the Hamptons and you just returned from doing exactly that.  Hey, your name is Courtney Love and your legally dead ex-spouse' album Nevermind has made you a very wealthy person.  Ok Kurt Cobain putting a gun down his throat and pulling the trigger was traumatic, but you survived.  Anyway, after returning from a vacation to the Hamptons, you ate lunch with an unidentified friend.  Ah yes,  eating lunch is always nice.  Proper nutrition is always a good idea.  A healthy lunch does a body good.

Needless to say, I can't wait for Courtney Love's next rock album.

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