Sunday, July 22, 2012


Today is Sunday.  Tomorow will be Monday.  I'll skip church today.  I'm sure GOD understands.  I'll spend the day cleaning the house instead.  And if the weather is good, I might swim in the outdoor swimming pool too.  Though the sky is filled with clouds.  Not dark oppressive clouds, but there are clouds all the same.  It's not oppressively hot---Not yet at any rate.  Will I need to mow the lawn?  Not yet, but the time will come for me to pull out the lawn mower.  Create a budget.  Live within that budget.  I know that unemployment compensation from the Department of Jobs and Family Services won't last forever.  So what will I do when the unemployment compensation from the Department of Jobs and Family Services runs out.  I need to be employed.  I'm living in my Mom's house because I'm not employed and can't pay rent for an apartment without employment.  I'm a one man show going backwards instead of forward.  I need to slam the breaks and move forward instead.  Whatever bad habits is causing me to go backwards must be ended.  I must strive to be a better man.  It's within my capacity to become a better man.

As I fill out another job application form, here are some photos of film and television actress Jessica Biel.

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