Sunday, August 5, 2012


And so the Dark Knight Rises ends with either Batman retired or dead.  Whatever the case, the film ends with somebody else taking on the role of Batman.  Batman already either died or rendered paralyzed from the waste down twice in comic books.  Superman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Iron Man, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Spiderman (Ah yes, the infamous Spiderclone epic), Thor, Auquaman and even Blue Beatle has all been kicked off their jobs and replaced by somebody different.  The Matrix trilogy ended with Neo dying with his mission incomplete.  The Bourne Legacy begins with Matt Damion has Jason Bourne either dying at the end of the Bourne Ultimatum or dying off camera between films.  Why is there such a sudden interest in Crucifixion martyrdom in macho testosterone filmmaking.  Was there a secret message that somebody has been missing.  Or is the martyrdom Crucifixion of Jesus Christ so sensational that it has to be repeated over and over again.  Then again, I'm too much of a heterosexual guy to even care if Bruce Wayne was only Batman for a short time and now needs to die for somebody else to take over.  I only watch those type of films for the girl characters anyway.
Fun fact about the Jason Bourne film series:  The literary book version of Jason Bourne was less about using torture to create an army of super-soldiers and killing off defective misfires (Like Jason Bourne) and more about investigating an actual Middle Eastern terrrorist legend named Ilich Ramírez Sánchez aka Carlos the Jackal.  The 1988 mini-series the Bourne Identity starring Richard Chamberlain and Jaclyn Smith features the actual Middle Eastern terrorist legend Carlos the Jackel as the main villain (And the only film adaptation of the Jason Bourne books that followed the actual book scene by scene, page by page and paragraph by paragraph).  Sadly, the Richard Chamberlain and Jaclyn Smith version of the Bourne Identity is not available in either videotape, digital video disk or blueray nor was the Richard Chamberlain trilogy completed (Too much time has passed for that to be possible).  The Matt Damon version of The Bourne Identity (Followed by the Bourne Supremacy, the Bourne Ultimatum and the Bourne Legacy) has nothing to do with the actual book series.  They just used the book title and tacked a totally different unrelated story to it.
Oh yeah, here are some photos of sexually seductive rock star Imogen Jennifer Jane Heap.

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