Thursday, August 23, 2012


The weekend is getting closer.  Today is Thursday and Friday is only ten and a half hours away.  And with the arrival of Friday, then it's a twenty-four hour countdown before the weekend starts.  Though the weekend has no meaning for those who are employed as well as to the unemployed.  In theory, the weekend was when GOD rested after spending seven days creating the Universe, the Earth and everything else.  In the weekend is important in a spiritual religious sort of way.  However, if a person employed minimum wage has (Hypothetically) Tuesday and Wednesday off, then Tuesday and Wednesday is hypothetically the weekend.  And for an unemployed person, then technically, each day should be spend hunting for employment.  So in that regard, there is no such thing as the weekend.  Still, the weekend is important to white color jobs.  However, since I know as a guaranteed statement of fact that I'll never get to have a white color job and I probably will spend the rest of my life working minimum wage, the essence of the weekend is strictly religious more than anything else.  However, a religious weekend is still just as good as a practical working weekend. 
Jessica Biel
Kate Beckinsale
Lea Michele
Jennifer Lopez
Maria Sharapova
Eva Longoria
Nicole Richie
Kate Upton

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