Monday, September 10, 2012


It's been a while since I've been on an airplane.  It's been a while since I've been on vacation outside of Ohio.  The last time I've been on vacation outside Ohio was to visit Columbia, Missouri to attend the Rockbridge High School High School Reunion back in 2008.  I still had my own apartment back then.  I stayed at a cheap budget hotel that only costed close to $50.00 a night.  I can't afford hotels more expensive than Days Inn.  I once lived in Columbia, Missouri between 1987 to 1989 and I was curious to see how much my old hometown as changed.  Imagine my surprise when nothing in downtown Columbia looked even remotely familiar.  Not much allumni from my graduating class at Rockbridge High School was in attendence.  There were so few in attendence, that the graduating class from the nearby Hickman High School was merged with the graduating class from Rockbridge High School from the same year.  I guess the coolest and most popular teenagers attending Rockbridge High School in 1988 also hung out with Hickman High School Students on a close best friend status.  And the Hickman High School allumni was more enthusiastic about nostalgia than the Rockbridge High School Alumni.  Did I travel by airplane?  No, I didn't fly on an airplane, but rather I took the Greyhound Bus. I can't afford anything more expensive than Greyhound. Would I go on vacation out of town again? I don't know. Would I be able to go on vacation outside of Ohio without affecting my work hours too much? Still, it was nice to see Columbia, Missouri again. 
Here are some photos of film actress, television actress and rock star Miranda Cosgrove.



Miranda Cosgrove and Jennette Mccurdy

Miranda Cosgrove And Jessica Szohr

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