Friday, August 10, 2012


I would like to visit the Middle East.  I really would.  I mean, there are all these Ancient Ruins of priceless civilizations gone past that's irreplaceable.  There's all these sacred texts and knowledge from Ancient long gone civilizations.  There's the chance to stand on the same exact spot where heros of the Holy Bible once stood.  And I'm afraid to fly down there because of all those @*&^%$#()^ wars that's going on over there.  I'm seriously afraid that the Middle Eastern hotel that I'm staying in will get blown up by a suicide bomber.  Or I'm afraid that I'll get kidnapped by a terrorist and be held for random (Oooops, sorry, I mean bail money.  Ransom money is called bail money over in Iran) that nobody I know will have the available cash to pay.  Or I'm afraid that I'll get beaten to a pulp in the middle of a surprise unexpected revolt (Only half of which are actually pro-American).  It's so much better to look at photos of the Middle East, but not step foot in such a land.  It's not safe to call yourself a proud citizen of the United States in such anti-American regions such as the Middle East.  Look at Israel.  Poor Israel is almost practically an annex of Europe and it's always getting the S*** pounded out of it everyday by everybody---Including Egypt (Never mind that there is supposed to be a peace treaty going on between the two countries and Egyptian President  Mohammed Morsi refuses to actually meet with his counterpart Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu). 
As I'm lost in thought about all the horrible wars that's going on in Israel, here are some photos of film actress Emma Watson.

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