Saturday, July 7, 2012


Help me out with this because I still don't have a clue.  My Mom owns a house in a planned community.  I don't own the house, but I'm living with my Mom until I can find employment, repay my United States Government college tuition loans and rebuild my saving account balance.  Ok, there is an outdoor seasonal swimming pool outside my house that everybody in the planned community I'm living in.  The outdoor seasonal swimming pool is free with a swimming pool pass that can be exchanged once a year for a new swimming pool pass (Which I do have.  The lifeguards can verify that fact).  Everything was great with the outdoor seasonal swimming pool until the Fourth of July weekend, one of the hottest weeks in the Summer Season.  The outdoor seasonal swimming pool suddenly closes without warning because of vandalism.  The first time I saw the sign, I just shrugged it off.  The second time I saw the sign a few days later, I went to check it out after walking the dogs.  There was yellow spraypaint on the swimming pool rules sign.  Otherwise, it didn't look like there was enough vandalism to justify closing down the outdoor seasonal swimming pool for close to a week (And possibly for the rest of the year too).  The swimming pool furnature was in good shape.  The concrete surrounding the pool was in good shape.  The diving board was fine.  The chain link fence was fine.  The walls was fine.  The doors was fine.  Where was the vandalism that was so bad that the outdoor seasonal swimming pool needed to be closed for the week (And possibly for the Summer Season too),  There was rumours of trash (Which I didn't see) and broken glass under the pool (Which I didn't see too.  There were rumours that the swimming pool needed to be drained to remove the broken glass from the swimming pool floor, but the swimming pool water was still green in color from neglect.  The swimming pool water didn't look like it was drained.  Yellow spraypaint on the swimming pool rules sign isn't enough to close the swimming pool for the week (And possibly for the rest of the year too).  So what's the deal?  I don't know.  I wish I knew. 
A note to whoever vandalised the outdoor seasonal swimming pool, if there was vandalism that closed the pool for the week (And possibly for the rest of the year too) shame on you for ruining the outdoor seasonal swimming pool for the rest of us on the hottest week of the year.  Say what you will about me, but I'm not the person vandalisng outdoor seasonal swimming pools around here just for laughs.  Shame on you for such horrible reckless behavior.

Here are some photos of film actress Amanda Seyfried.

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