Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I know there's a sad way of dancing.  I don't know what it is, but there is a way.  Gentle Reader, I'll be honest with you.  I don't know how to choreograph dances.  Or if I did know, I have forgotten a long time ago.  Though if I did know how to choreograph dances and then forgotten it, then I forgotten when and where the forgetting took place.  Whatever the case, my sad way of dancing involves putting one foot behind the other and repeat.  If all else, just wave the arms around chaoticly as if I were a drunk person directing traffic.  I'll never make it in a dance club.  However, it won't matter if my dancing won't work in dance clubs since there isn't any dance clubs in Cleveland, Ohio in the first place.  Someday, I'll take dance class again.  Someday, I'll have enough free time in my schedule to make dance class possible.  Someday, I'll be able to actually afford dance class.  It's hard to take dance class seriously when there's a more pressing need to find employment once again.  Hey, look at this on the bright side.  I know how to slow dance with a lady without stepping on her feet.  I don't have a girlfriend to dance with, but I know how to dance with her when the lucky lady finally does arrive.  Hey, being able to slow dance with women isn't much, but it's a good way to start off.  Every little bit does help.
As I'm lost in thought about dancing, here are some photos of Irish musician Eithne Ní Bhraonáin aka Enya Brennan.








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