Saturday, July 21, 2012


Mayhem replaced excitement when James Holmes ruined The Dark Knight Rises in the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.  It went like this.  He saw a little bit of the movie, he left the theater to grab Bane like protection gear, guns and tear gas from his car.  Then he returned to the movie theater, tossed tear gas into the audience.  James Holmes then opened fire at the audience.  The only time he paused was when his guns ran out of bullets which made reloading necessary.  And the nation was in shock about one of the worst mass murder shootings in the history of crime.  And people needed to express their grief in the form of artwork inspired by James Holmes shooting live ammo at Innocent Movie Theater Customers watching The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colorado.  I didn't do any of this artwork, but this is something I found on the Internet.

And as the citizens of Aurora, Colorado mourn those who were shot and killed in the Dark Knight Rises movie theater shooting attack,
We remember the twelve innocent people who were killed by James Holmes using weapons that he purchased legally, without a background check or any restrictions whatsoever.  James Holmes didn't even need a psychiatric screening in order to purchase the gun that killed Jessica Ghawl aka Jessica Redfield.  James Holmes used four guns and six thousand rounds of ammo. 
1.  Jessica Ghawl aka Jessica Redfield was one of the twelve people killed by James Holmes during the screening of the Dark Knight Rises.

In her blog entry, she spoke of a similar mass murder crime of Toronto with no idea that she was indirectly speaking about her own tragic future....
"I was shown how fragile life was on Saturday. I saw the terror on bystanders' faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don't know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath."
2.  Matt McQuinn
He died taking a bullet that was intended for his girlfriend.  He died so that his girlfriend could live instead in his place.
3.  John Larimer
He was an officer in the United States Navy who died while trying to watch a Batman movie in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater. 
4.  Micayla Medek
She was a twenty-three year old woman who who worked minimum wage as an employee of Subway Restaurant.  She wasn't expecting to be shot to death by a homicidal maniac while watching the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises.
5.  Alex Sullivan
He was going to celebrate both his twenty-seventh birthday and his first wedding anniversary by taking his friends along to watch the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises.  He left behind a grief stricken widow as he died on his twenty-seventh birthday.
6.  AJ Boik

7.  Veronica Moser
The six year old child was the youngest of those murdered by James Holmes.  No photo was available at this time.
In the grief and shock at the Century 16 Movie Theater, a makeshift shrine has been built in memory of those who were killed by James Holmes while trying to watch the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises.


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