Sunday, August 12, 2012


Gentle Reader, let's look at it this way.  If I were mortal, I won't bother to get myself arrested.  Life is short and prison time takes a long time to complete.  Why waste what little time you have locked in a cage like a zoo animal.  If I were mortal, I'd seek employment and try to keep it going for as long as possible.  If I were mortal, I'd seek my own apartment, repay my college tuition loans for attending, but not graduating (Despite getting 3.0 grade point average for all my classes) Franklin University.  If I were mortal, I'd seek friendship with people who actually want to be seen in the same room with me.  Life's too short to constantly seek affection from people who are clearly seething with rage against me for no reason.  It's much better for me to seek friendship who actually wants to be seen in the same room with me.  If I were mortal, I won't worship any of my mistakes.  Rather, I'd worship my ability to learn from my mistakes.  It's much better to learn and avoid making the same mistake twice.  Those who seek to make the same mistake twice on purpose are fools to be avoided.  If I were mortal, I'd be nice to everybody---Even to those who don't deserve it.  Everything you throw out to the world comes back to you times three.  If you're nice, your nice attitude is returned to you and it will be multiplied by three.  If you're horrible to everybody, then your horrible attitude is returned to you and it will be multiplied by three.  The moral of the story is treat everybody the same way that you want to be treated yourself.  I know, it's an old familiar saying, but I never heard a truer word spoken.  If I were mortal, I'd live each day with honesty and integrity.  Honesty and integrity always triumphs in the end even (if such victory isn't obvious at first). 
As I'm lost in thought about morality, here are some photos of Elizabeth Ziman (Lead singer of the rock band Elizabeth and the Catapult).

Elizabeth Ziman (Lead singer of the rock band Elizabeth and the Catapult) and Sara Bareilles
Elizabeth Ziman and Laura Jansen

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