Wednesday, July 25, 2012


There's a problem going on in The Democratic People's Republic of Korea aka North Korea.  Actually, there are three problems.
1.  Kim Jong Un hasn't been overthrown yet.
2.  Kim Jong-Un needs a wife so he can produce an heir for the next in line of the Kim Dynasty of North Korea. 
3.  Kim Jong-Un hasn't been overthrown yet.
Failing the first and third option, the problem of finding a wife for Kim Jong-Un (The grandson of Kim Il Song and the son of Kim Jong-Il) finally got married.  He's now married to former rock star named  Hyon Song-Wol. Hyon Song-Wol has recorded North Korean top ten hit songs that nobody in non-Communist countries never heard of such as I love Pyongyang and We Are Troops Of The Party. Hyon Song-Wol singing and dancing loyalty to North Korea has been rewarded by becoming the wife of the third dictator for life in a quasi-monarchy that ruled over the hard line Communist nation since September 9, 1948.  Hyon Song-Wol won't have time recording any more rock albums since she's going to be busy helping Kim Jong-Un starve his own citizens has he builds the fifth largest military in the world to fight against Capitalism nations instead.  As far as Kim Jong-Un is concerned, war is more important than helping the disadvantage survive the famine that's been starving a large majority of the population of North Korea. 

Unofficial quasi-monarch dictator of North Korea #1
King Il-Sung 
September 9, 1948 to July 8, 1994

Unofficial quasi-monarch dictator of North Korea #2
Kim Jong-Il
July 8, 1994 – December 17, 2011

Ko Young Hee
Kim Jong-Il's extra marital mistress and mother of Kim Jong-Un and Kim Jong-Chul
Born June 16, 1953 and died August 13, 2004
So’ng Hye-rim
Kim Jong-Il's extra-marital mistress and mother to Kim Jong-Nam
Born January 24, 1937 and died May 18, 2002
Kim Ok
Kim Jong-Il's extra-marrital mistress #3
Born August 28, 1964 to Current
 Unofficial quasi-monarch dictator of North Korea #3
Kim Jong-Un
 December 17, 2011 to Current

Technically, North Korea is still in a state of declared war against the United States of America since the Korean War instigated by Kim Il Song ended with a cease fire.  The United States of America can't invade North Korea anymore since North Korea still owns nuclear weapons of mass destruction.  Only North Koreans themselves can bypass the nuclear weapon stalemate by overthrowing their own dictatorship and the citizens of North Korea hasn't bothered to do so yet.

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