Tuesday, July 24, 2012


How did the term egghead got started?  According to www.wikipedia.com,  the term egghead had two meaning.  The first was intended to be an insult aimed at bald or balding people.  The second was to describe stupid people claiming to be smart who are out of touch with reality.  However, how did the food egg got connected to stupid people claiming to be smart who are out of touch with reality? Eggs doesn't look much like a brain stimulant type of food.  Eggs doesn't smell much like a brain stimulant type of food.  Hard boiled yolks doesn't taste much like a brain stimulant type of food.  The white of the eggs is much easier to eat than the yolk of the egg.  Still, I'm still wondering how eggs got connected with intelectuals who are out of touch with reality.  Did somebody wake up one morning, cooked scrambled eggs and said, "Hey, my breakfast looks exactly like that intellectual who got a higher grade in math and science class than I got."  Was that person high or drunk when he made such a statement.  And how did connecting eggs with intellectuals who are out of touch with reality end up capturing the imagination of the entire planet Earth?  I guess there are some questions that we'll never know the answer to.  However, egghead continues to be implied as an insult to intellectuals such as Adlai Ewing Stevenson II and Barack Obama without much insite as to what the term egghead actually is supposed to be defined as.
And as I struggle to understand the source of the term egghead, here is a photo of Lady GaGa and Madonna Louise Ciccone.

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