Tuesday, September 25, 2012


V is for Vendetta is a comic book movie about a possible Irish Republican Army Terrorist dressed up in a Guy Fawkes mask who plots to overthrow the British Government.  The tone of the film intentionally makes the British Government so vile, that you actually want to see this Guy Fawkes impersonator overthrow the British Royal Family, the Prime Minister of England and everything else in between. 
Who is Guy Fawkes?  Well, Guy Fawkes or Guido Fawkes was part of the Gun Powder Plot to destroy the Palace of Westminster (England's verson of Capitol Hill) where the House of Commons and the House of Lords meet.  It's this rectangle shaped building next to the Thames River with this spires sticking out to the sky. 
Anyway, Guy Fawkes tried and failed to assasinate King James and have his daughter Elizabeth placed as the Queen of England.  He was captured, tortured, hanged, drawn and quartered (Ouch).  Wow, the British really hated the guy.  He was born April 13, 1570, he joined the Gunpowder Plot in 1604, He was arrested and put on trial on January 27, 1606.  To this day, the British of England everywhere celebrates Guy Fawkes Night to celebrate the day Guy Fawkes failed to murder King James and paid the penalty with his life.

Gentle Reader, you might wonder how this relates to comic books.  Well, V is for Vendetta is about how somebody claiming to be Guy Fawkes and wearing a plastic mask of his face and wearing Guy Fawkes frequently worn quasi-uniform-like attire plotting to blow up the Palace of Westminster for a second time.  This time, instead of twelve men helping out this Guy Fawkes Impersonator, a single girl named Evey Hammond.  Evey Hammond was played by Natalie Portman (Who shaved off her hair for the chance to play this role). 



Natalie Portman also played Jane Foster in the comic book movie Thor

Kat Dennings in Thor
Stellan Skarsgard and Kat Dennings (2 Broke Girls) in Thor
 Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings promoting Thor at Comic Con Convention


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