Sunday, July 29, 2012


Should I mow the lawn?  Rain didn't fall for close to a month.  And when it did rain, it was an almost constant con-stop rain from July 27, 2012 starting roughly around 5:00 in the afternoon and kept going until July 28, 2012 roughly around 3:00 in the afternoon.  So would that be enough rain to get the grass to grow tall enough for me to mow it.  I'm asking that question because I'm not sure if extremly short grass is a healthy thing when rain didn't fall that much this year.  Is too much rain indicating the Greenhouse Effect Global Warming or is not enough rain indicating the Greenhouse Effect Global Warming.  Both have been used to indicate Greenhouse Effect Global Warming that it's hard to know.  I do believe that the Greenhouse Effect Global Warming is a huge issue that nobody can afford to ignore.  But when both too much rain and not enough rain has been used to prove the Greenhouse Effect Global Warming, that's just crying wolf too many times.  And then nobody will listen when the actual Greenhouse Effect Global Warming really does arrive.
While I'm lost in thought about lawn mowers and Global Warming, here are some photos of rock star Eliza Sophie Caird aka Eliza Doolittle.


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