Monday, September 10, 2012


It's morning again.  I always knew that night would fade.  Just as I know that night will return again.  But right now it's morning.  The night has been pushed away by the day.  And a new day has started with a fresh clean slate.  And I always enjoy the chance to start over with a fresh clean slate.  I'm not saying that people should be allowed to escape justice if they do something horrible.   I always believe that people should always take responsibilities for the actions that they endulge in---Regardless how painful the consequnces for the bad behavior should be.  And we all have one hundred years maximum to make it right.  Maybe comic books allow a lifespan of much longer than a hundred years, but normal people who isn't drawn wearing colorful action costume super-suits only has one hundred years to get it right.  Gentle Reader, if you spent ninety percent of those one hundred years being punished for something, then the fresh clean slate offered everytime morning arrives is totally meaningless, for you have just wasted your life needlessly.  Thankfully, I know the Gentle Reader would never be so dumb as to behave like that. 
Here are some photos of film actress, television actress and rock star Jennifer Love Hewitt.



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