Friday, July 20, 2012


I don't ever want to hear people say, "Steven Post Hitchcock had so much potential, but he ruined it on bad habits that were avoidable."  Oh no, my entire existance would be a waste if that were the case.  I would rather that people say, "Steven Post Hitchcock was a great man who rose above his mistakes and imperfections to become a better man."  I shall work hard until the later was the case.  Bad habits that's holding me back and preventing my survival shall be purged 100% .  Bad habits that scare people shall be no more.  I shall do whatever is necessary and legal to eliminate bad habits so that employers will want to employ me and people would want to be my friend.  The way that I see it is that I'm in a constant state of evolution.  I evolve day by day to a better man.  I evolve day by day to higher levels of existance.  I know that there are people who don't believe me when I say that I'm willing to work hard to become a better man.  So I shall work harder to eliminate bad habits so that even the sceptics will start to believe me.  What raises humans higher from wild animals is the ability to learn from mistakes to become better and more improved.  It's not my interest to act like a wild animal when becoming a better man is a much better option. 

As I seek to improve and evolve higher and better, here are some photos of film actress, television actress, rock star Ashley Tisdale and film actress, country music star Julianne Hough.

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