Friday, July 6, 2012


One action could inspire others to do the same.  One move of the arm could start a movement that changes the course of the human race.  Gentle Reader, you might think that your actions doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things, but it does.  It's your actions that decides which person gets to lead a country.  Even if you're silent while a monster is ruining your country, you're keeping that monster in power by agreeing with him with your silence.  Doing something could inspire others to do the same thing.  And if you choose to be vague, you can change somebody with your vague statements.  And if you choose to be both vague and contradictory, you can change somebody with such a statement too.  A person can't be both a genius and a idiotic uninspired fool.  An idiotic uninspired fool can't have moments of genius.  Likewise, a genius can't have the traits of an idiotic uninspired fool.  You can't say that somebody is a brillient genius who rewrote the laws of literature and then say that all the novels he wrote is stupid and he's wrecking the world with his stupid badly written novels.  The person is either a genius or both.  Don't make that person play both roles at once.  Advice that makes sense is better than worthless scatterbrain advice.
Don't wage war with the past.  Even if the relic of the past doesn't agree with your philosophy, it's a mistake to wage war against it.  Relics of the past is there to teach us of the past.  If we don't know of the past, we won't know to avoid mistakes and reward the good things.  Relics of the past shows us of a time when our philosophy isn't important.  It helps puts everything into perspective.  The world doesn't revolve around us and our narrow perspective.  Gentle Reader, ourselves and our narrow perspective revolves around the world. 

While I'm getting philosophical, here are some photos of erotic sexually seductive women's gymnastics athlete, Shawn Johnson.

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