Monday, August 20, 2012


Diana Krall as a role playing game character?  Yes.  Please.  If somebody does make a role playing game that involves Diana Krall as a Dungeons and Dragons type of role playing game character, I'll be the first to purchase such a game.  And if somebody was planning to manufacture a role playing game that involves Diana Krall as a role playing game character, then what's taking the game manufacturing Industry so long to make such a game.  You would've figured that such a concept would be an instant number one selling game in all the land.  If nobody was planning a Dungeons and Dragons type of role playing game that involves Diana Krall as a role playing game character, then my question would be why the reluctance.  It would be fun to see Diana Krall fighting dragons dressed up in a medieval suit of armor.  Then again, I'm in a very weird mood today.
As I'm lost in thought about role playing games, here are some photos of sexually seductive jazz music performer Diana Krall.

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