Saturday, August 18, 2012


Gentle Reader, it's my hope that my life will have a happy ending.  I'm pretty certain that nobody wakes up in the morning and say, "Ending my life in tragedy sounds fun!  Let's go out there and fall apart on purpose."  Even the most tragedy prone of individuals do so under the belief that their side of the story is the only proper side of the story.  So the question is this.  Are the life choices that I've made which I believe to be the correct life choices going to be the catalist for tragedy?  Are the life choices that I've made which I believe to be the correct life choices going to be the catalist for triumph and success.  I need to have a clear head about each and every decision that I make.  The consequences of each behavior needs to be analyzed in detail.  I can't just robotically do certain behavior because it's a tradition that must be closely adhered to.  I can't afford the luxury of bad habits.  I can only afford good habits that will hopefully elevate me to success and a better life.  When I turn 100 years old on February 15, 2068, then I'll have a better idea whether the life choices that I have made which I believed to be the correct life choices going to be the catalist for triumph and success.  The date February 15, 2068 is 66 years away from now and time has a habit of moving much too quickly regardless of if anybody is prepared for it.
As I reevaulate the life choices that I make in life, here are some photos of film actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

mary elizabeth winstead gq magazine uk 01 Mary Elizabeth Winstead   GQ Magazine UK

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