Monday, August 13, 2012


Gentle Reader, it goes like this....
The Flag of Russia from 1914 to 1917
This is the flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics aka the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1937
This is the flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics aka the Soviet Union from 1938 to 1954
This is the flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics aka the Soviet Union from 1954 to 1991
The genology of the Rurik Dynasty of the Russian Monarchy
The genology of the Romanov Dynasty of the Russian Monarchy
The 2014 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Sochi, Russia.  For those who don't know much about geography and politics, here is a quick rundown.  Russia has been financing death to the United States regimes such as Syria, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.  Though it wasn't always like that. 
From 1108 to 1157. Russia was lead by Prince of Rostav and Suzdal Yuri I Dolgorukiy aka Yuri the Long Armed.
From 1157 to 1174, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal St. Andrei Bogolyubsky aka Andrei I of Vladimir.
From 1175 to 1176, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir Mikhalko Yuryevich aka Mikhail of Vladimir.
From 1176–1212, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal Vsevolod III Yuryevich aka Vsevolod the Big Nest.
From 1212–1216, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal Yuri II aka George II of Vladimir aka Georgy II Vsevolodovich.
No photo available. 
From 1238–1246, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir Yaroslav II.
 From 1246–1248, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir Sviatoslav Vsevolodovich of Vladimir aka Sviatoslav III of Vladimir.
No Photo Available.
From 1249–1252, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir Andrey II Yaroslavich  aka Andrey II of Vladimir.
No photo available.
From 1252–1263, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir Saint Alexander Nevsky.
 From 1263–1271, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir Yaroslav III Yaroslavich aka Yaroslav of Tver.
No photo available.
From 1272–1276, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal Vasily Yaroslavich aka Vasily of Kostroma.

From 1276–1293, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal Dmitry Alexandrovich aka Dmitry of Pereslavl.
From 1293–1304, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal Andrey III Alexandrovich aka Andrey of Gorodets.
From 1304–1318, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Vladimir Mikhail Yaroslavich aka Michael of Tver  aka Michael the Saint.
From 1303 to 1325, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Moscow Yuri of Moscow aka Yuriy Danilovich aka Georgiy Danilovich.
From November 21, 1325 to March 31, 1340, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan I Daniilovich Kalita (the moneybag)
From March 31, 1340 to April 27, 1353, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Moscow Simeon Ivanovich Gordyi the Proud.
From April 27, 1353 to November 13, 1359, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan II Ivanovich the Fair.
 From November 13, 1359 to May 19, 1389, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Moscow Saint Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy aka Grand Prince of Moscow Dimitry I aka Grand Prince of Moscow Dimitry the Don.
From May 19, 1389 to February 27, 1425, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Moscow Vasily I Dmitriyevich.
From February 27, 1425 to March 27, 1462, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Moscow Vasily II Vasiliyevich Tyomniy aka Grand Prince of Moscow Vasily the Blind.

From April 5, 1462 to October 27, 1505, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich aka Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan the Great.
From November 6, 1505 to December 13, 1533, Russia was lead by Grand Prince of Moscow Vasili III.
From December 3, 1533 to March 28, 1584, Russia was lead by Czar Ivan IV aka Czar Ivan the Terrible.  His mass murder crimes was equal to Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. 
From March 28, 1584 to January 16/17, 1598, Russia was lead by Czar Feodor I aka Czar Fyodor I.  He was the last of the Rurik Dynasty.
From February 21, 1598 to April 23, 1605, Russia was lead by Czar Boris Godunov.
From April 23, 1605 to June 10, 1605, Russia was lead by Czar Feodor II aka Czar Fyodor II.  He was the last of the Gundov Dynasty.

 Not helping to prevent the infamous Times of Troubles was a peasant con artist claiming to be the often thought to be dead son of Czar Ivan the Terrible, though his claims of parentage was often disproven.  If he really wasn't the actual son of Czar Ivan the Terrible, then nobody ever knew the real name for Czar Dmitriy I aka Czar False Dmitriy aka Czar Dmitriy the False.  At any rate, he may be the first non-European nobility person to become leader of Russia, though the consequences of his innovation lead directly to the infamous Times of Troubles.  Czar Dmitriy I or Czar False Dmitriy aka Czar Dmitriy the False lead Russia from July 21, 1605 to May 17, 1606.

Ah yes, the infamous Times of Troubles was a really fun time for Russia.  Here we have another peasant claiming to be the supposedly dead son of Czar Ivan the Terrible.  Though his claim was often disproven, he also insisted on running Russia during the infamous Times of Troubles.  If he really wasn't the actual son of Czar Ivan the Terrible, then nobody ever knew the real name for Czar Dmitriy II aka Czar False Dmitriy aka Czar Dmitriy the False.  At any rate, he may be the first non-European nobility person to become leader of Russia, though the consequences of his innovation lead directly to the infamous Times of Troubles.  Czar Dmitriy II or Czar False Dmitriy aka Czar Dmitriy the False lead Russia from July 20, 1607 to December 11, 1610.

The infamous Times of Troubles often brought overlapping leaders of anarchy stricken Russia.  Case in point, Czar Vasili IV also claimed to be absolute monarch of Russia from May 19, 1606 to July 19, 1610.  His death instigated the Times of Troubles when years of political and economic mismanagement reared it's ugly head.
Durring the infamous Times of Troubles, in which Russia was locked in a state of leaderless anarchy, Russia became a brief temporary colony of Poland in which it was lead by Polish Monarch King Władysław IV Vasa from November 8, 1632 to May 20, 1648.
The Romanov Dynasty that lead Russia was started after the infamous Times of Troubles (In which Russia ended up being a brief colony of Poland) by Czar Michael I from February 21, 1613 to July 12, 1645.
From July 12, 1645 to January 29, 1676, Russia was lead by Czar Alexis I.
From January 29, 1676 to May 7, 1682, Russia was lead by Czar Fedor III.
From May 7, 1682 to February 8,  1725, Russia was lead by Czar Peter I aka Czar Peter the Great
From May 7, 1682 to February 8, 1696, Russia was also lead by Ivan V in what amounted to a fifteen year Double Czar system that was ended with Ivan V dying from incurable diseases and was declared legally insane by the psychiatry community.
From February 8, 1725 to May 17, 1727 Russia was lead by Czar Peter I's widowed wife Czar Catherine I as female monarch over Russia.
From May 18, 1727 to January 30, 1730, Russia was lead by Czar Peter II.
From January 30, 1730 to October 28, 1740, Russia was lead by Czar Anna I.
From October 28, 1740 to December 6, 1741, Russia was lead by a new born infant named Ivan VI (Who actually was coronated monarch over all of Russia) and assasinated after only one year of reign by his replacement......
and infant baby killing psycho Czar Elizabeth I who lead Russia from December 6,  1741 to January 5, 1762.
From January 5, 1762 to July 9, 1762, Russia was lead by Peter III.
Before he was assasinated and replaced by his wife Czar Catherine II aka Czar Catherine the Great who ruled Russia from January 5, 1762 to July 9, 1762.
From November 17, 1796 to March 23, 1801, Russia was lead by Czar Paul I.
From March 24, 1801 to December 1, 1825, Russia was lead by Czar Alexander I.
From December 1, 1825 to March 2, 1855, Russia was lead by Czar Nicholas I.
From March 2, 1855 to March 13, 1881, Russia was lead by Czar Alexander II.
From March 13, 1881 to November 1, 1894, Russia was lead by Czar Alexander III.
From November 1,  1894 to March 15, 1917, Russia was lead by Czar Nicholas II until he was overthrown, imprisoned and killed. 
Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich was nominated the next Czar of Russia starting March 15, 1917, but he never got coronated and he died June 13, 1918. 
Instead, Prime Minister Georgy Lvov was placed in charge of the temporary provisional government from March 15, 1917 to July 21, 1917.  Essentially, his reign over Russia lasted five months. 
Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky took over the leadership of Russia from July 21, 1917 to November 7, 1917. 
He was replaced by Chairman Council of People's Commissars Vladimir Lenin from November 8, 1917 to January 21, 1924. 
He was replaced by General Secretary of the Communist Party Joseph Stalin from April 3, 1922 to October 16, 1952. 
He was replaced by First Secretary of the Communist Party Nikita Khrushchev from September 14, 1953 to October 14, 1964. 
He was replaced by General Secretary of the Central Committe of the Communist Party Leonid Brezhnev from October 14, 1964 to November 10, 1982. 
He was replaced by General Secretary of the Communist Party Yuri Andropov from November 12,  1982 to February 9, 1984. 
He was then replaced by General Secretary of the Communist Party Konstantin Chernenko from February 13, 1984 to March 10, 1985. 
He was then replaced by President Mikhail Gorbachev from October 1, 1988 to December 25, 1991. 
He was overthrown and replaced by President Boris Yeltsin from December 25, 1991 to December 31, 1999. 
He was then replaced by President Vladimir Putin from December 31, 1999 to May 7, 2008. 
He was then replaced by President Dmitry Medvedev from May 7, 2008 to May 7, 2012. 
He was replaced by President Vladimir Putin from May 7, 2012 to current. 
And it was under President Vladimir Putin that the Winter Olympic Games has been taken control over until 2014.  So wave the Olympic flag over the Red Square nearby the Kremlin plus also the graves of Lenin and Stalin, because President Vladimir Putin has the final word over everything that goes on in the Winter Olympic Games.  And when the 2014 Winter Olympic Games finally starts in Sochi, Russia, this is the primary flag that will be waving over the Olympic stadium....
This is what the town of Sochi, Russia looks like.  Study it well and closely.  This is where the Olympic Villaige will be located nearby....

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