Monday, September 17, 2012


Wouldn't it be great to be immortal.  Yes, I know that it's impossible for anybody to be immortal.  Of course, immortality can only be paired up with eternal youthfulness.  You see, you immortality isn't paired up with eternal youth, then you have problems.  You see, somebody can be burned alive and dismembered and still survive in several horribly burned pieces if immortality isn't paired up with eternal youth.  So how does a person manage to be immortal if this person is burned alive and dismembered?  The head is one place and horribly burned.  The left arm is over there and horribly burned.  The right arm is to the left of me, crushed badly and horribly burned.  Both legs are chopped and diced before being horribly burned.  Yet, the Immortal Person continues to talk as if nothing has gone wrong.  How do you give immortality without suffering from such a horrible fate?  Yes, immortality is nice, but there's a price to be paid.  Immortality is useless if the person is suffering from physical injuries that are horribly beyond repair.
Here are some photos of Keira Knightley.




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