Thursday, September 27, 2012


Gentle Reader, have you seen the classic television sitcom Happy Days?  Do you remember cute Joanie Cunningham played by Erin Moran.  She was fourteen years old when the sitcom started in 1974 and she was twenty-four years old when it was canceled ten years later.  She became wealthy and she even got a spin-off series with Scott Baio entitled Joanie Loves Chachi (Which was canceled after only one season and never released in DVD, videotape or reruns.  There was a time when she appeared to be invincible.  Nothing could scratch her Teflon coating.  She was the girl all guys wanted to date and she was the girl that other girls wanted to duplicate.   











Joanie Cunningham loves Charles Chachi Arcola

 Happy Days cast photos
 Back Row (l to r): Henry Winkler, Tom Bosley, Anson Williams, Front Row (l to r):  Don Most, Erin Moran, Marion Ross, Ron Howard
Back Row (l to r): Ted McGinley, Lynda Goodfriend, Scott Baio, Henry Winkler, Al Molinaro, Cathy Silvers, Anson Williams, Front Row (l to r): Erin Moran, Marion Ross, Tom Bosley.
The Happy Days All Star Softball Team

Well, this story has a different sort of ending.  Not the sort of ending that you expect.  This story is about the darker side of fame.  This story is about what could happen to the rich and famous if they take their fame for granted one time too many.  She's broke and she got evicted from her Palmdale home when she couldn't make payments.  She sued her former Happy Days employers saying that she was ripped off of royalty payments along with the estate of Tom Bosley, Don Most, Anson Williams and Marion Ross.  And after burning her Happy Days bridge behind her, Erin Moran and her Wallmart Employee spouse Steve Fleischmann were living off of $65,000 (which was her share of the lawsuit winnings).  She started to have screaming arguments with make-believe people.  She got drunk (And possibly stoned too).  Erin Moran and her spouse Steve Fleischmann moved from hotel to hotel before moving into a trailer park home of Steve Fleischmann's mother.  And now Steve Fleischmann's mother kicked Erin Moran out of her house.  So now Erin Moran, the once invincible beauty queen star of Happy Days is homeless and destitute.  Her Happy Days lawsuit money now a distant memory, her former Happy Days employers too pissed off to help her find employment in Hollywood.  Erin Moran might try to find employment at Wall Mart along with her spouse, but she's too drunk, stoned and lazy to make the effort.  And now the Beauty Queen of Hollywood is panhandling because she thought she could keep getting second chances until she used up all her second chances and now has to rely on normal people instead of the Beautiful People of Hollywood.  Except even the normal people can't stand the sight of Erin Moran either.
LG Mobile Phones presents LG's Mobile TV Party, a salute to the beloved TV shows and stars of yesteryear Hollywood, California invited Erin Moran to attend on June 19, 2007

Erin Moran at San Diego Convention Center San Diego, California to attend Comic-Con International 2007 on July 26, 2007

Erin Moran at the Reality Awards on September 24, 2008

Erin Moran signing autographs on 62nd Annual Mother Goose Parade in San Diego County.
Erin Moran enjoys watching episodes of the classic television series The Dukes of Hazzard
.Erin Moran today before she became homeless.

Erin Moran and her spouse Steve Fleischmann before he kicked her out of his Mother's house (Which he's still living inside to this very moment).
 Needless to say, fame and fortune hasn't been kind to Erin Moran.


  1. I thought that article was very harsh. It seemed to take pleasure in her difficulties.

  2. People find it is easier to put people down rather than lifting them up. Especially when people are having difficulties. It is sad to see that folks in 'The Business' rarely have the energy or perseverance to study enough to go into other lines of work. I have been in Entertainment since I was birthed and have ALWAYS worked more than one angle. It is unnerving to see how many folk activelybsubscribe to offering actors roles in pron or as strippers rather than offering up other kinds of work. That is the most difficult aspect of growing up in the business. You have to be mighty stubborn in order to avoid the easy money way out. And then you get labeled "A Kardashian", as if it were an epithet. Hold on to your money, get your degree, invest, study writing, accounting, marketing, investments, business management, and produce yourself, if you can. Otherwise, they really WILL give you The Bidness!
