Monday, August 20, 2012


So how does a guy go about walking past a car.  If I walk in front of a car, then I'll run the risk of having the car driving forward straight into, over and beyond me without stopping.  If I walk behind the car, then I run the risk of having the car drive backwards into, over beyond, stop, then drive forward into, over and beyond me without stopping.  If I wait until the car has cleared the area before I walk onward, then I'll be in the safest position.  Never assume that a car driver will take under consideration that there might be a pedestrian (Or even a bike rider) in the direct path.  As long as the car driver reaches the destination on time, then all the pedestrians and bike riders that are driven over will be more than worth it.  Of course, not all car drivers are like this.  I've learned to be more than careful before walking past a car.  The flexible grip on morality in which road rage is perfectly acceptable when they're doing it, but road rage is never acceptable when other people is doing it makes road and driveway crossing a challenge.  As always, look both ways before crossing the road.  Never take anything for granted (Unless you really really truly really trust the other person in question, then feel free take everything for granted.  I'll leaving the task of telling the difference between the to over to you, the Gentle Reader.). 
As I'm lost in thought about the proper way to cross a road, here are some photos of film and television actress Sophia Bush (She isn't biologically related to former President of the United States George H.W. Bush and former President of the United States George W. Bush.  Yes, Sophia Bush has the same last name as the two previously mentioned politicians, but that's as far as the similarities go.  Still, it makes junior high and high school interesting for a Liberal like Sophia Bush.

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