Wednesday, August 1, 2012


And I woke up this morning.  I have yet to shower or groom myself.  I'm about to eat breakfast.  I'm not normally this late to get up.  Yeah, I know the time on this blog entry reads 6:21 in the morning, but it's actually 9:21.  For some reason, the time posted is always three hours slower than the actual time.  There's no cure for such a quirk.  Just shrug your shoulders and put up with it.  Gentle Readers, you will find that there are some battles that's not worth winning.  And the more you try to win a victory, the more foolish you will appear.  Such as the time I tried to get this blog entry to post at 9:21 instead of 6:21.  I try to force the $%^&^*# computer to actually post the actual time instead of always posting three hours in the past.  However, the software application is married to always posting three hours in the past instead of the present.  And you can't force your opinion to somebody who is so married to their way of life, that they'll never listen to a word you say.  Just shrug your shoulder and let them find out the truth in their own way and hope they don't get too badly hurt in the process.  You tried your best and sometimes you can only succeed in saving yourself.
As I philosophize, here are some photos of rock star, film actress and television actress Katherine McPhee.

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